path: root/src/path-search-dijkstra.cpp
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1 files changed, 126 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/src/path-search-dijkstra.cpp b/src/path-search-dijkstra.cpp
index 8d877784..11aa9cfc 100644
--- a/src/path-search-dijkstra.cpp
+++ b/src/path-search-dijkstra.cpp
@@ -7,12 +7,117 @@
namespace floormat {
+template<typename T> using bbox = path_search::bbox<T>;
+namespace {
+constexpr auto chunk_size = iTILE_SIZE2 * TILE_MAX_DIM;
+constexpr auto div = Vector2i(path_search::subdivide_factor);
+constexpr auto div_size = path_search::div_size;
+constexpr auto min_size = path_search::min_size;
+constexpr auto tile_start = Vector2i(iTILE_SIZE2/-2);
+constexpr auto inf =- (uint32_t)-1;
+template<typename T>
+requires std::is_arithmetic_v<T>
+constexpr bbox<T> bbox_union(bbox<T> bb, Vector2i coord, Vector2b offset, Vector2ub size)
+ auto center = coord * iTILE_SIZE2 + Vector2i(offset);
+ auto min = center - Vector2i(size / 2);
+ auto max = center + Vector2i(size);
+ using Vec = VectorTypeFor<2, T>;
+ return {
+ .min = Math::min(Vec(bb.min), Vec(min)),
+ .max = Math::max(Vec(bb.max), Vec(max)),
+ };
+template<typename T>
+requires std::is_arithmetic_v<T>
+constexpr bbox<T> bbox_union(bbox<T> bb1, bbox<T> bb2)
+ return { Math::min(bb1.min, bb2.min), Math::max(bb1.max, bb2.max) };
+constexpr auto get_bbox(chunk_coords_ ch_1, local_coords pos1, Vector2b off1,
+ chunk_coords_ ch_2, local_coords pos2, Vector2b off2,
+ Vector2ub size, uint32_t dist0)
+ auto c = (Vector2i(ch_2.x, ch_2.y) - Vector2i(ch_1.x, ch_1.y)) * chunk_size;
+ auto t = (Vector2i(pos2) - Vector2i(pos1)) * iTILE_SIZE2;
+ auto o = Vector2i(off2) - Vector2i(off1);
+ auto cto = Vector2i(c + t + o);
+ auto dist = Math::max(1u, (uint32_t)Math::ceil(Vector2(cto).length()));
+ auto center0 = Vector2i(pos1) * iTILE_SIZE2 + Vector2i(off1);
+ auto min0 = center0 - Vector2i(size/2u), max0 = min0 + Vector2i(size);
+ auto min1 = min0 + cto, max1 = max0 + cto;
+ return Pair<bbox<float>, uint32_t>{
+ { .min = Vector2(Math::min(min0, min1)),
+ .max = Vector2(Math::max(max0, max1)) },
+ dist0 + dist,
+ };
+constexpr auto dirs = [] constexpr
+ struct pair { Vector2i dir; uint32_t len; };
+ constexpr auto len1 = div_size;
+ constexpr auto len2 = (uint32_t)(math::sqrt((float) + 0.5f); // NOLINT
+ std::array<pair, 8> array = {{
+ { { -1, -1 }, len2 },
+ { { 1, 1 }, len2 },
+ { { -1, 1 }, len2 },
+ { { 1, -1 }, len2 },
+ { { -1, 0 }, len1.x() },
+ { { 0, -1 }, len1.y() },
+ { { 1, 0 }, len1.x() },
+ { { 0, 1 }, len1.y() },
+ }};
+ for (auto& [vec, len] : array)
+ vec *= div_size;
+#if 0
+ for (auto i = 0uz; i < array.size(); i++)
+ for (auto j = 0uz; j < i; j++)
+ fm_assert(array[i].dir != array[j].dir);
+ return array;
+template<typename T>
+requires std::is_arithmetic_v<T>
+constexpr bbox<T> bbox_from_pos(Math::Vector<2, T> pos, Vector2b offset, Vector2ub size)
+ using Vec = VectorTypeFor<2, T>;
+ constexpr auto tile_size = Vec(iTILE_SIZE2);
+ const auto vec = pos * tile_size + Vec(offset);
+ const auto bb = bbox<float>{vec - Vec(size >> 1), vec + Vec(size)};
+ return bb;
+} // namespace
+size_t astar::hash_op::operator()(position coord) const
+ static_assert(sizeof(global_coords) == 8);
+ if constexpr(sizeof nullptr > 4)
+ return fnvhash_64(&coord, sizeof coord);
+ else
+ return fnvhash_32(&coord, sizeof coord);
path_search_result path_search::Dijkstra(world& w, Vector2ub own_size, object_id own_id,
global_coords from, Vector2b from_offset,
global_coords to, Vector2b to_offset,
const pred& p)
- fm_assert(from.x <= to.x && from.y <= to.y);
+ auto heap_comparator = [&A = astar](uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
+ fm_debug_assert(std::max(a, b) < A.nodes.size());
+ const auto& n1 = A.nodes[a];
+ const auto& n2 = A.nodes[b];
+ return n2.dist < n1.dist;
+ };
own_size = Math::max(own_size, Vector2ub(min_size));
if (from.z() != to.z()) [[unlikely]]
@@ -29,110 +134,44 @@ path_search_result path_search::Dijkstra(world& w, Vector2ub own_size, object_id
return {};
- astar.reserve(TILE_COUNT*(size_t)(subdivide_factor*subdivide_factor));
- static constexpr auto eps = (uint32_t)math::ceil(math::sqrt((Vector2(div_size)/4).product()));
- static_assert(eps > 1 && eps < TILE_SIZE2.x());
- const auto pos0 = Vector2(from.local()) * TILE_SIZE2;
- const auto start_bbox = bbox<float>{pos0 - Vector2(own_size/2), pos0 + Vector2(own_size)};
- const auto from_offset_f = Vector2(from_offset);
- const auto from_offset_len = Math::max(eps, (uint32_t)Math::ceil(from_offset_f.length()));
- struct tuple
- {
- bbox<float> bb;
- uint32_t dist;
- };
+ fm_debug_assert(astar.nodes.empty());
- constexpr auto get_bbox = [](chunk_coords_ ch_1, local_coords pos1, Vector2b off1,
- chunk_coords_ ch_2, local_coords pos2, Vector2b off2,
- Vector2ub size, uint32_t dist0) -> tuple
- {
- constexpr auto chunk_size = iTILE_SIZE2 * TILE_MAX_DIM;
- auto c = (Vector2i(ch_2.x, ch_2.y) - Vector2i(ch_1.x, ch_1.y)) * chunk_size;
- auto t = (Vector2i(pos2) - Vector2i(pos1)) * iTILE_SIZE2;
- auto o = Vector2i(off2) - Vector2i(off1);
- auto cto = Vector2i(c + t + o);
- auto dist = Math::max(1u, (uint32_t)Math::ceil(Vector2(cto).length()));
- auto center0 = Vector2i(pos1) * iTILE_SIZE2 + Vector2i(off1);
- auto min0 = center0 - Vector2i(size/2), max0 = min0 + Vector2i(size);
- auto min1 = min0 + cto, max1 = max0 + cto;
- fm_debug_assert(dist > eps);
- return {
- { .min = Vector2(Math::min(min0, min1)),
- .max = Vector2(Math::max(max0, max1)) },
- dist0 + dist,
- };
- };
+ const auto start_bbox = bbox_from_pos(Vector2(from.local()), from_offset, own_size);
+ const auto from_offset_len = Math::max(1u, (uint32_t)Math::ceil(Vector2(from_offset).length()));
path_search_result result;
fm_debug_assert(result._node); // todo
auto& path = result._node->vec; path.clear();
- constexpr auto div = Vector2i(subdivide_factor);
- constexpr auto div_size = Vector2i(iTILE_SIZE2 / div);
- constexpr auto tile_start = Vector2i(iTILE_SIZE2/-2);
- astar.push(astar_edge{from, from_offset, from, from_offset}, 0);
- const auto ch0 = chunk_coords_{from};
- const auto bb0 = bbox_union(start_bbox, Vector2i(from.local()), {}, own_size);
- if (from_offset_len >= eps && is_passable(w, ch0, bb0, own_id, p))
- astar.push({from, from_offset, from, from_offset}, from_offset_len);
+ astar.indexes[{from, from_offset}] = 0;
+ astar.nodes.push_back({.dist = 0, .coord = from, .offset = from_offset });
+ astar.Q.push_back(0);
+ std::push_heap(astar.Q.begin(), astar.Q.end(), heap_comparator);
- struct pair { Vector2i dir; uint32_t len; };
- constexpr auto dirs = [] constexpr -> std::array<pair, 8> {
- constexpr auto len1 = path_search::div_size;
- constexpr auto len2 = (uint32_t)(math::sqrt((float) + 0.5f); // NOLINT
- std::array<pair, 8> array = {{
- { { -1, -1 }, len2 },
- { { 1, 1 }, len2 },
- { { -1, 1 }, len2 },
- { { 1, -1 }, len2 },
- { { -1, 0 }, len1.x() },
- { { 0, -1 }, len1.y() },
- { { 1, 0 }, len1.x() },
- { { 0, 1 }, len1.y() },
- }};
- for (auto& [vec, len] : array)
- vec *= path_search::div_size;
-#if 0
- for (auto i = 0uz; i < array.size(); i++)
- for (auto j = 0uz; j < i; j++)
- fm_assert(array[i].dir != array[j].dir);
- return array;
- }();
- while (!astar.empty())
+ if (!from_offset.isZero())
- auto [cur, dist0] = astar.pop();
- if (!astar.add_visited(cur))
- continue;
- for (auto [dir, len] : dirs)
+ auto bb = bbox_union(start_bbox, Vector2i(from.local()), {}, own_size);
+ if (is_passable(w, chunk_coords_{from}, bb, own_id, p))
+ astar.indexes[{from, {}}] = 1;
+ astar.nodes.push_back({.dist = from_offset_len, .prev = 0, .coord = from, .offset = {}});
+ astar.Q.push_back(1);
+ std::push_heap(astar.Q.begin(), astar.Q.end(), heap_comparator);
// todo...
return result;
-path_search_result path_search::Dijkstra(world& w, const object& obj, global_coords to, Vector2b to_offset, const pred& p)
+path_search_result path_search::Dijkstra(world& w, const object& obj,
+ global_coords to, Vector2b to_offset,
+ const pred& p)
- constexpr auto full_tile = Vector2ub(iTILE_SIZE2*3/4);
- auto size = Math::max(obj.bbox_size, full_tile);
- // todo fixme
- // if bbox_offset is added to obj's offset, then all coordinates in the paths are shifted by bbox_offset.
- // maybe add handling to subtract bbox_offset from the returned path.
- // for that it needs to be passed into callees separately.
- return Dijkstra(w, size,, obj.coord, obj.offset, to, to_offset, p);
+ return Dijkstra(w, obj.bbox_size,, obj.coord, obj.offset, to, to_offset, p);
} // namespace floormat