#include "wall-atlas.hpp" #include "magnum-vector.hpp" #include "corrade-string.hpp" #include "compat/exception.hpp" #include "loader/loader.hpp" #include "pass-mode.hpp" #include "json-helper.hpp" #include "corrade-array.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace floormat::Wall { NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE(Frame, offset, size) NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE(Info, name, depth) } // namespace floormat::Wall namespace nlohmann { using floormat::Wall::Frame; template<> struct adl_serializer { static void to_json(json& j, const Frame& val); static void from_json(const json& j, Frame& val); }; void adl_serializer::to_json(json& j, const Frame& x) { using nlohmann::to_json; to_json(j, x); } void adl_serializer::from_json(const json& j, Frame& x) { using nlohmann::from_json; from_json(j, x); } } // namespace nlohmann namespace floormat { using namespace floormat::Wall; using namespace floormat::Wall::detail; namespace { struct direction_triple { Array array; std::array map; std::array mask; }; direction_triple read_all_directions(const json& jroot) { size_t count = 0; for (auto [str, _] : wall_atlas::directions) if (jroot.contains(str)) count++; direction_triple ret = { Array{count}, {}, {}, }; auto& [array, map, mask] = ret; for (uint8_t i = 0, pos = 0; i < std::size(wall_atlas::directions); i++) { auto [str, dir] = wall_atlas::directions[i]; if (jroot.contains(str)) { mask[i] = true; map[i] = {.val = pos}; array[pos++] = read_direction_metadata(jroot, dir); } } return ret; } } // namespace bool wall_atlas_def::operator==(const wall_atlas_def& other) const noexcept { if (header != other.header) return false; if (direction_array.size() != other.direction_array.size()) return false; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < std::size(direction_map); i++) { auto i1 = direction_map[i], i2 = other.direction_map[i]; if (!i1 != !i2) return false; if (i1) { fm_assert(i1.val < direction_array.size()); fm_assert(i2.val < other.direction_array.size()); if (direction_array[i1.val] != other.direction_array[i2.val]) return false; } } if (frames.size() != other.frames.size()) return false; for (auto i = 0uz; i < frames.size(); i++) if (frames[i] != other.frames[i]) return false; return true; } wall_atlas_def wall_atlas_def::deserialize(StringView filename) { wall_atlas_def atlas; const auto jroot = json_helper::from_json_(filename); atlas.header = read_info_header(jroot); fm_soft_assert(loader.check_atlas_name(atlas.header.name)); atlas.frames = read_all_frames(jroot); auto [dirs, dir_indexes, mask] = read_all_directions(jroot); fm_soft_assert(!dirs.isEmpty()); fm_soft_assert(dir_indexes != std::array{}); atlas.direction_array = move(dirs); atlas.direction_map = dir_indexes; atlas.direction_mask = mask; return atlas; } void wall_atlas_def::serialize(StringView filename, const Info& header, ArrayView frames, ArrayView dir_array, std::array dir_map) { auto jroot = json{}; write_info_header(jroot, header); write_all_frames(jroot, frames); for (const auto [name_, dir] : wall_atlas::directions) if (auto idx = dir_map[(size_t)dir]) { const auto& dir = dir_array[idx.val]; if (is_direction_defined(dir)) { std::string_view name = {name_.data(), name_.size()}; write_direction_metadata(jroot[name], dir); } } json_helper::to_json_(jroot, filename); } void wall_atlas_def::serialize(StringView filename) const { serialize(filename, header, frames, direction_array, direction_map); } void wall_atlas::serialize(StringView filename) const { return wall_atlas_def::serialize(filename, _info, _frame_array, _dir_array, _direction_map); } } // namespace floormat namespace floormat::Wall::detail { Array read_all_frames(const json& jroot) { if (!jroot.contains("frames")) return {}; Array frames; const auto& jframes = jroot["frames"]; fm_assert(jframes.is_array()); const auto sz = jframes.size(); frames = Array{sz}; for (auto i = 0uz; i < sz; i++) { const auto& jframe = jframes[i]; fm_assert(jframe.is_object()); frames[i] = jframe; } return frames; } bool is_direction_defined(const Direction& dir) { for (auto [str, ptr, tag] : Direction::groups) { const auto& group = dir.*ptr; if (group.is_defined) return true; } return false; } // todo add test on dummy files that generates 100% coverage on the j.contains() blocks! Group read_group_metadata(const json& jgroup) { fm_assert(jgroup.is_object()); Group val; { int count = 0, index = -1; bool has_count = jgroup.contains("count") && (count = jgroup["count"]) != 0, has_index = jgroup.contains("offset") && (index = jgroup["offset"]) != -1; fm_soft_assert(has_count == has_index); fm_soft_assert(!has_index || index >= 0 && index < 1 << 20); fm_soft_assert(count >= 0); if (has_count) { val.index = (uint32_t)index; val.count = (uint32_t)count; } } val.default_tint = true; if (jgroup.contains("tint")) { val.tint_mult = jgroup["tint"]; val.default_tint = false; } if (jgroup.contains("pixel-size")) val.pixel_size = jgroup["pixel-size"]; if (jgroup.contains("mirrored")) val.mirrored = !!jgroup["mirrored"]; if (jgroup.contains("from-rotation") && !jgroup["from-rotation"].is_null()) val.from_rotation = direction_index_from_name(jgroup["from-rotation"]); val.is_defined = true; return val; } Direction read_direction_metadata(const json& jroot, Direction_ dir) { const auto s_ = direction_index_to_name((size_t)dir); fm_assert(s_.size() == 1); std::string_view s = {s_.data(), s_.size()}; fm_assert(s.size() == 1); if (!jroot.contains(s)) return {}; const auto& jdir = jroot[s]; Direction val; for (auto [name, memfn, tag] : Direction::groups) { std::string_view s = {name.data(), name.size()}; if (!jdir.contains(s)) continue; val.*memfn = read_group_metadata(jdir[s]); } val.top.pixel_size = val.top.pixel_size.flipped(); return val; } Info read_info_header(const json& jroot) { fm_soft_assert(jroot.contains(("name"))); fm_soft_assert(jroot.contains(("depth"))); Info val = {std::string{jroot["name"]}, jroot["depth"]}; fm_soft_assert(val.depth > 0); if (jroot.contains("pass-mode")) val.passability = jroot["pass-mode"]; return val; } void write_all_frames(json& jroot, ArrayView array) { auto jframes = json{}; for (const Frame& frame : array) { json jframe = frame; jframes.push_back(move(jframe)); } jroot["frames"] = move(jframes); } void write_group_metadata(json& jgroup, const Group& val) { fm_assert(jgroup.is_null()); fm_assert(val.is_defined); if (val.index != (uint32_t)-1) jgroup["offset"] = val.index; else jgroup["offset"] = -1; jgroup["count"] = val.count; jgroup["pixel-size"] = val.pixel_size; if (!val.default_tint) jgroup["tint"] = val.tint_mult; jgroup["mirrored"] = val.mirrored; if (val.from_rotation != (uint8_t )-1) jgroup["from-rotation"] = direction_index_to_name(val.from_rotation); } void write_direction_metadata(json& jdir, const Direction& dir) { for (auto [name, memfn, tag] : Direction::groups) { const auto& group = dir.*memfn; if (!group.is_defined) continue; std::string_view s = {name.data(), name.size()}; write_group_metadata(jdir[s], group); } if (jdir.contains("top")) { json& top = jdir["top"]; Vector2i vec = top["pixel-size"]; top["pixel-size"] = vec.flipped(); } } void write_all_directions(json& jroot, const wall_atlas& a) { for (auto [name, i] : wall_atlas::directions) { if (const auto* dir = a.direction((size_t)i)) { auto jdir = json{}; write_direction_metadata(jdir, *dir); jroot[name] = move(jdir); } } } void write_info_header(json& jroot, const Info& info) { jroot["name"] = info.name; jroot["depth"] = info.depth; jroot["pass-mode"] = info.passability; } } // namespace floormat::Wall::detail