#define FM_SERIALIZE_WORLD_IMPL #include "world-impl.hpp" #include "binary-reader.inl" #include "src/world.hpp" #include "src/scenery.hpp" #include "src/character.hpp" #include "loader/loader.hpp" #include "loader/scenery.hpp" #include "src/tile-atlas.hpp" #include "src/anim-atlas.hpp" #include namespace { using namespace floormat; using namespace floormat::Serialize; struct reader_state final { explicit reader_state(world& world) noexcept; void deserialize_world(ArrayView buf); private: using reader_t = binary_reader{}.cbegin())>; const std::shared_ptr& lookup_atlas(atlasid id); const scenery_proto& lookup_scenery(atlasid id); void read_atlases(reader_t& reader); void read_sceneries(reader_t& reader); void read_chunks(reader_t& reader); std::vector sceneries; std::vector> atlases; world* _world; std::uint16_t PROTO = (std::uint16_t)-1; }; reader_state::reader_state(world& world) noexcept : _world{&world} {} void reader_state::read_atlases(reader_t& s) { const auto N = s.read(); atlases.reserve(N); for (atlasid i = 0; i < N; i++) { Vector2ub size; size[0] << s; size[1] << s; const auto& [buf, len] = s.read_asciiz_string(); auto atlas = loader.tile_atlas({buf, len}); fm_soft_assert(size == atlas->num_tiles2()); atlases.push_back(std::move(atlas)); } } template bool read_entity_flags(binary_reader& s, U& e) { constexpr auto tag = entity_type_::value; std::uint8_t flags; flags << s; e.pass = pass_mode(flags & pass_mask); if (e.type != tag) fm_abort("invalid entity type '%d'", (int)e.type); if constexpr(tag == entity_type::scenery) { e.active = !!(flags & 1 << 2); e.closing = !!(flags & 1 << 3); e.interactive = !!(flags & 1 << 4); } else if constexpr(tag == entity_type::character) { e.playable = !!(flags & 1 << 2); } else static_assert(tag == entity_type::none); return flags & 1 << 7; } void reader_state::read_sceneries(reader_t& s) { (void)loader.sceneries(); std::uint16_t magic; magic << s; if (magic != scenery_magic) fm_throw("bad scenery magic"_cf); atlasid sz; sz << s; fm_soft_assert(sz < scenery_id_max); sceneries.resize(sz); auto i = 0_uz; while (i < sz) { std::uint8_t num; num << s; fm_soft_assert(num > 0); auto str = s.read_asciiz_string(); auto sc = loader.scenery(str); for (auto n = 0_uz; n < num; n++) { atlasid id; id << s; fm_soft_assert(id < sz); fm_soft_assert(!sceneries[id]); bool short_frame = read_entity_flags(s, sc); fm_debug_assert(sc.atlas != nullptr); if (short_frame) sc.frame = s.read(); else sc.frame << s; fm_soft_assert(sc.frame < sc.atlas->info().nframes); sceneries[id] = sc; } i += num; } fm_soft_assert(i == sz); } const std::shared_ptr& reader_state::lookup_atlas(atlasid id) { if (id < atlases.size()) return atlases[id]; else fm_throw("no such atlas: '{}'"_cf, id); } const scenery_proto& reader_state::lookup_scenery(atlasid id) { if (id < sceneries.size()) return sceneries[id]; else fm_throw("no such scenery: '{}'"_cf, id); } void reader_state::read_chunks(reader_t& s) { const auto N = s.read(); for (auto k = 0_uz; k < N; k++) { std::decay_t magic; magic << s; if (magic != chunk_magic) fm_throw("bad c magic"_cf); chunk_coords ch; ch.x << s; ch.y << s; auto& c = (*_world)[ch]; c.mark_modified(); for (auto i = 0_uz; i < TILE_COUNT; i++) { const tilemeta flags = s.read(); tile_ref t = c[i]; using uchar = std::uint8_t; const auto make_atlas = [&]() -> tile_image_proto { atlasid id; if (PROTO < 8) [[unlikely]] id = flags & meta_short_atlasid_ ? atlasid{s.read()} : s.read(); else id << s; variant_t v; if (PROTO >= 2) [[likely]] v << s; else v = flags & meta_short_variant_ ? s.read() : std::uint8_t(s.read()); auto atlas = lookup_atlas(id); fm_soft_assert(v < atlas->num_tiles()); return { atlas, v }; }; //t.passability() = pass_mode(flags & pass_mask); if (flags & meta_ground) t.ground() = make_atlas(); if (flags & meta_wall_n) t.wall_north() = make_atlas(); if (flags & meta_wall_w) t.wall_west() = make_atlas(); if (PROTO >= 3 && PROTO < 8) [[unlikely]] if (flags & meta_scenery_) { atlasid id; id << s; const bool exact = id & meta_long_scenery_bit; const auto r = rotation(id >> sizeof(id)*8-1-rotation_BITS & rotation_MASK); id &= ~scenery_id_flag_mask; auto sc = lookup_scenery(id); (void)sc.atlas->group(r); sc.r = r; if (!exact) { if (read_entity_flags(s, sc)) sc.frame = s.read(); else sc.frame << s; if (PROTO >= 5) [[likely]] { sc.offset[0] << s; sc.offset[1] << s; } if (PROTO >= 6) [[likely]] { sc.bbox_size[0] << s; sc.bbox_size[1] << s; } if (PROTO >= 7) [[likely]] { sc.bbox_offset[0] << s; sc.bbox_offset[1] << s; } if (sc.active) { if (PROTO >= 4) [[likely]] sc.delta << s; else sc.delta = (std::uint16_t)Math::clamp(int(s.read() * 65535), 0, 65535); } } global_coords coord{ch, local_coords{i}}; auto e = _world->make_entity(coord, sc); c.add_entity_unsorted(e); } } if (PROTO < 8) [[unlikely]] c.sort_entities(); std::uint32_t entity_count; entity_count << s; for (auto i = 0_uz; i < entity_count; i++) { std::uint64_t _id; _id << s; const auto oid = _id & (1ULL << 60)-1; fm_soft_assert(oid != 0); static_assert(entity_type_BITS == 3); const auto type = entity_type(_id >> 61); const auto local = local_coords{s.read()}; constexpr auto read_offsets = [](auto& s, auto& e) { s >> e.offset[0]; s >> e.offset[1]; s >> e.bbox_offset[0]; s >> e.bbox_offset[1]; s >> e.bbox_size[0]; s >> e.bbox_size[1]; }; switch (type) { case entity_type::character: { character_proto proto; std::uint8_t id; id << s; proto.frame = read_entity_flags(s, proto) ? s.read() : s.read(); proto.r = rotation(id >> sizeof(id)*8-1-rotation_BITS & rotation_MASK); Vector2s offset_frac; offset_frac[0] << s; offset_frac[1] << s; const auto name = s.read_asciiz_string(); proto.name = StringView{name.buf, name.len, StringViewFlag::Global|StringViewFlag::NullTerminated}; if (id & meta_long_scenery_bit) read_offsets(s, proto); auto C = _world->make_entity(oid, {ch, local}, proto); c.add_entity_unsorted(C); break; } case entity_type::scenery: { atlasid id; id << s; const bool exact = id & meta_long_scenery_bit; const auto r = rotation(id >> sizeof(id)*8-1-rotation_BITS & rotation_MASK); id &= ~scenery_id_flag_mask; auto sc = lookup_scenery(id); (void)sc.atlas->group(r); sc.r = r; if (!exact) { if (read_entity_flags(s, sc)) sc.frame = s.read(); else sc.frame << s; read_offsets(s, sc); if (sc.active) sc.delta << s; } auto e = _world->make_entity(oid, {ch, local}, sc); c.add_entity_unsorted(e); break; } default: fm_throw("invalid_entity_type '{}'"_cf, (int)type); } } c.sort_entities(); fm_assert(c.is_scenery_modified()); fm_assert(c.is_passability_modified()); } } void reader_state::deserialize_world(ArrayView buf) { fm_assert(_world != nullptr); auto s = binary_reader{buf}; if (!!::memcmp(s.read().data(), file_magic, std::size(file_magic)-1)) fm_throw("bad magic"_cf); proto_t proto; proto << s; if (!(proto >= min_proto_version && proto <= proto_version)) fm_throw("bad proto version '{}' (should be between '{}' and '{}')"_cf, (std::size_t)proto, (std::size_t)min_proto_version, (std::size_t)proto_version); PROTO = proto; read_atlases(s); if (PROTO >= 3) read_sceneries(s); read_chunks(s); if (PROTO >= 8) { fm_assert(_world->entity_counter() == 0); _world->set_entity_counter(s.read()); } s.assert_end(); _world = nullptr; } } // namespace namespace floormat { world world::deserialize(StringView filename) { char errbuf[128]; constexpr auto get_error_string = [] (char (&buf)[N]) -> const char* { buf[0] = '\0'; #ifndef _WIN32 (void)::strerror_r(errno, buf, std::size(buf)); #else (void)::strerror_s(buf, std::size(buf), errno); #endif return buf; }; fm_soft_assert(filename.flags() & StringViewFlag::NullTerminated); FILE_raii f = ::fopen(filename.data(), "rb"); if (!f) { fm_throw("fopen(\"{}\", \"r\"): {}"_cf, filename.data(), get_error_string(errbuf)); } if (int ret = ::fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); ret != 0) fm_throw("fseek(SEEK_END): {}"_cf, get_error_string(errbuf)); std::size_t len; if (auto len_ = ::ftell(f); len_ >= 0) len = (std::size_t)len_; else fm_throw("ftell: {}"_cf, get_error_string(errbuf)); if (int ret = ::fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); ret != 0) fm_throw("fseek(SEEK_SET): {}"_cf, get_error_string(errbuf)); auto buf_ = std::make_unique(len); if (auto ret = ::fread(&buf_[0], 1, len, f); ret != len) fm_throw("fread short read: {}"_cf, get_error_string(errbuf)); world w; reader_state s{w}; s.deserialize_world({buf_.get(), len}); return w; } } // namespace floormat