#include "critter.hpp" #include "critter-script.hpp" #include "compat/limits.hpp" #include "tile-constants.hpp" #include "src/point.inl" #include "src/anim-atlas.hpp" #include "loader/loader.hpp" #include "src/world.hpp" #include "src/object.hpp" #include "src/nanosecond.inl" #include "shaders/shader.hpp" #include "compat/exception.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace floormat { namespace { constexpr auto m_auto_mask = critter::move_u { .bits {.AUTO = true} }; constexpr auto arrows_to_dir(bool left, bool right, bool up, bool down) { constexpr unsigned L = 1 << 3, R = 1 << 2, U = 1 << 1, D = 1 << 0; const unsigned bits = left*L | right*R | up*U | down*D; constexpr unsigned mask = L|R|U|D; CORRADE_ASSUME((bits & mask) == bits); switch (bits) { using enum rotation; case L | U: return W; case L | D: return S; case R | U: return N; case R | D: return E; case L: return SW; case D: return SE; case R: return NE; case U: return NW; case L|(U|D): return SW; case R|(U|D): return NE; case U|(L|R): return NW; case D|(L|R): return SE; case 0: // degenerate case case L|R|D|U: case D|U: case L|R: return rotation{rotation_COUNT}; } std::unreachable(); } #if 0 static_assert(arrows_to_dir(true, false, false, false) == rotation::SW); static_assert(arrows_to_dir(true, false, true, true) == rotation::SW); static_assert(arrows_to_dir(true, false, true, false) == rotation::W); static_assert(arrows_to_dir(false, true, false, true) == rotation::E); static_assert(arrows_to_dir(false, false, true, false) == rotation::NW); static_assert(arrows_to_dir(false, false, false, false) == rotation_COUNT); static_assert(arrows_to_dir(true, true, true, true) == rotation_COUNT); static_assert(arrows_to_dir(true, true, false, false) == rotation_COUNT); #endif constexpr Vector2 rotation_to_vec(rotation r) { constexpr double c = critter::move_speed * critter::frame_time; constexpr double d = c / Vector2d{1, 1}.length(); constexpr Vector2 array[8] = { Vector2(Vector2d{ 0, -1} * c), Vector2(Vector2d{ 1, -1} * d), Vector2(Vector2d{ 1, 0} * c), Vector2(Vector2d{ 1, 1} * d), Vector2(Vector2d{ 0, 1} * c), Vector2(Vector2d{-1, 1} * d), Vector2(Vector2d{-1, 0} * c), Vector2(Vector2d{-1, -1} * d), }; CORRADE_ASSUME(r < rotation_COUNT); return array[(size_t)r]; } constexpr std::array rotation_to_similar(rotation r) { CORRADE_ASSUME(r < rotation_COUNT); switch (r) { using enum rotation; case N: return { N, NW, NE }; case NE: return { NE, N, E }; case E: return { E, NE, SE }; case SE: return { SE, E, S }; case S: return { S, SE, SW }; case SW: return { SW, S, W }; case W: return { W, SW, NW }; case NW: return { NW, W, N }; } std::unreachable(); } template constexpr uint8_t get_length_axis() { static_assert((int)r % 2 == 0); using enum rotation; if constexpr(r == N || r == S) return 1; else if constexpr(r == W || r == E) return 0; fm_assert(false); } template CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE bool update_movement_body(size_t& i, critter& C, const anim_def& info, uint8_t nsteps) { constexpr auto vec = rotation_to_vec(new_r); using Frac = decltype(critter::offset_frac); constexpr auto frac = (float{limits::max}+1)/2; constexpr auto inv_frac = 1 / frac; const auto from_accum = C.offset_frac * inv_frac * vec; Vector2 offset_{NoInit}; if constexpr(MultiStep) offset_ = vec * float(nsteps) + from_accum; else offset_ = vec + from_accum; auto off_i = Vector2i(offset_); if (!off_i.isZero()) { auto rem = Math::fmod(offset_, 1.f).length(); C.offset_frac = Frac(rem * frac); if (C.can_move_to(off_i)) { C.move_to(i, off_i, new_r); if constexpr(MultiStep) (C.frame += nsteps) %= info.nframes; else ++C.frame %= info.nframes; return true; } } else { auto rem = offset_.length(); C.offset_frac = Frac(rem * frac); return true; } return false; } template CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE bool update_movement_3way(size_t& i, critter& C, const anim_def& info) { constexpr auto rotations = rotation_to_similar(r); if (update_movement_body(i, C, info, 0)) return true; if (update_movement_body(i, C, info, 0)) return true; if (update_movement_body(i, C, info, 0)) return true; return false; } constexpr bool DoUnroll = true; template requires (((int)new_r & 1) % 2 != 0) CORRADE_ALWAYS_INLINE bool update_movement_1(critter& C, size_t& i, const anim_def& info, uint32_t nframes) { if constexpr(DoUnroll) { //Debug{} << "< nframes" << nframes; while (nframes > 1) { auto len = (uint8_t)Math::min(nframes, (uint32_t)C.bbox_size.min()); if (len <= 1) break; if (!update_movement_body(i, C, info, len)) break; //Debug{} << " " << len; nframes -= len; } //Debug{} << ">" << nframes; } for (auto k = 0u; k < nframes; k++) if (!update_movement_3way(i, C, info)) return false; return true; } template requires (((int)new_r & 1) % 2 == 0) CORRADE_NEVER_INLINE bool update_movement_1(critter& C, size_t& i, const anim_def& info, uint32_t nframes) { if constexpr(DoUnroll) { //Debug{} << "< nframes" << nframes; while (nframes > 1) { constexpr auto len_axis = get_length_axis(); auto len = (uint8_t)Math::min(nframes, (uint32_t)C.bbox_size.data()[len_axis]); if (len <= 1) [[unlikely]] break; if (!update_movement_body(i, C, info, len)) break; //Debug{} << " " << len; nframes -= len; } //Debug{} << ">" << nframes; } for (auto k = 0u; k < nframes; k++) if (!update_movement_body(i, C, info, 0)) return false; return true; } template bool update_movement_1<(rotation)0>(critter& C, size_t& i, const anim_def& info, uint32_t nframes); template bool update_movement_1<(rotation)1>(critter& C, size_t& i, const anim_def& info, uint32_t nframes); template bool update_movement_1<(rotation)2>(critter& C, size_t& i, const anim_def& info, uint32_t nframes); template bool update_movement_1<(rotation)3>(critter& C, size_t& i, const anim_def& info, uint32_t nframes); template bool update_movement_1<(rotation)4>(critter& C, size_t& i, const anim_def& info, uint32_t nframes); template bool update_movement_1<(rotation)5>(critter& C, size_t& i, const anim_def& info, uint32_t nframes); template bool update_movement_1<(rotation)6>(critter& C, size_t& i, const anim_def& info, uint32_t nframes); template bool update_movement_1<(rotation)7>(critter& C, size_t& i, const anim_def& info, uint32_t nframes); struct step_s { uint32_t count; Vector2b direction; }; constexpr step_s next_step_(Vector2i vec_in) { const auto vec = Vector2ui(Math::abs(vec_in)); const auto signs = Vector2b(Math::sign(vec_in)); if (vec.x() == vec.y()) return { vec.x(), Vector2b{1, 1} * signs }; else if (vec.y() == 0) return { vec.x(), Vector2b{1, 0} * signs }; else if (vec.x() == 0) return { vec.y(), Vector2b{0, 1} * signs }; else { uint32_t major_idx, minor_idx; if (vec.x() > vec.y()) { major_idx = 0; minor_idx = 1; } else { major_idx = 1; minor_idx = 0; } const auto major = vec[major_idx], minor = vec[minor_idx]; const auto num_axis_aligned = (uint32_t)Math::abs((int)major - (int)minor); auto axis_aligned = Vector2b{}; axis_aligned[major_idx] = 1; return { num_axis_aligned, axis_aligned * signs }; } } constexpr rotation dir_from_step(step_s step) { if (step.direction.isZero()) [[unlikely]] return rotation_COUNT; auto x = step.direction.x() + 1; auto y = step.direction.y() + 1; fm_debug_assert((x & 3) == x && (y & 3) == y); auto val = x << 2 | y; switch (val) { using enum rotation; case 0 << 2 | 0: /* -1 -1 */ return NW; case 0 << 2 | 1: /* -1 0 */ return W; case 0 << 2 | 2: /* -1 1 */ return SW; case 1 << 2 | 0: /* 0 -1 */ return N; case 1 << 2 | 1: /* 0 0 */ return rotation_COUNT; case 1 << 2 | 2: /* 0 1 */ return S; case 2 << 2 | 0: /* 1 -1 */ return NE; case 2 << 2 | 1: /* 1 0 */ return E; case 2 << 2 | 2: /* 1 1 */ return SE; default: return rotation_COUNT; } } constexpr step_s next_step(point from, point to) { fm_debug_assert(from.chunk3().z == to.chunk3().z); const auto vec = to - from; fm_debug_assert(!vec.isZero()); return next_step_(vec); } constexpr float step_magnitude(Vector2b vec) { constexpr double cʹ = critter::move_speed * critter::frame_time; constexpr double dʹ = cʹ / Vector2d{1, 1}.length(); constexpr auto c = (float)cʹ, d = (float)dʹ; if (vec.x() * vec.y() != 0) // diagonal return d; else // axis-aligned return c; } Ns return_unspent_dt(uint32_t nframes, uint32_t i, float speed, Ns frame_duration) { return Ns{(uint64_t)((float)(uint64_t)((nframes - i) * frame_duration) / speed)}; } } // namespace extern template class Script; critter_proto::critter_proto(const critter_proto&) = default; critter_proto::~critter_proto() noexcept = default; critter_proto& critter_proto::operator=(const critter_proto&) = default; critter_proto::critter_proto() { type = object_type::critter; atlas = loader.anim_atlas("npc-walk", loader.ANIM_PATH); } bool critter_proto::operator==(const object_proto& e0) const { if (type != e0.type) return false; if (!object_proto::operator==(e0)) return false; const auto& s0 = static_cast(e0); return name == s0.name && playable == s0.playable; } void critter::set_keys(bool L, bool R, bool U, bool D) { moves = { L, R, U, D, moves.AUTO, }; } void critter::set_keys_auto() { moves_ = m_auto_mask.val; } void critter::clear_auto_movement() { moves_ &= ~m_auto_mask.val; } bool critter::maybe_stop_auto_movement() { bool b1 = moves_ == m_auto_mask.val; bool b2 = moves.AUTO &= b1; return !b2; } float critter::depth_offset() const { return tile_shader::character_depth_offset; } Vector2 critter::ordinal_offset(Vector2b offset) const { (void)offset; return Vector2(offset); } void critter::update(const std::shared_ptr& ptrʹ, size_t& i, const Ns& dt) { fm_debug_assert(&*ptrʹ == this); check_script_update_1(script.state()); script->on_update(std::static_pointer_cast(ptrʹ), i, dt); #if 0 // for now, objects can't delete themselves if (check_script_update_2(script.state())) [[unlikely]] return; #endif if (playable) [[unlikely]] { if (!moves.AUTO) { const auto new_r = arrows_to_dir(moves.L, moves.R, moves.U, moves.D); if (new_r == rotation_COUNT) { offset_frac = {}; delta = 0; } else update_movement(i, dt, new_r); } } } void critter::update_movement(size_t& i, const Ns& dt, rotation new_r) { const auto& info = atlas->info(); const auto nframes = alloc_frame_time(dt, delta, info.fps, speed); if (nframes == 0) return; fm_assert(new_r < rotation_COUNT); fm_assert(is_dynamic()); if (r != new_r) rotate(i, new_r); c->ensure_passability(); bool ret; switch (new_r) { default: std::unreachable(); case (rotation)0: ret = update_movement_1<(rotation)0>(*this, i, info, nframes); break; case (rotation)1: ret = update_movement_1<(rotation)1>(*this, i, info, nframes); break; case (rotation)2: ret = update_movement_1<(rotation)2>(*this, i, info, nframes); break; case (rotation)3: ret = update_movement_1<(rotation)3>(*this, i, info, nframes); break; case (rotation)4: ret = update_movement_1<(rotation)4>(*this, i, info, nframes); break; case (rotation)5: ret = update_movement_1<(rotation)5>(*this, i, info, nframes); break; case (rotation)6: ret = update_movement_1<(rotation)6>(*this, i, info, nframes); break; case (rotation)7: ret = update_movement_1<(rotation)7>(*this, i, info, nframes); break; } if (!ret) [[unlikely]] { delta = {}; offset_frac = {}; } } auto critter::move_toward(size_t& index, Ns& dt, const point& dest) -> move_result { fm_assert(is_dynamic()); const auto& info = atlas->info(); const auto anim_frames = info.nframes; const auto hz = info.fps; constexpr auto ns_in_sec = Ns((int)1e9); const auto frame_duration = ns_in_sec / hz; const auto nframes = alloc_frame_time(dt, delta, hz, speed); dt = Ns{}; bool moved = false; if (nframes == 0) return { .blocked = false, .moved = moved }; bool ok = true; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nframes; i++) { chunk().ensure_passability(); const auto from = position(); if (from == dest) { //Debug{} << "done!" << from; //C.set_keys(false, false, false, false); dt = return_unspent_dt(nframes, i, speed, frame_duration); return { .blocked = false, .moved = moved, }; } const auto step = next_step(from, dest); //Debug{} << "step" << step.direction << step.count << "|" << C.position(); fm_assert(step.direction != Vector2b{} && step.count > 0); const auto new_r = dir_from_step(step); using Frac = decltype(critter::offset_frac); constexpr auto frac = (float{limits::max}+1)/2; constexpr auto inv_frac = 1 / frac; const auto mag = step_magnitude(step.direction); const auto vec = Vector2(step.direction) * mag; const auto from_accum = offset_frac * inv_frac * vec; auto offset_ = vec + from_accum; auto off_i = Vector2i(offset_); //Debug{} << "vec" << vec << "mag" << mag << "off_i" << off_i << "offset_" << C.offset_frac_; if (!off_i.isZero()) { auto rem = Math::fmod(offset_, 1.f).length(); offset_frac = Frac(rem * frac); //Debug{} << "foo1" << C.offset_frac_; if (can_move_to(off_i)) { move_to(index, off_i, new_r); moved = true; ++frame %= anim_frames; } else { dt = return_unspent_dt(nframes, i, speed, frame_duration); ok = false; break; } } else { auto rem = offset_.length(); offset_frac = Frac(rem * frac); } } // todo return unused movement frames into the offset_frac pool if (!ok) [[unlikely]] { //Debug{} << "bad"; set_keys(false, false, false, false); delta = {}; offset_frac = {}; return { .blocked = true, .moved = moved }; } return { .blocked = false, .moved = moved }; } object_type critter::type() const noexcept { return object_type::critter; } critter::operator critter_proto() const { critter_proto ret; static_cast(ret) = object::operator object_proto(); ret.name = name; ret.playable = playable; return ret; } critter::critter(object_id id, class chunk& c, critter_proto proto) : object{id, c, proto}, name{move(proto.name)}, speed{proto.speed}, playable{proto.playable} { if (!name) name = "(Unnamed)"_s; fm_soft_assert(atlas->check_rotation(r)); fm_soft_assert(speed >= 0); object::set_bbox_(offset, bbox_offset, Vector2ub(iTILE_SIZE2/2), pass); } critter::~critter() noexcept { } void critter::init_script(const std::shared_ptr& ptrʹ) { script.do_initialize(std::static_pointer_cast(ptrʹ)); } void critter::destroy_script_pre(const std::shared_ptr& ptrʹ, script_destroy_reason r) { script.do_destroy_pre(std::static_pointer_cast(ptrʹ), r); } void critter::destroy_script_post() { script.do_finish_destroy(); } } // namespace floormat