set(opentrack-perms PERMISSIONS WORLD_READ WORLD_EXECUTE OWNER_WRITE OWNER_READ OWNER_EXECUTE GROUP_READ GROUP_EXECUTE) set(new-hier-path "#pragma once #ifndef OPENTRACK_NO_QT_PATH # include # include # define OPENTRACK_BASE_PATH (([]() -> const QString& { \\ const static QString const__path___ = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); \\ return const__path___; \\ })()) #endif #define OPENTRACK_LIBRARY_PATH \"${opentrack-hier-path}\" #define OPENTRACK_DOC_PATH \"${opentrack-hier-doc}\" #define OPENTRACK_CONTRIB_PATH \"${opentrack-hier-doc}contrib/\" #define OPENTRACK_I18N_PATH \"${opentrack-i18n-path}\" ") set(hier-path-filename "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/opentrack-library-path.h") set(orig-hier-path "") if(EXISTS "${hier-path-filename}") file(READ ${hier-path-filename} orig-hier-path) endif() if(NOT (orig-hier-path STREQUAL new-hier-path)) file(WRITE "${hier-path-filename}" "${new-hier-path}") endif() function(otr_glob_sources var) set(dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") file(GLOB ${var}-cc ${dir}/*.cpp ${dir}/*.c) file(GLOB ${var}-hh ${dir}/*.h ${dir}/*.hpp) file(GLOB ${var}-res ${dir}/*.rc) foreach(f ${var}-res) set_source_files_properties(${f} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE RC) endforeach() file(GLOB ${var}-ui ${dir}/*.ui) file(GLOB ${var}-rc ${dir}/*.qrc) set(${var}-all ${${var}-cc} ${${var}-hh} ${${var}-rc} ${${var}-res}) foreach(i ui rc res cc hh all) set(${var}-${i} "${${var}-${i}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endfunction() function(otr_qt n) if(".${${n}-hh}" STREQUAL ".") message(FATAL_ERROR "project ${n} not globbed") endif() qt5_wrap_cpp(${n}-moc ${${n}-hh} OPTIONS --no-notes) qt5_wrap_ui(${n}-uih ${${n}-ui}) qt5_add_resources(${n}-rcc ${${n}-rc}) foreach(i moc uih rcc) set(${n}-${i} "${${n}-${i}}" PARENT_SCOPE) list(APPEND ${n}-all ${${n}-${i}}) endforeach() set(${n}-all "${${n}-all}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(otr_fixup_subsystem n) if(MSVC) set(subsystem WINDOWS) get_property(type TARGET "${n}" PROPERTY TYPE) set(loc "$") if (NOT type STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY") add_custom_command(TARGET "${n}" POST_BUILD COMMAND editbin -nologo -SUBSYSTEM:${subsystem},5.01 -OSVERSION:5.1 \"${loc}\") endif() endif() endfunction() function(otr_compat target) if(NOT MSVC) otr_prop(SOURCE ${${target}-moc} COMPILE_FLAGS "-w -Wno-error") endif() if(WIN32) target_link_libraries(${target} dinput8 dxguid strmiids) endif() otr_fixup_subsystem(${target}) set(c-props) set(l-props) get_property(linker-lang TARGET ${target} PROPERTY LINKER_LANGUAGE) if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) set(c-props " -fvisibility=hidden") if(NOT is-c-only) if(NOT WIN32 OR NOT ".${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL ".Clang") set(c-props "${c-props} -fuse-cxa-atexit") endif() endif() endif() if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND NOT APPLE) set(l-props "-Wl,--as-needed") endif() otr_prop(TARGET ${target} COMPILE_FLAGS "${c-props} ${arg_COMPILE}" LINK_FLAGS "${l-props} ${arg_LINK}") endfunction() include(CMakeParseArguments) function(otr_install_pdb_current_project target) if(MSVC) install(FILES "$" DESTINATION "${opentrack-hier-debug}" ${opentrack-perms}) endif() endfunction() function(otr_i18n_for_target_directory n) set(k "opentrack-${n}") foreach(i ${opentrack_all-translations}) set(t "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lang/${i}.ts") if(NOT opentrack_disable-i18n-update) add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${t}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lang" COMMAND "${Qt5_DIR}/../../../bin/lupdate" -silent -recursive -no-obsolete -locations relative . -ts "${t}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" DEPENDS ${${k}-cc} ${${k}-hh} ${${k}-ui} ${${k}-rc} COMMENT "Running lupdate for ${n}/${i}") set(target-name "i18n-lang-${i}-module-${n}") add_custom_target(${target-name} DEPENDS "${t}") endif() set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY "opentrack-ts-files-${i}" "${t}") endforeach() endfunction() function(otr_module n_) message(STATUS "module ${n_}") cmake_parse_arguments(arg "STATIC;NO-COMPAT;BIN;EXECUTABLE;NO-QT;WIN32-CONSOLE;NO-INSTALL;RELINK" "LINK;COMPILE" "SOURCES" ${ARGN} ) if(NOT "${arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "otr_module bad formals: ${arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}") endif() set(n "opentrack-${n_}") otr_glob_sources(${n}) list(APPEND ${n}-all ${arg_SOURCES}) if(NOT arg_NO-QT) otr_qt(${n}) else() set(arg_NO-COMPAT TRUE) endif() if(NOT WIN32) set(subsys "") elseif(arg_WIN32-CONSOLE) set(subsys "") else() set(subsys "WIN32") endif() if(arg_EXECUTABLE) add_executable(${n} ${subsys} "${${n}-all}") else() set(link-mode SHARED) if (arg_STATIC) set(link-mode STATIC) endif() add_library(${n} ${link-mode} "${${n}-all}") endif() set_property(SOURCE ${${n}-moc} ${${n}-uih} ${${n}-rcc} PROPERTY GENERATED TRUE) if(NOT arg_RELINK) set_property(TARGET ${n} PROPERTY LINK_DEPENDS_NO_SHARED TRUE) else() set_property(TARGET ${n} PROPERTY LINK_DEPENDS_NO_SHARED FALSE) endif() if(NOT arg_NO-QT) target_link_libraries(${n} ${MY_QT_LIBS}) endif() if(NOT arg_NO-COMPAT) target_link_libraries(${n} opentrack-api opentrack-options opentrack-compat) endif() string(REPLACE "-" "_" build-n ${n_}) string(TOUPPER "${build-n}" build-n) set_property(TARGET ${n} PROPERTY DEFINE_SYMBOL "BUILD_${build-n}") if(arg_STATIC) set(arg_NO-INSTALL TRUE) endif() if(NOT arg_NO-INSTALL) if(arg_BIN AND WIN32) install(TARGETS "${n}" RUNTIME DESTINATION . ${opentrack-perms}) else() install(TARGETS "${n}" ${opentrack-hier-str} ${opentrack-perms}) endif() set(opentrack_install-debug-info FALSE CACHE BOOL "Whether to build and install debug info at install time") if(opentrack_install-debug-info) otr_install_pdb_current_project(${n}) endif() endif() otr_compat(${n}) otr_i18n_for_target_directory(${n_}) set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY opentrack-all-modules "${n}") set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY opentrack-all-source-dirs "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") endfunction() function(otr_prop type) set(files "") set(opts ${ARGN}) # only SOURCE allows for multiple files if(".${type}" STREQUAL ".SOURCE") while(TRUE) # keep popping first element off `opts' and adding to `files` list(LENGTH opts len) if(NOT "${len}" GREATER 0) break() endif() list(GET opts 0 k) string(FIND "${k}" "." idx1) string(FIND "${k}" "/" idx2) if("${idx1}" GREATER -1 AND "${idx2}" GREATER -1) list(REMOVE_AT opts 0) list(APPEND files "${k}") else() # not a pathname break() endif() endwhile() # no files, break early # happens a few in the codebase list(LENGTH files len) if(len EQUAL 0) return() endif() else() # single file argument set(opts "${ARGN}") list(GET opts 0 files) list(REMOVE_AT opts 0) endif() # must pass some properties at least list(LENGTH opts len) if(NOT "${len}" GREATER 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "no properties given") endif() # prop name but no value list(LENGTH opts len) math(EXPR mod "${len} % 2") if(NOT "${mod}" EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "must specify parameter for each property") endif() foreach(f ${files}) set(opts-copy "${opts}") while(TRUE) list(LENGTH opts-copy len) if ("${len}" LESS 2) break() endif() # pop off two elements, set property list(GET opts-copy 0 name) list(GET opts-copy 1 value) list(REMOVE_AT opts-copy 1 0) get_property(old "${type}" "${f}" PROPERTY "${name}") if(".${old}" STREQUAL ".") set(spc "") else() set(spc " ") endif() set_property("${type}" "${f}" APPEND_STRING PROPERTY "${name}" "${spc}${value}") endwhile() endforeach() endfunction()