/* Copyright (c) 2012 Patrick Ruoff * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Stanislaw Halik * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. */ #include "ftnoir_tracker_pt.h" #include "compat/camera-names.hpp" #include "compat/math-imports.hpp" #include "pt-api.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace types; Tracker_PT::Tracker_PT(const pt_runtime_traits& traits) : s(traits.get_module_name()), point_extractor(std::move(traits.make_point_extractor())), camera(std::move(traits.make_camera())) { cv::setBreakOnError(true); connect(s.b.get(), SIGNAL(saving()), this, SLOT(maybe_reopen_camera()), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(&s.fov, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(set_fov(int)), Qt::DirectConnection); set_fov(s.fov); } Tracker_PT::~Tracker_PT() { requestInterruption(); wait(); QMutexLocker l(&camera_mtx); camera->stop(); } void Tracker_PT::run() { cv::setNumThreads(1); #ifdef PT_PERF_LOG QFile log_file(OPENTRACK_BASE_PATH + "/PointTrackerPerformance.txt"); if (!log_file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return; QTextStream log_stream(&log_file); #endif while(!isInterruptionRequested()) { pt_camera_info cam_info; bool new_frame = false; { QMutexLocker l(&camera_mtx); if (camera) std::tie(new_frame, cam_info) = camera->get_frame(frame); } if (new_frame) { cv::resize(frame, preview_frame, cv::Size(preview_size.width(), preview_size.height()), 0, 0, cv::INTER_NEAREST); point_extractor->extract_points(frame, preview_frame, points); point_count = points.size(); const double fx = cam_info.get_focal_length(); const bool success = points.size() >= PointModel::N_POINTS; if (success) { point_tracker.track(points, PointModel(s), cam_info, s.dynamic_pose ? s.init_phase_timeout : 0); ever_success = true; } { Affine X_CM; { QMutexLocker l(&data_mtx); X_CM = point_tracker.pose(); } // just copy pasted these lines from below Affine X_MH(mat33::eye(), vec3(s.t_MH_x, s.t_MH_y, s.t_MH_z)); Affine X_GH = X_CM * X_MH; vec3 p = X_GH.t; // head (center?) position in global space vec2 p_((p[0] * fx) / p[2], (p[1] * fx) / p[2]); // projected to screen constexpr int len = 9; cv::Point p2(iround(p_[0] * preview_frame.cols + preview_frame.cols/2), iround(-p_[1] * preview_frame.cols + preview_frame.rows/2)); static const cv::Scalar color(0, 255, 255); cv::line(preview_frame, cv::Point(p2.x - len, p2.y), cv::Point(p2.x + len, p2.y), color, 1); cv::line(preview_frame, cv::Point(p2.x, p2.y - len), cv::Point(p2.x, p2.y + len), color, 1); } video_widget->update_image(preview_frame); } } qDebug() << "pt: thread stopped"; } void Tracker_PT::maybe_reopen_camera() { QMutexLocker l(&camera_mtx); pt_camera_open_status status = camera->start(camera_name_to_index(s.camera_name), s.cam_fps, s.cam_res_x, s.cam_res_y); switch (status) { case cam_open_error: break; case cam_open_ok_change: frame = cv::Mat(); break; case cam_open_ok_no_change: break; } } void Tracker_PT::set_fov(int value) { QMutexLocker l(&camera_mtx); camera->set_fov(value); } module_status Tracker_PT::start_tracker(QFrame* video_frame) { //video_frame->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NativeWindow); preview_size = video_frame->size(); preview_frame = cv::Mat(video_frame->height(), video_frame->width(), CV_8UC3); preview_frame.setTo(cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0)); video_widget = std::make_unique(video_frame); layout = std::make_unique(video_frame); layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); layout->addWidget(video_widget.get()); video_frame->setLayout(layout.get()); //video_widget->resize(video_frame->width(), video_frame->height()); video_frame->show(); maybe_reopen_camera(); start(QThread::HighPriority); return status_ok(); } void Tracker_PT::data(double *data) { if (ever_success) { Affine X_CM = pose(); Affine X_MH(mat33::eye(), vec3(s.t_MH_x, s.t_MH_y, s.t_MH_z)); Affine X_GH = X_CM * X_MH; // translate rotation matrix from opengl (G) to roll-pitch-yaw (E) frame // -z -> x, y -> z, x -> -y mat33 R_EG(0, 0,-1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); mat33 R = R_EG * X_GH.R * R_EG.t(); // get translation(s) const vec3& t = X_GH.t; // extract rotation angles { f alpha, beta, gamma; beta = atan2( -R(2,0), sqrt(R(2,1)*R(2,1) + R(2,2)*R(2,2)) ); alpha = atan2( R(1,0), R(0,0)); gamma = atan2( R(2,1), R(2,2)); #if 0 if (t[2] > 1e-4) { alpha += copysign(atan(t[0] / t[2]), t[0]); // pitch is skewed anyway due to only one focal length value //beta -= copysign(atan(t[1] / t[2]), t[1]); } #endif data[Yaw] = rad2deg * alpha; data[Pitch] = -rad2deg * beta; data[Roll] = rad2deg * gamma; } // convert to cm data[TX] = t[0] / 10; data[TY] = t[1] / 10; data[TZ] = t[2] / 10; } } bool Tracker_PT::center() { point_tracker.reset_state(); return false; } Affine Tracker_PT::pose() { QMutexLocker l(&data_mtx); return point_tracker.pose(); } int Tracker_PT::get_n_points() { return int(point_count); } bool Tracker_PT::get_cam_info(pt_camera_info* info) { QMutexLocker lock(&camera_mtx); bool ret; std::tie(ret, *info) = camera->get_info(); return ret; }