path: root/src/timer.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/timer.hpp')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 181 deletions
diff --git a/src/timer.hpp b/src/timer.hpp
index 36874e9e..67556c86 100644
--- a/src/timer.hpp
+++ b/src/timer.hpp
@@ -1,188 +1,9 @@
#pragma once
-#include "compat/assert.hpp"
#include <compare>
namespace floormat {
-// todo! move to .inl
-struct Ns
- explicit constexpr Ns(): stamp{0} {}
- template<typename T>
- requires (std::is_integral_v<T> && std::is_unsigned_v<T>)
- explicit constexpr Ns(T x) : stamp{x} {}
- template<typename T>
- requires (std::is_integral_v<T> && !std::is_unsigned_v<T>)
- explicit constexpr Ns(T x) : stamp{uint64_t(x)} { fm_assert(x >= T{0}); }
-#if 0
- template<typename T>
- requires std::is_same_v<T, float>
- explicit constexpr Ns(T x) : stamp{}
- {
- constexpr float max{uint64_t{1} << 24};
- fm_assert(x >= 0);
- fm_assert(x <= max);
- stamp = uint64_t(x);
- }
- template<typename T>
- requires std::is_same_v<T, double>
- explicit constexpr Ns(T x) : stamp{}
- {
- constexpr double max{uint64_t{1} << 53};
- fm_assert(x >= 0);
- fm_assert(x <= max);
- stamp = uint64_t(x);
- }
- explicit constexpr operator uint64_t() const { return stamp; }
- explicit constexpr operator double() const = delete;
- explicit constexpr operator float() const = delete;
- template<typename T>
- requires (std::is_same_v<T, double>)
- friend Ns operator*(const Ns& lhs, T b)
- {
- constexpr double max{uint64_t{1} << 53};
- auto a = lhs.stamp;
- fm_assert(b >= 0);
- fm_assert(b <= max);
- auto x = double(a) * b;
- fm_assert(x <= max);
- fm_assert(x >= 0);
- return Ns{(uint64_t)x};
- }
- friend constexpr Ns operator+(const Ns& lhs, const Ns& rhs)
- {
- constexpr auto max = (uint64_t)-1;
- auto a = lhs.stamp, b = rhs.stamp;
- fm_assert(max - a >= b);
- return Ns{a + b};
- }
- friend constexpr Ns operator-(const Ns& lhs, const Ns& rhs)
- {
- auto a = lhs.stamp, b = rhs.stamp;
- fm_assert(a >= b);
- return Ns{a - b};
- }
- friend Ns operator*(const Ns&, const Ns&) = delete;
- template<typename T>
- requires (std::is_integral_v<T> && std::is_unsigned_v<T>)
- friend constexpr Ns operator*(const Ns& lhs, T rhs)
- {
- auto a = lhs.stamp, b = uint64_t{rhs};
- auto x = a * b;
- fm_assert(b == 0 || x / b == a);
- return Ns{x};
- }
- template<typename T>
- requires (std::is_integral_v<T> && std::is_signed_v<T> && sizeof(T) < sizeof(uint64_t))
- friend constexpr Ns operator*(const Ns& lhs, T rhs)
- {
- fm_assert(rhs >= T{0});
- auto b = uint64_t(rhs);
- auto x = lhs.stamp * b;
- fm_assert(b == 0 || x / b == lhs.stamp);
- return Ns{x};
- }
- template<typename T>
- friend constexpr Ns operator*(T lhs, const Ns& rhs) { return rhs * lhs; }
- template<typename T>
- requires std::is_same_v<float, T>
- friend constexpr Ns operator*(const Ns& lhs, T rhs)
- {
- constexpr float max{uint64_t{1} << 24};
- auto a = lhs.stamp;
- auto x = float(a) * float{rhs};
- fm_assert(x >= 0);
- fm_assert(x <= max);
- return Ns{uint64_t(x)};
- }
-#if 0
- template<typename T> requires (!std::is_same_v<Ns, T>)
- friend constexpr Ns operator*(const T& lhs, const Ns& rhs) { return rhs * lhs; }
- friend constexpr uint64_t operator/(const Ns& lhs, const Ns& rhs)
- {
- auto a = lhs.stamp, b = rhs.stamp;
- fm_assert(b != 0);
- return a / b;
- }
- friend constexpr Ns operator/(const Ns& lhs, uint64_t b)
- {
- auto a = lhs.stamp;
- fm_assert(b != 0);
- return Ns{a / b};
- }
-#if 0
- template<typename T>
- requires std::is_floating_point_v<T>
- friend constexpr double operator/(const Ns& lhs, double b)
- {
- fm_assert(b != 0.);
- auto x = double{lhs.stamp / b};
- constexpr auto max = double{uint64_t{1} << 53};
- fm_assert(x <= max);
- return x;
- }
- friend constexpr uint64_t operator%(const Ns& lhs, const Ns& rhs)
- {
- auto a = lhs.stamp, b = rhs.stamp;
- fm_assert(b != 0);
- return a % b;
- }
- friend constexpr Ns operator%(const Ns& lhs, uint64_t b)
- {
- auto a = lhs.stamp;
- fm_assert(b != 0);
- return Ns{a % b};
- }
- friend constexpr Ns& operator+=(Ns& lhs, const Ns& rhs)
- {
- constexpr auto max = (uint64_t)-1;
- auto b = rhs.stamp;
- fm_assert(max - lhs.stamp >= b);
- lhs.stamp += b;
- return lhs;
- }
- friend constexpr bool operator==(const Ns& lhs, const Ns& rhs) = default;
- friend constexpr std::strong_ordering operator<=>(const Ns& lhs, const Ns& rhs)
- {
- auto a = lhs.stamp, b = rhs.stamp;
- return a <=> b;
- }
- friend Debug& operator<<(Debug& dbg, const Ns& box);
- uint64_t stamp;
-constexpr inline Ns Minute{60000000000}, Second{1000000000}, Millisecond{1000000}, Microsecond{1000};
-constexpr inline const Ns& Minutes{Minute}, Seconds{Second}, Milliseconds{Millisecond}, Microseconds{Microsecond};
+struct Ns;
struct Time final
@@ -201,7 +22,7 @@ private:
static uint64_t init() noexcept;
-constexpr inline size_t fm_DATETIME_BUF_SIZE = 32;
+#define fm_DATETIME_BUF_SIZE 32
const char* format_datetime_to_string(char(&buf)[fm_DATETIME_BUF_SIZE]);
} // namespace floormat