diff options
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 431 deletions
diff --git a/serialize/packbits-impl.cpp b/serialize/packbits-impl.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b03b31b6..00000000
--- a/serialize/packbits-impl.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#include "packbits-impl.hpp"
-#include "compat/exception.hpp"
-namespace floormat::Pack_impl {
-void throw_on_read_nonzero() noexcept(false)
- throw std::runtime_error{"extra bits in pack_read()"};
-void throw_on_write_input_bit_overflow() noexcept(false)
- throw std::runtime_error{"extra bits in pack_write()"};
-} // namespace floormat::Pack_impl
diff --git a/serialize/packbits-impl.hpp b/serialize/packbits-impl.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e57ea75..00000000
--- a/serialize/packbits-impl.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-namespace floormat::Pack_impl {
-[[noreturn]] void throw_on_read_nonzero() noexcept(false);
-[[noreturn]] void throw_on_write_input_bit_overflow() noexcept(false);
-template<size_t... Ns> struct expand_sum;
-template<size_t N, size_t... Ns> struct expand_sum<N, Ns...> { static constexpr size_t value = N + expand_sum<Ns...>::value; };
-template<> struct expand_sum<> { static constexpr size_t value = 0; };
-template<size_t... Ns> constexpr inline size_t sum = expand_sum<Ns...>::value;
-} // namespace floormat::Pack_impl
diff --git a/serialize/packbits-read.cpp b/serialize/packbits-read.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d8b9451c..00000000
--- a/serialize/packbits-read.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-#include "packbits-read.hpp"
-#include "compat/assert.hpp"
-#include "compat/exception.hpp"
-namespace floormat {
-using namespace floormat::Pack_impl;
-namespace {
-static_assert(sum<1, 2, 3, 4, 5> == 6*(6-1)/2);
-static_assert(sum<5, 10, 15> == 30);
-using u32 = uint32_t;
-using u16 = uint16_t;
-using u8 = uint8_t;
-template<std::unsigned_integral T, size_t N> constexpr inline T lowbits = N == sizeof(T)*8 ? (T)-1 : (T{1} << N)-T{1};
-static_assert(!input<uint32_t, 3>{65535}.check_zero());
-static_assert(input<uint32_t, 30>{65535}.advance<16>() == 0);
-static_assert(input<uint32_t, 30>::next<16>{ input<uint32_t, 30>{65535}.advance<16>() }.check_zero());
-static_assert(input<uint32_t, 30>::next<16>{}.Left == 14);
-constexpr bool test1()
- constexpr size_t bits[] = { 5, 2, 1 };
- constexpr size_t vals[] = { 8, 3, 1, 0 };
- constexpr auto S0 = input<uint8_t, vals[0]>{0b10111011};
- constexpr auto S1 = input<uint8_t, vals[1]>{0b00000101};
- constexpr auto S2 = input<uint8_t, vals[2]>{0b00000001};
- constexpr auto S3 = input<uint8_t, vals[3]>{0b00000000};
- using P0 = std::decay_t<decltype(S0)>;
- using P1 = P0::next<bits[0]>;
- using P2 = P1::next<bits[1]>;
- using P3 = P2::next<bits[2]>;
- static_assert(std::is_same_v<P0, input<uint8_t, vals[0]>>);
- static_assert(std::is_same_v<P1, input<uint8_t, vals[1]>>);
- static_assert(std::is_same_v<P2, input<uint8_t, vals[2]>>);
- static_assert(std::is_same_v<P3, input<uint8_t, vals[3]>>);
- static_assert(S0.advance< 0>() == S0.value);
- static_assert(S0.advance<bits[0]>() == S1.value);
- static_assert(S1.advance<bits[1]>() == S2.value);
- static_assert(S2.advance<bits[2]>() == S3.value);
- static_assert(S0.get<bits[0]>() == (S0.value & (1<<bits[0])-1));
- static_assert(S1.get<bits[1]>() == (S1.value & (1<<bits[1])-1));
- static_assert(S2.get<bits[2]>() == (S2.value & (1<<bits[2])-1));
- static_assert(S3.check_zero());
- return true;
-constexpr bool test3()
- constexpr auto S0 = input<uint16_t, 16>{0b1110100110001011};
- constexpr auto S1 = input<uint16_t, 4>{0b1110};
- constexpr auto S2 = input<uint16_t, 1>{0b1};
- static_assert(S0.get<12>() == 0b100110001011);
- static_assert(S0.advance<12>() == S1.value);
- static_assert(S1.get<3>() == 0b110);
- static_assert(S1.advance<3>() == S2.value);
- static_assert(S2.get<1>() == 0b1);
- static_assert(S2.advance<1>() == 0);
- return true;
-template<size_t N> using f32 = input_field<uint32_t, N>;
-template<size_t N> using f8 = input_field<uint8_t, N>;
-constexpr bool test4()
- {
- static_assert(lowbits<uint32_t, 17> == 0x1ffffU);
- //auto tuple = std::tuple<f32<17>&, f32<14>&, f32<1>&>{a, b, c};
- f32<17> a; f32<14> b; f32< 1> c;
- auto tuple = std::tie(a, b, c);
- read_(tuple, input<uint32_t, 32>{(uint32_t)-1}, std::make_index_sequence<3>{});
- fm_assert(a == lowbits<uint32_t, 17>);
- fm_assert(b == lowbits<uint32_t, 14>);
- fm_assert(c & 1);
- }
- {
- f8<1> a;
- f8<3> b;
- f8<2> c;
- read_(std::tie(a, b, c), input<uint8_t, 8>{0b101011}, std::make_index_sequence<3>{});
- fm_assert(a == 0b1);
- fm_assert(b == 0b101);
- fm_assert(c == 0b10);
- }
- {
- read_(std::tuple<>{}, input<uint8_t, 8>{0}, std::index_sequence<>{});
- //f32<2> a, b, c;
- //read_(std::tuple<>{}, input<uint8_t, 8>{1}, std::index_sequence<>{});
- //read_(std::tie(a, b, c), input<uint8_t, 5>{0b11111}, std::make_index_sequence<3>{});
- //(void)input<uint8_t, 9>{};
- //read_(std::tie(a), input<uint8_t, 8>{3}, std::index_sequence<0>{}); fm_assert(a == 3);
- //f8<1> d; read_(std::tie(d), input<uint8_t, 8>{1}, std::index_sequence<>{});
- }
- {
- f8<1> a; f8<3> b; f8<2> c;
- pack_read(std::tie(a, b, c), uint8_t{0b101011});
- fm_assert(a == 0b1);
- fm_assert(b == 0b101);
- fm_assert(c == 0b10);
- }
- return true;
-} // namespace
-} // namespace floormat
diff --git a/serialize/packbits-read.hpp b/serialize/packbits-read.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ad3aa74..00000000
--- a/serialize/packbits-read.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "packbits-impl.hpp"
-#include "compat/assert.hpp"
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <concepts>
-#include <tuple>
-namespace floormat::Pack_impl {
-template<std::unsigned_integral T, size_t LENGTH>
-struct input_field final
- static_assert(LENGTH > 0);
- static_assert(LENGTH <= sizeof(T)*8);
- static constexpr size_t Length = LENGTH;
- T value;
- constexpr T operator*() const { return value; }
- constexpr operator T() const { return value; }
-template<std::unsigned_integral T, size_t LEFT>
-struct input
- static_assert(LEFT > 0);
- static_assert(LEFT <= sizeof(T)*8);
- static constexpr size_t Left = LEFT;
- T value;
- template<size_t N>
- struct next_
- {
- static_assert(N <= LEFT);
- using type = input<T, LEFT - N>;
- };
- template<size_t N> using next = typename next_<N>::type;
- template<size_t N>
- constexpr CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE T get() const
- {
- static_assert(N > 0);
- static_assert(N <= sizeof(T)*8);
- static_assert(N <= LEFT);
- return T(value & (T{1} << N) - T{1});
- }
- template<size_t N>
- constexpr T advance() const
- {
- static_assert(N <= sizeof(T)*8);
- static_assert(N <= LEFT);
- return T(value >> N);
- }
- constexpr bool operator==(const input&) const noexcept = default;
- [[nodiscard]] constexpr inline bool check_zero() const { return value == T{0}; }
-template<std::unsigned_integral T>
-struct input<T, 0>
- static constexpr size_t Left = 0;
- using Type = T;
- T value;
- template<size_t N> [[maybe_unused]] constexpr T get() const = delete;
- template<size_t N> [[maybe_unused]] constexpr T advance() const = delete;
- constexpr bool operator==(const input&) const noexcept = default;
- [[nodiscard]] constexpr inline bool check_zero() const { return true; }
- template<size_t N> struct next
- {
- static_assert(!N, "reading past the end");
- static_assert( N, "reading past the end");
- };
-template<typename T> struct is_input_field : std::bool_constant<false> {};
-template<std::unsigned_integral T, size_t N> struct is_input_field<input_field<T, N>> : std::bool_constant<true> { static_assert(N > 0); };
-template<typename Field>
-requires requires (Field& x)
- { size_t{Field::Length} > 0 };
- sizeof(std::decay_t<decltype(x.value)>);
- requires std::unsigned_integral<std::decay_t<decltype(x.value)>>;
-struct is_input_field<Field> : std::bool_constant<true> {};
-template<std::unsigned_integral T, typename Tuple, size_t Left, size_t I, size_t... Is>
-constexpr CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE void read_(Tuple&& tuple, input<T, Left> st, std::index_sequence<I, Is...>)
- using U = std::decay_t<Tuple>;
- static_assert(Left <= sizeof(T)*8, "bits to read count too large");
- static_assert(Left > 0, "too many bits to write");
- static_assert(std::tuple_size_v<U> >= sizeof...(Is)+1, "index count larger than tuple element count");
- static_assert(I < std::tuple_size_v<U>, "too few tuple elements");
- using Field = std::decay_t<std::tuple_element_t<I, U>>;
- static_assert(is_input_field<Field>{}, "tuple element must be input_field<T, N>");
- constexpr size_t Size = Field::Length;
- static_assert(Size <= Left, "data type too small");
- using next_type = typename input<T, Left>::template next<Size>;
- std::get<I>(tuple).value = st.template get<Size>();
- T next_value = st.template advance<Size>();
- read_(floormat::forward<Tuple>(tuple), next_type{ next_value }, std::index_sequence<Is...>{});
-template<std::unsigned_integral T, typename Tuple, size_t Left>
-constexpr CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE void read_(Tuple&&, input<T, Left> st, std::index_sequence<>)
- if (!st.check_zero()) [[unlikely]]
- throw_on_read_nonzero();
-} // namespace floormat::Pack_impl
-namespace floormat {
-template<std::unsigned_integral T, typename Tuple> constexpr void pack_read(Tuple&& tuple, T value)
-requires requires (const Tuple& tuple) {
- std::tuple_size_v<Tuple> > 0uz;
- Pack_impl::is_input_field<std::decay_t<decltype(std::get<0>(tuple))>>::value;
- constexpr size_t nbits = sizeof(T)*8,
- tuple_size = std::tuple_size_v<std::decay_t<Tuple>>;
- Pack_impl::read_(floormat::forward<Tuple>(tuple),
- Pack_impl::input<T, nbits>{value},
- std::make_index_sequence<tuple_size>{});
-} // namespace floormat
diff --git a/serialize/packbits-write.cpp b/serialize/packbits-write.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dab800a..00000000
--- a/serialize/packbits-write.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#include "packbits-write.hpp"
-namespace floormat {
-namespace {
-using namespace floormat::Pack_impl;
-using u32 = uint32_t;
-using u16 = uint16_t;
-using u8 = uint8_t;
-template<size_t N> using f32 = output_field<u32, N>;
-template<size_t N> using f16 = output_field<u16, N>;
-template<size_t N> using f8 = output_field<u8, N>;
-static_assert(write_(std::tuple<output_field<u32, 13>>{4242}, output<u32, 32, 32>{0}, std::index_sequence<0>{}) == 4242u);
- std::tuple{f8<3>{7}, f8<2>{3}, f8<1>{1}},
- output<u8, 8, 6>{0},
- std::make_index_sequence<3>{}
-) == (1 << 6) - 1);
- std::tuple{f32<2>{0b10}, f32<3>{0b011}, f32<3>{0b001}},
- output<u32, 32, 32>{0},
- make_reverse_index_sequence<3>{}) == 0b000101110);
-static_assert(pack_write(std::tuple{f32<2>{0b10}, f32<3>{0b011}, f32<3>{0b01}}) == 0b00101110);
-//static_assert(pack_write(std::tuple{f32<2>{0b10}, f32<3>{0b1011}, f32<3>{0b001}}) == 0b000101110);
-static_assert(pack_write(std::tuple{f8<2>{0b10}, f8<3>{0b011}, f8<3>{0b01}}) == 0b00101110);
-//static_assert(pack_write(std::tuple{f8<2>{0b10}, f8<3>{0b011}, f8<4>{0b01}}) == 0b00101110);
-//static_assert(pack_write(std::tuple{}) == 0);
-static_assert(pack_write(std::tuple{f8<1>{0b1}, f8<3>{0b101}, f8<2>{0b10}}) == 0b101011);
-#if 0 // check disassembly
-u32 foo1(u32 a, u32 b, u32 c);
-u32 foo1(u32 a, u32 b, u32 c)
- return pack_write(std::tuple{f32<2>{a}, f32<3>{b}, f32<3>{c}});
-} // namespace
-#if 0
-[[maybe_unused]] uint8_t test1(uint8_t a, uint8_t b, uint8_t c)
- return pack_write(std::tuple{f8<2>{a}, f8<3>{b}, f8<3>{c}});
-} // namespace floormat
diff --git a/serialize/packbits-write.hpp b/serialize/packbits-write.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4689419a..00000000
--- a/serialize/packbits-write.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "packbits-impl.hpp"
-#include "compat/reverse-index-sequence.hpp"
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <bit>
-#include <concepts>
-#include <tuple>
-namespace floormat::Pack_impl {
-template<std::unsigned_integral T, size_t CAPACITY, size_t LEFT>
-struct output
- static_assert(LEFT >= 0);
- static_assert(LEFT <= CAPACITY);
- static_assert(CAPACITY <= sizeof(T)*8);
- static constexpr size_t Capacity = CAPACITY, Left = LEFT;
- T value{0};
-template<std::unsigned_integral T, size_t LENGTH>
-struct output_field
- static_assert(LENGTH > 0);
- static_assert(LENGTH <= sizeof(T)*8);
- static constexpr size_t Length = LENGTH;
- T value;
-template<typename T> struct is_output_field : std::bool_constant<false> {};
-template<std::unsigned_integral T, size_t N> struct is_output_field<output_field<T, N>> : std::bool_constant<true> { static_assert(N > 0); };
-template<typename Field>
-requires requires (const Field& x) {
- { size_t{Field::Length} > 0 };
- sizeof(std::decay_t<decltype(x.value)>);
- requires std::unsigned_integral<std::decay_t<decltype(x.value)>>;
-struct is_output_field<Field> : std::bool_constant<true> {};
-template<std::unsigned_integral T, size_t Capacity, size_t Left, size_t I, size_t... Is, typename Tuple>
-constexpr CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE T write_(const Tuple& tuple, output<T, Capacity, Left> st, std::index_sequence<I, Is...>)
- static_assert(Capacity > 0);
- static_assert(Capacity <= sizeof(T)*8);
- static_assert(Left > 0, "too many bits to write");
- static_assert(Left <= Capacity, "too many bits to write");
- static_assert(I < std::tuple_size_v<Tuple>, "too few tuple elements");
- static_assert(is_output_field<std::decay_t<std::tuple_element_t<0, Tuple>>>{},
- "tuple element must be output_field<T,N>");
- constexpr size_t N = std::tuple_element_t<I, Tuple>::Length;
- static_assert(N <= Left, "too many bits to write");
- T x = std::get<I>(tuple).value;
- if (!((size_t)std::bit_width(x) <= N)) [[unlikely]]
- throw_on_write_input_bit_overflow();
- T value = T(T(st.value << N) | x);
- return write_(tuple, output<T, Capacity, Left - N>{value}, std::index_sequence<Is...>{});
-template<std::unsigned_integral T, size_t Capacity, size_t Left, typename Tuple>
-constexpr CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE T write_(const Tuple&, output<T, Capacity, Left> st, std::index_sequence<>)
- return st.value;
-} // namespace floormat::Pack_impl
-namespace floormat {
-template<typename Tuple>
-requires requires (const Tuple& tuple) {
- std::tuple_size_v<Tuple> > 0uz;
- Pack_impl::is_output_field<std::decay_t<decltype(std::get<0>(tuple))>>::value;
-[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto pack_write(const Tuple& tuple)
- using Field = std::decay_t<std::tuple_element_t<0, Tuple>>;
- static_assert(Pack_impl::is_output_field<Field>{});
- using T = std::decay_t<decltype(std::declval<Field>().value)>;
- constexpr size_t nbits = sizeof(T)*8, tuple_size = std::tuple_size_v<Tuple>;
- return Pack_impl::write_(tuple,
- Pack_impl::output<T, nbits, nbits>{T{0}},
- make_reverse_index_sequence<tuple_size>{});
-constexpr uint8_t pack_write(const std::tuple<>&) = delete;
-} // namespace floormat