/* Copyright: "i couldn't care less what anyone does with the 5 lines of code i wrote" - mm0zct */ #include "ftnoir_tracker_hydra.h" #include <QDebug> #include "facetracknoir/plugin-support.h" void FTNoIR_TrackerDll::getFullName(QString *strToBeFilled) { *strToBeFilled = "Hydra"; } void FTNoIR_TrackerDll::getShortName(QString *strToBeFilled) { *strToBeFilled = "Hydra"; } void FTNoIR_TrackerDll::getDescription(QString *strToBeFilled) { *strToBeFilled = "Hydra"; } void FTNoIR_TrackerDll::getIcon(QIcon *icon) { *icon = QIcon(":/images/facetracknoir.png"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Factory function that creates instances if the Tracker object. // Export both decorated and undecorated names. // GetTrackerDll - Undecorated name, which can be easily used with GetProcAddress // Win32 API function. // _GetTrackerDll@0 - Common name decoration for __stdcall functions in C language. //#pragma comment(linker, "/export:GetTrackerDll=_GetTrackerDll@0") extern "C" FTNOIR_TRACKER_BASE_EXPORT Metadata* CALLING_CONVENTION GetMetadata() { return new FTNoIR_TrackerDll; }