#include "app.hpp" #include "floormat/main.hpp" #include "compat/format.hpp" #include "src/world.hpp" #include "src/anim-atlas.hpp" #include "shaders/shader.hpp" #include "main/clickable.hpp" #include "imgui-raii.hpp" #include "src/light.hpp" namespace floormat { using namespace floormat::imgui; bool popup_target::operator==(const popup_target&) const = default; void app::init_imgui(Vector2i size) { if (!_imgui.context()) _imgui = ImGuiIntegration::Context(Vector2{size}, size, size); else _imgui.relayout(Vector2{size}, size, size); } void app::render_menu() { _imgui.drawFrame(); } float app::draw_main_menu() { float main_menu_height = 0; if (auto b = begin_main_menu()) { ImGui::SetWindowFontScale(M->dpi_scale().min()); if (auto b = begin_menu("File")) { bool do_new = false, do_quickload = false, do_quit = false; ImGui::MenuItem("New", nullptr, &do_new); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::MenuItem("Load quicksave", nullptr, &do_quickload); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::MenuItem("Quit", "Ctrl+Q", &do_quit); if (do_new) do_key(key_new_file, kmod_none); else if (do_quickload) do_key(key_quickload, kmod_none); else if (do_quit) do_key(key_quit, kmod_none); } if (auto b = begin_menu("Editor")) { auto mode = _editor.mode(); using m = editor_mode; const auto* ed_sc = _editor.current_scenery_editor(); const auto* ed_w = _editor.current_tile_editor(); const bool b_rotate = ed_sc && ed_sc->is_anything_selected() || mode == editor_mode::walls && ed_w; bool m_none = mode == m::none, m_floor = mode == m::floor, m_walls = mode == m::walls, m_scenery = mode == m::scenery, m_vobjs = mode == m::vobj, b_collisions = _render_bboxes, b_clickables = _render_clickables, b_vobjs = _render_vobjs, b_all_z_levels = _render_all_z_levels; ImGui::SeparatorText("Mode"); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Select", "1", m_none)) do_key(key_mode_none); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Floor", "2", m_floor)) do_key(key_mode_floor); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Walls", "3", m_walls)) do_key(key_mode_walls); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Scenery", "4", m_scenery)) do_key(key_mode_scenery); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Virtual objects", "5", m_vobjs)) do_key(key_mode_vobj); ImGui::SeparatorText("Modify"); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Rotate", "R", false, b_rotate)) do_key(key_rotate_tile); ImGui::SeparatorText("View"); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Show collisions", "Alt+C", b_collisions)) do_key(key_render_collision_boxes); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Show clickables", "Alt+L", b_clickables)) do_key(key_render_clickables); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Render virtual objects", "Alt+V", b_vobjs)) do_key(key_render_vobjs); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Show all Z levels", "T", b_all_z_levels)) do_key(key_render_all_z_levels); } main_menu_height = ImGui::GetContentRegionMax().y; } return main_menu_height; } void app::draw_ui() { const auto dpi = M->dpi_scale().min(); [[maybe_unused]] const auto style_ = style_saver{}; auto& style = ImGui::GetStyle(); auto& ctx = *ImGui::GetCurrentContext(); ImGui::StyleColorsDark(&style); style.ScaleAllSizes(dpi); ImGui::GetIO().IniFilename = nullptr; _imgui.newFrame(); if (_render_clickables) draw_clickables(); if (_render_vobjs) draw_light_info(); const float main_menu_height = draw_main_menu(); [[maybe_unused]] auto font = font_saver{ctx.FontSize*dpi}; if (_editor.current_tile_editor() || _editor.current_scenery_editor() || _editor.current_vobj_editor()) draw_editor_pane(main_menu_height); draw_fps(); draw_tile_under_cursor(); if (_editor.mode() == editor_mode::none) draw_inspector(); draw_z_level(); do_popup_menu(); ImGui::EndFrame(); } void app::draw_clickables() { ImDrawList& draw = *ImGui::GetForegroundDrawList(); const auto color = ImGui::ColorConvertFloat4ToU32({0, .8f, .8f, .95f}); constexpr float thickness = 2.5f; for (const auto& x : M->clickable_scenery()) { auto dest = Math::Range2D(x.dest); auto min = dest.min(), max = dest.max(); draw.AddRect({ min.x(), min.y() }, { max.x(), max.y() }, color, 0, ImDrawFlags_None, thickness); if (x.slope != 0.f) { const auto bb_min = min + Vector2(x.bb_min), bb_max = min + Vector2(x.bb_max); draw.AddLine({ bb_min[0], bb_min[1] }, { bb_max[0], bb_max[1] }, color, thickness); } } } void app::draw_light_info() { ImDrawList& draw = *ImGui::GetForegroundDrawList(); const auto dpi = M->dpi_scale(); constexpr float font_size = 12; const auto& style = ImGui::GetStyle(); const ImVec2 pad { style.FramePadding.x*.5f, 0 }; const auto font_size_ = dpi.sum()*.5f * font_size; draw_list_font_saver saver2{font_size_}; imgui::font_saver saver{font_size_}; for (const auto& x : M->clickable_scenery()) { if (x.e->type() == entity_type::light) { const auto dest = Math::Range2D(x.dest); const auto& e = static_cast(*x.e); if (e.id == _popup_target.id) // TODO use z order instead continue; StringView falloff; switch (e.falloff) { default: falloff = "?"_s; break; case light_falloff::constant: falloff = "constant"_s; break; case light_falloff::linear: falloff = "linear"_s; break; case light_falloff::quadratic: falloff = "quadratic"_s; break; } // todo add rendering color as part of the lightbulb icon #if 0 char color[8]; snformat(color, "{:2X}{:2X}{:2X}"_cf, e.color.x(), e.color.y(), e.color.z()); #endif char buf[128]; if (e.falloff == light_falloff::constant) snformat(buf, "{}"_cf, falloff); else snformat(buf, "{} range={}"_cf, falloff, e.max_distance); auto text_size = ImGui::CalcTextSize(buf); float offy = dest.max().y() + 5 * dpi.y(); float offx = dest.min().x() + (dest.max().x() - dest.min().x())*.5f - text_size.x*.5f; draw.AddRectFilled({offx-pad.x, offy-pad.y}, {offx + text_size.x + pad.x, offy + text_size.y + pad.y}, ImGui::ColorConvertFloat4ToU32({0, 0, 0, 1})); draw.AddText({offx, offy}, ImGui::ColorConvertFloat4ToU32({1, 1, 0, 1}), buf); } } } static constexpr auto SCENERY_POPUP_NAME = "##scenery-popup"_s; bool app::check_inspector_exists(const popup_target& p) { if (p.target == popup_target_type::none) [[unlikely]] return true; for (const auto& p2 : inspectors) if (p2 == p) return true; return false; } void app::do_popup_menu() { const auto [id, target] = _popup_target; auto& w = M->world(); auto e_ = w.find_entity(id); if (target == popup_target_type::none || !e_) { _popup_target = {}; _pending_popup = {}; return; } auto& e = *e_; auto b0 = push_id(SCENERY_POPUP_NAME); //if (_popup_target.target != popup_target_type::scenery) {...} if (_pending_popup) { _pending_popup = false; //if (type != popup_target_type::scenery) {...} ImGui::OpenPopup(SCENERY_POPUP_NAME.data()); } if (auto b1 = begin_popup(SCENERY_POPUP_NAME)) { ImGui::BringWindowToDisplayFront(ImGui::GetCurrentWindow()); ImGui::SeparatorText("Setup"); const auto i = e.index(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Activate", nullptr, false, e.can_activate(i))) e.activate(i); if (bool b_ins = !check_inspector_exists(_popup_target); ImGui::MenuItem("Inspect", nullptr, !b_ins, b_ins)) inspectors.push_back(std::exchange(_popup_target, {})); ImGui::SeparatorText("Modify"); if (auto next_rot = e.atlas->next_rotation_from(e.r); ImGui::MenuItem("Rotate", nullptr, false, next_rot != e.r && e.can_rotate(next_rot))) e.rotate(i, next_rot); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Delete", nullptr, false)) e.chunk().remove_entity(e.index()); } else _popup_target = {}; } void app::kill_popups(bool hard) { const bool imgui = _imgui.context() != nullptr; _pending_popup = false; _popup_target = {}; if (imgui) ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); if (hard) inspectors.clear(); if (imgui) ImGui::FocusWindow(nullptr); } } // namespace floormat