path: root/facetracknoir/shortcuts.cpp
diff options
authorStanislaw Halik <>2013-09-15 02:04:11 +0200
committerStanislaw Halik <>2013-09-15 02:04:11 +0200
commit51fb3e42f915c3b538c423cfb9e5dfae11778717 (patch)
tree053a64cd587d7cc1fb1fc426da5ab3a3cf4d6b9d /facetracknoir/shortcuts.cpp
parent463737c1b50246c56a67c35c1116732006348593 (diff)
parentb948329c7ae6ab2ff546cba43cdc4aca9b743cfd (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Conflicts: facetracknoir/tracker.cpp ftnoir_filter_accela/ftnoir_filter_accela.cpp ftnoir_filter_accela/ftnoir_filter_accela.h ftnoir_filter_base/ftnoir_filter_base.h ftnoir_filter_ewma2/ftnoir_filter_ewma2.cpp ftnoir_filter_ewma2/ftnoir_filter_ewma2.h
Diffstat (limited to 'facetracknoir/shortcuts.cpp')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/facetracknoir/shortcuts.cpp b/facetracknoir/shortcuts.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cdb2c3b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facetracknoir/shortcuts.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+#include "facetracknoir/facetracknoir.h"
+#include "facetracknoir/shortcuts.h"
+KeyboardShortcutDialog::KeyboardShortcutDialog( FaceTrackNoIR *ftnoir, QWidget *parent )
+ : QWidget( parent, Qt::Dialog)
+ ui.setupUi( this );
+ QPoint offsetpos(100, 100);
+ this->move(parent->pos() + offsetpos);
+ mainApp = ftnoir; // Preserve a pointer to FTNoIR
+ // Connect Qt signals to member-functions
+ connect(ui.btnOK, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doOK()));
+ connect(ui.btnCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doCancel()));
+ for ( int i = 0; i < global_key_sequences.size(); i++) {
+ ui.cbxCenterKey->addItem(;
+ }
+ loadSettings();
+// Destructor for server-dialog
+KeyboardShortcutDialog::~KeyboardShortcutDialog() {
+ qDebug() << "~KeyboardShortcutDialog() says: started";
+// OK clicked on server-dialog
+void KeyboardShortcutDialog::doOK() {
+ save();
+ this->close();
+ mainApp->bindKeyboardShortcuts();
+// override show event
+void KeyboardShortcutDialog::showEvent ( QShowEvent * event ) {
+ loadSettings();
+// Cancel clicked on server-dialog
+void KeyboardShortcutDialog::doCancel() {
+ //
+ // Ask if changed Settings should be saved
+ //
+ if (settingsDirty) {
+ int ret = QMessageBox::question ( this, "Settings have changed", "Do you want to save the settings?", QMessageBox::Save | QMessageBox::Discard | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Discard );
+ qDebug() << "doCancel says: answer =" << ret;
+ switch (ret) {
+ case QMessageBox::Save:
+ save();
+ this->close();
+ break;
+ case QMessageBox::Discard:
+ this->close();
+ break;
+ case QMessageBox::Cancel:
+ // Cancel was clicked
+ break;
+ default:
+ // should never be reached
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ this->close();
+ }
+// Load the current Settings from the currently 'active' INI-file.
+void KeyboardShortcutDialog::loadSettings() {
+ qDebug() << "loadSettings says: Starting ";
+ QSettings settings("opentrack"); // Registry settings (in HK_USER)
+ QString currentFile = settings.value ( "SettingsFile", QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/settings/default.ini" ).toString();
+ QSettings iniFile( currentFile, QSettings::IniFormat ); // Application settings (in INI-file)
+ qDebug() << "loadSettings says: iniFile = " << currentFile;
+ iniFile.beginGroup ( "KB_Shortcuts" );
+ ui.chkCenterShift->setChecked (iniFile.value ( "Shift_Center", 0 ).toBool());
+ ui.chkCenterCtrl->setChecked (iniFile.value ( "Ctrl_Center", 0 ).toBool());
+ ui.chkCenterAlt->setChecked (iniFile.value ( "Alt_Center", 0 ).toBool());
+ ui.cbxCenterKey->setCurrentIndex(iniFile.value("Key_index_Center", 0).toInt());
+ iniFile.endGroup ();
+ settingsDirty = false;
+// Save the current Settings to the currently 'active' INI-file.
+void KeyboardShortcutDialog::save() {
+ qDebug() << "save() says: started";
+ QSettings settings("opentrack"); // Registry settings (in HK_USER)
+ QString currentFile = settings.value ( "SettingsFile", QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/settings/default.ini" ).toString();
+ QSettings iniFile( currentFile, QSettings::IniFormat ); // Application settings (in INI-file)
+ iniFile.beginGroup ( "KB_Shortcuts" );
+ iniFile.setValue ( "Key_index_Center", ui.cbxCenterKey->currentIndex() );
+ iniFile.setValue ( "Shift_Center", ui.chkCenterShift->isChecked() );
+ iniFile.setValue ( "Ctrl_Center", ui.chkCenterCtrl->isChecked() );
+ iniFile.setValue ( "Alt_Center", ui.chkCenterAlt->isChecked() );
+ iniFile.endGroup ();
+ settingsDirty = false;
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#include <windows.h>
+KeybindingWorkerImpl::~KeybindingWorkerImpl() {
+ if (dinkeyboard) {
+ dinkeyboard->Unacquire();
+ dinkeyboard->Release();
+ }
+ if (din)
+ din->Release();
+KeybindingWorkerImpl::KeybindingWorkerImpl(FaceTrackNoIR& w, Key keyCenter)
+: kCenter(keyCenter), window(w), should_quit(true), din(0), dinkeyboard(0)
+ if (DirectInput8Create(GetModuleHandle(NULL), DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput8, (void**)&din, NULL) != DI_OK) {
+ qDebug() << "setup DirectInput8 Creation failed!" << GetLastError();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (din->CreateDevice(GUID_SysKeyboard, &dinkeyboard, NULL) != DI_OK) {
+ din->Release();
+ din = 0;
+ qDebug() << "setup CreateDevice function failed!" << GetLastError();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dinkeyboard->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIKeyboard) != DI_OK) {
+ qDebug() << "setup SetDataFormat function failed!" << GetLastError();
+ dinkeyboard->Release();
+ dinkeyboard = 0;
+ din->Release();
+ din = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dinkeyboard->SetCooperativeLevel(window.winId(), DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE | DISCL_BACKGROUND) != DI_OK) {
+ dinkeyboard->Release();
+ din->Release();
+ din = 0;
+ dinkeyboard = 0;
+ qDebug() << "setup SetCooperativeLevel function failed!" << GetLastError();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dinkeyboard->Acquire() != DI_OK)
+ {
+ dinkeyboard->Release();
+ din->Release();
+ din = 0;
+ dinkeyboard = 0;
+ qDebug() << "setup dinkeyboard Acquire failed!" << GetLastError();
+ return;
+ }
+ should_quit = false;
+static bool isKeyPressed( const Key *key, const BYTE *keystate ) {
+ bool shift;
+ bool ctrl;
+ bool alt;
+ if (keystate[key->keycode] & 0x80) {
+ shift = ( (keystate[DIK_LSHIFT] & 0x80) || (keystate[DIK_RSHIFT] & 0x80) );
+ ctrl = ( (keystate[DIK_LCONTROL] & 0x80) || (keystate[DIK_RCONTROL] & 0x80) );
+ alt = ( (keystate[DIK_LALT] & 0x80) || (keystate[DIK_RALT] & 0x80) );
+ //
+ // If one of the modifiers is needed and not pressed, return false.
+ //
+ if (key->shift && !shift) return false;
+ if (key->ctrl && !ctrl) return false;
+ if (key->alt && !alt) return false;
+ //
+ // All is well!
+ //
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+#define PROCESS_KEY(k, s) \
+ if (isKeyPressed(&k, keystate) && (!k.ever_pressed ? (k.timer.start(), k.ever_pressed = true) : k.timer.restart() > 100)) \
+ window.s();
+void KeybindingWorkerImpl::run() {
+ BYTE keystate[256];
+ while (!should_quit)
+ {
+ if (dinkeyboard->GetDeviceState(256, (LPVOID)keystate) != DI_OK) {
+ qDebug() << "Tracker::run GetDeviceState function failed!" << GetLastError();
+ Sleep(25);
+ continue;
+ }
+ PROCESS_KEY(kCenter, shortcutRecentered);
+ Sleep(25);
+ }