#include "path-search.hpp" #include "global-coords.hpp" #include "object.hpp" #include "world.hpp" #include "RTree-search.hpp" #include "compat/function2.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include namespace floormat { namespace { constexpr auto never_continue_1 = [](collision_data) constexpr { return path_search_continue::blocked; }; constexpr auto never_continue_ = path_search::pred{never_continue_1}; constexpr auto always_continue_1 = [](collision_data) constexpr { return path_search_continue::pass; }; constexpr auto always_continue_ = path_search::pred{always_continue_1}; } // namespace path_search_result::path_search_result() = default; auto path_search::never_continue() noexcept -> const pred& { return never_continue_; } auto path_search::always_continue() noexcept -> const pred& { return always_continue_; } void path_search::ensure_allocated(chunk_coords a, chunk_coords b) { auto new_size = Math::abs(a - b) + Vector2i(3); auto new_start = Vector2i(std::min(a.x, b.x), std::min(a.y, b.y)) - Vector2i(1); auto size1 = new_size.product(); fm_debug_assert(size1 > 0); cache.start = new_start; if ((size_t)size1 > cache.array.size()) { cache.array = Array{ValueInit, (size_t)size1}; cache.size = new_size; } else for (auto& x : cache.array) x = {}; fm_assert(cache.size.product() > 0); } bool path_search::is_passable_1(chunk& c, Vector2 min, Vector2 max, object_id own_id, const pred& p) { auto& rt = *c.rtree(); bool is_passable = true; rt.Search(min.data(), max.data(), [&](uint64_t data, const auto&) { [[maybe_unused]] auto x = std::bit_cast(data); if (x.data != own_id) { if (x.pass != (uint64_t)pass_mode::pass && p(x) != path_search_continue::pass) { is_passable = false; //[[maybe_unused]] auto obj = c.world().find_object(x.data); return false; } } return true; }); return is_passable; } bool path_search::is_passable(world& w, chunk_coords_ ch0, Vector2 min, Vector2 max, object_id own_id, const pred& p) { auto* c = w.at(ch0); auto neighbors = w.neighbors(ch0); return is_passable_(c, neighbors, min, max, own_id, p); } bool path_search::is_passable_(chunk* c0, const std::array& neighbors, Vector2 min, Vector2 max, object_id own_id, const pred& p) { fm_debug_assert(max >= min); if (c0) // it's not correct to return true if c == nullptr // because neighbors can still contain bounding boxes for that tile if (!is_passable_1(*c0, min, max, own_id, p)) return false; for (auto i = 0uz; i < 8; i++) { auto nb = world::neighbor_offsets[i]; auto* c2 = neighbors[i].c; if (c2) { static_assert(std::size(world::neighbor_offsets) == 8); constexpr auto chunk_size = iTILE_SIZE2 * TILE_MAX_DIM; constexpr auto bbox_size = Vector2i(1 << sizeof(Vector2b::Type)*8); constexpr auto chunk_max = chunk_size + bbox_size; const auto off = Vector2(nb)*Vector2(chunk_size); const auto min_ = min - off, max_ = max - off; if (min_.x() > chunk_max.x() || min_.y() > chunk_max.y()) continue; if (max_.x() < -bbox_size.x() || max_.y() < -bbox_size.y()) continue; if (!is_passable_1(*c2, min_, max_, own_id, p)) return false; } } return true; } bool path_search::is_passable(world& w, global_coords coord, Vector2b offset, Vector2ub size_, object_id own_id, const pred& p) { auto center = iTILE_SIZE2 * Vector2i(coord.local()) + Vector2i(offset); auto size = Vector2(size_); auto min = Vector2(center) - size*.5f, max = min + size; return is_passable(w, coord, min, max, own_id, p); } auto path_search::make_neighbor_tile_bbox(Vector2i coord, Vector2ub own_size, rotation r) -> bbox { constexpr auto get_value = [](Vector2i sz, rotation r) constexpr -> Pair { constexpr auto half_tile = iTILE_SIZE2/2; constexpr int offset_W = iTILE_SIZE2.x(), offset_N = iTILE_SIZE2.y(); const auto r_ = (uint8_t)r; CORRADE_ASSUME(r_ <= (uint8_t)rotation_COUNT); switch (r_) { case (uint8_t)rotation::N: { const auto space_NS = iTILE_SIZE2.x() - sz.x() >> 1; auto min_N = Vector2i(-half_tile.x() + space_NS, -offset_N ); auto max_N = Vector2i(min_N.x() + sz.x(), 0 ); return {min_N, max_N}; } case (uint8_t)rotation::S: { const auto space_NS = iTILE_SIZE2.x() - sz.x() >> 1; auto min_S = Vector2i(-half_tile.x() + space_NS, 0 ); auto max_S = Vector2i(min_S.x() + sz.x(), offset_N ); return {min_S, max_S}; } case (uint8_t)rotation::W: { const auto space_WE = iTILE_SIZE2.y() - sz.y() >> 1; auto min_W = Vector2i(-offset_W, -half_tile.y() + space_WE ); auto max_W = Vector2i(0, min_W.y() + sz.y() ); return {min_W, max_W}; } case (uint8_t)rotation::E: { const auto space_WE = iTILE_SIZE2.y() - sz.y() >> 1; auto min_E = Vector2i(0, -half_tile.y() + space_WE ); auto max_E = Vector2i(offset_W, min_E.y() + sz.y() ); return {min_E, max_E}; } case (uint8_t)rotation_COUNT: { auto min_C = Vector2i(-(sz.x() >> 1), -(sz.y() >> 1) ); auto max_C = min_C + sz; return {min_C, max_C}; } default: fm_abort("wrong 4-way rotation enum '%d'", (int)r); } }; constexpr auto min_size = iTILE_SIZE2*3/4; static_assert(min_size.x() % 2 == 0); #if 0 if constexpr(true) { constexpr auto sz_ = min_size; constexpr Vector2i shift = Vector2i(1, 2) * iTILE_SIZE2; { constexpr auto N = get_value(sz_, rotation::N); constexpr auto min_N = N.first() + shift, max_N = N.second() + shift; { [[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto N_x = min_N.x(), N_y = min_N.y(); } { [[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto N_x = max_N.x(), N_y = max_N.y(); } } { constexpr auto E = get_value(sz_, rotation::E); constexpr auto min_E = E.first() + shift, max_E = E.second() + shift; { [[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto E_x = min_E.x(), E_y = min_E.y(); } { [[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto E_x = max_E.x(), E_y = max_E.y(); } } { constexpr auto S = get_value(sz_, rotation::S); constexpr auto min_S = S.first() + shift, max_S = S.second() + shift; { [[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto S_x = min_S.x(), S_y = min_S.y(); } { [[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto S_x = max_S.x(), S_y = max_S.y(); } } { constexpr auto W = get_value(sz_, rotation::W); constexpr auto min_W = W.first() + shift, max_W = W.second() + shift; { [[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto W_x = min_W.x(), W_y = min_W.y(); } { [[maybe_unused]] constexpr auto W_x = max_W.x(), W_y = max_W.y(); } } } #endif const auto shift = coord * iTILE_SIZE2; auto sz = Math::max(Vector2i(own_size), min_size); auto [min, max] = get_value(sz, r); return { Vector2(min + shift), Vector2(max + shift) }; } auto path_search::get_walkable_neighbor_tiles(world& w, global_coords coord, Vector2ub size, object_id own_id, const pred& p) -> neighbors { auto ch = chunk_coords_{ coord.chunk(), coord.z() }; auto pos = Vector2i(coord.local()); #if 0 if (auto [min, max] = make_neighbor_tile_bbox(pos, size, rotation_COUNT); !is_passable(w, ch, min, max, own_id)) return {}; #endif neighbors ns; using enum rotation; constexpr struct { Vector2i off; rotation r = {}; } nbs[] = { { { 0, -1 }, N }, { { 1, 0 }, E }, { { 0, 1 }, S }, { { -1, 0 }, W }, }; for (auto [off, dir] : nbs) { auto [min, max] = make_neighbor_tile_bbox(pos, size, dir); if (is_passable(w, ch, min, max, own_id, p)) ns.neighbors[ns.size++] = coord + off; } return ns; } auto path_search::bbox_union(bbox bb, Vector2i coord, Vector2b offset, Vector2ub size) -> bbox { auto center = coord * iTILE_SIZE2 + Vector2i(offset); auto min = center - Vector2i(size / 2u); auto max = center + Vector2i(size); return { .min = Math::min(bb.min, Vector2(min)), .max = Math::max(bb.max, Vector2(max)), }; } void path_search::fill_cache_(world& w, chunk_coords_ coord, Vector2ub own_size, object_id own_id, const pred& p) { int32_t x = coord.x, y = coord.y; int8_t z = coord.z; auto off = Vector2i(x - cache.start.x(), y - cache.start.y()); fm_debug_assert(off >= Vector2i{} && off < cache.size); auto ch = chunk_coords_{(int16_t)x, (int16_t)y, z}; auto* c = w.at(ch); auto nb = w.neighbors(ch); if (!c && std::all_of(nb.begin(), nb.end(), [](const auto& c) { return c.c == nullptr; })) return; auto& bits = cache.array[off.y()*cache.size.x()+off.x()]; for (auto i = 0uz; i < TILE_COUNT; i++) { auto pos = Vector2i(local_coords{i}); auto bb_N = make_neighbor_tile_bbox(pos, own_size, rotation::N), bb_W = make_neighbor_tile_bbox(pos, own_size, rotation::W); bool b_N = is_passable_(c, nb, bb_N.min, bb_N.max, own_id, p), b_W = is_passable_(c, nb, bb_W.min, bb_W.max, own_id, p); bits.can_go_north[i] = b_N; bits.can_go_west[i] = b_W; } } void path_search::fill_cache(world& w, Vector2i cmin, Vector2i cmax, int8_t z, Vector2ub own_size, object_id own_id, const pred& p) { for (int32_t y = cmin.y(); y <= cmax.y(); y++) for (int32_t x = cmin.x(); x <= cmax.x(); x++) fill_cache_(w, {(int16_t)x, (int16_t)y, z}, own_size, own_id, p); } Optional path_search::dijkstra(world& w, Vector2ub own_size, object_id own_id, global_coords from, Vector2b from_offset, global_coords to, Vector2b to_offset, const pred& p) { fm_assert(from.x <= to.x && from.y <= to.y); if (from.z() != to.z()) [[unlikely]] return {}; // todo try removing this eventually if (from.z() != 0) [[unlikely]] return {}; // check if obj can actually move at all if (!is_passable(w, from, from_offset, own_size, own_id, p)) return {}; if (!is_passable(w, to, to_offset, own_size, own_id, p)) return {}; ensure_allocated(from.chunk(), to.chunk()); auto [cmin, cmax] = Math::minmax(Vector2i(from.chunk()) - Vector2i(1, 1), Vector2i(to.chunk()) + Vector2i(1, 1)); fill_cache(w, cmin, cmax, from.z(), own_size, own_id, p); // todo... return {}; } Optional path_search::dijkstra(world& w, const object& obj, global_coords to, Vector2b to_offset, const pred& p) { constexpr auto full_tile = Vector2ub(iTILE_SIZE2*3/4); auto size = Math::max(obj.bbox_size, full_tile); // todo fixme // if bbox_offset is added to obj's offset, then all coordinates in the paths are shifted by bbox_offset. // maybe add handling to subtract bbox_offset from the returned path. // for that it needs to be passed into callees separately. fm_assert(obj.bbox_offset.isZero()); return dijkstra(w, size, obj.id, obj.coord, obj.offset, to, to_offset, p); } } // namespace floormat