#include "binary-writer.inl" #include "binary-reader.inl" #include "compat/defs.hpp" #include "compat/non-const.hpp" #include "compat/strerror.hpp" #include "compat/int-hash.hpp" #include "compat/exception.hpp" #include "src/ground-atlas.hpp" #include "src/wall-atlas.hpp" #include "src/anim-atlas.hpp" #include "src/scenery.hpp" #include "src/scenery-proto.hpp" #include "src/critter.hpp" #include "src/light.hpp" #include "src/world.hpp" #include "loader/loader.hpp" #include "loader/vobj-cell.hpp" #include "atlas-type.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include // ReSharper disable CppDFAUnreachableCode // ReSharper disable CppDFAUnreachableFunctionCall // zzReSharper disable CppUseStructuredBinding /* NOLINTBEGIN( *-missing-std-forward, *-avoid-const-or-ref-data-members, *-redundant-member-init, *-redundant-inline-specifier, *-rvalue-reference-param-not-moved, *-redundant-casting ) */ namespace floormat { using floormat::Serialize::binary_reader; using floormat::Serialize::binary_writer; using floormat::Serialize::atlas_type; using floormat::Serialize::maybe_byteswap; using floormat::Hash::fnvhash_buf; namespace { struct FILE_raii final { explicit FILE_raii(FILE* s) noexcept : s{s} {} ~FILE_raii() noexcept { close(); } operator FILE*() noexcept { return s; } void close() noexcept { if (s) std::fclose(s); s = nullptr; } private: FILE* s; }; struct string_hasher { CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t operator()(StringView s) const { return fnvhash_buf(s.data(), s.size()); } }; template concept Number = std::is_arithmetic_v>; template concept Enum = std::is_enum_v>; template concept Vector = Math::IsVector>::value; struct buffer { std::unique_ptr data; size_t size; operator ArrayView() const { return {&data[0], size}; } bool empty() const { return size == 0; } buffer() : data{nullptr}, size{0} {} buffer(size_t len) : // todo use allocator data{std::make_unique(len)}, size{len} { #if !fm_ASAN std::memset(&data[0], 0xfe, size); #endif } }; struct size_counter { size_t& size; template requires (std::is_arithmetic_v && std::is_fundamental_v) CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE void operator()(T) { size += sizeof(T); } }; struct byte_writer { binary_writer& s; template requires (std::is_fundamental_v && std::is_arithmetic_v) CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE void operator()(T value) { s << value; } }; struct byte_reader { binary_reader& s; template requires (std::is_fundamental_v && std::is_arithmetic_v) CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE void operator()(T& value) { value << s; } }; struct object_header_s { object_id& id; object_type& type; chunk* const& ch; local_coords& tile; }; struct critter_header_s { uint16_t& offset_frac; }; using proto_t = uint16_t; template struct visitor_ { explicit visitor_() = default; fm_DECLARE_DELETED_COPY_ASSIGNMENT(visitor_); fm_DECLARE_DELETED_MOVE_ASSIGNMENT(visitor_); // ---------- proto versions ---------- // 19: see old-savegame.cpp // 20: complete rewrite // 21: oops, forgot the object counter // 22: add object::speed // 23: switch object::delta to 32-bit // 24: switch object::offset_frac from Vector2us to uint16_t static constexpr proto_t proto_version = 24; static constexpr size_t string_max = 512; static constexpr proto_t proto_version_min = 20; static constexpr auto file_magic = ".floormat.save"_s; static constexpr auto chunk_magic = maybe_byteswap((uint16_t)0xadde); static constexpr auto object_magic = maybe_byteswap((uint16_t)0x0bb0); using tilemeta = uint8_t; using atlasid = uint32_t; using chunksiz = uint32_t; template static constexpr T highbit = (T{1} << sizeof(T)*8-1); template static constexpr T null = T(~highbit); template using qual2 = std::conditional_t; template using qual = std::conditional_t; using o_object = qual2; using o_critter = qual2; using o_scenery = qual2; using o_light = qual2; using o_sc_g = qual2; using o_sc_door = qual2; template requires (!IsWriter) static CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE void visit(T& x, F&& f) { f(x); } template requires (IsWriter) static CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE void visit(T x, F&& f) { f(x); } CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE Derived& derived() { return static_cast(*this); } template requires (!IsWriter) CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE void visit(E& x, F&& f) { using U = std::underlying_type_t>; auto xʹ = U(0); f(xʹ); x = E(xʹ); } template requires (IsWriter) CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE void visit(E x, F&& f) { using U = std::underlying_type_t; f(static_cast(x)); } template void visit(T&& x, F&& f) { constexpr auto N = std::remove_cvref_t::Size; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++) visit(forward(x).data()[i], f); } template void visit_object_header(o_object& obj, const object_header_s& s, F&& f) { auto& self = derived(); visit(s.id, f); fm_soft_assert(s.id != 0); visit(s.type, f); if (s.type >= object_type::COUNT || s.type == object_type::none) [[unlikely]] fm_throw("invalid object type {}"_cf, (int)s.type); switch (s.type) { case object_type::none: case object_type::COUNT: std::unreachable(); case object_type::light: self.visit(obj.atlas, atlas_type::vobj, f); break; case object_type::scenery: case object_type::critter: self.visit(obj.atlas, atlas_type::anim, f); break; case object_type::hole: fm_abort("todo! not implemented"); } fm_debug_assert(obj.atlas); self.visit(s.tile, f); visit(non_const_(obj.offset), f); visit(non_const_(obj.bbox_offset), f); visit(non_const_(obj.bbox_size), f); if (self.PROTO >= 23) [[likely]] visit(obj.delta, f); else { if constexpr(!IsWriter) { auto delta_ = uint16_t(obj.delta >> 16); visit(delta_, f); non_const_(obj.delta) = delta_ * 65536u; } else { std::unreachable(); fm_assert(false); } } visit(obj.frame, f); visit(obj.r, f); visit(obj.pass, f); } template static inline void visit(tile_ref c, F&& f) { do_visit(c.ground(), f); do_visit(c.wall_north(), f); do_visit(c.wall_west(), f); } template static inline void visit(qual& coord, F&& f) { visit(coord.x, f); visit(coord.y, f); visit(coord.z, f); } enum : uint8_t { flag_playable = 1 << 0, }; enum : uint8_t { flag_active = 1 << 0, flag_closing = 1 << 1, flag_interactive = 1 << 2, }; template void visit_scenery_proto(o_sc_g& s, F&& f) { using T = std::conditional_t; constexpr struct { uint8_t bits; bool(*getter)(const T&); void(*setter)(T&, bool); } pairs[] = { { flag_active, [](const T& sc) { return !!sc.active; }, [](T& sc, bool value) { sc.active = value; } }, { flag_interactive, [](const T& sc) { return !!sc.interactive; }, [](T& sc, bool value) { sc.interactive = value; } }, }; // todo! make function if constexpr(IsWriter) { uint8_t flags = 0; for (auto [bits, getter, setter] : pairs) flags |= bits * getter(s); visit(flags, f); } else { uint8_t flags = 0; visit(flags, f); for (auto [bits, getter, setter] : pairs) setter(s, flags & bits); } } template void visit_scenery_proto(o_sc_door& s, F&& f) { using T = std::conditional_t; constexpr struct { uint8_t bits; bool(*getter)(const T&); void(*setter)(T&, bool); } pairs[] = { { flag_active, [](const T& sc) { return !!sc.active; }, [](T& sc, bool value) { sc.active = value; } }, { flag_closing, [](const auto& sc) { return !!sc.closing; }, [](T& sc, bool value) { sc.closing = value; } }, { flag_interactive, [](const T& sc) { return !!sc.interactive; }, [](T& sc, bool value) { sc.interactive = value; } }, }; if constexpr(IsWriter) { uint8_t flags = 0; for (auto [bits, getter, setter] : pairs) flags |= bits * getter(s); visit(flags, f); } else { uint8_t flags = 0; visit(flags, f); for (auto [bits, getter, setter] : pairs) setter(s, flags & bits); } } template void visit_object_proto(o_critter& obj, critter_header_s&& s, F&& f) { auto& self = derived(); self.visit(obj.name, f); if (self.PROTO >= 22) [[likely]] visit(obj.speed, f); fm_soft_assert(obj.speed >= 0); if (self.PROTO >= 24) [[likely]] visit(s.offset_frac, f); else { Vector2us foo1; visit(foo1, f); s.offset_frac = 0; } visit(obj.playable, f); } template void visit_object_proto(o_light& s, std::nullptr_t, F&& f) { visit(s.max_distance, f); visit(s.color, f); visit(s.falloff, f); visit(s.enabled, f); } }; constexpr size_t vector_initial_size = 128, hash_initial_size = vector_initial_size*2; struct writer final : visitor_ { using visitor_::visit; struct serialized_atlas { [[maybe_unused]] buffer buf; [[maybe_unused]] const void* atlas; [[maybe_unused]] atlas_type type; }; struct serialized_chunk { buffer buf{}; chunk* c; }; static constexpr proto_t PROTO = proto_version; const world& w; std::vector string_array{}; tsl::robin_map string_map{hash_initial_size}; std::vector atlas_array{}; tsl::robin_map atlas_map{hash_initial_size}; std::vector chunk_array{}; buffer header_buf{}, string_buf{}; explicit writer(const world& w) : w{ w } {} template static void visit(const local_coords& pt, F&& f) { visit(pt.to_index(), f); } template void visit(StringView name, F&& f) { visit(intern_string(name), f); } template void visit(qual>& a, atlas_type type, F&& f) { atlasid id = intern_atlas(a, type); visit(id, f); } template void write_scenery_proto(const scenery& obj, F&& f) { auto sc_type = obj.scenery_type(); fm_debug_assert(sc_type != scenery_type::none && sc_type < scenery_type::COUNT); visit(sc_type, f); switch (sc_type) { case scenery_type::generic: visit_scenery_proto(static_cast(obj), f); break; case scenery_type::door: visit_scenery_proto(static_cast(obj), f); break; case scenery_type::none: case scenery_type::COUNT: std::unreachable(); } } template void write_object(o_object& obj, chunk* c, F&& f) { auto id = obj.id; auto type = obj.type(); auto tile = obj.coord.local(); const object_header_s s{ .id = id, .type = type, .ch = c, .tile = tile, }; visit_object_header(obj, s, f); fm_assert(s.id != 0); switch (type) { case object_type::none: case object_type::COUNT: break; case object_type::critter: { uint16_t offset_frac = 0; critter_header_s cr = { .offset_frac = offset_frac, }; visit_object_proto(static_cast(obj), move(cr), f); goto ok; } case object_type::light: visit_object_proto(static_cast(obj), {}, f); goto ok; case object_type::scenery: write_scenery_proto(static_cast(obj), f); goto ok; case object_type::hole: fm_abort("todo! not implemented"); } fm_assert(false); ok: void(); } template void intern_atlas_(const void* atlas, atlas_type type, F&& f) { visit(type, f); StringView name; if (type >= atlas_type::COUNT || type == atlas_type::none) [[unlikely]] fm_abort("invalid atlas type '%d'", (int)type); switch (type) { case atlas_type::ground: name = static_cast(atlas)->name(); break; case atlas_type::wall: name = static_cast(atlas)->name(); break; case atlas_type::vobj: case atlas_type::anim: name = static_cast(atlas)->name(); break; case atlas_type::none: case atlas_type::COUNT: std::unreachable(); } visit(intern_string(name), f); } template [[nodiscard]] atlasid intern_atlas(const std::shared_ptr& atlas_, atlas_type type) { const void* atlas = atlas_.get(); atlas_array.reserve(vector_initial_size); fm_assert(atlas != nullptr); auto [kv, fresh] = atlas_map.try_emplace(atlas, (uint32_t)-1); if (!fresh) { fm_debug_assert(kv.value() != (uint32_t)-1); return kv->second; } else { size_t len = 0; intern_atlas_(atlas, type, size_counter{len}); fm_assert(len > 0); buffer buf{len}; binary_writer s{&buf.data[0], buf.size}; intern_atlas_(atlas, type, byte_writer{s}); auto id = (uint32_t)atlas_array.size(); fm_assert(s.bytes_written() == s.bytes_allocated()); atlas_array.emplace_back(move(buf), atlas, type); kv.value() = id; fm_assert(id < null); return atlasid{id}; } } template atlasid maybe_intern_atlas(const std::shared_ptr& atlas, atlas_type type) { if (!atlas) return null; else return intern_atlas(atlas, type); } atlasid intern_string(StringView str) { string_array.reserve(vector_initial_size); fm_assert(!str.find('\0')); auto [pair, fresh] = string_map.try_emplace(str, (uint32_t)string_array.size()); if (fresh) string_array.emplace_back(str); return pair->second; } template void serialize_objects_(chunk& c, F&& f) { uint32_t count = 0; for (const std::shared_ptr& obj : c.objects()) { if (obj->ephemeral) continue; count++; } visit(count, f); for (const std::shared_ptr& obj : c.objects()) { fm_assert(obj != nullptr); if (obj->ephemeral) continue; auto magic = object_magic; visit(magic, f); write_object(*obj, &obj->chunk(), f); } } void serialize_tile_(auto&& g, uint32_t& i, auto&& f) { using INT = std::decay_t; static_assert(std::is_unsigned_v); constexpr auto highbit = writer::highbit; constexpr auto null = writer::null; const auto a = INT{ g(i) }; fm_assert(a == null || a < null); uint_fast16_t num_idempotent = 0; for (uint32_t j = i+1; j < TILE_COUNT; j++) if (a != g(j)) break; else if ((size_t)num_idempotent + 1uz == (size_t)null) break; else num_idempotent++; if (num_idempotent) { INT num = highbit | INT(num_idempotent); visit(num, f); } visit(a, f); i += num_idempotent; fm_debug_assert(i <= TILE_COUNT); } void serialize_chunk_(chunk& c, buffer& buf) { const auto fn = [this](chunk& ch, auto&& f) { static_assert(null == 127 && highbit == 128); static_assert(null == 0x7fffffff && highbit == 0x80000000); auto magic = chunk_magic; visit(magic, f); visit(ch.coord(), f); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TILE_COUNT; i++) serialize_tile_([&](uint32_t index) { return maybe_intern_atlas(ch[index].ground_atlas(), atlas_type::ground); }, i, f); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TILE_COUNT; i++) serialize_tile_([&](uint32_t index) { return maybe_intern_atlas(ch[index].wall_north_atlas(), atlas_type::wall); }, i, f); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TILE_COUNT; i++) serialize_tile_([&](uint32_t index) { return maybe_intern_atlas(ch[index].wall_west_atlas(), atlas_type::wall); }, i, f); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TILE_COUNT; i++) serialize_tile_([&](uint32_t index) { auto v = ch[index].ground().variant; return v == (variant_t)-1 ? null : v; }, i, f); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TILE_COUNT; i++) serialize_tile_([&ch](uint32_t index) { auto v = ch[index].wall_north().variant; return v == (variant_t)-1 ? null : v; }, i, f); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TILE_COUNT; i++) serialize_tile_([&ch](uint32_t index) { auto v = ch[index].wall_west().variant; return v == (variant_t)-1 ? null : v; }, i, f); serialize_objects_(ch, f); }; size_t len = 0; auto ctr = size_counter{len}; fn(c, ctr); fm_assert(len > 0); buf = buffer{len}; binary_writer s{&buf.data[0], buf.size}; byte_writer b{s}; fn(c, b); fm_assert(s.bytes_written() == s.bytes_allocated()); } template void serialize_header_(F&& f) { fm_assert(header_buf.empty()); for (char c : file_magic) visit(c, f); visit(proto_version, f); visit(w.object_counter(), f); auto nstrings = (uint32_t)string_array.size(), natlases = (uint32_t)atlas_array.size(), nchunks = (uint32_t)chunk_array.size(); visit(nstrings, f); visit(natlases, f); visit(nchunks, f); } void serialize_strings_() { fm_assert(string_buf.empty()); size_t len = 0; for (const auto& s : string_array) len += s.size() + 1; buffer buf{len}; binary_writer b{&buf.data[0], buf.size}; for (const auto& s : string_array) { fm_assert(s.size() < string_max); b.write_asciiz_string(s); } fm_assert(b.bytes_written() == b.bytes_allocated()); string_buf = move(buf); } void serialize_world() { fm_assert(string_array.empty()); fm_assert(header_buf.empty()); fm_assert(string_buf.empty()); fm_assert(atlas_array.empty()); fm_assert(chunk_array.empty()); for (auto& [coord, c] : non_const(w.chunks())) chunk_array.push_back({.c = &c }); std::sort(chunk_array.begin(), chunk_array.end(), [](const auto& c1, const auto& c2) { auto a = c1.c->coord(), b = c2.c->coord(); return std::tuple{a.z, a.y, a.x} <=> std::tuple{b.z, b.y, b.x} == std::strong_ordering::less; }); for (uint32_t i = 0; auto& [coord, c] : chunk_array) serialize_chunk_(*c, chunk_array[i++].buf); { size_t len = 0; serialize_header_(size_counter{len}); fm_assert(len > 0); buffer hdr{len}; binary_writer s{&hdr.data[0], hdr.size}; serialize_header_(byte_writer{s}); fm_assert(s.bytes_written() == s.bytes_allocated()); header_buf = move(hdr); } serialize_strings_(); } }; template struct visitor_; void my_fwrite(FILE_raii& f, const buffer& buf, char(&errbuf)[128]) { if (buf.size > 0) [[likely]] { auto len = std::fwrite(&buf.data[0], buf.size, 1, f); int error = errno; if (len != 1) fm_abort("fwrite: %s", get_error_string(errbuf, error).data()); } } } // namespace void world::serialize(StringView filename) { collect(true); char errbuf[128]; fm_assert(filename.flags() & StringViewFlag::NullTerminated); if (Path::exists(filename)) Path::remove(filename); FILE_raii file{std::fopen(filename.data(), "wb")}; if (!file) { int error = errno; fm_abort("fopen(\"%s\", \"w\"): %s", filename.data(), get_error_string(errbuf, error).data()); } { struct writer writer{*this}; const bool is_empty = chunks().empty(); writer.serialize_world(); fm_assert(!writer.header_buf.empty()); if (!is_empty) { fm_assert(!writer.string_buf.empty()); fm_assert(!writer.string_array.empty()); fm_assert(!writer.string_map.empty()); fm_assert(!writer.atlas_array.empty()); fm_assert(!writer.atlas_map.empty()); fm_assert(!writer.chunk_array.empty()); } my_fwrite(file, writer.header_buf, errbuf); my_fwrite(file, writer.string_buf, errbuf); for (const auto& x : writer.atlas_array) { fm_assert(!x.buf.empty()); my_fwrite(file, x.buf, errbuf); } for (const auto& x : writer.chunk_array) { fm_assert(!x.buf.empty()); my_fwrite(file, x.buf, errbuf); } } if (int ret = std::fflush(file); ret != 0) { int error = errno; fm_abort("fflush: %s", get_error_string(errbuf, error).data()); } } namespace { template struct atlas_from_type; template<> struct atlas_from_type { using Type = ground_atlas; }; template<> struct atlas_from_type { using Type = wall_atlas; }; template<> struct atlas_from_type { using Type = anim_atlas; }; template<> struct atlas_from_type { using Type = anim_atlas; }; struct reader final : visitor_ { using visitor_::visit; using visitor_::visit_object_proto; struct atlas_pair { void* atlas; atlas_type type; }; std::vector strings; std::vector atlases; proto_t PROTO = (proto_t)-1; object_id object_counter = world::object_counter_init; uint32_t nstrings = 0, natlases = 0, nchunks = 0; class world& w; loader_policy asset_policy; reader(class world& w, loader_policy policy) : w{w}, asset_policy{policy} {} template void visit(String& str, F&& f) { atlasid id; f(id); str = get_string(id); } template static void visit(local_coords& pt, F&& f) { uint8_t i; f(i); pt = local_coords{i}; } template void visit(std::shared_ptr& a, atlas_type type, F&& f) { atlasid id = (atlasid)-1; f(id); switch (type) { case atlas_type::ground: case atlas_type::wall: case atlas_type::none: default: fm_throw("invalid atlas type {}"_cf, (int)type); case atlas_type::anim: a = loader.anim_atlas(get_atlas(id), {}, loader_policy::warn); break; case atlas_type::vobj: a = loader.vobj(get_atlas(id)).atlas; break; } } template void read_scenery(std::shared_ptr& ret, const object_proto& pʹ, const object_header_s& h, F&& f) { const auto coord = global_coords{h.ch->coord(), h.tile}; auto sc_type = scenery_type::none; visit(sc_type, f); scenery_proto sc; static_cast(sc) = pʹ; switch (sc_type) { case scenery_type::none: case scenery_type::COUNT: break; case scenery_type::generic: { generic_scenery_proto p; visit_scenery_proto(p, f); sc.subtype = move(p); goto ok; } case scenery_type::door: { door_scenery_proto p; visit_scenery_proto(p, f); sc.subtype = move(p); goto ok; } } fm_throw("invalid sc_type {}"_cf, (int)sc_type); ok: ret = w.make_scenery(h.id, coord, move(sc)); } template std::shared_ptr make_object(const object_header_s& h0, object_proto&& p0, Header&& h, auto&& f) { fm_soft_assert(h0.id != 0); const auto coord = global_coords{h0.ch->coord(), h0.tile}; Proto p{}; static_cast(p) = move(p0); visit_object_proto(p, move(h), f); return w.make_object(h0.id, coord, move(p)); } template void read_object(chunk* ch, F&& f) { std::shared_ptr obj; object_id id = 0; auto type = object_type::none; local_coords tile; object_header_s s{ .id = id, .type = type, .ch = ch, .tile = tile, }; object_proto p; visit_object_header(p, s, f); switch (type) { case object_type::none: case object_type::COUNT: break; case object_type::critter: { uint16_t offset_frac = 0; critter_header_s h{ .offset_frac = offset_frac, }; obj = make_object(s, move(p), move(h), f); goto ok; } case object_type::light: obj = make_object(s, move(p), {}, f); goto ok; case object_type::scenery: { std::shared_ptr objʹ; read_scenery(objʹ, move(p), s, f); obj = move(objʹ); goto ok; } case object_type::hole: fm_abort("todo! not implemented"); } fm_throw("invalid object_type {}"_cf, (int)type); ok: fm_assert(obj); fm_debug_assert(obj->c == ch); //non_const(obj->id) = id; //non_const(obj->c) = ch; non_const(obj->coord) = {ch->coord(), tile}; if (PROTO >= 21) [[likely]] fm_soft_assert(object_counter >= id); else if (PROTO == 20) [[unlikely]] object_counter = Math::max(object_counter, id); } bool deserialize_header_(binary_reader& s, ArrayView buf) { fm_assert(PROTO == (proto_t)-1); auto magic = s.read(); fm_soft_assert(StringView{magic.data(), magic.size()} == file_magic); PROTO << s; if (PROTO < proto_version_min && PROTO > 0) { w.deserialize_old(w, buf.exceptPrefix(s.bytes_read()), PROTO, asset_policy); return true; } else { fm_soft_assert(PROTO >= proto_version_min); fm_soft_assert(PROTO <= proto_version); if (PROTO >= 21) [[likely]] { object_counter << s; fm_soft_assert(object_counter >= world::object_counter_init); } nstrings << s; natlases << s; nchunks << s; return false; } } StringView get_string(atlasid id) { fm_soft_assert(id < strings.size()); return strings[id]; } template StringView get_atlas(atlasid id) { using atlas_type = typename atlas_from_type::Type; auto [atlas, type] = atlases[id]; fm_soft_assert(id < atlases.size()); fm_soft_assert(type == Type); const auto* atlasʹ = static_cast(atlas); return atlasʹ->name(); } void deserialize_strings_(binary_reader& s) { fm_assert(strings.empty()); strings.reserve(nstrings); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nstrings; i++) { auto str = s.read_asciiz_string_(); strings.emplace_back(str); } } void deserialize_atlases(binary_reader& s) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < natlases; i++) { auto type = (atlas_type)s.read>(); atlasid id; id << s; auto str = get_string(id); void* atlas = nullptr; switch (type) { default: fm_throw("invalid atlas_type {}"_cf, (size_t)type); case atlas_type::none: break; case atlas_type::ground: atlas = loader.ground_atlas(str, loader_policy::warn).get(); break; case atlas_type::wall: atlas = loader.wall_atlas(str, loader_policy::warn).get(); break; case atlas_type::anim: atlas = loader.anim_atlas(str, {}, loader_policy::warn).get(); break; case atlas_type::vobj: atlas = loader.vobj(str).atlas.get(); break; } atlases.push_back({.atlas = atlas, .type = type }); } } template void deserialize_tile_part(auto&& g, uint32_t& i, byte_reader& r) { constexpr auto highbit = reader::highbit; constexpr auto null = reader::null; INT num; uint32_t num_idempotent = 0; visit(num, r); if (num & highbit) { num_idempotent = num & ~highbit; visit(num, r); } if (num != null) for (uint32_t j = 0; j <= num_idempotent; j++) g(i+j, num); i += num_idempotent; } void deserialize_objects_(chunk& c, byte_reader& r) { uint32_t count; visit(count, r); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { using magic_type = std::decay_t; magic_type magic; visit(magic, r); fm_soft_assert(magic == object_magic); (void)read_object(&c, r); } c.sort_objects(); fm_assert(count == c.objects().size()); } void deserialize_chunk_(binary_reader& s) { auto r = byte_reader{s}; using magic_type = std::decay_t; magic_type magic; magic << s; fm_soft_assert(magic == chunk_magic); chunk_coords_ coord; visit(coord, r); auto& c = w[coord]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TILE_COUNT; i++) deserialize_tile_part([&](uint32_t t, uint32_t id) { auto name = get_atlas(id); auto a = loader.ground_atlas(name, loader_policy::warn); c[t].ground() = { move(a), (variant_t)-1 }; }, i, r); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TILE_COUNT; i++) deserialize_tile_part([&](uint32_t t, uint32_t id) { auto name = get_atlas(id); auto a = loader.wall_atlas(name, loader_policy::warn); c[t].wall_north() = { move(a), (variant_t)-1 }; }, i, r); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TILE_COUNT; i++) deserialize_tile_part([&](uint32_t t, uint32_t id) { auto name = get_atlas(id); auto a = loader.wall_atlas(name, loader_policy::warn); c[t].wall_west() = { move(a), (variant_t)-1 }; }, i, r); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TILE_COUNT; i++) deserialize_tile_part([&](uint32_t t, variant_t id) { c[t].ground().variant = id; }, i, r); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TILE_COUNT; i++) deserialize_tile_part([&](uint32_t t, variant_t id) { c[t].wall_north().variant = id; }, i, r); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TILE_COUNT; i++) deserialize_tile_part([&](uint32_t t, variant_t id) { c[t].wall_west().variant = id; }, i, r); deserialize_objects_(c, r); } void deserialize_world(ArrayView buf) { binary_reader s{buf.data(), buf.data() + buf.size()}; if (deserialize_header_(s, buf)) return; deserialize_strings_(s); deserialize_atlases(s); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nchunks; i++) deserialize_chunk_(s); fm_soft_assert(object_counter); w.set_object_counter(object_counter); s.assert_end(); } }; template struct visitor_; } // namespace class world world::deserialize(StringView filename, loader_policy asset_policy) noexcept(false) { buffer buf; fm_soft_assert(filename.flags() & StringViewFlag::NullTerminated); { FILE_raii f{std::fopen(filename.data(), "rb")}; char errbuf[128]; if (!f) fm_throw("fopen(\"{}\", \"r\"): {}"_cf, filename, get_error_string(errbuf)); if (int ret = std::fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); ret != 0) fm_throw("fseek(SEEK_END): {}"_cf, get_error_string(errbuf)); size_t len; if (auto len_ = std::ftell(f); len_ >= 0) len = (size_t)len_; else fm_throw("ftell: {}"_cf, get_error_string(errbuf)); if (int ret = std::fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); ret != 0) fm_throw("fseek(SEEK_SET): {}"_cf, get_error_string(errbuf)); auto buf_ = std::make_unique(len+1); if (auto ret = std::fread(&buf_[0], 1, len+1, f); ret != len) fm_throw("fread short read: {}"_cf, get_error_string(errbuf)); buf.data = move(buf_); buf.size = len; } class world w; struct reader r{w, asset_policy}; r.deserialize_world(buf); //fm_assert("t o d o && false); return w; } } // namespace floormat /* NOLINTEND( *-missing-std-forward, *-avoid-const-or-ref-data-members, *-redundant-member-init, *-redundant-inline-specifier, *-rvalue-reference-param-not-moved, *-redundant-casting ) */