#include "shaders/lightmap.hpp" #include "compat/assert.hpp" #include "src/tile-defs.hpp" #include "src/chunk.hpp" #include "src/tile-bbox.hpp" #include "src/ground-atlas.hpp" #include "src/wall-atlas.hpp" #include "src/quads.hpp" #include "src/object.hpp" #include "loader/loader.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace floormat { using namespace floormat::Quads; namespace { constexpr auto neighbor_count = 4; constexpr float fuzz_pixels = 4; constexpr float shadow_wall_depth = 8; constexpr float real_image_size = 1024; constexpr auto half_neighbors = (int)Math::ceil(neighbor_count/2.f); constexpr auto image_size = TILE_SIZE2 * TILE_MAX_DIM * neighbor_count; constexpr auto chunk_size = TILE_SIZE2 * TILE_MAX_DIM; constexpr auto chunk_offset = TILE_SIZE2/2; constexpr auto clip_start = Vector2{-1, -1}; constexpr auto clip_scale = 2/image_size; constexpr auto image_size_ratio = real_image_size / image_size; template GL::Mesh make_light_mesh(T&& vert, U&& index) { GL::Mesh mesh{GL::MeshPrimitive::Triangles}; mesh.addVertexBuffer(forward(vert), 0, lightmap_shader::Position{}) .setIndexBuffer(forward(index), 0, GL::MeshIndexType::UnsignedShort) .setCount(6); return mesh; } struct Block final { Vector4 light_color; Vector2 scale; Vector2 center_fragcoord; Vector2 center_clip; float range; uint32_t falloff; }; } // namespace auto lightmap_shader::make_framebuffer(Vector2i size) -> Framebuffer { Framebuffer framebuffer; framebuffer.scratch = GL::Texture2D{}; framebuffer.scratch .setWrapping(GL::SamplerWrapping::ClampToBorder) .setBorderColor(Color4{0, 0, 0, 1}) .setStorage(1, GL::TextureFormat::RGBA8, size) .setMagnificationFilter(GL::SamplerFilter::Nearest); framebuffer.accum = GL::Texture2D{}; framebuffer.accum .setWrapping(GL::SamplerWrapping::ClampToBorder) .setBorderColor(Color4{0, 0, 0, 1}) .setStorage(1, GL::TextureFormat::RGBA8, size) .setMagnificationFilter(GL::SamplerFilter::Nearest); //framebuffer.depth = GL::Renderbuffer{}; //framebuffer.depth.setStorage(GL::RenderbufferFormat::DepthComponent32F, size); framebuffer.fb = GL::Framebuffer{{ {}, size }}; framebuffer.fb //.attachRenderbuffer(GL::Framebuffer::BufferAttachment::Depth, framebuffer.depth); .attachTexture(GL::Framebuffer::ColorAttachment{0}, framebuffer.scratch, 0) .attachTexture(GL::Framebuffer::ColorAttachment{1}, framebuffer.accum, 0) //.clearDepth(0); .clearColor(0, Color4{1, 0, 1, 1}) .clearColor(1, Color4{0, 0, 0, 1}); return framebuffer; } GL::Mesh lightmap_shader::make_occlusion_mesh() { GL::Mesh mesh{GL::MeshPrimitive::Triangles}; mesh.addVertexBuffer(vertex_buf, 0, Position{}) .setIndexBuffer(index_buf, 0, GL::MeshIndexType::UnsignedShort) .setCount(int32_t(6 * capacity)); return mesh; } void lightmap_shader::begin_occlusion() { count = 0; } void lightmap_shader::end_occlusion() { bool create_mesh = !vertex_buf.id(); if (create_mesh) { occlusion_mesh = GL::Mesh{NoCreate}; vertex_buf = GL::Buffer{vertexes.prefix(capacity), GL::BufferUsage::DynamicDraw}; index_buf = GL::Buffer{indexes.prefix(capacity)}; occlusion_mesh = make_occlusion_mesh(); } else { if (!occlusion_mesh.id()) occlusion_mesh = make_occlusion_mesh(); if (count > 0) { vertex_buf.setSubData(0, vertexes.prefix(count)); index_buf.setSubData(0, indexes.prefix(count)); } } } quad& lightmap_shader::alloc_rect() { if (count == capacity) { if (capacity == 0) capacity = starting_capacity; else capacity <<= 1; fm_debug_assert(count < capacity); occlusion_mesh = GL::Mesh{NoCreate}; vertex_buf = GL::Buffer{NoCreate}; index_buf = GL::Buffer{NoCreate}; auto vertexes_ = move(vertexes); auto indexes_ = move(indexes); vertexes = Array>{ValueInit, capacity}; indexes = Array>{ValueInit, capacity}; for (auto i = 0uz; i < count; i++) vertexes[i] = vertexes_[i]; for (auto i = 0uz; i < count; i++) indexes[i] = indexes_[i]; indexes[count] = quad_indexes(count); auto& ret = vertexes[count]; count++; return ret; } else { fm_debug_assert(count < capacity); auto& ret = vertexes[count]; indexes[count] = quad_indexes(count); count++; return ret; } } lightmap_shader::lightmap_shader(texture_unit_cache& tuc) : tuc{tuc} { constexpr auto min_version = GL::Version::GL330; const auto version = GL::Context::current().version(); if (version < min_version) fm_abort("floormat requires OpenGL version %d, only %d is supported", (int)min_version, (int)version); GL::Shader vert{version, GL::Shader::Type::Vertex}; GL::Shader frag{version, GL::Shader::Type::Fragment}; vert.addSource(loader.shader("shaders/lightmap.vert")); frag.addSource(loader.shader("shaders/lightmap.frag")); CORRADE_INTERNAL_ASSERT_OUTPUT(vert.compile()); CORRADE_INTERNAL_ASSERT_OUTPUT(frag.compile()); attachShaders({vert, frag}); CORRADE_INTERNAL_ASSERT_OUTPUT(link()); framebuffer = make_framebuffer(Vector2i((int)real_image_size)); auto blend_vertexes = quad {{ { 1, -1, 0 }, /* 3--1 1 */ { 1, 1, 0 }, /* | / /| */ { -1, -1, 0 }, /* |/ / | */ { -1, 1, 0 }, /* 2 2--0 */ }}; light_mesh = make_light_mesh(GL::Buffer{blend_vertexes}, GL::Buffer{quad_indexes(0)}); setUniform(SamplerUniform, 0); setUniform(ModeUniform, DrawLightmapMode); Block block { .light_color = 0xffffffff_rgbaf, .scale = Vector2(1), .center_fragcoord = Vector2(0, 0), .center_clip = Vector2(-1, -1), .range = 1.f, .falloff = (uint32_t)light_falloff::constant, }; setUniformBlockBinding(uniformBlockIndex("Lightmap"_s), BlockUniform); block_uniform_buf.setData({&block, 1}); block_uniform_buf.bind(GL::Buffer::Target::Uniform, BlockUniform); } void lightmap_shader::add_light(Vector2 neighbor_offset, const light_s& light) { // NOTE, make a benchmark where the vertex buffer isn't updated every frame neighbor_offset += Vector2((float)half_neighbors); constexpr auto tile_size = TILE_SIZE2.sum()/2; float range = 0; fm_assert(light.falloff < light_falloff::COUNT); switch (light.falloff) { case light_falloff::COUNT: std::unreachable(); case light_falloff::constant: range = TILE_MAX_DIM; break; case light_falloff::linear: case light_falloff::quadratic: range = light.dist; break; } range *= tile_size; range = std::fmax(0.f, range); auto center_fragcoord = light.center + neighbor_offset * chunk_size + chunk_offset; // window-relative coordinates auto center_clip = clip_start + center_fragcoord * clip_scale; // clip coordinates framebuffer.fb.mapForDraw({ { 0u, GL::Framebuffer::ColorAttachment{0} }, { 1u, GL::Framebuffer::DrawAttachment::None }, }); Block block = { .light_color = Vector4(light.color) / 255.f, .scale = Vector2(1) / real_image_size, .center_fragcoord = center_fragcoord * image_size_ratio, .center_clip = center_clip, .range = range * image_size_ratio.sum()/2, .falloff = (uint32_t)light.falloff, }; block_uniform_buf.setSubData(0, {&block, 1}); setUniform(ModeUniform, DrawLightmapMode); AbstractShaderProgram::draw(light_mesh); setUniform(ModeUniform, DrawShadowsMode); fm_assert(occlusion_mesh.id()); auto mesh_view = GL::MeshView{occlusion_mesh}; mesh_view.setCount((int32_t)count*6); AbstractShaderProgram::draw(mesh_view); framebuffer.fb.mapForDraw({ { 0u, GL::Framebuffer::DrawAttachment::None }, { 1u, GL::Framebuffer::ColorAttachment{1} }, }); setUniform(ModeUniform, BlendLightmapMode); AbstractShaderProgram::draw(light_mesh); } void lightmap_shader::bind() { framebuffer.fb.bind(); GL::Renderer::setScissor({{}, Vector2i(image_size)}); framebuffer.fb.clearColor(1, Color4{0, 0, 0, 1}); using BlendFunction = Magnum::GL::Renderer::BlendFunction; GL::Renderer::setBlendFunction(0, BlendFunction::One, BlendFunction::Zero); GL::Renderer::setBlendFunction(1, BlendFunction::One, BlendFunction::One); setUniform(SamplerUniform, tuc.bind(framebuffer.scratch)); } void lightmap_shader::finish() // NOLINT(*-convert-member-functions-to-static) { using BlendFunction = Magnum::GL::Renderer::BlendFunction; GL::Renderer::setBlendFunction(BlendFunction::SourceAlpha, BlendFunction::OneMinusSourceAlpha); } GL::Texture2D& lightmap_shader::accum_texture() { fm_debug_assert(framebuffer.accum.id()); return framebuffer.accum; } int lightmap_shader::iter_bounds() { return half_neighbors; } void lightmap_shader::add_rect(Vector2 neighbor_offset, Vector2 min, Vector2 max) { auto off = neighbor_offset*chunk_size + chunk_offset; min += off; max += off; const auto vertexes = std::array{{ { max.x(), min.y(), 0 }, { max.x(), max.y(), 0 }, { min.x(), min.y(), 0 }, { min.x(), max.y(), 0 }, }}; struct pair { uint8_t first, second; }; constexpr std::array from = {{ { 3, 1 }, // side #0: 3 -> 2, 1 -> 0 { 1, 0 }, // side #1: 1 -> 3, 0 -> 2 { 0, 2 }, // side #2: 0 -> 1, 2 -> 3 { 2, 3 }, // side #3: 2 -> 0, 3 -> 1 }}; constexpr std::array to = {{ { 2, 0 }, /* 3--1 1 */ { 3, 2 }, /* | / /| */ { 1, 3 }, /* |/ / | */ { 0, 1 }, /* 2 2--0 */ }}; for (auto i = 0uz; i < 4; i++) { auto [src1, src2] = from[i]; auto [dest1, dest2] = to[i]; auto verts = vertexes; auto s1 = vertexes[src1], s2 = vertexes[src2]; verts[dest1] = Vector3(s1.x(), s1.y(), 1); verts[dest2] = Vector3(s2.x(), s2.y(), 1); constexpr auto scale = Vector3(clip_scale, 1); constexpr auto start = Vector3(clip_start, 0); for (auto& x : verts) x = start + x * scale; for (auto i = 0uz; i < 4; i++) alloc_rect() = verts; } } void lightmap_shader::add_rect(Vector2 neighbor_offset, Pair minmax) { auto [min, max] = minmax; add_rect(neighbor_offset, min, max); } void lightmap_shader::add_chunk(Vector2 neighbor_offset, chunk& c) { neighbor_offset += Vector2(half_neighbors); add_geometry(neighbor_offset, c); add_objects(neighbor_offset, c); } void lightmap_shader::add_geometry(Vector2 neighbor_offset, chunk& c) { for (auto i = 0uz; i < TILE_COUNT; i++) { auto t = c[i]; if (auto atlas = t.ground_atlas()) if (atlas->pass_mode() == pass_mode::blocked) { auto [min, max] = whole_tile(i); constexpr auto fuzz = Vector2(fuzz_pixels, fuzz_pixels), fuzz2 = fuzz*2; add_rect(neighbor_offset, {min-fuzz, max+fuzz2}); } if (auto atlas = t.wall_north_atlas()) if (atlas->info().passability == pass_mode::blocked) { auto start = tile_start(i); auto min = start - Vector2(0, shadow_wall_depth), // todo wall depth max = start + Vector2(TILE_SIZE2[0], 0); constexpr auto fuzz = Vector2(fuzz_pixels, 0), fuzz2 = fuzz*2; add_rect(neighbor_offset, {min-fuzz, max+fuzz2}); } if (auto atlas = t.wall_west_atlas()) if (atlas->info().passability == pass_mode::blocked) { auto start = tile_start(i); auto min = start - Vector2(shadow_wall_depth, 0), // todo wall depth max = start + Vector2(0, TILE_SIZE[1]); constexpr auto fuzz = Vector2(0, fuzz_pixels), fuzz2 = fuzz*2; add_rect(neighbor_offset, {min-fuzz, max+fuzz2}); } } } void lightmap_shader::add_objects(Vector2 neighbor_offset, chunk& c) { for (const auto& eʹ : c.objects()) { const auto& e = *eʹ; if (e.is_virtual()) continue; if (e.pass == pass_mode::pass || e.pass == pass_mode::see_through) continue; auto center = Vector2(e.offset) + Vector2(e.bbox_offset) + Vector2(e.coord.local()) * TILE_SIZE2; auto half = Vector2(e.bbox_size)*.5f; auto min = center - half, max = center + half; add_rect(neighbor_offset, min, max); } } bool light_s::operator==(const light_s&) const noexcept = default; lightmap_shader::~lightmap_shader() = default; } // namespace floormat