path: root/tracker-pt/wiiyourself/wiimote.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 495 deletions
diff --git a/tracker-pt/wiiyourself/wiimote.h b/tracker-pt/wiiyourself/wiimote.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1db2c098..00000000
--- a/tracker-pt/wiiyourself/wiimote.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// _______________________________________________________________________________
-// - WiiYourself! - native C++ Wiimote library v1.15
-// (c) gl.tter 2007-10 -
-// see License.txt for conditions of use. see History.txt for change log.
-// _______________________________________________________________________________
-// wiimote.h (tab = 4 spaces)
-#ifdef _MSC_VER // VC
-# pragma once
-#ifndef _WIIMOTE_H
-# define _WIIMOTE_H
-#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <tchar.h> // auto Unicode/Ansi support
-#include <queue> // for HID write method
-#include <list> // for state recording
-#ifndef QWORD
- typedef unsigned __int64 QWORD;
-#ifdef _MSC_VER // VC-specific: _DEBUG build only _ASSERT() sanity checks
-# include <crtdbg.h>
-#elif defined(__MINGW32__) // define NDEBUG to disable assert
-# include <assert.h>
-# define _ASSERT assert
-# define _ASSERT(x) ((void)0) // (add your compiler's implementation if you like)
-#ifdef SWIGWRAPPER // Python Wrapper
-#include "Python/wiimote_state.i"
-#include "wiimote_state.h"
-// configs:
-//#define USE_DYNAMIC_HIDQUEUE // deprecated
-// we request periodic status report updates to refresh the battery level
-// and to detect connection loss (through failed writes)
-#define DETECT_MPLUS_COUNT 1 // # of tries in quick succession
-// all threads (read/parse, audio streaming, async rumble...) use this priority
- // internals
-//#define WIIYOURSELF_VERSION_BETA // not defined for non-beta releases
-// array sizes
-#define TOTAL_BUTTON_BITS 16 // Number of bits for (Classic)ButtonNameFromBit[]
-#define TOTAL_FREQUENCIES 10 // Number of frequencies (see speaker_freq[])
- // clarity
-typedef HANDLE EVENT;
-// state data changes can be signalled to the app via a callback. Set the wiimote
-// object's 'ChangedCallback' any time to enable them, or alternatively inherit
-// from the wiimote object and override the ChangedNotifier() virtual method.
-// of flags indicating which state has changed since the last callback.
-typedef void (*state_changed_callback) (class wiimote &owner,
- state_change_flags changed,
- const wiimote_state &new_state);
-// internals
-typedef BOOLEAN (__stdcall *hidwrite_ptr)(HANDLE HidDeviceObject,
- PVOID ReportBuffer,
- ULONG ReportBufferLength);
-// (global due to Python wrapper)
-struct wiimote_state_event {
- DWORD time_ms; // system timestamp in milliseconds
- wiimote_state state;
- };
-// wiimote class - connects and manages a wiimote and its optional extensions
-// (Nunchuk/Classic Controller), and exposes their state
-class wiimote : public wiimote_state
- {
- public:
- wiimote ();
- virtual ~wiimote ();
- public:
- // these can be used to identify Connect()ed wiimote objects (if both
- // are unconnected they will pass the compare as their handles are invalid)
- inline bool operator == (const wiimote& remote)
- { return Handle == remote.Handle; }
- inline bool operator != (const wiimote& remote)
- { return Handle != remote.Handle; }
- // wiimote data input mode (use with SetReportType())
- // (only enable what you need to save battery power)
- enum input_report
- {
- // combinations if buttons/acceleration/IR/Extension data
- IN_BUTTONS = 0x30,
- IN_BUTTONS_ACCEL_IR = 0x33, // reports IR EXTENDED data (dot sizes)
- IN_BUTTONS_ACCEL_IR_EXT = 0x37, // reports IR BASIC data (no dot sizes)
- IN_BUTTONS_BALANCE_BOARD = 0x32, // must use this for the balance board
- };
- // string versions
- static const TCHAR* ReportTypeName [];
- public: // convenience accessors:
- inline bool IsConnected () const { return bStatusReceived; }
- // if IsConnected() unexpectedly returns false, connection was probably lost
- inline bool ConnectionLost () const { return bConnectionLost; }
- inline bool IsBalanceBoard () const { return (Internal.bExtension &&
- (Internal.ExtensionType==wiimote_state::BALANCE_BOARD)); }
- inline bool NunchukConnected () const { return (Internal.bExtension &&
- (Internal.ExtensionType==wiimote_state::NUNCHUK)); }
- inline bool ClassicConnected () const { return (Internal.bExtension &&
- (Internal.ExtensionType==wiimote_state::CLASSIC)); }
- inline bool MotionPlusConnected () const { return bMotionPlusDetected; }
- inline bool MotionPlusEnabled () const { return bMotionPlusEnabled; }
- inline bool MotionPlusHasExtension() const { return bMotionPlusExtension; }
- inline bool IsPlayingAudio () const { return (Internal.Speaker.Freq &&
- Internal.Speaker.Volume); }
- inline bool IsPlayingSample () const { return IsPlayingAudio() &&
- (CurrentSample != NULL); }
- inline bool IsUsingHIDwrites () const { return bUseHIDwrite; }
- inline bool IsRecordingState () const { return Recording.bEnabled; }
- static inline unsigned TotalConnected() { return _TotalConnected; }
- public: // data
- QWORD UniqueID; // constructed from device-specific calibration info.
- // Note this is not guaranteed to be truly unique
- // as several devices may contain the same calibration
- // vluaes - but unique amongst a small number of
- // devices.
- QWORD UniqueID2; // (low-reliabilty, left for reference)
- // constructed from the 'device path' string (as
- // reported by the OS/stack). This is hopefully
- // unique as long as the devices remain installed
- // (or at least paired).
- // optional callbacks - set these to your own fuctions (if required)
- state_changed_callback ChangedCallback;
- // you can avoid unnecessary callback overhead by specifying a mask
- // of which state changes should trigger them (default is any)
- state_change_flags CallbackTriggerFlags;
- // alternatively, inherit from this class and override this virtual function:
- virtual void ChangedNotifier (state_change_flags changed,
- const wiimote_state &new_state) {};
- // get the button name from its bit index (some bits are unused)
- static const TCHAR* ButtonNameFromBit [TOTAL_BUTTON_BITS];
- static const TCHAR* GetButtonNameFromBit (unsigned index)
- {
- if(index >= TOTAL_BUTTON_BITS)
- return _T("[invalid index]");
- return ButtonNameFromBit[index];
- }
- // same for the Classic Controller
- static const TCHAR* ClassicButtonNameFromBit [TOTAL_BUTTON_BITS];
- static const TCHAR* GetClassicButtonNameFromBit (unsigned index)
- {
- if(index >= TOTAL_BUTTON_BITS)
- return _T("[invalid index]");
- return ClassicButtonNameFromBit[index];
- }
- // get the frequency from speaker_freq enum
- static const unsigned FreqLookup [TOTAL_FREQUENCIES];
- static const unsigned GetFreqLookup (unsigned index)
- {
- if(index >= TOTAL_FREQUENCIES)
- return 0;
- return FreqLookup[index];
- }
- public: // methods
- // call Connect() first - returns true if wiimote was found & enabled
- // - 'wiimote_index' specifies which *installed* (not necessarily
- // *connected*) wiimote should be tried (1 = first, 2 = 2nd etc).
- // if you just want the first *available* wiimote that isn't already
- // in use, pass in FIRST_AVAILABLE (default).
- // - 'force_hidwrites' forces HID output method (it's auto-selected
- // when needed and less efficient, so only force for testing).
- static const unsigned FIRST_AVAILABLE = 0xffffffff;
- bool Connect (unsigned wiimote_index = FIRST_AVAILABLE,
- bool force_hidwrites = false);
- // disconnect from the controller and stop reading data from it
- void Disconnect ();
- // set wiimote reporting mode (call after Connnect())
- // continous = true forces the wiimote to send constant updates, even when
- // nothing has changed.
- // = false only sends data when something has changed (note that
- // acceleration data will cause frequent updates anyway as it
- // jitters even when the wiimote is stationary)
- void SetReportType (input_report type, bool continuous = false);
- // toggle the MotionPlus extension. Call MotionPlusDetected() first to
- // see if it's attached. Unlike normal extensions, the MotionPlus does
- // not report itself as one until enabled. Once done, it then replaces
- // any standard extension attached to it, so be sure to disable it
- // if you want to read those (it's not currently known of both can
- // be read simultaneously).
- bool EnableMotionPlus ();
- bool DisableMotionPlus ();
- // this is used to remove unwanted 'at rest' offsets, currently only from
- // the Balance Board. make sure there is no weight on the board before
- // calling this. it reads the current sensor values and then removes them
- // offsets from all subsequent KG and LB state values (the 'raw' values
- // are never modified).
- void CalibrateAtRest ();
- // NOTE: the library automatically calls this when the first weight values
- // come in after Connect()ion, but if the device wasn't at rest at
- // the time the app can call it again later.
- // to read the state via polling (reading the public state data direct from
- // the wiimote object) you must call RefreshState() at the top of every pass.
- // returns a combination of flags to indicate which state (if any) has
- // changed since the last call.
- state_change_flags RefreshState ();
- // reset the wiimote (changes report type to non-continuous buttons-only,
- // clears LEDs & rumble, mutes & disables speaker)
- void Reset ();
- // set/clear the wiimote LEDs
- void SetLEDs (BYTE led_bits); // bits 0-3 are valid
- // set/clear rumble
- void SetRumble (bool on);
- // alternative - rumble for a fixed amount of time (asynchronous)
- void RumbleForAsync (unsigned milliseconds);
- // *experimental* speaker support:
- bool MuteSpeaker (bool on);
- bool EnableSpeaker (bool on);
- bool PlaySquareWave (speaker_freq freq, BYTE volume = 0x40);
- // note: PlaySample currently streams from the passed-in wiimote_sample -
- // don't delete it until playback has stopped.
- bool PlaySample (const wiimote_sample &sample,
- BYTE volume = 0x40,
- speaker_freq freq_override = FREQ_NONE);
- // 16bit mono sample loading/conversion to native format:
- // .wav sample
- static bool Load16bitMonoSampleWAV (const TCHAR* filepath,
- wiimote_sample &out);
- // raw 16bit mono audio data (can be signed or unsigned)
- static bool Load16BitMonoSampleRAW (const TCHAR* filepath,
- bool _signed,
- speaker_freq freq,
- wiimote_sample &out);
- // converts a 16bit mono sample array to a wiimote_sample
- static bool Convert16bitMonoSamples (const short* samples,
- bool _signed,
- DWORD length,
- speaker_freq freq,
- wiimote_sample &out);
- // state recording - records state snapshots to a 'state_history' supplied
- // by the caller. states are timestamped and only added
- // to the list when the specified state changes.
-#ifndef SWIG // !Python Wrapper
- typedef wiimote_state_event state_event;
- typedef std::list<state_event> state_history;
- static const unsigned UNTIL_STOP = 0xffffffff;
- // - pass in a 'state_history' list, and don't destroy/change it until
- // recording is stopped. note the list will be cleared first.
- // - you can request a specific duration (and use IsRecordingState() to detect
- // the end), or UNTIL_STOP. StopRecording() can be called either way.
- // - you can use 'change trigger' to specify specific state changes that will
- // trigger an insert into the history (others are then ignored).
- void RecordState (state_history &events_out,
- unsigned max_time_ms = UNTIL_STOP,
- state_change_flags change_trigger = CHANGED_ALL);
- void StopRecording ();
- private: // methods
- // start reading asynchronously from the controller
- bool BeginAsyncRead ();
- // request status update (battery level, extension status etc)
- void RequestStatusReport ();
- // read address or register from Wiimote asynchronously (the result is
- // parsed internally whenever it arrives)
- bool ReadAddress (int address, short size);
- // write a single BYTE to a wiimote address or register
- inline void WriteData (int address, BYTE data) { WriteData(address, 1, &data); }
- // write a BYTE array to a wiimote address or register
- void WriteData (int address, BYTE size, const BYTE* buff);
- // callback when data is ready to be processed
- void OnReadData (DWORD bytes_read);
- // parse individual reports by type
- int ParseInput (BYTE* buff);
- // detects if MotionPlus is attached (it doesn't report as a normal
- // extesnion until it is enabled)
- void DetectMotionPlusExtensionAsync ();
- // initializes an extension when plugged in.
- void InitializeExtension ();
- // parses a status report
- int ParseStatus (BYTE* buff);
- // parses the buttons
- int ParseButtons (BYTE* buff);
- // parses accelerometer data
- int ParseAccel (BYTE* buff);
- bool EstimateOrientationFrom(wiimote_state::acceleration &accel);
- void ApplyJoystickDeadZones (wiimote_state::joystick &joy);
- // parses IR data from report
- int ParseIR (BYTE* buff);
- // parses data from an extension.
- int ParseExtension (BYTE* buff, unsigned offset);
- // parses data returned from a read report
- int ParseReadAddress (BYTE* buff);
- // reads calibration information stored on Wiimote
- void ReadCalibration ();
- float GetBalanceValue(short sensor, short min, short mid, short max);
- // turns on the IR sensor (the mode must match the reporting mode caps)
- void EnableIR (wiimote_state::ir::mode mode);
- // disables the IR sensor
- void DisableIR ();
- // writes a report to the Wiimote (NULL = use 'WriteBuff')
- bool WriteReport (BYTE* buff);
- bool StartSampleThread ();
- // returns the rumble BYTE that needs to be sent with reports.
- inline BYTE GetRumbleBit () const { return Internal.bRumble? 0x01 : 0x00; }
- // static thread funcs:
- static unsigned __stdcall ReadParseThreadfunc (void* param);
- static unsigned __stdcall AsyncRumbleThreadfunc (void* param);
- static unsigned __stdcall SampleStreamThreadfunc(void* param);
- static unsigned __stdcall HIDwriteThreadfunc (void* param);
- private: // data
- // wiimote output comands
- enum output_report
- {
- OUT_NONE = 0x00,
- OUT_LEDs = 0x11,
- OUT_TYPE = 0x12,
- OUT_IR = 0x13,
- OUT_STATUS = 0x15,
- OUT_IR2 = 0x1a,
- };
- // input reports used only internally:
- static const int IN_STATUS = 0x20;
- static const int IN_READADDRESS = 0x21;
- // wiimote device IDs:
- static const int VID = 0x057e; // 'Nintendo'
- static const int PID = 0x0306; // 'Wiimote'
- // we could find this out the hard way using HID, but it's 22
- static const int REPORT_LENGTH = 22;
- // wiimote registers
- static const int REGISTER_CALIBRATION = 0x0016;
- static const int REGISTER_IR = 0x4b00030;
- static const int REGISTER_IR_SENSITIVITY_1 = 0x4b00000;
- static const int REGISTER_IR_SENSITIVITY_2 = 0x4b0001a;
- static const int REGISTER_IR_MODE = 0x4b00033;
- static const int REGISTER_EXTENSION_INIT1 = 0x4a400f0;
- static const int REGISTER_EXTENSION_INIT2 = 0x4a400fb;
- static const int REGISTER_EXTENSION_TYPE = 0x4a400fa;
- static const int REGISTER_EXTENSION_CALIBRATION = 0x4a40020;
- static const int REGISTER_BALANCE_CALIBRATION = 0x4a40024;
- static const int REGISTER_MOTIONPLUS_DETECT = 0x4a600fa;
- static const int REGISTER_MOTIONPLUS_INIT = 0x4a600f0;
- static const int REGISTER_MOTIONPLUS_ENABLE = 0x4a600fe;
- HANDLE Handle; // read/write device handle
- OVERLAPPED Overlapped; // for async Read/WriteFile() IO
- HANDLE ReadParseThread; // waits for overlapped reads & parses result
- EVENT DataRead; // signals overlapped read complete
- bool bUseHIDwrite; // alternative write method (less efficient
- // but required for some BT stacks (eg. MS')
- // HidD_SetOutputReport is only supported from XP onwards, so detect &
- // load it dynamically:
- static HMODULE HidDLL;
- static hidwrite_ptr _HidD_SetOutputReport;
- volatile bool bStatusReceived; // for output method detection
- volatile bool bConnectInProgress; // don't handle extensions until complete
- volatile bool bInitInProgress; // stop regular requests until complete
- volatile bool bEnablingMotionPlus; // for special init codepath
- volatile bool bConnectionLost; // auto-Disconnect()s if set
-volatile int MotionPlusDetectCount; // waiting for the result
- volatile bool bMotionPlusDetected;
- volatile bool bMotionPlusEnabled;
- volatile bool bMotionPlusExtension;// detected one plugged into MotionPlus
- volatile bool bCalibrateAtRest; // as soon as the first sensor values // come in after a Connect() call.
- static unsigned _TotalCreated;
- static unsigned _TotalConnected;
- input_report ReportType; // type of data the wiimote delivers
- // read buffer
- // for polling: state is updated on a thread internally, and made only
- // made public via RefreshState()
- wiimote_state Internal;
- state_change_flags InternalChanged; // state changes since last RefreshState()
- // periodic status report requests (for battery level and connection loss
- // detection)
- DWORD NextStatusTime;
- DWORD NextMPlusDetectTime;// gap between motion plus detections
- DWORD MPlusDetectCount; // # of detection tries in quick succesion
- // async Hidd_WriteReport() thread
- HANDLE HIDwriteThread;
- std::queue<BYTE*> HIDwriteQueue;
- // fixed-size queue (to eliminate glitches caused by frequent dynamic memory
- // allocations)
- struct hid
- {
- hid () : Queue(NULL), ReadIndex(0), WriteIndex(0) {}
- // Increase the static queue size if you get ASSERTs signalling an
- // overflow (too many reports queued up before being sent by the write
- // thread). These asserts are harmless though if caused as a result of
- // loosing the wiimote connection (eg. battery runs out, or wiimote is
- // unpaired by holding the power button).
- // Note: MAX_QUEUE_ENTRIES _must_ be a power-of-2, as it
- // uses index wraparound optimisations.
- static const unsigned MAX_QUEUE_ENTRIES = 1<<7;
- inline bool IsEmpty() const { return (ReadIndex == WriteIndex); }
- bool Allocate () { // allocate memory (only when needed)
- _ASSERT(!Queue); if(Queue) return true;
- ReadIndex = WriteIndex = 0;
- Queue = new queue_entry[MAX_QUEUE_ENTRIES];
- _ASSERT(Queue); return (Queue != NULL);
- }
- void Deallocate () {
- if(!Queue) return;
- delete[] Queue; Queue = NULL;
- ReadIndex = WriteIndex = 0;
- }
- struct queue_entry
- {
- queue_entry() { memset(Report, 0, sizeof(Report)); }
- } *Queue;
- unsigned ReadIndex, WriteIndex;
- } HID;
- CRITICAL_SECTION HIDwriteQueueLock; // queue must be locked before being modified
- // async rumble
- HANDLE AsyncRumbleThread; // automatically disables rumble if requested
- volatile DWORD AsyncRumbleTimeout;
- // orientation estimation
- unsigned WiimoteNearGUpdates;
- unsigned NunchukNearGUpdates;
- // audio
- HANDLE SampleThread;
- const wiimote_sample* volatile CurrentSample; // otherwise playing square wave
- // state recording
- struct recording
- {
- volatile bool bEnabled;
- state_history *StateHistory;
- volatile DWORD StartTimeMS;
- volatile DWORD EndTimeMS; // can be UNTIL_STOP
- unsigned TriggerFlags; // wiimote changes trigger a state event
- unsigned ExtTriggerFlags;// extension changes "
- } Recording;
- };
-#endif // _WIIMOTE_H \ No newline at end of file