#include "../tests-private.hpp" #include "../app.hpp" #include "compat/shared-ptr-wrapper.hpp" #include "compat/vector-wrapper.hpp" #include "floormat/main.hpp" #include "src/search-astar.hpp" #include "src/search-result.hpp" #include "src/critter.hpp" #include "shaders/shader.hpp" #include "../imgui-raii.hpp" #include #include #include namespace floormat::tests { using namespace floormat::imgui; struct path_test final : base_test { bool handle_key(app& a, const key_event& e, bool is_down) override; bool handle_mouse_click(app& a, const mouse_button_event& e, bool is_down) override; bool handle_mouse_move(app& a, const mouse_move_event& e) override; void draw_overlay(app& a) override; void draw_ui(app& a, float width) override; void update_pre(app& a, const Ns& dt) override; void update_post(app&, const Ns&) override {} struct pending_s { point from, to; object_id own_id; uint32_t max_dist; Vector2ui own_size; } pending = {}; struct result_s { point from, to; Optional res; } result; bool has_result : 1 = false, has_pending : 1 = false; }; bool path_test::handle_key(app& a, const key_event& e, bool is_down) { (void)a; (void)e; (void)is_down; return false; } bool path_test::handle_mouse_click(app& a, const mouse_button_event& e, bool is_down) { if (is_down) return false; switch (e.button) { case mouse_button_left: { auto& M = a.main(); auto& w = M.world(); auto C = a.ensure_player_character(w).ptr; if (auto pt = a.cursor_state().point()) { constexpr auto chunk_size = iTILE_SIZE2 * TILE_MAX_DIM; auto pt0 = C->position(); auto vec = Math::abs((pt->coord() - pt0.coord())) * iTILE_SIZE2 * 2 + chunk_size * 1; auto dist = (uint32_t)vec.length(); has_pending = true; pending = { .from = pt0, .to = *pt, .own_id = C->id, .max_dist = dist, .own_size = Vector2ui(C->bbox_size) + Vector2ui(2), }; } return true; } case mouse_button_right: { bool ret = false; if (has_pending) { has_pending = false; pending = {}; ret = true; } if (has_result) { has_result = false; result = {}; ret = true; } return ret; } default: return false; } } bool path_test::handle_mouse_move(app& a, const mouse_move_event& e) { (void)a; (void)e; return false; } void path_test::draw_overlay(app& a) { if (!has_result) return; fm_assert(result.res); const auto& res = *result.res; const auto line_color = ImGui::ColorConvertFloat4ToU32({0, 0, 1, 1}); const auto dot_color = ImGui::ColorConvertFloat4ToU32({1, 0, 0, 1}); constexpr float line_thickness = 3, dot_radius = 5; ImDrawList& draw = *ImGui::GetForegroundDrawList(); auto last = a.point_screen_pos(result.from); draw.AddCircleFilled({last.x(), last.y()}, dot_radius, dot_color); for (auto pt : res.path()) { auto pos = a.point_screen_pos(pt); draw.AddLine({pos.x(), pos.y()}, {last.x(), last.y()}, line_color, line_thickness); draw.AddCircleFilled({pos.x(), pos.y()}, dot_radius, dot_color); last = pos; } if (!res.is_found() && !res.path().isEmpty()) { auto pos = a.point_screen_pos(res.path().back()); constexpr float spacing = 12, size1 = 7, size2 = 3, spacing2 = spacing + size2; draw.AddLine({pos.x() - spacing2, pos.y() - spacing2}, {pos.x() + spacing2, pos.y() + spacing2}, line_color, size1); draw.AddLine({pos.x() + spacing2, pos.y() - spacing2}, {pos.x() - spacing2, pos.y() + spacing2}, line_color, size1); draw.AddLine({pos.x() + spacing, pos.y() - spacing}, {pos.x() - spacing, pos.y() + spacing}, dot_color, size2); draw.AddLine({pos.x() - spacing, pos.y() - spacing}, {pos.x() + spacing, pos.y() + spacing}, dot_color, size2); } } void path_test::update_pre(app& a, const Ns&) { if (!has_pending) return; has_result = false; has_pending = false; auto& M = a.main(); auto& w = M.world(); auto& astar = M.astar(); result.res = {}; // return back to the pool to preserve cpu cache auto res = astar.Dijkstra(w, pending.from, pending.to, pending.own_id, pending.max_dist, pending.own_size, 1); has_result = !!res; result = { .from = pending.from, .to = pending.to, .res = has_result ? move(res) : Optional{}, }; } void path_test::draw_ui(app&, float) { constexpr ImGuiTableFlags table_flags = ImGuiTableFlags_BordersInnerV | ImGuiTableFlags_ScrollY; constexpr auto colflags_1 = ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoResize | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoReorder | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoSort; constexpr auto colflags_0 = colflags_1 | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthFixed; char buf[128]; if (!has_result) return; fm_assert(result.res); const auto& res = *result.res; auto from_c = Vector3i(result.from.chunk3()), to_c = Vector3i(result.to.chunk3()); auto from_l = Vector2i(result.from.local()), to_l = Vector2i(result.to.local()); auto from_p = Vector2i(result.from.offset()), to_p = Vector2i(result.to.offset()); constexpr auto print_coord = [](auto&& buf, Vector3i c, Vector2i l, Vector2i p) { std::snprintf(buf, std::size(buf), "(ch %dx%d) <%dx%d> {%dx%d px}", c.x(), c.y(), l.x(), l.y(), p.x(), p.y()); }; constexpr auto do_column = [](StringView name) { ImGui::TableNextRow(); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); text(name); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); }; if (auto b1 = begin_table("##search_results", 2, table_flags)) { ImGui::TableSetupColumn("##name", colflags_0); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("##value", colflags_1 | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthStretch); do_column("from"); print_coord(buf, from_c, from_l, from_p); text(buf); do_column("to"); print_coord(buf, to_c, to_l, to_p); text(buf); do_column("found?"); if (res.is_found()) { auto b = push_style_color(ImGuiCol_Text, 0x00ff00ff_rgbaf); text("yes"); } else { { auto b = push_style_color(ImGuiCol_Text, 0xff0000ff_rgbaf); text("no"); } { auto b = push_style_color(ImGuiCol_Text, 0xffff00ff_rgbaf); do_column("dist"); std::snprintf(buf, std::size(buf), "%d", (int)res.distance()); text(buf); } } do_column("cost"); std::snprintf(buf, std::size(buf), "%d", (int)res.cost()); text(buf); do_column("length"); std::snprintf(buf, std::size(buf), "%d", (int)res.path().size()); text(buf); do_column("time"); std::snprintf(buf, std::size(buf), "%.1f ms", (double)(1000 * res.time())); text(buf); } } Pointer tests_data::make_test_path() { return Pointer{InPlaceInit}; } } // namespace floormat::tests