#pragma once #include "compat/safe-ptr.hpp" #include "chunk.hpp" #include "global-coords.hpp" #include "object-type.hpp" #include "loader/policy.hpp" #include #include namespace floormat { struct object; struct critter; struct critter_proto; template struct object_type_; template struct shared_ptr_wrapper; class world final { public: static constexpr object_id object_counter_init = 1024; static constexpr size_t initial_capacity = 4096; static constexpr float max_load_factor = .25; static constexpr size_t initial_collect_every = 64; private: struct chunk_tuple { static constexpr chunk_coords_ invalid_coords = { -1 << 15, -1 << 15, chunk_z_min }; chunk* c = nullptr; chunk_coords_ pos = invalid_coords; } _last_chunk; struct object_id_hasher { size_t operator()(object_id id) const noexcept; }; struct chunk_coords_hasher { size_t operator()(const chunk_coords_& coord) const noexcept; }; struct robin_map_wrapper; std::unordered_map _chunks; safe_ptr _objects; std::shared_ptr _unique_id = std::make_shared('A'); object_id _object_counter = object_counter_init; uint64_t _current_frame = 1; // zero is special for struct object bool _teardown : 1 = false; explicit world(size_t capacity); void do_kill_object(object_id id); std::shared_ptr find_object_(object_id id); [[noreturn]] static void throw_on_wrong_object_type(object_id id, object_type actual, object_type expected); friend struct object; public: explicit world(); ~world() noexcept; explicit world(std::unordered_map&& chunks); struct pair_chunk_tile final { chunk& c; tile_ref t; }; // NOLINT chunk& operator[](chunk_coords_ c) noexcept; pair_chunk_tile operator[](global_coords pt) noexcept; // todo maybe remove this overload? chunk* at(chunk_coords_ c) noexcept; bool contains(chunk_coords_ c) const noexcept; void clear(); void collect(bool force = false); size_t size() const noexcept { return _chunks.size(); } const auto& chunks() const noexcept { return _chunks; } auto& chunks() noexcept { return _chunks; } void serialize(StringView filename); static class world deserialize(StringView filename, loader_policy asset_policy) noexcept(false); static void deserialize_old(class world& w, ArrayView buf, uint16_t proto, enum loader_policy asset_policy) noexcept(false); auto frame_no() const { return _current_frame; } auto increment_frame_no() { return _current_frame++; } template requires requires(chunk& c) { T{object_id(), c, std::declval()...}; std::is_base_of_v; } std::shared_ptr make_object(object_id id, global_coords pos, Xs&&... xs) // todo! replace 2nd arg with chunk& { auto ret = std::shared_ptr(new T{id, operator[](pos.chunk3()), forward(xs)...}); do_make_object(std::static_pointer_cast(ret), pos, sorted); return ret; } void do_make_object(const std::shared_ptr& e, global_coords pos, bool sorted); // todo! replace 2nd arg with chunk& #if 0 template std::shared_ptr make_unconnected_object(Xs&&... xs) { return std::shared_ptr(new T{0, operator[](chunk_coords_{}), {}, forward(xs)...}); } #endif template std::shared_ptr find_object(object_id id); shared_ptr_wrapper ensure_player_character(object_id& id, critter_proto p); shared_ptr_wrapper ensure_player_character(object_id& id); static critter_proto make_player_proto(); bool is_teardown() const { return _teardown; } object_id object_counter() const { return _object_counter; } [[nodiscard]] object_id make_id() { return ++_object_counter; } void set_object_counter(object_id value); std::array neighbors(chunk_coords_ coord); static constexpr std::array neighbor_offsets = {{ {-1, -1}, {-1, 0}, { 0, -1}, { 1, 1}, { 1, 0}, { 0, 1}, { 1, -1}, {-1, 1}, }}; world& operator=(world&& w) noexcept; world(world&& w) noexcept; }; template std::shared_ptr world::find_object(object_id id) { static_assert(std::is_base_of_v); // make it a dependent name so that including "src/object.hpp" isn't needed using U = std::conditional_t, T, object>; if (std::shared_ptr ptr = find_object_(id); !ptr) return {}; else if constexpr(std::is_same_v) return ptr; else { if (!(ptr->type() == object_type_::value)) [[unlikely]] throw_on_wrong_object_type(id, ptr->type(), object_type_::value); return static_pointer_cast(move(ptr)); } } } // namespace floormat