#pragma once

// changelog:
// 110: initial BMS 4.33 version
// 111: added SysTest to LightBits3
// 112: added MCAnnounced to LightBits3
// 113: added AllLampBits2OnExceptCarapace to LightBits2 and AllLampBits3OnExceptCarapace to LightBits3
// 114: renamed WOW LightBit to ONGROUND, added "real" (AFM) WOW to LightBits3
// 115: renamed "real" WOW in MLGWOW, added NLGWOW
// 116: bitfields are now unsigned instead of signed
// 117: added ATF_Not_Engaged to LightBits3

// *** "FalconSharedMemoryArea" ***
struct FlightData
    // The lightbits contain status about whether a lamp is activated or deactivated. A *blinking* lamp
    // is always activated, even if it is in the "off" phase of the blinking! To check whether an activated
    // lamp is blinking or just "on", use the BlinkBits in FlightData2. A blinkbit does NOT alternate on/off
    // either, it will just state *if* a lamp is blinking. This construct might seem strange at 1st sight,
    // but only like this it can be guaranteed that even low-freq shared mem readers will pick up the info
    // about blinking lamps correctly. Obviously, it is up to the external program to implement the actual
    // blinking logic/freq etc.
    // Summary:
    // a) The LightBit says "lamp is active (LightBit 1) or inactive (LightBit 0)".
    // b) The BlinkBit says "if the lamp is active (see LightBit 1), is it steady (BlinkBit 0)
    //    or is it blinking (BlinkBit 1)"
    // c) If a lamp has no BlinkBit, it is always assumed to be steady if active (LightBit 1).

    enum LightBits : unsigned
        MasterCaution = 0x1,  // Left eyebrow

        // Brow Lights
        TF        = 0x2,   // Left eyebrow
        OXY_BROW  = 0x4,   // repurposed for eyebrow OXY LOW (was OBS, unused)
        EQUIP_HOT = 0x8,   // Caution light; repurposed for cooling fault (was: not used)
        ONGROUND  = 0x10,  // True if on ground: this is not a lamp bit!
        ENG_FIRE  = 0x20,  // Right eyebrow; upper half of split face lamp
        CONFIG    = 0x40,  // Stores config, caution panel
        HYD       = 0x80,  // Right eyebrow; see also OIL (this lamp is not split face)
        Flcs_ABCD = 0x100, // TEST panel FLCS channel lamps; repurposed, was OIL (see HYD; that lamp is not split face)
        FLCS      = 0x200, // Right eyebrow; was called DUAL which matches block 25, 30/32 and older 40/42
        CAN       = 0x400, // Right eyebrow
        T_L_CFG   = 0x800, // Right eyebrow

        // AOA Indexers
        AOAAbove  = 0x1000,
        AOAOn     = 0x2000,
        AOABelow  = 0x4000,

        // Refuel/NWS
        RefuelRDY = 0x8000,
        RefuelAR  = 0x10000,
        RefuelDSC = 0x20000,

        // Caution Lights
        FltControlSys = 0x40000,
        LEFlaps       = 0x80000,
        EngineFault   = 0x100000,
        Overheat      = 0x200000,
        FuelLow       = 0x400000,
        Avionics      = 0x800000,
        RadarAlt      = 0x1000000,
        IFF           = 0x2000000,
        ECM           = 0x4000000,
        Hook          = 0x8000000,
        NWSFail       = 0x10000000,
        CabinPress    = 0x20000000,

        AutoPilotOn   = 0x40000000,  // TRUE if is AP on.  NB: This is not a lamp bit!
        TFR_STBY      = 0x80000000,  // MISC panel; lower half of split face TFR lamp

        // Used with the MAL/IND light code to light up "everything"
        // please update this if you add/change bits!
        AllLampBitsOn     = 0xBFFFFFEF

    enum LightBits2 : unsigned
        // Threat Warning Prime
        HandOff = 0x1,
        Launch  = 0x2,
        PriMode = 0x4,
        Naval   = 0x8,
        Unk     = 0x10,
        TgtSep  = 0x20,

        // EWS
        Go		= 0x40,		// On and operating normally
        NoGo    = 0x80,     // On but malfunction present
        Degr    = 0x100,    // Status message: AUTO DEGR
        Rdy     = 0x200,    // Status message: DISPENSE RDY
        ChaffLo = 0x400,    // Bingo chaff quantity reached
        FlareLo = 0x800,    // Bingo flare quantity reached

        // Aux Threat Warning
        AuxSrch = 0x1000,
        AuxAct  = 0x2000,
        AuxLow  = 0x4000,
        AuxPwr  = 0x8000,

        // ECM
        EcmPwr  = 0x10000,
        EcmFail = 0x20000,

        // Caution Lights
        FwdFuelLow = 0x40000,
        AftFuelLow = 0x80000,

        EPUOn      = 0x100000,  // EPU panel; run light
        JFSOn      = 0x200000,  // Eng Jet Start panel; run light

        // Caution panel
        SEC          = 0x400000,
        OXY_LOW      = 0x800000,
        PROBEHEAT    = 0x1000000,
        SEAT_ARM     = 0x2000000,
        BUC          = 0x4000000,
        FUEL_OIL_HOT = 0x8000000,
        ANTI_SKID    = 0x10000000,

        TFR_ENGAGED  = 0x20000000,  // MISC panel; upper half of split face TFR lamp
        GEARHANDLE   = 0x40000000,  // Lamp in gear handle lights on fault or gear in motion
        ENGINE       = 0x80000000,  // Lower half of right eyebrow ENG FIRE/ENGINE lamp

        // Used with the MAL/IND light code to light up "everything"
        // please update this if you add/change bits!
        AllLampBits2On = 0xFFFFF03F,
        AllLampBits2OnExceptCarapace = AllLampBits2On ^ HandOff ^ Launch ^ PriMode ^ Naval ^ Unk ^ TgtSep ^ AuxSrch ^ AuxAct ^ AuxLow ^ AuxPwr

    enum LightBits3 : unsigned
        // Elec panel
        FlcsPmg = 0x1,
        MainGen = 0x2,
        StbyGen = 0x4,
        EpuGen  = 0x8,
        EpuPmg  = 0x10,
        ToFlcs  = 0x20,
        FlcsRly = 0x40,
        BatFail = 0x80,

        // EPU panel
        Hydrazine = 0x100,
        Air       = 0x200,

        // Caution panel
        Elec_Fault = 0x400,
        Lef_Fault  = 0x800,

        OnGround	  = 0x1000,   // weight-on-wheels
        FlcsBitRun    = 0x2000,   // FLT CONTROL panel RUN light (used to be Multi-engine fire light)
        FlcsBitFail   = 0x4000,   // FLT CONTROL panel FAIL light (used to be Lock light Cue; non-F-16)
        DbuWarn       = 0x8000,   // Right eyebrow DBU ON cell; was Shoot light cue; non-F16
        NoseGearDown  = 0x10000,  // Landing gear panel; on means down and locked
        LeftGearDown  = 0x20000,  // Landing gear panel; on means down and locked
        RightGearDown = 0x40000,  // Landing gear panel; on means down and locked
        ParkBrakeOn   = 0x100000, // Parking brake engaged; NOTE: not a lamp bit
        Power_Off     = 0x200000, // Set if there is no electrical power.  NB: not a lamp bit

        // Caution panel
        cadc	= 0x400000,

        // Left Aux console
        SpeedBrake = 0x800000,  // True if speed brake is in anything other than stowed position

        // Threat Warning Prime - additional bits
        SysTest  = 0x1000000,

        // Master Caution WILL come up (actual lightBit has 3sec delay like in RL),
        // usable for cockpit builders with RL equipment which has a delay on its own.
        // Will be set to false again as soon as the MasterCaution bit is set.
        MCAnnounced = 0x2000000,

        //MLGWOW is only for AFM , it means WOW switches on MLG are triggered => FLCS switches to WOWPitchRockGain
        MLGWOW = 0x4000000,
        NLGWOW = 0x8000000,

        ATF_Not_Engaged = 0x10000000,

        // Free bits in LightBits3

        // Used with the MAL/IND light code to light up "everything"
        // please update this if you add/change bits!
        AllLampBits3On = 0x1147EFFF,
        AllLampBits3OnExceptCarapace = AllLampBits3On ^ SysTest

    enum HsiBits : unsigned
        ToTrue        = 0x01,    // HSI_FLAG_TO_TRUE == 1, TO
        IlsWarning    = 0x02,    // HSI_FLAG_ILS_WARN
        CourseWarning = 0x04,    // HSI_FLAG_CRS_WARN
        Init          = 0x08,    // HSI_FLAG_INIT
        TotalFlags    = 0x10,    // HSI_FLAG_TOTAL_FLAGS; never set
        ADI_OFF       = 0x20,    // ADI OFF Flag
        ADI_AUX       = 0x40,    // ADI AUX Flag
        ADI_GS        = 0x80,    // ADI GS FLAG
        ADI_LOC       = 0x100,   // ADI LOC FLAG
        HSI_OFF       = 0x200,   // HSI OFF Flag
        BUP_ADI_OFF   = 0x400,   // Backup ADI Off Flag
        VVI           = 0x800,   // VVI OFF Flag
        AOA           = 0x1000,  // AOA OFF Flag
        AVTR          = 0x2000,  // AVTR Light
        OuterMarker   = 0x4000,  // MARKER beacon light for outer marker
        MiddleMarker  = 0x8000,  // MARKER beacon light for middle marker
        FromTrue      = 0x10000, // HSI_FLAG_TO_TRUE == 2, FROM

        Flying		  = 0x80000000, // true if player is attached to an aircraft (i.e. not in UI state).  NOTE: Not a lamp bit

        // Used with the MAL/IND light code to light up "everything"
        // please update this is you add/change bits!
        AllLampHsiBitsOn = 0xE000

    // These are outputs from the sim
    // Note: some two-engine values removed in this version for compatibility
    // reasons.
    float x;            // Ownship North (Ft)
    float y;            // Ownship East (Ft)
    float z;            // Ownship Down (Ft) --- NOTE: use FlightData2 AAUZ for barometric altitude!
    float xDot;         // Ownship North Rate (ft/sec)
    float yDot;         // Ownship East Rate (ft/sec)
    float zDot;         // Ownship Down Rate (ft/sec)
    float alpha;        // Ownship AOA (Degrees)
    float beta;         // Ownship Beta (Degrees)
    float gamma;        // Ownship Gamma (Radians)
    float pitch;        // Ownship Pitch (Radians)
    float roll;         // Ownship Pitch (Radians)
    float yaw;          // Ownship Pitch (Radians)
    float mach;         // Ownship Mach number
    float kias;         // Ownship Indicated Airspeed (Knots)
    float vt;           // Ownship True Airspeed (Ft/Sec)
    float gs;           // Ownship Normal Gs
    float windOffset;   // Wind delta to FPM (Radians)
    float nozzlePos;    // Ownship engine nozzle percent open (0-100)
    //float nozzlePos2;   // MOVED TO FlightData2! Ownship engine nozzle2 percent open (0-100)
    float internalFuel; // Ownship internal fuel (Lbs)
    float externalFuel; // Ownship external fuel (Lbs)
    float fuelFlow;     // Ownship fuel flow (Lbs/Hour)
    float rpm;          // Ownship engine rpm (Percent 0-103)
    //float rpm2;         // MOVED TO FlightData2! Ownship engine rpm2 (Percent 0-103)
    float ftit;         // Ownship Forward Turbine Inlet Temp (Degrees C)
    //float ftit2;        // MOVED TO FlightData2! Ownship Forward Turbine Inlet Temp2 (Degrees C)
    float gearPos;      // Ownship Gear position 0 = up, 1 = down;
    float speedBrake;   // Ownship speed brake position 0 = closed, 1 = 60 Degrees open
    float epuFuel;      // Ownship EPU fuel (Percent 0-100)
    float oilPressure;  // Ownship Oil Pressure (Percent 0-100)
    //float oilPressure2; // MOVED TO FlightData2! Ownship Oil Pressure2 (Percent 0-100)
    unsigned int   lightBits;    // Cockpit Indicator Lights, one bit per bulb. See enum

    // These are inputs. Use them carefully
    // NB: these do not work when TrackIR device is enabled
    // NB2: launch falcon with the '-head' command line parameter to activate !
    float headPitch;    // Head pitch offset from design eye (radians)
    float headRoll;     // Head roll offset from design eye (radians)
    float headYaw;      // Head yaw offset from design eye (radians)

    // new lights
    unsigned int   lightBits2;   // Cockpit Indicator Lights, one bit per bulb. See enum
    unsigned int   lightBits3;   // Cockpit Indicator Lights, one bit per bulb. See enum

    // chaff/flare
    float ChaffCount;   // Number of Chaff left
    float FlareCount;   // Number of Flare left

    // landing gear
    float NoseGearPos;  // Position of the nose landinggear; caution: full down values defined in dat files
    float LeftGearPos;  // Position of the left landinggear; caution: full down values defined in dat files
    float RightGearPos; // Position of the right landinggear; caution: full down values defined in dat files

    // ADI values
    float AdiIlsHorPos; // Position of horizontal ILS bar
    float AdiIlsVerPos; // Position of vertical ILS bar

    // HSI states
    int courseState;    // HSI_STA_CRS_STATE
    int headingState;   // HSI_STA_HDG_STATE
    int totalStates;    // HSI_STA_TOTAL_STATES; never set

    // HSI values
    float courseDeviation;     // HSI_VAL_CRS_DEVIATION
    float desiredCourse;       // HSI_VAL_DESIRED_CRS
    float distanceToBeacon;    // HSI_VAL_DISTANCE_TO_BEACON
    float bearingToBeacon;     // HSI_VAL_BEARING_TO_BEACON
    float currentHeading;      // HSI_VAL_CURRENT_HEADING
    float desiredHeading;      // HSI_VAL_DESIRED_HEADING
    float deviationLimit;      // HSI_VAL_DEV_LIMIT
    float halfDeviationLimit;  // HSI_VAL_HALF_DEV_LIMIT
    float localizerCourse;     // HSI_VAL_LOCALIZER_CRS
    float airbaseX;            // HSI_VAL_AIRBASE_X
    float airbaseY;            // HSI_VAL_AIRBASE_Y
    float totalValues;         // HSI_VAL_TOTAL_VALUES; never set

    float TrimPitch;  // Value of trim in pitch axis, -0.5 to +0.5
    float TrimRoll;   // Value of trim in roll axis, -0.5 to +0.5
    float TrimYaw;    // Value of trim in yaw axis, -0.5 to +0.5

    // HSI flags
    unsigned int hsiBits;      // HSI flags

    //DED Lines
    char DEDLines[5][26];  //25 usable chars
    char Invert[5][26];    //25 usable chars

    //PFL Lines
    char PFLLines[5][26];  //25 usable chars
    char PFLInvert[5][26]; //25 usable chars

    int UFCTChan, AUXTChan;

    // RWR
    int           RwrObjectCount;
    int           RWRsymbol[40];
    float         bearing[40];
    unsigned long missileActivity[40];
    unsigned long missileLaunch[40];
    unsigned long selected[40];
    float         lethality[40];
    unsigned long newDetection[40];

    //fuel values
    float fwd, aft, total;

    void SetLightBit (unsigned int newBit) {lightBits |= newBit;};
    void ClearLightBit(unsigned int newBit) { lightBits &= ~newBit; };
    bool IsSet(unsigned int newBit) { return ((lightBits & newBit) != 0); };

    void SetLightBit2(unsigned int newBit) { lightBits2 |= newBit; };
    void ClearLightBit2(unsigned int newBit) { lightBits2 &= ~newBit; };
    bool IsSet2(unsigned int newBit) { return ((lightBits2 & newBit) != 0); };

    void SetLightBit3(unsigned int newBit) { lightBits3 |= newBit; };
    void ClearLightBit3(unsigned int newBit) { lightBits3 &= ~newBit; };
    bool IsSet3(unsigned int newBit) { return ((lightBits3 & newBit) != 0); };

    void SetHsiBit(unsigned int newBit) { hsiBits |= newBit; };
    void ClearHsiBit(unsigned int newBit) { hsiBits &= ~newBit; };
    bool IsSetHsi(unsigned int newBit) { return ((hsiBits & newBit) != 0); };

    int VersionNum;    // Version of FlightData mem area

    // New values added here for header file compatibility but not implemented
    // in this version of the code at present.
    float headX;       // Head X offset from design eye (feet)
    float headY;       // Head Y offset from design eye (feet)
    float headZ;       // Head Z offset from design eye (feet)

    int MainPower;     // Main Power switch state, 0=down, 1=middle, 2=up

// OSB capture for MFD button labeling

#define OSB_STRING_LENGTH 8  // currently strings appear to be max 7 printing chars

struct OsbLabel {
    char line1[OSB_STRING_LENGTH];
    char line2[OSB_STRING_LENGTH];
    bool inverted;

// *** "FalconSharedOsbMemoryArea" ***
struct OSBData
    OsbLabel leftMFD[20];
    OsbLabel rightMFD[20];

// changelog:
// 1: initial BMS 4.33 version
// 2: added AltCalReading, altBits, BupUhfPreset, powerBits, blinkBits, cmdsMode
// 3: added VersionNum, hydPressureA/B, cabinAlt, BupUhfFreq, currentTime, vehicleACD
// 4: added fuelflow2
// 5: added RwrInfo, lefPos, tefPos
// 6: added vtolPos
// 7: bit fields are now unsigned instead of signed
// 8: increased RwrInfo size to 512
// 9: added human pilot names and their status in a session

// do NOT change these w/o crosschecking the BMS code
#define RWRINFO_SIZE 512
#define CALLSIGN_LEN 12
#define MAX_CALLSIGNS 32

// *** "FalconSharedMemoryArea2" ***
struct FlightData2
    // TACAN
    enum TacanSources : unsigned
        UFC = 0,
        AUX = 1,
        NUMBER_OF_SOURCES = 2,
    enum TacanBits : unsigned
        band = 0x01,   // true in this bit position if band is X
        mode = 0x02,   // true in this bit position if domain is air to air

    enum AltBits : unsigned
        CalType  = 0x01,	// true if calibration in inches of Mercury (Hg), false if in hectoPascal (hPa)
        PneuFlag = 0x02,	// true if PNEU flag is visible

    // POWER
    enum PowerBits : unsigned
        BusPowerBattery      = 0x01,	// true if at least the battery bus is powered
        BusPowerEmergency    = 0x02,	// true if at least the emergency bus is powered
        BusPowerEssential    = 0x04,	// true if at least the essential bus is powered
        BusPowerNonEssential = 0x08,	// true if at least the non-essential bus is powered
        MainGenerator        = 0x10,	// true if the main generator is online
        StandbyGenerator     = 0x20,	// true if the standby generator is online
        JetFuelStarter       = 0x40,	// true if JFS is running, can be used for magswitch

    // BLINKING LIGHTS - only indicating *IF* a lamp is blinking, not implementing the actual on/off/blinking pattern logic!
    enum BlinkBits : unsigned
        // currently working
        OuterMarker  = 0x01,	// defined in HsiBits    - slow flashing for outer marker
        MiddleMarker = 0x02,	// defined in HsiBits    - fast flashing for middle marker
        PROBEHEAT    = 0x04,	// defined in LightBits2 - probeheat system is tested
        AuxSrch      = 0x08,	// defined in LightBits2 - search function in NOT activated and a search radar is painting ownship
        Launch       = 0x10,	// defined in LightBits2 - missile is fired at ownship
        PriMode      = 0x20,	// defined in LightBits2 - priority mode is enabled but more than 5 threat emitters are detected
        Unk          = 0x40,	// defined in LightBits2 - unknown is not active but EWS detects unknown radar

        // not working yet, defined for future use
        Elec_Fault   = 0x80,	// defined in LightBits3 - non-resetting fault
        OXY_BROW     = 0x100,	// defined in LightBits  - monitor fault during Obogs
        EPUOn        = 0x200,	// defined in LightBits3 - abnormal EPU operation
        JFSOn_Slow   = 0x400,	// defined in LightBits3 - slow blinking: non-critical failure
        JFSOn_Fast   = 0x800,	// defined in LightBits3 - fast blinking: critical failure

    // CMDS mode state
    enum CmdsModes : unsigned
        CmdsOFF  = 0,
        CmdsSTBY = 1,
        CmdsMAN  = 2,
        CmdsSEMI = 3,
        CmdsAUTO = 4,
        CmdsBYP  = 5,

    // HSI/eHSI mode state
    enum NavModes : unsigned
        ILS_TACAN   = 0,
        TACAN       = 1,
        NAV         = 2,
        ILS_NAV     = 3,

    // human pilot state
    enum FlyStates : unsigned
        IN_UI   = 0, // UI      - in the UI
        LOADING = 1, // UI>3D   - loading the sim data
        WAITING = 2, // UI>3D   - waiting for other players
        FLYING  = 3, // 3D      - flying
        DEAD    = 4, // 3D>Dead - dead, waiting to respawn
        UNKNOWN = 5, // ???

    // VERSION 1
    float nozzlePos2;       // Ownship engine nozzle2 percent open (0-100)
    float rpm2;             // Ownship engine rpm2 (Percent 0-103)
    float ftit2;            // Ownship Forward Turbine Inlet Temp2 (Degrees C)
    float oilPressure2;     // Ownship Oil Pressure2 (Percent 0-100)
    unsigned char navMode;  // current mode selected for HSI/eHSI, see NavModes enum for details
    float AAUZ;             // Ownship barometric altitude given by AAU (depends on calibration)
    char tacanInfo[NUMBER_OF_SOURCES]; // Tacan band/mode settings for UFC and AUX COMM

    // VERSION 2 / 7
    int AltCalReading;	// barometric altitude calibration (depends on CalType)
    unsigned int altBits;		// various altimeter bits, see AltBits enum for details
    unsigned int powerBits;		// Ownship power bus / generator states, see PowerBits enum for details
    unsigned int blinkBits;		// Cockpit indicator lights blink status, see BlinkBits enum for details
    // NOTE: these bits indicate only *if* a lamp is blinking, in addition to the
    // existing on/off bits. It's up to the external program to implement the
    // *actual* blinking.
    int cmdsMode;		// Ownship CMDS mode state, see CmdsModes enum for details
    int BupUhfPreset;	// BUP UHF channel preset

    // VERSION 3
    int BupUhfFreq;		// BUP UHF channel frequency
    float cabinAlt;		// Ownship cabin altitude
    float hydPressureA;	// Ownship Hydraulic Pressure A
    float hydPressureB;	// Ownship Hydraulic Pressure B
    int currentTime;	// Current time in seconds (max 60 * 60 * 24)
    short vehicleACD;	// Ownship ACD index number, i.e. which aircraft type are we flying.
    int VersionNum;		// Version of FlightData2 mem area

    // VERSION 4
    float fuelFlow2;    // Ownship fuel flow2 (Lbs/Hour)

    // VERSION 5 / 8
    char RwrInfo[RWRINFO_SIZE]; // New RWR Info
    float lefPos;               // Ownship LEF position
    float tefPos;               // Ownship TEF position

    // VERSION 6
    float vtolPos;      // Ownship VTOL exhaust angle

    // VERSION 9
    char pilotsOnline;                                // Number of pilots in an MP session
    char pilotsCallsign[MAX_CALLSIGNS][CALLSIGN_LEN]; // List of pilots callsign connected to an MP session
    char pilotsStatus[MAX_CALLSIGNS];                 // Status of the MP pilots, see enum FlyStates

    // TACAN
    // setters for internal use only
    void SetUfcTacanToAA(bool t) { if (t) { tacanInfo[UFC] |= mode; } else { tacanInfo[UFC] &= ~mode; } }
    void SetAuxTacanToAA(bool t) { if (t) { tacanInfo[AUX] |= mode; } else { tacanInfo[AUX] &= ~mode; } }
    void SetUfcTacanToX(bool t)  { if (t) { tacanInfo[UFC] |= band; } else { tacanInfo[UFC] &= ~band; } }
    void SetAuxTacanToX(bool t)  { if (t) { tacanInfo[AUX] |= band; } else { tacanInfo[AUX] &= ~band; } }

    // getters for external reader programs
    bool UfcTacanIsAA(void) {return ((tacanInfo[UFC] & mode) != 0); }
    bool AuxTacanIsAA(void) {return ((tacanInfo[AUX] & mode) != 0); }
    bool UfcTacanIsX(void)  {return ((tacanInfo[UFC] & band) != 0); }
    bool AuxTacanIsX(void)  {return ((tacanInfo[AUX] & band) != 0); }

    void SetAltBit(unsigned int newBit) { altBits |= newBit; };
    void ClearAltBit(unsigned int newBit) { altBits &= ~newBit; };
    bool IsSetAlt(unsigned int newBit) { return ((altBits & newBit) != 0); };

    // POWER
    void SetPowerBit(unsigned int newBit) { powerBits |= newBit; };
    void ClearPowerBit(unsigned int newBit) { powerBits &= ~newBit; };
    bool IsSetPower(unsigned int newBit) { return ((powerBits & newBit) != 0); };

    void SetBlinkBit(unsigned int newBit) { blinkBits |= newBit; };
    void ClearBlinkBit(unsigned int newBit) { blinkBits &= ~newBit; };
    bool IsSetBlink(unsigned int newBit) { return ((blinkBits & newBit) != 0); };

    // CMDS mode state
    void SetCmdsMode(int newMode) {cmdsMode = newMode;};
    int  GetCmdsMode(void) {return cmdsMode;};

    // HSI/eHSI mode state
    void SetNavMode(int newMode) {navMode = newMode;};
    int  GetNavMode(void) {return navMode;};

#if 0
extern OSBData cockpitOSBData;         // "FalconSharedOsbMemoryArea"
extern FlightData cockpitFlightData;   // "FalconSharedMemoryArea"
extern FlightData2 cockpitFlightData2; // "FalconSharedMemoryArea2"