/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Wei Shuai * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. */ #include "wii_point_extractor.h" #include "point_tracker.h" #include "wii_frame.hpp" #include "cv/numeric.hpp" #include "compat/math.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace numeric_types; using namespace pt_module; WIIPointExtractor::WIIPointExtractor(const QString& module_name) : s(module_name) { } //define a temp draw function void WIIPointExtractor::draw_point(cv::Mat& preview_frame, const vec2& p, const cv::Scalar& color, int thickness) { static constexpr int len = 9; cv::Point p2(iround(p[0] * preview_frame.cols + preview_frame.cols / 2.f), iround(-p[1] * preview_frame.cols + preview_frame.rows / 2.f)); cv::line(preview_frame, cv::Point(p2.x - len, p2.y), cv::Point(p2.x + len, p2.y), color, thickness); cv::line(preview_frame, cv::Point(p2.x, p2.y - len), cv::Point(p2.x, p2.y + len), color, thickness); }; bool WIIPointExtractor::draw_points(cv::Mat& preview_frame, const struct wii_info& wii, std::vector& points) { constexpr int W = 1024; constexpr int H = 768; points.reserve(4); points.clear(); for (unsigned index = 0; index < 4; index++) // NOLINT(modernize-loop-convert) { const struct wii_info_points &dot = wii.Points[index]; if (dot.bvis) { //qDebug() << "wii:" << dot.RawX << "+" << dot.RawY; //anti-clockwise rotate the 2D point const float RX = W - dot.ux; const float RY = H - dot.uy; //vec2 dt((dot.RawX - W / 2.0f) / W, -(dot.RawY - H / 2.0f) / W); //vec2 dt((RX - W / 2.0f) / W, -(RY - H / 2.0f) / W); //vec2 dt((2.0f*RX - W) / W, -(2.0f*RY - H ) / W); vec2 dt; std::tie(dt[0], dt[1]) = to_screen_pos(RX, RY, W, H); points.push_back(dt); draw_point(preview_frame, dt, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), std::clamp(dot.isize, 1, 32)); } } const bool success = points.size() >= PointModel::N_POINTS; return success; } void WIIPointExtractor::draw_bg(cv::Mat& preview_frame, const struct wii_info& wii) { //draw battery status cv::line(preview_frame, cv::Point(0, 0), cv::Point(preview_frame.cols*wii.BatteryPercent / 100, 0), (wii.bBatteryDrained ? cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0) : cv::Scalar(0, 140, 0)), 2); //draw horizon int pdelta = iround(preview_frame.rows / 4.f * tan(wii.Pitch * pi / 180.f)); int rdelta = iround(preview_frame.cols / 4.f * tan(wii.Roll* pi / 180.f)); cv::line(preview_frame, cv::Point(0, preview_frame.rows / 2 + rdelta - pdelta), cv::Point(preview_frame.cols, preview_frame.rows / 2 - rdelta - pdelta), cv::Scalar(80, 80, 80), 1); } void WIIPointExtractor::extract_points(const pt_frame& frame_, pt_preview& preview_frame_, bool preview_visible, std::vector& points) { const struct wii_info& wii = frame_.as_const()->wii; cv::Mat& preview_frame = *preview_frame_.as(); if (preview_visible && wii.status == wii_cam_data_change) { draw_bg(preview_frame, wii); draw_points(preview_frame, wii, points); } }