UICdialog_nmDialog°/smm/sResponsiveness反应10.0Drift speeds漂移速度50100Natural movement filter by Tom Brazier: Cancels higher frequency noise and the natural tendency for our heads to drift even when we think we are sitting still.Natural movement filter by Tom Brazier: 过滤高频噪声与我们头部的自然飘移, 即便我们认为我们保持不动.Rotation旋转Position位置Instructions: Set all sliders to minimum. Then for each of rotation and position: First, increase responsiveness until the filter only just cancels jerkiness for faster head movements. Second, increase drift speed until the filter only just cancels drift movement when your head is still.先将所有滑块最小化. 然后, 对于每个旋转和位置: 首先提高响应能力,直到过滤器只是刚好消除抖动(以获得更快的头部运动); 其次,增加漂移速度,直到过滤器只是在头部静止时刚好消除漂移. nmDllNaturalMovement