#include "app.hpp" #include "floormat/main.hpp" #include "floormat/events.hpp" #include "src/world.hpp" #include "keys.hpp" #include "editor.hpp" #include "compat/enum-bitset.hpp" #include #include #include namespace floormat { void app::on_focus_in() noexcept {} void app::on_mouse_enter() noexcept {} void app::on_any_event(const any_event&) noexcept {} #define accessor(type, name) \ type m_##name = {}; auto name() const noexcept { return m_##name; } static constexpr int fixup_mods_(int mods, int value, int mask) { return !!(mods & mask) * value; } static constexpr int fixup_mods(int mods) { int ret = 0; ret |= fixup_mods_(mods, kmod_ctrl, KMOD_CTRL); ret |= fixup_mods_(mods, kmod_shift, KMOD_SHIFT); ret |= fixup_mods_(mods, kmod_alt, KMOD_ALT); ret |= fixup_mods_(mods, kmod_super, KMOD_GUI); return ret; } void app::clear_keys(key min_inclusive, key max_exclusive) { auto& keys = *keys_; using key_type = std::decay_t::value_type; for (key_type i = key_type(min_inclusive); i < key_type(max_exclusive); i++) { const auto idx = key(i); keys[idx] = false; key_modifiers.data[i] = kmod_none; } } void app::clear_keys() { keys_->reset(); key_modifiers = {}; } void app::on_mouse_move(const mouse_move_event& event) noexcept { if (!(event.position >= Vector2i() && event.position < M->window_size())) return; struct { accessor(Vector2i, position) } e = {event.position}; if ((cursor.in_imgui = _imgui->handleMouseMoveEvent(e))) void(); else if (_editor->mode() == editor_mode::tests && tests_handle_mouse_move(event)) void(); update_cursor_tile(event.position); do_mouse_move(fixup_mods(event.mods)); } void app::on_mouse_up_down(const mouse_button_event& event, bool is_down) noexcept { if (!(event.position >= Vector2i() && event.position < M->window_size())) return; struct ev { enum class Button : std::underlying_type_t { Left = mouse_button_left, Right = mouse_button_right, Middle = mouse_button_middle, }; accessor(Vector2i, position) accessor(Button, button) } e = {event.position, ev::Button(event.button)}; if ((cursor.in_imgui = is_down ? _imgui->handleMousePressEvent(e) : _imgui->handleMouseReleaseEvent(e))) void(); else if (_editor->mode() == editor_mode::tests && tests_handle_mouse_click(event, is_down)) void(); else do_mouse_up_down(event.button, is_down, fixup_mods(event.mods)); } void app::on_mouse_scroll(const mouse_scroll_event& event) noexcept { if (!(event.position >= Vector2i() && event.position < M->window_size())) return; struct { accessor(Vector2, offset) accessor(Vector2i, position) } e = {event.offset, event.position}; if (!(cursor.in_imgui = _imgui->handleMouseScrollEvent(e))) do_mouse_scroll((int)e.offset()[1]); } auto app::resolve_keybinding(int k_, int mods_) -> std::tuple { [[maybe_unused]] constexpr int CTRL = kmod_ctrl; [[maybe_unused]] constexpr int SHIFT = kmod_shift; [[maybe_unused]] constexpr int ALT = kmod_alt; [[maybe_unused]] constexpr int SUPER = kmod_super; switch (k_) { case SDLK_LSHIFT: case SDLK_RSHIFT: case SDLK_LCTRL: case SDLK_RCTRL: case SDLK_LALT: case SDLK_RALT: case SDLK_LGUI: case SDLK_RGUI: return { key_noop, kmod_mask }; default: break; } const int k = k_ | fixup_mods(mods_); constexpr kmod list[] = { kmod_none, kmod_super, kmod_alt, kmod_shift, kmod_ctrl, }; int last = ~0; for (int k1 = k; kmod mod1 : list) { k1 &= ~mod1; for (int k2 = k1; kmod mod2 : list) { k2 &= ~mod2; if (k2 == last) continue; last = k2; auto mods = k2 & kmod_mask; auto ret = [=] { switch (k2) { default: return key_noop; case SDLK_w: return key_camera_up; case SDLK_a: return key_camera_left; case SDLK_s: return key_camera_down; case SDLK_d: return key_camera_right; case SDLK_HOME: return key_camera_reset; case SDLK_r: return key_rotate_tile; case SDLK_F2: return key_emit_timestamp; case SDLK_1: return key_mode_none; case SDLK_2: return key_mode_floor; case SDLK_3: return key_mode_walls; case SDLK_4: return key_mode_scenery; case SDLK_5: return key_mode_vobj; // for things like: // - detect collisions with a line placed using the cursor (can be diagonal) // - make charactere pathfind somewhere // - make character walk around waypoints case SDLK_6: return key_mode_tests; case SDLK_c | ALT: return key_render_collision_boxes; case SDLK_l | ALT: return key_render_clickables; case SDLK_v | ALT: return key_render_vobjs; case SDLK_t: return key_render_all_z_levels; case SDLK_F5: return key_quicksave; case SDLK_F9: return key_quickload; case SDLK_q | CTRL: return key_quit; case SDLK_n | CTRL: return key_new_file; case SDLK_ESCAPE: return key_escape; case SDLK_LEFT: return key_left; case SDLK_RIGHT: return key_right; case SDLK_UP: return key_up; case SDLK_DOWN: return key_down; } }(); if (ret == key_noop) continue; else return {ret, mods}; } } return { key_COUNT, k & kmod_mask }; } void app::clear_non_global_keys() { clear_keys(key_MIN, key_GLOBAL); } void app::clear_non_repeated_keys() { clear_keys(key_NO_REPEAT, key_COUNT); } void app::on_key_up_down(const key_event& event, bool is_down) noexcept { using KeyEvent = Platform::Sdl2Application::KeyEvent; struct Ev { using Key = KeyEvent::Key; using Modifier = KeyEvent::Modifier; using Modifiers = KeyEvent::Modifiers; accessor(Key, key) accessor(Modifiers, modifiers) } e = {Ev::Key(event.key), Ev::Modifier(event.mods)}; auto [x, mods] = resolve_keybinding(event.key, event.mods); static_assert(key_GLOBAL >= key_NO_REPEAT); if ((x == key_COUNT || x < key_GLOBAL) && (is_down ? _imgui->handleKeyPressEvent(e) : _imgui->handleKeyReleaseEvent(e)) || (x == key_COUNT || x == key_escape) && _editor->mode() == editor_mode::tests && tests_handle_key(event, is_down)) clear_non_global_keys(); else if (x >= key_NO_REPEAT) is_down && !event.is_repeated ? do_key(x, mods, event.key & ~SDLK_SCANCODE_MASK) : void(); else { (*keys_)[x] = is_down; key_modifiers.data[size_t(x)] = mods; } } void app::on_text_input_event(const text_input_event& event) noexcept { struct { accessor(Containers::StringView, text) } e = {event.text}; if (_imgui->handleTextInputEvent(e)) clear_non_global_keys(); } void app::on_viewport_event(const Math::Vector2& size) noexcept { init_imgui(size); } void app::on_focus_out() noexcept { update_cursor_tile(NullOpt); clear_keys(); } void app::on_mouse_leave() noexcept { update_cursor_tile(NullOpt); } void app::do_key(key k) { do_key(k, get_key_modifiers(), 0); } int app::get_key_modifiers() { return fixup_mods(M->get_mods()); } void app::set_cursor_from_imgui() { _imgui->updateApplicationCursor(M->application()); } } // namespace floormat