#include "main-impl.hpp" #include "src/tile-constants.hpp" #include "floormat/app.hpp" #include "src/camera-offset.hpp" #include "src/anim-atlas.hpp" #include "main/clickable.hpp" #include "src/light.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace floormat { void main_impl::recalc_viewport(Vector2i fb_size, Vector2i win_size) noexcept { _dpi_scale = dpiScaling(); _virtual_scale = Vector2(fb_size) / Vector2(win_size); update_window_state(); _shader.set_scale(Vector2{fb_size}); GL::Renderer::setDepthMask(true); #ifdef FM_USE_DEPTH32 { framebuffer.fb = GL::Framebuffer{{ {}, fb_size }}; framebuffer.color = GL::Texture2D{}; framebuffer.color.setStorage(1, GL::TextureFormat::RGBA8, fb_size); framebuffer.depth = GL::Renderbuffer{}; framebuffer.depth.setStorage(GL::RenderbufferFormat::DepthComponent32F, fb_size); framebuffer.fb.attachTexture(GL::Framebuffer::ColorAttachment{0}, framebuffer.color, 0); framebuffer.fb.attachRenderbuffer(GL::Framebuffer::BufferAttachment::Depth, framebuffer.depth); framebuffer.fb.clearColor(0, Color4{0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f}); framebuffer.fb.clearDepth(0); framebuffer.fb.bind(); } #else GL::defaultFramebuffer.setViewport({{}, fb_size }); GL::defaultFramebuffer.clearColor(Color4{0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f}); GL::defaultFramebuffer.clearDepthStencil(0, 0); GL::defaultFramebuffer.bind(); #endif // -- state --- glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); using BlendEquation = GL::Renderer::BlendEquation; using BlendFunction = GL::Renderer::BlendFunction; using DepthFunction = GL::Renderer::DepthFunction; using ProvokingVertex = GL::Renderer::ProvokingVertex; using Feature = GL::Renderer::Feature; GL::Renderer::setBlendEquation(BlendEquation::Add, BlendEquation::Add); GL::Renderer::setBlendFunction(BlendFunction::SourceAlpha, BlendFunction::OneMinusSourceAlpha); GL::Renderer::disable(Feature::FaceCulling); GL::Renderer::disable(Feature::DepthTest); GL::Renderer::enable(Feature::Blending); GL::Renderer::enable(Feature::ScissorTest); GL::Renderer::enable(Feature::DepthClamp); GL::Renderer::setDepthFunction(DepthFunction::Greater); GL::Renderer::setScissor({{}, fb_size}); GL::Renderer::setProvokingVertex(ProvokingVertex::FirstVertexConvention); // -- user-- app.on_viewport_event(fb_size); fps_sample_timeline.start(); } global_coords main_impl::pixel_to_tile(Vector2d position) const noexcept { auto vec = pixel_to_tile_(position); auto vec_ = Math::floor(vec); return { (int32_t)vec_.x(), (int32_t)vec.y(), 0 }; } Vector2d main_impl::pixel_to_tile_(Vector2d position) const noexcept { constexpr Vector2d pixel_size(TILE_SIZE2); constexpr Vector2d half{.5, .5}; const Vector2d px = position - Vector2d{window_size()}*.5 - _shader.camera_offset(); return tile_shader::unproject(px*.5) / pixel_size + half; } auto main_impl::get_draw_bounds() const noexcept -> draw_bounds { using limits = std::numeric_limits; auto x0 = limits::max(), x1 = limits::min(), y0 = limits::max(), y1 = limits::min(); const auto win = Vector2d(window_size()); chunk_coords list[] = { pixel_to_tile(Vector2d{0, 0}).chunk(), pixel_to_tile(Vector2d{win[0]-1, 0}).chunk(), pixel_to_tile(Vector2d{0, win[1]-1}).chunk(), pixel_to_tile(Vector2d{win[0]-1, win[1]-1}).chunk(), }; auto center = pixel_to_tile(Vector2d{win[0]/2, win[1]/2}).chunk(); for (auto p : list) { x0 = Math::min(x0, p.x); x1 = Math::max(x1, p.x); y0 = Math::min(y0, p.y); y1 = Math::max(y1, p.y); } // todo test this with the default viewport size using --magnum-dpi-scaling=1 x0 -= 1; y0 -= 1; x1 += 1; y1 += 1; constexpr int16_t mx = tile_shader::max_screen_tiles.x()/(int16_t)2, my = tile_shader::max_screen_tiles.y()/(int16_t)2; int16_t minx = center.x - mx + 1, maxx = center.x + mx, miny = center.y - my + 1, maxy = center.y + my; x0 = Math::clamp(x0, minx, maxx); x1 = Math::clamp(x1, minx, maxx); y0 = Math::clamp(y0, miny, maxy); y1 = Math::clamp(y1, miny, maxy); return {x0, x1, y0, y1}; } void main_impl::draw_world() noexcept { const auto [z_min, z_max, z_cur, only] = app.get_z_bounds(); const auto [minx, maxx, miny, maxy] = get_draw_bounds(); const auto sz = window_size(); fm_debug_assert(1 + maxx - minx <= 8); fm_debug_assert(1 + maxy - miny <= 8); arrayResize(_clickable_scenery, 0); #ifdef FM_USE_DEPTH32 framebuffer.fb.clearDepth(0); #else GL::defaultFramebuffer.clearDepth(0); #endif GL::Renderer::enable(GL::Renderer::Feature::DepthTest); GL::Renderer::setDepthMask(true); for (int8_t z = z_max; z >= z_min; z--) { if (only && z != z_cur) _shader.set_tint({1, 1, 1, 0.75}); else _shader.set_tint({1, 1, 1, 1}); for (int16_t y = maxy; y >= miny; y--) for (int16_t x = maxx; x >= minx; x--) { const chunk_coords_ ch{x, y, z}; auto* c_ = _world.at(ch); if (!c_) continue; auto& c = *c_; bind(); const with_shifted_camera_offset o{_shader, ch, {minx, miny}, {maxx, maxy}}; if (check_chunk_visible(_shader.camera_offset(), sz)) { _ground_mesh.draw(_shader, c); _wall_mesh.draw(_shader, c); } } } GL::Renderer::setDepthMask(false); for (int8_t z = z_min; z <= z_max; z++) for (int16_t y = miny; y <= maxy; y++) for (int16_t x = minx; x <= maxx; x++) { if (only && z != z_cur) _shader.set_tint({1, 1, 1, 0.75}); else _shader.set_tint({1, 1, 1, 1}); const chunk_coords_ pos{x, y, z}; auto* c_ = _world.at(pos); if (!c_) continue; auto& c = *c_; const with_shifted_camera_offset o{_shader, pos, {minx, miny}, {maxx, maxy}}; if (check_chunk_visible(_shader.camera_offset(), sz)) _anim_mesh.draw(_shader, sz, c, _clickable_scenery, _do_render_vobjs); } _shader.set_tint({1, 1, 1, 1}); GL::Renderer::setDepthMask(true); GL::Renderer::disable(GL::Renderer::Feature::DepthTest); } bool floormat_main::check_chunk_visible(const Vector2d& offset, const Vector2i& size) noexcept { constexpr Vector3d len = dTILE_SIZE * TILE_MAX_DIM20d; enum : size_t { x, y, }; constexpr Vector2d p00 = tile_shader::project(Vector3d(0, 0, 0)), p10 = tile_shader::project(Vector3d(len[x], 0, 0)), p01 = tile_shader::project(Vector3d(0, len[y], 0)), p11 = tile_shader::project(Vector3d(len[x], len[y], 0)); constexpr auto xx = std::minmax({ p00[x], p10[x], p01[x], p11[x], }), yy = std::minmax({ p00[y], p10[y], p01[y], p11[y], }); constexpr auto minx = xx.first, maxx = xx.second, miny = yy.first, maxy = yy.second; constexpr int W = (int)(maxx - minx + .5 + 1e-16), H = (int)(maxy - miny + .5 + 1e-16); const auto X = (int)(minx + (offset[x] + size[x])*.5), Y = (int)(miny + (offset[y] + size[y])*.5); return X + W > 0 && X < size[x] && Y + H > 0 && Y < size[y]; } #ifndef FM_NO_DEBUG static size_t good_frames, bad_frames; #endif void main_impl::do_update() { float dt = timeline.previousFrameDuration(); if (dt > 0) { if (fps_sample_timeline.currentFrameDuration() > 1.f/15) { fps_sample_timeline.nextFrame(); constexpr float RC = 10; const float alpha = 1/(1 + RC); _frame_time = _frame_time*(1-alpha) + alpha*dt; } static size_t ctr = 0; if (dt >= 1.f/55 && !dt_expected.do_sleep) fm_debug("%zu frame took %.1f milliseconds", ctr++, dt*1e3f); } else { swapBuffers(); timeline.nextFrame(); } if (auto d = Math::abs(dt - dt_expected.value); d <= 4e-3f) { dt = dt_expected.value + 1e-6f; #ifndef FM_NO_DEBUG ++good_frames; #endif } #ifndef FM_NO_DEBUG else if (dt_expected.has_focus && dt_expected.do_sleep) [[unlikely]] { if (good_frames) { DBG_nospace << ++bad_frames << " bad frame " << d << ", expected:" << dt_expected.value << " good-frames:" << good_frames; good_frames = 0; } } #endif dt = Math::clamp(dt, 1e-5f, Math::max(.2f, dt_expected.value)); app.update(dt); } void main_impl::bind() noexcept { framebuffer.fb.bind(); } void main_impl::drawEvent() { _shader.set_tint({1, 1, 1, 1}); const auto clear_color = 0x222222ff_rgbaf; #ifdef FM_USE_DEPTH32 framebuffer.fb.clearColor(0, clear_color); #else GL::defaultFramebuffer.clearColor(clear_color); #endif draw_world(); app.draw(); GL::Renderer::flush(); do_update(); #ifdef FM_USE_DEPTH32 GL::Framebuffer::blit(framebuffer.fb, GL::defaultFramebuffer, framebuffer.fb.viewport(), GL::FramebufferBlit::Color); #endif swapBuffers(); redraw(); timeline.nextFrame(); if (dt_expected.do_sleep) { constexpr float ε = 1e-3f; const float Δt൦ = timeline.previousFrameDuration(), sleep_secs = dt_expected.value - Δt൦ - dt_expected.jitter; if (sleep_secs > ε) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::nanoseconds((long long)(sleep_secs * 1e9f))); //fm_debug("jitter:%.1f sleep:%.0f", dt_expected.jitter*1000, sleep_secs*1000); const float Δt = timeline.previousFrameDuration() - dt_expected.value; constexpr float α = .1f; dt_expected.jitter = Math::max(dt_expected.jitter + Δt * α, dt_expected.jitter * (1-α) + Δt * α); dt_expected.jitter = std::copysign(std::fmin(dt_expected.value, std::fabs(dt_expected.jitter)), dt_expected.jitter); } else dt_expected.jitter = 0; } ArrayView main_impl::clickable_scenery() const noexcept { return { _clickable_scenery.data(), _clickable_scenery.size() }; } ArrayView main_impl::clickable_scenery() noexcept { return { _clickable_scenery.data(), _clickable_scenery.size() }; } } // namespace floormat