character archetypes: - firearms with a strength & crafting requirement; making civilian rifles fully automatic, creating suppressors out of loose parts - stealth (unique quest solutions, very limited combat); other character types can't be stealthy - melee with magic-like abilities player character attributes: # not more than 4 to 5 - strength / constitution rolled into one - perception / intelligence / wisdom rolled into one - agility *or* dexterity, not both player character skills: # not more than 5 levels # level 5 is superhuman # level 4 is one of the very best in the world # level 3 is very experienced # level 0 is technically being able to use it - stealth - firearms - melee - etiquette (making factions work for you despite negative reputation) - mercantile (getting better goodies, like in underrail) - magic player character derived abilities: - recoil control (strength*3 + firearms) - close quarters maneuverability (agility - weapon bulkiness) - being detected by sound (agility + stealth) - being detected by sight (stealth only) - chance to hit (perception * 3 + weapon skill) combat etc - silent bows requiring actual skill to aim (simple, recurve, compound) - crafting modifies weapons into full auto - crafting adjustable stock, foregrips - gun types like pistol caliber rifles, bolt-action 7.62x39 rifles - limits on suppressor usability or no suppressors at all magic melee # uses wisdom, agility # try ripping off LoL skills for melee: - Lee Sin kick enemy into enemy - Fizz gap closer while untargetable - Tryndamere's invulnerability