#include "app.hpp" #include "src/world.hpp" #include "loader/loader.hpp" #include "loader/scenery-cell.hpp" #include "src/scenery.hpp" #include "src/scenery-proto.hpp" #include "src/critter.hpp" #include "src/light.hpp" #include "src/ground-atlas.hpp" #include "src/anim-atlas.hpp" #include "src/nanosecond.inl" #include namespace floormat { namespace Path = Corrade::Utility::Path; chunk& Test::make_test_chunk(world& w, chunk_coords_ ch) { chunk& c = w[ch]; c.mark_modified(); auto metal2 = loader.wall_atlas("empty", loader_policy::warn); auto tiles = loader.ground_atlas("tiles"); auto door = loader.scenery("door1"); auto table = loader.scenery("table1"); auto control_panel = loader.scenery("control panel (wall) 1"); for (auto k = 0u; k < TILE_COUNT; k++) c[k].ground() = { tiles, variant_t(k % tiles->num_tiles()) }; control_panel.r = rotation::W; constexpr auto K = TILE_MAX_DIM/2; c[{K, K }].wall_north() = { metal2, 0 }; c[{K, K }].wall_west() = { metal2, 0 }; c[{K, K+1}].wall_north() = { metal2, 0 }; c[{K+1, K }].wall_west() = { metal2, 0 }; w.make_scenery(w.make_id(), {ch, {3, 4}}, scenery_proto(table)); w.make_scenery(w.make_id(), {ch, {K, K+1}}, scenery_proto(control_panel)); // todo! auto L = light_proto{}; L.color = {64, 128, 252, 201}; L.max_distance = float{0.125}; L.falloff = light_falloff::quadratic; L.enabled = false; w.make_object(w.make_id(), {ch, {4, 1}}, L); const auto add_player = [&](StringView name, Vector2i coord, bool playable) { critter_proto cproto; cproto.name = name; cproto.playable = playable; auto& p = *w.make_object(w.make_id(), global_coords{ch, {coord.x(), coord.y()}}, cproto); p.frame = (uint16_t)coord.x(); }; add_player("Player 1", {12, 11}, true); // duplicate add_player("Player 1", {13, 11}, true); // duplicate add_player("Player 2", {14, 11}, false); add_player("Player 3", {15, 11}, true); { auto eʹ = w.make_scenery(w.make_id(), {ch, {K+3, K+1}}, scenery_proto(door)); fm_assert(eʹ->scenery_type() == scenery_type::door); auto& e = static_cast(*eʹ); const auto end = e.atlas->info().nframes-1; constexpr auto dt = Second / 60; fm_assert(e.frame == end); { fm_assert(!e.active); e.activate(e.index()); fm_assert(e.active); { auto index = e.index(); e.update(eʹ, index, dt); } fm_assert(e.frame != end); for (int i = 0; i < 60*3; i++) { auto index = e.index(); e.update(eʹ, index, dt); } fm_assert(e.frame == 0); fm_assert(!e.active); } } return c; } namespace { void assert_chunks_equal(const chunk& a, const chunk& b) { fm_assert(a.objects().size() == b.objects().size()); for (auto i = 0uz; i < TILE_COUNT; i++) { const auto &a1 = a[i], &b1 = b[i]; fm_assert(a1 == b1); } for (auto i = 0uz; i < a.objects().size(); i++) { const auto& ae = *a.objects()[i]; const auto& be = *b.objects()[i]; const auto type = ae.type(); fm_assert(ae.type() == be.type()); fm_assert(type < object_type::COUNT && type != object_type::none); switch (type) { case object_type::none: case object_type::COUNT: std::unreachable(); case object_type::critter: { const auto& e1 = static_cast(ae); const auto& e2 = static_cast(be); const auto p1 = critter_proto(e1), p2 = critter_proto(e2); fm_assert(p1 == p2); break; } case object_type::scenery: { const auto& e1 = static_cast(ae); const auto& e2 = static_cast(be); const auto p1 = scenery_proto(e1), p2 = scenery_proto(e2); fm_assert(p1 == p2); break; } case object_type::light: { const auto& e1 = static_cast(ae); const auto& e2 = static_cast(be); const auto p1 = light_proto(e1), p2 = light_proto(e2); fm_assert(p1 == p2); break; } } } } void assert_chunks_equal(const chunk* a, const chunk* b) { fm_assert(a); fm_assert(b); assert_chunks_equal(*a, *b); } [[nodiscard]] world reload_from_save(StringView tmp, world& w) { if (Path::exists(tmp)) Path::remove(tmp); w.serialize(tmp); return world::deserialize(tmp, loader_policy::error); } void run(StringView input, StringView tmp) { if (Path::exists(tmp)) Path::remove(tmp); chunk_coords_ coord{}; world w; if (input) w = world::deserialize(input, loader_policy::ignore); else { coord = {1, 1, 0}; w = world(); auto& c = Test::make_test_chunk(w, coord); fm_assert(!c.empty(true)); } w.serialize(tmp); auto w2 = world::deserialize(tmp, loader_policy::ignore); auto& c2 = w2[coord]; fm_assert(!c2.empty(true)); assert_chunks_equal(w[coord], c2); } void test_save_1() { const auto tmp_filename = Path::join(loader.TEMP_PATH, "test/test-save1.dat"_s); run({}, tmp_filename); } void test_save_2() { const auto tmp_filename = Path::join(loader.TEMP_PATH, "test/test-save2.dat"_s); const auto dir = Path::join(loader.TEMP_PATH, "test/save/"_s); using LF = Path::ListFlag; auto files = Path::list(dir, LF::SkipDirectories|LF::SkipSpecial|LF::SkipDotAndDotDot); fm_assert(files); for (const StringView file : *files) { fm_assert(file.hasSuffix(".dat"_s)); auto path = Path::join(dir, file); run(path, tmp_filename); } } void test_save_objs() { const auto tmp = Path::join(loader.TEMP_PATH, "test/test-save-objs.dat"_s); // todo! test all object and scenery types! { // --- counter --- auto w = world(); const auto ctr = w.object_counter(); const auto ctrʹ = ctr + 364; fm_assert(ctrʹ > ctr); fm_assert(ctrʹ + 2 > ctr); w.set_object_counter(ctrʹ); (void)w.make_id(); (void)w.make_id(); const auto ctrʹʹ = w.object_counter(); fm_assert(ctrʹʹ == ctrʹ + 2); auto w2 = reload_from_save(tmp, w); const auto ctrʹʹʹ = w.object_counter(); fm_assert(ctrʹʹʹ == ctrʹʹ); } { // --- critter --- auto w = world(); critter_proto p; p.atlas = loader.anim_atlas("npc-walk", loader.ANIM_PATH); p.offset = Vector2b{-1, 2}; p.bbox_offset = Vector2b{3, -4}; p.bbox_size = Vector2ub{129, 254}; p.delta = uint32_t{65638}; p.frame = uint16_t{9}; p.type = object_type::critter; p.r = rotation::SE; p.pass = pass_mode::see_through; p.name = "foo 123"_s; p.speed = 0.25f; p.playable = true; constexpr auto ch = chunk_coords_{512, -768, 0}; constexpr auto coord = global_coords{ch, {1, 15}}; constexpr auto offset_frac = uint16_t{44'432}; const auto objʹ = w.make_object(w.make_id(), coord, p); fm_assert(objʹ); const auto& obj = *objʹ; const_cast(obj.offset_frac_) = offset_frac; auto w2 = reload_from_save(tmp, w); const auto& obj2ʹ = w.find_object(obj.id); fm_assert(obj2ʹ); const auto& obj2 = *obj2ʹ; fm_assert(p.name == obj2.name); fm_assert(p.frame == obj2.frame); fm_assert(p.speed == obj2.speed); fm_assert(obj.offset_frac_ == obj2.offset_frac_); assert_chunks_equal(w.at(ch), w2.at(ch)); } { // --- light --- auto w = world(); light_proto p; p.max_distance = 42; p.color = Color4ub{1, 2, 3, 4}; p.falloff = light_falloff::quadratic; p.enabled = false; p.frame = 0; p.offset = {1, 2}; p.bbox_size = {3, 4}; p.delta = 5; p.pass = pass_mode::see_through; constexpr auto ch = chunk_coords_{ 1, -2, 0}; constexpr auto coord = global_coords{ch, {6, 5}}; const auto id = w.make_id(); const auto objʹ = w.make_object(id, coord, p); auto w2 = reload_from_save(tmp, w); const auto& obj2ʹ = w.find_object(id); fm_assert(obj2ʹ); const auto& obj2 = *obj2ʹ; fm_assert(p.max_distance == obj2.max_distance); fm_assert(p.color == obj2.color); fm_assert(p.falloff == obj2.falloff); fm_assert(p.enabled == obj2.enabled); assert_chunks_equal(w.at(ch), w2.at(ch)); //const auto obj3 = w.find_object(id); // must fail } { // --- scenery --- auto w = world(); scenery_proto p; p.atlas = loader.invalid_scenery_atlas().proto->atlas; p.subtype = generic_scenery_proto{}; constexpr auto ch = chunk_coords_{-3, 4, 0}; constexpr auto coord = global_coords{ch, { 3, 4}}; const auto id = w.make_id(); const auto objʹ = w.make_scenery(id, coord, move(p)); const auto obj = std::static_pointer_cast(objʹ); const auto obj2 = w.find_object(id); //const auto obj3 = w.find_object(id); // must fail fm_assert(obj == obj2); } #if 0 constexpr auto coord = global_coords{{ 5, -6, 0}, { 4, 7}}; constexpr auto coord = global_coords{{-7, 8, 0}, { 9, 1}}; constexpr auto coord = global_coords{{ 9, 0, 0}, {15, 0}}; #endif } } // namespace void Test::test_save() { fm_assert(Path::exists(Path::join(loader.TEMP_PATH, "CMakeCache.txt"))); test_save_1(); } void Test::test_saves() { fm_assert(Path::exists(Path::join(loader.TEMP_PATH, "CMakeCache.txt"))); test_save_2(); test_save_objs(); } } // namespace floormat