#include "src/loader.hpp" #include "src/tile-atlas.hpp" #include "compat/assert.hpp" #include "compat/alloca.hpp" #include "src/anim-atlas.hpp" #include "serialize/json-helper.hpp" #include "serialize/anim.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Walloca" #endif using StringView = Corrade::Containers::StringView; namespace Path = Corrade::Utility::Path; namespace floormat { struct loader_impl final : loader_ { std::optional shader_res; PluginManager::Manager importer_plugins; Containers::Pointer tga_importer = importer_plugins.loadAndInstantiate("AnyImageImporter"); PluginManager::Manager image_converter_plugins; std::unordered_map> tile_atlas_map; std::unordered_map> anim_atlas_map; std::vector anim_atlases; StringView shader(StringView filename) override; Trade::ImageData2D tile_texture(StringView filename) override; std::shared_ptr tile_atlas(StringView filename, Vector2ub size) override; ArrayView anim_atlas_list() override; std::shared_ptr anim_atlas(StringView name) override; void get_anim_atlas_list(); static void set_application_working_directory(); explicit loader_impl(); ~loader_impl() override; }; StringView loader_impl::shader(StringView filename) { if (!shader_res) shader_res = std::make_optional("floormat/shaders"); auto ret = shader_res->getString(filename); if (ret.isEmpty()) fm_abort("can't find shader resource '%s'", filename.cbegin()); return ret; } std::shared_ptr loader_impl::tile_atlas(StringView name, Vector2ub size) { auto it = std::find_if(tile_atlas_map.cbegin(), tile_atlas_map.cend(), [&](const auto& x) { const auto& [k, v] = x; return StringView{k} == name; }); if (it != tile_atlas_map.cend()) return it->second; auto image = tile_texture(name); auto atlas = std::make_shared(name, image, size); tile_atlas_map[name] = atlas; return atlas; } Trade::ImageData2D loader_impl::tile_texture(StringView filename_) { static_assert(FM_IMAGE_PATH[sizeof(FM_IMAGE_PATH)-2] == '/'); fm_assert(filename_.size() < 4096); fm_assert(filename_.find('\\') == filename_.end()); fm_assert(filename_.find('\0') == filename_.end()); fm_assert(tga_importer); constexpr std::size_t max_extension_length = 16; char* const filename = (char*)alloca(filename_.size() + std::size(FM_IMAGE_PATH) + max_extension_length); const std::size_t len = fm_begin( std::size_t off = std::size(FM_IMAGE_PATH)-1; std::memcpy(filename, FM_IMAGE_PATH, off); std::memcpy(filename + off, filename_.cbegin(), filename_.size()); return off + filename_.size(); ); for (const auto& extension : std::initializer_list{ ".tga", ".png", ".webp", }) { std::memcpy(filename + len, extension.data(), extension.size()); filename[len + extension.size()] = '\0'; if (Path::exists(filename) && tga_importer->openFile(filename)) { auto img = tga_importer->image2D(0); if (!img) fm_abort("can't allocate tile image for '%s'", filename); auto ret = std::move(*img); return ret; } else { fm_warn("can't open '%s'", filename); } } const auto path = Path::currentDirectory(); filename[len] = '\0'; fm_abort("can't open tile image '%s' (cwd '%s')", filename, path ? path->data() : "(null)"); } ArrayView loader_impl::anim_atlas_list() { if (anim_atlases.empty()) get_anim_atlas_list(); return anim_atlases; } std::shared_ptr loader_impl::anim_atlas(StringView name) { if (auto it = anim_atlas_map.find(name); it != anim_atlas_map.end()) return it->second; else { const auto path = Path::join(FM_ANIM_PATH, name); std::filesystem::path p = std::string_view{path}; auto anim_info = json_helper::from_json(p); p.replace_extension({}); auto tex = tile_texture(path); fm_assert(!anim_info.anim_name.isEmpty() && !anim_info.object_name.isEmpty()); fm_assert(anim_info.pixel_size.product() > 0); fm_assert(!anim_info.groups.empty()); fm_assert(anim_info.nframes > 0); fm_assert(anim_info.nframes == 1 || anim_info.fps > 0); auto atlas = std::make_shared(p.string(), tex, std::move(anim_info)); return anim_atlas_map[atlas->name()] = atlas; } } void loader_impl::get_anim_atlas_list() { anim_atlases.clear(); anim_atlases.reserve(64); using f = Path::ListFlag; constexpr auto flags = f::SkipDirectories | f::SkipDotAndDotDot | f::SkipSpecial | f::SortAscending; if (const auto list = Path::list(FM_ANIM_PATH, flags); list) for (StringView str : *list) if (str.hasSuffix(".json")) anim_atlases.emplace_back(str.exceptSuffix(std::size(".json")-1)); } void loader_::destroy() { loader.~loader_(); new (&loader) loader_impl(); } void loader_impl::set_application_working_directory() { static bool once = false; if (once) return; once = true; const auto location = Path::executableLocation(); if (!location) return; std::filesystem::path path((std::string)*location); path.replace_filename(".."); std::error_code error; std::filesystem::current_path(path, error); if (error.value()) { fm_warn("failed to change working directory to '%s' (%s)", path.string().data(), error.message().data()); } } loader_impl::loader_impl() { set_application_working_directory(); } loader_impl::~loader_impl() = default; static loader_& make_default_loader() { static loader_impl loader_singleton{}; return loader_singleton; } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables) loader_& loader = make_default_loader(); } // namespace floormat