/* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Stanislaw Halik * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. */ #pragma once #include <memory> #include <tuple> #include <map> #include <string> #include <QObject> #include <QSettings> #include <QString> #include <QVariant> #include <QMutex> #include <QMutexLocker> #include <QWidget> #include <QComboBox> #include <QCheckBox> #include <QDoubleSpinBox> #include <QSpinBox> #include <QSlider> #include <QLineEdit> #include <QLabel> #include <QTabWidget> #include <QCoreApplication> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QDir> #include <cinttypes> #include <QDebug> #include <memory> template<typename t> using mem = std::shared_ptr<t>; namespace options { template<typename k, typename v> using map = std::map<k, v>; using std::string; template<typename t> // don't elide usages of the function, qvariant default implicit // conversion results in nonsensical runtime behavior -sh inline t qcruft_to_t (const QVariant& datum); template<> inline int qcruft_to_t<int>(const QVariant& t) { return t.toInt(); } template<> inline QString qcruft_to_t<QString>(const QVariant& t) { return t.toString(); } template<> inline bool qcruft_to_t<bool>(const QVariant& t) { return t.toBool(); } template<> inline double qcruft_to_t<double>(const QVariant& t) { return t.toDouble(); } template<> inline QVariant qcruft_to_t<QVariant>(const QVariant& t) { return t; } // snapshot of qsettings group at given time class group { private: map<string, QVariant> kvs; string name; public: group(const string& name) : name(name) { QSettings conf(ini_pathname(), QSettings::IniFormat); auto q_name = QString::fromStdString(name); conf.beginGroup(q_name); for (auto& k_ : conf.childKeys()) { auto tmp = k_.toUtf8(); string k(tmp); kvs[k] = conf.value(k_); } conf.endGroup(); } static constexpr const char* org = "trackhat opentrack-2.3"; void save() { QSettings s(ini_pathname(), QSettings::IniFormat); auto q_name = QString::fromStdString(name); s.beginGroup(q_name); for (auto& i : kvs) { auto k = QString::fromStdString(i.first); s.setValue(k, i.second); } s.endGroup(); s.sync(); } template<typename t> t get(const string& k) { return qcruft_to_t<t>(kvs[k]); } void put(const string& s, const QVariant& d) { kvs[s] = d; } bool contains(const string& s) { return kvs.count(s) != 0; } static constexpr const char* filename_key = "settings-file"; static constexpr const char* default_path = "/settings/default.ini"; static const QString ini_pathname() { QSettings settings(group::org); return settings.value(filename_key, QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + default_path).toString(); } static const QStringList ini_list() { QFileInfo info(group::ini_pathname()); QDir settings_dir(info.dir()); return settings_dir.entryList( QStringList { "*.ini" } , QDir::Files, QDir::Name ); } static const mem<QSettings> ini_file() { return std::make_shared<QSettings>(ini_pathname(), QSettings::IniFormat); } }; class impl_bundle : public QObject { Q_OBJECT protected: QMutex mtx; const string group_name; group saved; group transient; bool modified; impl_bundle(const impl_bundle&) = delete; impl_bundle& operator=(const impl_bundle&) = delete; signals: void reloading(); void saving(); public: impl_bundle(const string& group_name) : mtx(QMutex::Recursive), group_name(group_name), saved(group_name), transient(saved), modified(false) { } string name() { return group_name; } void reload() { { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); saved = group(group_name); transient = saved; modified = false; } emit reloading(); } void store_kv(const string& name, const QVariant& datum) { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); auto old = transient.get<QVariant>(name); if (!transient.contains(name) || datum != old) { modified = true; transient.put(name, datum); } } bool contains(const string& name) { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); return transient.contains(name); } template<typename t> t get(const string& name) { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); return transient.get<t>(name); } void save() { { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); modified = false; saved = transient; transient.save(); } emit saving(); } bool modifiedp() { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); return modified; } }; class opt_bundle; namespace { template<typename k, typename v, typename cnt = int> struct opt_singleton { public: using pbundle = std::shared_ptr<v>; using tt = std::tuple<cnt, std::weak_ptr<v>>; private: QMutex implsgl_mtx; map<k, tt> implsgl_data; public: opt_singleton() : implsgl_mtx(QMutex::Recursive) {} static opt_singleton<k, v>& datum() { static auto ret = std::make_shared<opt_singleton<k, v>>(); return *ret; } pbundle bundle(const k& key) { QMutexLocker l(&implsgl_mtx); if (implsgl_data.count(key) != 0) { auto shared = std::get<1>(implsgl_data[key]).lock(); if (shared != nullptr) return shared; } qDebug() << "bundle +" << QString::fromStdString(key); auto shr = std::make_shared<v>(key); implsgl_data[key] = tt(cnt(1), shr); return shr; } void bundle_decf(const k& key) { QMutexLocker l(&implsgl_mtx); if (--std::get<0>(implsgl_data[key]) == 0) implsgl_data.erase(key); } }; using pbundle = std::shared_ptr<opt_bundle>; using t_fact = opt_singleton<string, opt_bundle>; } static inline t_fact::pbundle bundle(const string name) { return t_fact::datum().bundle(name); } class opt_bundle : public impl_bundle { public: opt_bundle() : impl_bundle("i-have-no-name") {} opt_bundle(const string& group_name) : impl_bundle(group_name) { } ~opt_bundle() { qDebug() << "bundle -" << QString::fromStdString(group_name); t_fact::datum().bundle_decf(group_name); } }; class base_value : public QObject { Q_OBJECT #define DEFINE_SLOT(t) void setValue(t datum) { store(datum); } #define DEFINE_SIGNAL(t) void valueChanged(t) public: base_value(pbundle b, const string& name) : b(b), self_name(name) {} signals: DEFINE_SIGNAL(double); DEFINE_SIGNAL(int); DEFINE_SIGNAL(bool); DEFINE_SIGNAL(QString); protected: pbundle b; string self_name; template<typename t> void store(const t& datum) { b->store_kv(self_name, datum); emit valueChanged(static_cast<t>(datum)); } public slots: DEFINE_SLOT(double) DEFINE_SLOT(int) DEFINE_SLOT(QString) DEFINE_SLOT(bool) public slots: virtual void reload() = 0; }; static inline string string_from_qstring(const QString& datum) { auto tmp = datum.toUtf8(); return string(tmp.constData()); } template<typename t> class value : public base_value { public: t operator=(const t datum) { store(datum); return datum; } static constexpr const Qt::ConnectionType DIRECT_CONNTYPE = Qt::DirectConnection; static constexpr const Qt::ConnectionType SAFE_CONNTYPE = Qt::UniqueConnection; value(pbundle b, const string& name, t def) : base_value(b, name) { QObject::connect(b.get(), SIGNAL(reloading()), this, SLOT(reload()), DIRECT_CONNTYPE); if (!b->contains(name) || b->get<QVariant>(name).type() == QVariant::Invalid) *this = def; } value(pbundle b, const QString& name, t def) : value(b, string_from_qstring(name), def) {} value(pbundle b, const char* name, t def) : value(b, string(name), def) {} operator t() { return b->get<t>(self_name); } void reload() override { *this = static_cast<t>(*this); } }; struct opts { pbundle b; opts(const std::string& name) : b(bundle(name)) {} ~opts() { b->reload(); } }; template<typename t, typename q> inline void tie_setting(value<t>&, q*); template<> inline void tie_setting(value<int>& v, QComboBox* cb) { cb->setCurrentIndex(v); v = cb->currentIndex(); base_value::connect(cb, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), &v, SLOT(setValue(int)), v.DIRECT_CONNTYPE); base_value::connect(&v, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), cb, SLOT(setCurrentIndex(int)), v.SAFE_CONNTYPE); } template<> inline void tie_setting(value<QString>& v, QComboBox* cb) { cb->setCurrentText(v); v = cb->currentText(); base_value::connect(cb, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(QString)), &v, SLOT(setValue(QString)), v.DIRECT_CONNTYPE); base_value::connect(&v, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QString)), cb, SLOT(setCurrentText(QString)), v.SAFE_CONNTYPE); } template<> inline void tie_setting(value<bool>& v, QCheckBox* cb) { cb->setChecked(v); base_value::connect(cb, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), &v, SLOT(setValue(bool)), v.DIRECT_CONNTYPE); base_value::connect(&v, SIGNAL(valueChanged(bool)), cb, SLOT(setChecked(bool)), v.SAFE_CONNTYPE); } template<> inline void tie_setting(value<double>& v, QDoubleSpinBox* dsb) { dsb->setValue(v); base_value::connect(dsb, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), &v, SLOT(setValue(double)), v.DIRECT_CONNTYPE); base_value::connect(&v, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), dsb, SLOT(setValue(double)), v.SAFE_CONNTYPE); } template<> inline void tie_setting(value<int>& v, QSpinBox* sb) { sb->setValue(v); base_value::connect(sb, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), &v, SLOT(setValue(int)), v.DIRECT_CONNTYPE); base_value::connect(&v, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), sb, SLOT(setValue(int)), v.SAFE_CONNTYPE); } template<> inline void tie_setting(value<int>& v, QSlider* sl) { sl->setValue(v); v = sl->value(); base_value::connect(sl, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), &v, SLOT(setValue(int)), v.DIRECT_CONNTYPE); base_value::connect(&v, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), sl, SLOT(setValue(int)), v.SAFE_CONNTYPE); } template<> inline void tie_setting(value<QString>& v, QLineEdit* le) { le->setText(v); base_value::connect(le, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), &v, SLOT(setValue(QString)), v.DIRECT_CONNTYPE); base_value::connect(&v, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QString)),le, SLOT(setText(QString)), v.SAFE_CONNTYPE); } template<> inline void tie_setting(value<QString>& v, QLabel* lb) { lb->setText(v); base_value::connect(&v, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QString)), lb, SLOT(setText(QString)), v.SAFE_CONNTYPE); } template<> inline void tie_setting(value<int>& v, QTabWidget* t) { t->setCurrentIndex(v); base_value::connect(t, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), &v, SLOT(setValue(int)), v.DIRECT_CONNTYPE); base_value::connect(&v, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), t, SLOT(setCurrentIndex(int)), v.SAFE_CONNTYPE); } }