uncertainty estimation
* Add rudimentary test for two functions .. maybe more in future
* Fix the rotation correction from vertical translation
* Move preview class to new files
* Move neural network model adapters to new files
* Add utility functions for opencv
* Query the model inputs/outputs by name to see what is available
* Supports outputs for standard deviation of the data distribution -
What you get if you let your model output the full parameters of a
gaussian distribution (depending on the inputs) and fit it with
negative log likelihood loss.
* Disabled support for sequence models
* Add support for detection of eye open/close classification.
Scale uncertainty estimate up if eyes closed
* Add a deadzone filter which activates if the model supports uncertainty
quantification. The deadzone scales becomes larger the more uncertain
the model/data are. This is mostly supposed to be useful to suppress
large estimate errors when the user blinks with the eyes
* Fix distance being twice of what it should have been