Sixense SDK Package 12/15/2011 ====================== Table of Contents ================= 1. Installing the SDK 1.1 Requirements 1.2 Install SDK using 2. How to Run Sample Apps 3. Build From Source 3.1 Build for Windows 3.1.1 Requirements 3.1.2 sixense_simple3d and freeglut 3.2 Build for Linux 3.2.1 Requirements 3.2.2. sixense_simple3d and freeglut Using Eclipse Using Makefile 3.3 Build for OSX 3.3.1 Requirements 3.3.2 Building sixense_simple3d and freeglut OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard OSX 10.7 Lion 4. Packaging Scripts 4.1 Requirements 4.2 4.2.1 Information 4.2.2 Install SixenseSDK using 5. Developer Notes 5.1 Library Paths 5.1.1 Linux 5.1.2 OSX 5.2 Tested Operating Systems 5.2.1 Linux 1. Installing the SDK ===================== 1.1 Requirements ---------------- Python version 2.5 or later is required to install the SDK using install scripts. 1.2 Install SDK using -------------------------------- 1. Navigate to the "install" directory in the top level of the sdk. 2. Run as administrator. on Fedora Linux, to beome the root (administrator) user, type: su - On Ubuntu Linux, for each command you wish to execute as administrator, type : sudo [TODO: Windows, OSX...] 3. Select the operating system of the target computer when prompted. 4. Optionally, see section 5 below for further instructions on installing shared libraries. 2. How to run sample apps ============================= 1. Use a file browser to navigate to "sixense_simple3d" directory. There, folders for various OSes are found: OSX 10.6 32 bit : SixenseSDK/samples/osx10.6/ OSX 10.6 64 bit : SixenseSDK/samples/osx10.6_x64/ OSX 10.7 32 bit : SixenseSDK/samples/osx10.7/ OSX 10.7 64 bit : SixenseSDK/samples/osx10.7_x64/ Linux 32 bit : SixenseSDK/samples/linux/ Linux 64 bit : SixenseSDK/samples/linux_x64/ Windows 32 bit : SixenseSDK/samples/win32/ Windows 64 bit : SixenseSDK/samples/x64/ 2. Use a file browser to navigate into the proper folder and then double-click the "sixense_simple3d" application. Alternatively, in a terminal in the proper dirctory type: ./sixense_simple3d 3. Build From Source ==================== All source projects regardless of operating system use relative paths to source and library files. 3.1 Build for Windows --------------------- 3.1.1 Requirements ------------------ To compile any of the libraries in windows, Microsoft Visual C++ must be used. The Express version of Microsoft Visual C++ can not be used to compile the source code because Microsoft Visual C++ Express does not contain any MFC header's or libraries. Sixense_simple3d and freeglut require Visual Studio 2010 to compile the sample application. 3.1.2 sixense_simple3d and freeglut --------------------------------- 1. Navigate to "src/sixense_simple3d/VisualStudio2010" directory in the top level SDK directory. 2. Open the Visual Studio Solution for the Sixense driver: VC++ 2010 freeglut_vs2010.sln 3. Select the target configuration in the "Solution Configuration" dropdown combo box. Debug : Debug Release : Release 4. Select the target platform in the "Solution Platform" dropdown combo box. Windows 32 bit : Win32 Windows 65 bit : x64 5. Build the solution by selecting Build->Bulid Solution in the main menu ( shortcut F7 ) 6. The libraries will be located at: Debug : src/sixense_simple3d/VisualStudio2010/Debug/ Release : src/sixense_simple3d/VisualStudio2010/Release/ 3.2 Build for Linux ------------------- 3.2.1 Requirements ------------------ In order to compile for Linux, the following package dependancies must be installed: libusb1 gl-mesa-devel (required only for freeglut) libXi-devel g++ See section 5 for instructions on installing packages. 3.2.2 sixense_simple3d and freeglut ----------------------------------- Pre-built binaries of sixense_simple3d and freeglut are provided in the SDK. If a build on a new operating system is desired, see instructions which follow. Using Eclipse --------------------- 1. Open Eclipse and select a workspace. 2. Click File->Import->Existing Project Into Workspace 3. Choose the SixenseSDK directory as the root directory. Eclipse will list all projects under that directory. 4. Choose freeglut and sixense_simple_3d and click Finish. 5. Right click on the project and select "Build" Using Makefiles ------------------------ 1. Open a Terminal. 2. Navigate to one of the following directories in the SixenseSDK directory based on the build target. Release 32 bit : SixenseSDK/src/sixense_simple3d/Eclipse/freeglut/Release_x32 Release 64 bit : SixenseSDK/src/sixense_simple3d/Eclipse/freeglut/Release_x64 3. Type: make 4. Navigate to one of the following directories in the SixenseSDK directory based on the build target. Release 32 bit : SixenseSDK/src/sixense_simple3d/Eclipse/sixense_simple_3d/Release_x32 Release 64 bit : SixenseSDK/src/sixense_simple3d/Eclipse/sixense_simple_3d/Release_x64 5. Type: make Note that SDK Makefiles originally contain relative paths to sources. Once an Eclipse project is built, though, Eclipse overwrites the Makefiles with absolut paths, unless Eclipse options are chosen to avoid generating Makefiles. 3.3 Build for OSX ----------------- 3.3.1 Requirements ------------------ To keep the build results in the same directory click Xcode->Preferences->Locations, and set 'Derived Data' to 'Relative', instead of 'Default'. This is a system setting. By default, clicking Product->Build will compile a Debug version only. To compile a Release version, click Product->'Build for Profiling'. This behavior can be changed in Product->'Edit Schemes' Changing the location from 'Derived Data' to 'Relative' allows the files built in OSX to be placed in a relative location from the source instead of a system defined location allowing the files to be easily located. 3.3.2 Building sixense_simple3d and freeglut ------------------------------------------------- Pre-built binaries of sixense_simple3d and freeglut are provided in the SDK. If a build on a new operating system is desired, see instructions which follow. Using Xcode on OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard ----------------------------- 1. Using a file browser, navigate to the directory where the xcode project exists: SixenseSDK/src/sixense_simple3d/Xcode 2. Double click on "freeglut.xcodeproj" to open the XCode IDE. 3. Set XCode's active scheme to: OSX 32 bit : freeglut_i386, or OSX 64 bit - freeglut_x86_64 by selecting the drop down list in the upper left hand corner of the XCode window, to the right of the 'stop' button. 4. Click on "freeglut" project in the file view list to open "Build Settings" 5. Change "Mac OSX Deployment Target" setting to Mac OSX 10.6 6. Click on Product->Build from the main menu ( shortcut: command B ). 7. Set XCode's active scheme to: OSX 32 bit - sixense_simple3d_i386, or OSX 64 bit - sixense_simple3d_x86_64 by selecting the drop down list in the upper left hand corner of the XCode window, to the right of the 'stop' button. 8. Click on "freeglut" project in the file view list to open "Build Settings" 9. Change "Mac OSX Deployment Target" setting to Mac OSX 10.6 10. Click on Product->Build from the main menu ( shortcut: command B ). 11. Using a file browser, navigate to: SixenseSDK/src/sixense_simple3d/Xcode/DerrivedData/freeglut/Build/Products/Debug 12. To run the sixense_simple3d application, double click on sixense_simple3d. Using Xcode on OSX 10.7 Lion --------------------- 1. Using a file browser, navigate to the directory where the xcode project exists: SixenseSDK/src/sixense_simple3d/Xcode 2. Double click on "freeglut.xcodeproj" to open the XCode IDE. 3. Set XCode's active scheme to: OSX 32 bit - freeglut_i386, or OSX 64 bit - freeglut_x86_64 by selecting the drop down list in the upper left hand corner of the XCode window, to the right of the 'stop' button. 4. Click on "freeglut" project in the file view list to open "Build Settings" 5. Change "Mac OSX Deployment Target" setting to Mac OSX 10.7 6. Click on Product->Build from the main menu ( shortcut: command B ). 7. Set XCode's active scheme to: OSX 32 bit - sixense_simple3d_i386, or OSX 64 bit - sixense_simple3d_x86_64 by selecting the drop down list in the upper left hand corner of the XCode window, to the right of the 'stop' button. 8. Click on "freeglut" project in the file view list to open "Build Settings" 9. Change "Mac OSX Deployment Target" setting to Mac OSX 10.7 10. Click on Product->Build from the main menu ( shortcut: command B ). 11. Using a file browser, navigate to: SixenseSDK/src/sixense_simple3d/Xcode/DerrivedData/freeglut/Build/Products/Debug 12. To run the sixense_simple3d application, double click on sixense_simple3d. 4. Packaging Scripts ==================== 4.1 Requirements ---------------- All scripts have been tested with Python 2.5 and Python 2.6. 4.2 -------------- This file is located in this directory: SixenseSDK/install/ Usage information follows. 4.2.1 Information ----------------- Installs the SixenseSDK files onto a designated platform using a config file ( default install.cfg ). This script should be run from SixenseSDK/install. The script will install libraries and add new "udev rules" for Linux. After installing udev rules, the hydra device must be unplugged then plugged back in to allow the new udev rules to take effect. The script should only be run from within a SixenseSDK package. Usage: [options] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version Prints the version and exits -c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG Config File to use -v, --verbose Print Extra Information -w, --warning Print Only Warning Information 4.2.1 Information -------------- The default configuration script for is called "install.cfg". This file defines various paths used for the installation process. 5. Developer Notes ================== 5.1 Library Paths ----------------- On Linux and OSX, system shared library paths may not be searched automatically for dynamic libraries which SixenseSDK installs. SDK installer scripts take action to correct this issue. 5.1.1 Linux ----------- All Fedora packages should be updated after an install. This can be done with the following command (as root): yum update Run script to place all libraries in standard library paths. Alternatively, the end user can put SDK shared libraries into /usr/local/lib, add that path to /etc/ if needed, then run /sbin/ldconfig Most required shared libraries should be pre-installed on your system but some may not be. In Fedora, use the system package manager, or, on a command line do the following, substituting the desired package name (as root): yum install mesa-libGL (here package "mesa-libGL" is installed) What packages need to be installed on Fedora15-64 ? ( this list was generated using the command: ldd ./sixense_simple3d ) file: /usr/lib64/ package: mesa-libGL-7.11-1.fc15.x86_64 file: /usr/lib64/ libstdc++-4.6.1-9.fc15.x86_64 file: /lib64/ file: /lib64/ file: /lib64/ file: /lib64/ file: /lib64/ package: glibc-2.14-5.x86_64 file: /lib64/ package: libgcc-4.6.1-9.fc15.x86_64 file: /lib64/ package: libusb1-1.0.8-7.fc15.x86_64 file: /usr/lib64/ package: libX11-1.4.3-1.fc15.x86_64 file: /usr/lib64/ package: libXext-1.2.0-2.fc15.x86_64 file: /usr/lib64/ package: libXdamage-1.1.3-2.fc15.x86_64 file: /usr/lib64/ package: libXfixes-5.0-1.fc15.x86_64 file: /usr/lib64/ package: libXxf86vm-1.1.1-2.fc15.x86_64 file: /usr/lib64/ package: libdrm-2.4.26-2.fc15.x86_64 file: /usr/lib64/ package: libxcb-1.7-2.fc15.x86_64 file: /usr/lib64/ package: libXau-1.0.6-2.fc15.x86_64 In Ubuntu, or other Debian based Linux distributions, packages can be installed like this: sudo apt-get install libusb1.0-0 (this would install libusb1 on Ubuntu) 5.1.2 OSX --------- In OSX, library paths are hardcoded into the binary during linking. Currently, library files are hardcoded to these paths: libsixense.dylib -> /usr/local/lib libsixense_utils.dylib -> /usr/local/lib libfreeglut.dylib -> @executable_path(same path as executable) To see what library paths are hardcoded to a library or executable, run 'otool -L (library or executable name)' the location of the libraries the executable uses can be changed with a command line tool called 'install_name_tool'. For example, to use the libsixense.dylib in the same path as the sixense_simple3d instead of /usr/local/lib, run the command: install_name_tool -change /usr/local/lib/libsixense.dylib @executable_path/libsixense.dylib sixense_simple3d Note that dynamic libraries may also have hardcoded links to other libraries. for example, libsixense_utils.dylib by default will look for libsixense.dylib in /usr/local/lib. This can also be changed with install_name_tool. 5.2 Tested Operating Systems ---------------------------- 5.2.1 Linux ---------------------------- The 32 bit versions of the libsixense libraries and the sixense_simple3d binary have been compiled using gcc 4.4.2 linked to glibc 2.11.1. This sixense_simple3d app has been tested on the following systems: Fedora 15 32 bit Ubuntu 10.04 32 bit Ubuntu 11.10 32 bit The 64 bit versions of the libsixense libraries and the sixense_simple3d binary have been compiled using gcc 4.4.2 linked to glibc 2.11.1. This sixense_simple3d app has been tested on the following systems: Fedora 15 64 bit Fedora 16 64 bit Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit 5.2.2 OSX --------- The 64 and 32 bit versions of the libsixense libraries and the sixense_simple3d binary have been tested on: OSX Lion 10.7.1 (11826), X server version: xorg 1.10.2 The 32 bit version of the libsixense libraries and the sixense_simple3d binary have been tested on: OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.8 (10K549), X server version: xquartz 2.3.6 (xorg 1.4.2-apple-56)