#include "impl.hpp" #include "compat/assert.hpp" #include "compat/exception.hpp" #include "src/emplacer.hpp" #include "src/anim-atlas.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // todo rename file to 'scenery.cpp' namespace floormat { StringView loader_::make_atlas_path(char(&buf)[FILENAME_MAX], StringView dir, StringView name) { fm_soft_assert(!dir || dir[dir.size()-1] == '/'); const auto dirsiz = dir.size(), namesiz = name.size(); fm_soft_assert(dirsiz + namesiz + 1 < FILENAME_MAX); std::memcpy(buf, dir.data(), dirsiz); std::memcpy(&buf[dirsiz], name.data(), namesiz); auto len = dirsiz + namesiz; buf[len] = '\0'; return StringView{buf, len, StringViewFlag::NullTerminated}; } bool loader_::check_atlas_name(StringView str) noexcept { constexpr auto first_char = "@_0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"_s; if (str == ""_s) return true; if (!str || !first_char.find(str[0])) return false; if (str.findAny("\\\"'\n\r\t\a\033\0|$!%{}^*?<>&;:^"_s) || str.find("/."_s) || str.find("//"_s)) return false; return true; } } // namespace floormat namespace floormat::loader_detail { ArrayView loader_impl::anim_atlas_list() { if (anim_atlases.empty()) get_anim_atlas_list(); fm_assert(!anim_atlases.empty()); return { anim_atlases.data(), anim_atlases.size() }; } std::shared_ptr loader_impl::anim_atlas(StringView name, StringView dir) noexcept(false) { fm_soft_assert(!dir || dir[dir.size()-1] == '/'); char buf[FILENAME_MAX]; auto path = make_atlas_path(buf, dir, name); if (auto it = anim_atlas_map.find(path); it != anim_atlas_map.end()) return it->second; else { fm_soft_assert(check_atlas_name(name)); auto anim_info = deserialize_anim(path + ".json"); for (anim_group& group : anim_info.groups) { if (!group.mirror_from.isEmpty()) { auto it = std::find_if(anim_info.groups.cbegin(), anim_info.groups.cend(), [&](const anim_group& x) { return x.name == group.mirror_from; }); if (it == anim_info.groups.cend()) fm_throw("can't find group '{}' to mirror from '{}'"_cf, group.mirror_from, group.name); group.frames = array(arrayView(it->frames)); for (anim_frame& f : group.frames) f.ground = Vector2i((Int)f.size[0] - f.ground[0], f.ground[1]); } } auto tex = texture(""_s, path); fm_soft_assert(!anim_info.object_name.isEmpty()); fm_soft_assert(anim_info.pixel_size.product() > 0); fm_soft_assert(!anim_info.groups.isEmpty()); fm_soft_assert(anim_info.nframes > 0); fm_soft_assert(anim_info.nframes == 1 || anim_info.fps > 0); const auto size = tex.pixels().size(); const auto width = size[1], height = size[0]; fm_soft_assert(anim_info.pixel_size[0] == width && anim_info.pixel_size[1] == height); auto atlas = std::make_shared(path, tex, std::move(anim_info)); return anim_atlas_map[atlas->name()] = atlas; } } void loader_impl::get_anim_atlas_list() { anim_atlases.clear(); using f = Path::ListFlag; constexpr auto flags = f::SkipDirectories | f::SkipDotAndDotDot | f::SkipSpecial | f::SortAscending; if (const auto list = Path::list(ANIM_PATH, flags); list) { anim_atlases.reserve(list->size()); constexpr auto suffix = ".json"_s; for (StringView str : *list) if (str.hasSuffix(suffix)) anim_atlases.emplace_back(str.exceptSuffix(suffix.size())); } anim_atlases.shrink_to_fit(); fm_assert(!anim_atlases.empty()); } } // namespace floormat::loader_detail