path: root/facetracknoir/tracker.h
diff options
authorStanislaw Halik <>2013-03-22 21:48:15 +0100
committerStanislaw Halik <>2013-03-22 21:48:15 +0100
commit4f00c4c74d213a37a4b1a3313e50ce2b4dd51271 (patch)
treef692743cb752c994c05fe2761f83af08aa28d239 /facetracknoir/tracker.h
parent5c5ec4b4238996770bfd74ddfc87934ace40bf0f (diff)
finish rename
Diffstat (limited to 'facetracknoir/tracker.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 282 deletions
diff --git a/facetracknoir/tracker.h b/facetracknoir/tracker.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b161293..00000000
--- a/facetracknoir/tracker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-* FaceTrackNoIR This program is a private project of the some enthusiastic *
-* gamers from Holland, who don't like to pay much for *
-* head-tracking. *
-* *
-* Copyright (C) 2010 - 2012 Wim Vriend (Developing) *
-* Ron Hendriks (Researching and Testing) *
-* *
-* Homepage * *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
-* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
-* Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your *
-* option) any later version. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
-* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *
-* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for *
-* more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
-* with this program; if not, see <>. *
- Modifications (last one on top):
- 20120717 - WVR: FunctionConfig is now used for the Curves, instead of BezierConfig.
-#ifndef __TRACKER_H__
-#define __TRACKER_H__
-#include <QThread>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <QLineEdit>
-#include <QThread>
-#include <QPoint>
-#include <QWaitCondition>
-#include <QList>
-#include <QPainterPath>
-#include <QDebug>
-#include <Dinput.h>
-#include "FunctionConfig.h"
-#include "..\ftnoir_tracker_base\FTNoIR_Tracker_base.h"
-#include "..\ftnoir_protocol_base\FTNoIR_Protocol_base.h"
-#include "..\ftnoir_filter_base\FTNoIR_Filter_base.h"
-#include "tracker_types.h"
-typedef ITrackerPtr (WINAPI *importGetTracker)(void);
-typedef IProtocolPtr (WINAPI *importGetProtocol)(void);
-typedef IFilterPtr (WINAPI *importGetFilter)(void);
-// include the DirectX Library files
-#pragma comment (lib, "dinput8.lib")
-#pragma comment (lib, "dxguid.lib")
-enum AngleName {
- PITCH = 0,
- YAW = 1,
- ROLL = 2,
- X = 3,
- Y = 4,
- Z = 5
-enum FTNoIR_Client {
- FTNOIR = 2,
- PPJOY = 3,
- TRACKIR = 4,
- FSUIPC = 6,
- MOUSE = 7
-//enum FTNoIR_Face_Tracker {
-// FT_SM_FACEAPI = 0,
-// FT_FTNOIR = 1,
-// FT_VISAGE = 2
-enum FTNoIR_Tracker_Status {
-class FaceTrackNoIR; // pre-define parent-class to avoid circular includes
-// Structure to hold all variables concerning one of 6 DOF's
-class THeadPoseDOF {
- THeadPoseDOF(QString primary, QString secondary = "", int maxInput1 = 50, int maxOutput1 = 180, int maxInput2 = 50, int maxOutput2 = 90) {
- QSettings settings("Abbequerque Inc.", "FaceTrackNoIR"); // Registry settings (in HK_USER)
- QString currentFile = settings.value ( "SettingsFile", QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/Settings/default.ini" ).toString();
- QSettings iniFile( currentFile, QSettings::IniFormat ); // Application settings (in INI-file)
- curvePtr = new FunctionConfig(primary, maxInput1, maxOutput1); // Create the Function-config for input-output translation
- curvePtr->loadSettings(iniFile); // Load the settings from the INI-file
- if (secondary != "") {
- curvePtrAlt = new FunctionConfig(secondary, maxInput2, maxOutput2);
- curvePtrAlt->loadSettings(iniFile);
- }
- }
- void initHeadPoseData(){
- headPos = 0.0f;
- invert = 0.0f;
- red = 0.0f;
- rawList.clear();
- maxItems = 10.0f;
- prevPos = 0.0f;
- prevRawPos = 0.0f;
- NeutralZone = 0;
- MaxInput = 0;
- confidence = 0.0f;
- newSample = FALSE;
- qDebug() << "initHeadPoseData: " << curvePtr->getTitle();
- }
- float headPos; // Current position (from faceTracker, radials or meters)
- float invert; // Invert measured value (= 1.0f or -1.0f)
- float red; // Reduction factor (used for EWMA-filtering, between 0.0f and 1.0f)
- QList<float> rawList; // List of 'n' headPos values (used for moving average)
- int maxItems; // Maximum number of elements in rawList
- float prevPos; // Previous Position
- float prevRawPos; // Previous Raw Position
- FunctionConfig* curvePtr; // Function to translate input -> output
- FunctionConfig* curvePtrAlt;
- int NeutralZone; // Neutral zone
- int MaxInput; // Maximum raw input
- float confidence; // Current confidence
- bool newSample; // Indicate new sample from tracker
-// Structure to hold keycode and CTRL, SHIFT, ALT for shortkeys
-struct TShortKey {
- BYTE keycode; // Required Key
- bool shift; // Modifiers to examine
- bool ctrl;
- bool alt;
- bool doPitch; // Modifiers to act on axis
- bool doYaw;
- bool doRoll;
- bool doX;
- bool doY;
- bool doZ;
-class Tracker : public QThread {
- // Handles to neatly terminate thread...
- HANDLE m_StopThread;
- HANDLE m_WaitThread;
- static T6DOF current_camera; // Used for filtering
- static T6DOF target_camera;
- static T6DOF new_camera;
- static T6DOF output_camera;
- ITrackerPtr pTracker; // Pointer to Tracker instance (in DLL)
- ITrackerPtr pSecondTracker; // Pointer to second Tracker instance (in DLL)
- static IProtocolPtr pProtocol; // Pointer to Protocol instance (in DLL)
- static IFilterPtr pFilter; // Pointer to Filter instance (in DLL)
- static void addHeadPose( THeadPoseData head_pose );
- static void addRaw2List ( QList<float> *rawList, float maxIndex, float raw );
- static TShortKey CenterKey; // ShortKey to Center headposition
- static TShortKey StartStopKey; // ShortKey to Start/stop tracking
- static TShortKey InhibitKey; // ShortKey to disable one or more axis during tracking
- static TShortKey GameZeroKey; // ShortKey to Set Game Zero
-// static TShortKey AxisReverseKey; // ShortKey to reverse axis during tracking
- static int CenterMouseKey; // ShortKey to Center headposition
- static int StartStopMouseKey; // ShortKey to Start/stop tracking
- static int InhibitMouseKey; // ShortKey to disable one or more axis during tracking
- static int GameZeroMouseKey; // ShortKey to Set Game Zero
- static bool DisableBeep; // Disable Beep when center is pressed
- // Flags to start/stop/reset tracking
- static bool confid; // Tracker data is OK
- static bool do_tracking; // Start/stop tracking, using the shortkey
- static bool do_center; // Center head-position, using the shortkey
- static bool do_inhibit; // Inhibit DOF-axis, using the shortkey
- static bool do_game_zero; // Set in-game zero, using the shortkey
- static bool do_axis_reverse; // Axis reverse, using the shortkey
- static HANDLE hTrackMutex; // Prevent reading/writing the headpose simultaneously
- static bool setZero; // Set to zero's, when OFF (one-shot)
- static bool setEngineStop; // Stop tracker->engine, when OFF
- static bool useAxisReverse; // Use Axis Reverse
- static float YawAngle4ReverseAxis; // Axis Reverse settings
- static float Z_Pos4ReverseAxis;
- static float Z_PosWhenReverseAxis;
- FaceTrackNoIR *mainApp;
- // qthread override run method
- void run();
- Tracker( FaceTrackNoIR *parent );
- ~Tracker();
- /** static member variables for saving the head pose **/
- static THeadPoseDOF Pitch; // Head-rotation X-direction (Up/Down)
- static THeadPoseDOF Yaw; // Head-rotation Y-direction ()
- static THeadPoseDOF Roll; // Head-rotation Z-direction ()
- static THeadPoseDOF X; // Head-movement X-direction (Left/Right)
- static THeadPoseDOF Y; // Head-movement Y-direction (Up/Down)
- static THeadPoseDOF Z; // Head-movement Z-direction (To/From camera)
- void setup();
-// void registerHeadPoseCallback();
- bool handleGameCommand ( int command );
- QString getGameProgramName(); // Get the ProgramName from the game and display it.
- void loadSettings(); // Load settings from the INI-file
- bool isShortKeyPressed( TShortKey *key, BYTE *keystate );
- bool isMouseKeyPressed( int *key, DIMOUSESTATE *mousestate );
- static bool getTrackingActive() { return do_tracking && confid; }
- static bool getAxisReverse() { return do_axis_reverse; }
- static bool getConfid() { return confid; }
- static void setInvertPitch(bool invert) { Pitch.invert = invert?-1.0f:+1.0f; }
- static void setInvertYaw(bool invert) { Yaw.invert = invert?-1.0f:+1.0f; }
- static void setInvertRoll(bool invert) { Roll.invert = invert?-1.0f:+1.0f; }
- static void setInvertX(bool invert) { X.invert = invert?-1.0f:+1.0f; }
- static void setInvertY(bool invert) { Y.invert = invert?-1.0f:+1.0f; }
- static void setInvertZ(bool invert) { Z.invert = invert?-1.0f:+1.0f; }
- static void getHeadPose(THeadPoseData *data); // Return the current headpose data
- static void getOutputHeadPose(THeadPoseData *data); // Return the current (processed) headpose data
- static IFilterPtr getFilterPtr() { return pFilter; } // Return the pointer for the active Filter
- ITracker *getTrackerPtr() { return pTracker; } // Return the pointer for the active Tracker
- ITracker *getSecondTrackerPtr() { return pSecondTracker; } // Return the pointer for the secondary Tracker
- IProtocol *getProtocolPtr() { return pProtocol; } // Return the pointer for the active Protocol
- void doRefreshVideo() { // Call the face-tracker-function RefreshVideo
- if (pTracker) {
- pTracker->refreshVideo();
- }
- if (pSecondTracker) {
- pSecondTracker->refreshVideo();
- }
- };
- static float getSmoothFromList ( QList<float> *rawList );
- static float getDegreesFromRads ( float rads ) { return (rads * 57.295781f); }
- static float getRadsFromDegrees ( float degrees ) { return (degrees * 0.017453f); }
- // For now, use one slider for all
- void setSmoothing(int x) {
- Pitch.maxItems = x;
- Yaw.maxItems = x;
- Roll.maxItems = x;
- X.maxItems = x;
- Y.maxItems = x;
- Z.maxItems = x;
- }
-#endif \ No newline at end of file