#include "atlas.hpp" #include "compat/assert.hpp" #include "compat/defs.hpp" #include "compat/debug.hpp" #include "compat/sysexits.hpp" #include "compat/fix-argv0.hpp" #include "loader/loader.hpp" #include "serialize/magnum-vector.hpp" #include "serialize/json-helper.hpp" #include "serialize/anim.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace floormat; using Corrade::Utility::Error; using Corrade::Utility::Debug; using floormat::Serialize::anim_atlas_; namespace { struct options { String input_dir, input_file, output_dir; size_t nframes = 0; anim_scale scale; }; [[nodiscard]] std::tuple find_image_bounds(const cv::Mat4b& mat) noexcept { cv::Vec2i start{mat.cols, mat.rows}, end{0, 0}; for (int y = 0; y < mat.rows; y++) { const auto* ptr = mat.ptr(y); for (int x = 0; x < mat.cols; x++) { enum {R, G, B, A}; if (cv::Vec4b px = ptr[x]; px[A] != 0) { start[0] = std::min(x, start[0]); start[1] = std::min(y, start[1]); end[0] = std::max(x+1, end[0]); end[1] = std::max(y+1, end[1]); } } } if (start[0] < end[0] && start[1] < end[1]) return {start, end, true}; else return {{}, {}, false}; } [[nodiscard]] bool load_file(anim_group& group, options& opts, anim_atlas_& atlas, StringView filename) { auto mat = fm_begin( cv::Mat mat = cv::imread(filename, cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED); if (mat.empty() || mat.type() != CV_8UC4) { Error{} << "error: failed to load" << filename << "as RGBA32 image"; return cv::Mat4b{}; } return cv::Mat4b(Utility::move(mat)); ); if (mat.empty()) return false; auto [start, end, bounds_ok] = find_image_bounds(mat); if (!bounds_ok) { Error{} << "error: no valid image data in" << filename; return false; } cv::Size size{end - start}; if (opts.scale.type != anim_scale_type::ratio) { float new_width = opts.scale.scale_to_({(unsigned)size.width, (unsigned)size.height})[0]; opts.scale = anim_scale::ratio{new_width / (float)size.width}; } cv::Size dest_size; { auto xy = opts.scale.scale_to({(unsigned)size.width, (unsigned)size.height}); dest_size = cv::Size{(int)xy[0], (int)xy[1]}; } const auto factor = (float)dest_size.width / (float)size.width; if (size.width < dest_size.width || size.height < dest_size.height) { Error{} << "error: refusing to upscale image" << filename; return false; } cv::Mat4b resized{size}; cv::resize(mat({start, size}), resized, dest_size, 0, 0, cv::INTER_LANCZOS4); const Vector2i ground = { (int)std::round(((int)group.ground[0] - start[0]) * factor), (int)std::round(((int)group.ground[1] - start[1]) * factor), }; const Vector2ui dest_size_ = { (unsigned)dest_size.width, (unsigned)dest_size.height }; group.frames.push_back({ground, atlas.offset(), dest_size_}); atlas.add_entry({&group.frames.back(), Utility::move(resized)}); return true; } [[nodiscard]] bool load_directory(anim_group& group, options& opts, anim_atlas_& atlas) { if (!group.mirror_from.isEmpty()) return true; const auto input_dir = Path::join(opts.input_dir, group.name); if (!Path::exists(Path::join(input_dir, "."))) { Error{} << "error: can't open directory" << input_dir; return false; } unsigned max; for (max = 1; max <= 9999; max++) { char filename[9]; sprintf(filename, "%04d.png", max); if (!Path::exists(Path::join(input_dir, filename))) break; } if (max == 1) { Error{Error::Flag::NoSpace} << "no files in directory " << input_dir << "!"; return false; } if (!opts.nframes) opts.nframes = max-1; else if (opts.nframes != max-1) { Error{} << "error: wrong frame count for direction" << group.name << ":" << max-1 << "should be" << opts.nframes; return false; } group.frames.clear(); // atlas stores its entries through a pointer. // vector::reserve() is necessary to avoid use-after-free. group.frames.reserve((size_t)max-1); for (unsigned i = 1; i < max; i++) { char filename[9]; sprintf(filename, "%04d.png", i); if (!load_file(group, opts, atlas, Path::join(input_dir, filename))) return false; } atlas.advance_row(); return true; } inline String fixsep(String str) { #ifdef _WIN32 for (char& c : str) if (c == '\\') c = '/'; #endif return str; } using Corrade::Utility::Arguments; std::tuple parse_cmdline(int argc, const char* const* argv) noexcept { Corrade::Utility::Arguments args{}; args.addOption('o', "output").setHelp("output", "", "DIR") .addArgument("input.json") .addOption('W', "width", "") .addOption('H', "height", "") .addOption('F', "scale", ""); args.parse(argc, argv); options opts; if (!args.value("width").isEmpty()) opts.scale = anim_scale::fixed{args.value("width"), true}; else if (!args.value("height").isEmpty()) opts.scale = anim_scale::fixed{args.value("height"), false}; else if (!args.value("scale").isEmpty()) opts.scale = anim_scale::ratio{args.value("scale")}; opts.output_dir = Path::join(loader.startup_directory(), fixsep(args.value("output"))); opts.input_file = Path::join(loader.startup_directory(), fixsep(args.value("input.json"))); opts.input_dir = Path::split(opts.input_file).first(); if (opts.output_dir.isEmpty()) opts.output_dir = opts.input_dir; return { Utility::move(opts), Utility::move(args), true }; } [[nodiscard]] int usage(const Arguments& args) noexcept { Error{Error::Flag::NoNewlineAtTheEnd} << args.usage(); return EX_USAGE; } } // namespace int main(int argc, char** argv) { argv[0] = fix_argv0(argv[0]); auto [opts, args, opts_ok] = parse_cmdline(argc, argv); if (!opts_ok) return usage(args); auto anim_info = json_helper::from_json(opts.input_file); if (!loader.check_atlas_name(anim_info.object_name)) { Error{} << "error: atlas object name" << anim_info.object_name << "is invalid"; return EX_DATAERR; } if (!anim_info.anim_name.isEmpty() && !loader.check_atlas_name(anim_info.anim_name)) { Error{} << "error: atlas animation name" << anim_info.object_name << "is invalid"; return EX_DATAERR; } opts.nframes = anim_info.nframes; if (opts.scale.type == anim_scale_type::invalid) opts.scale = anim_info.scale; anim_atlas_ atlas; for (anim_group& group : anim_info.groups) if (!load_directory(group, opts, atlas)) return EX_DATAERR; if (!Path::make(opts.output_dir)) return EX_CANTCREAT; const String base_name = !anim_info.anim_name.isEmpty() ? anim_info.object_name + "-" + anim_info.anim_name : anim_info.object_name; if (auto pathname = Path::join(opts.output_dir, (base_name + ".png")); !atlas.dump(pathname)) { auto errstr = error_string(); ERR << "error: failed writing image to" << quoted(pathname) << colon() << errstr; return EX_CANTCREAT; } anim_info.pixel_size = Vector2ui(atlas.size()); json_helper::to_json(anim_info, Path::join(opts.output_dir, (base_name + ".json"))); return 0; }