/* Copyright (c) 2013 Stanislaw Halik * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. */ #include "shm.h" #if defined(_WIN32) #include #include #include #include #if !defined __WINE__ # include #endif struct secattr final { bool success; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR* pSD; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES attrs; PSID pEveryoneSID; PACL pACL; void cleanup(); secattr(DWORD perms); ~secattr(); }; shm_wrapper::shm_wrapper(const char* shm_name, const char* mutex_name, int map_size) { secattr sa(GENERIC_ALL|SYNCHRONIZE); if (mutex_name == nullptr) mutex = nullptr; else { mutex = CreateMutexA(sa.success ? &sa.attrs : nullptr, false, mutex_name); if (!mutex) { #if !defined __WINE__ qDebug() << "CreateMutexA:" << (int) GetLastError(); #endif return; } } mapped_file = CreateFileMappingA( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, sa.success ? &sa.attrs : nullptr, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, map_size, shm_name); if (!mapped_file) { #if !defined __WINE__ qDebug() << "CreateFileMappingA:", (int) GetLastError(); #endif return; } mem = MapViewOfFile(mapped_file, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, map_size); if (!mem) { #if !defined __WINE__ qDebug() << "MapViewOfFile:" << (int) GetLastError(); #endif } } shm_wrapper::~shm_wrapper() { if(!UnmapViewOfFile(mem)) goto fail; if (!CloseHandle(mapped_file)) goto fail; if (mutex && !CloseHandle(mutex)) goto fail; return; fail: (void)0; #if !defined __WINE__ qDebug() << "failed to close mapping"; #endif } bool shm_wrapper::lock() { if (mutex) return WaitForSingleObject(mutex, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0; else return false; } bool shm_wrapper::unlock() { if (mutex) return ReleaseMutex(mutex); else return false; } #else #include #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-result" shm_wrapper::shm_wrapper(const char *shm_name, const char* /*mutex_name*/, int map_size) : size(map_size) { char filename[PATH_MAX+2] {}; strcpy(filename, "/"); strcat(filename, shm_name); fd = shm_open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0600); (void) ftruncate(fd, map_size); mem = mmap(NULL, map_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, (off_t)0); } shm_wrapper::~shm_wrapper() { (void) munmap(mem, size); (void) close(fd); } bool shm_wrapper::lock() { return flock(fd, LOCK_EX) == 0; } bool shm_wrapper::unlock() { return flock(fd, LOCK_UN) == 0; } #endif bool shm_wrapper::success() { #ifndef _WIN32 return mem != (void*) -1; #else return mem != NULL; #endif } void secattr::cleanup() { if (pEveryoneSID) FreeSid(pEveryoneSID); if (pACL) LocalFree(pACL); if (pSD) LocalFree(pSD); success = false; pSD = nullptr; pEveryoneSID = nullptr; pACL = nullptr; } secattr::secattr(DWORD perms) : success(true), pSD(nullptr), pEveryoneSID(nullptr), pACL(nullptr) { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SIDAuthWorld = SECURITY_WORLD_SID_AUTHORITY; EXPLICIT_ACCESS ea; if(!AllocateAndInitializeSid(&SIDAuthWorld, 1, SECURITY_WORLD_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pEveryoneSID)) { fprintf(stderr, "AllocateAndInitializeSid: %d\n", (int) GetLastError()); goto cleanup; } memset(&ea, 0, sizeof(ea)); ea.grfAccessPermissions = perms; ea.grfAccessMode = SET_ACCESS; ea.grfInheritance = NO_INHERITANCE; ea.Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_SID; ea.Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_WELL_KNOWN_GROUP; ea.Trustee.ptstrName = (LPTSTR) pEveryoneSID; if (SetEntriesInAcl(1, &ea, NULL, &pACL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "SetEntriesInAcl: %d\n", (int) GetLastError()); goto cleanup; } pSD = (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR*) LocalAlloc(LPTR, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH); if (pSD == nullptr) { fprintf(stderr, "LocalAlloc: %d\n", (int) GetLastError()); goto cleanup; } if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor(pSD, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) { fprintf(stderr, "InitializeSecurityDescriptor: %d\n", (int) GetLastError()); goto cleanup; } if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pSD, TRUE, pACL, FALSE)) { fprintf(stderr, "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl: %d\n", (int) GetLastError()); goto cleanup; } attrs.bInheritHandle = false; attrs.lpSecurityDescriptor = pSD; attrs.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); return; cleanup: cleanup(); } secattr::~secattr() { cleanup(); }