path: root/tracker-points/ftnoir_tracker_pt_dialog.cpp
diff options
authorStéphane Lenclud <>2019-04-01 20:31:10 +0200
committerStéphane Lenclud <>2019-04-24 18:46:12 +0200
commitc029e52a330842415502cc29a3460e016d4a8a93 (patch)
tree400a12e1fbfc5b0a28b36915f00513fab12ac75a /tracker-points/ftnoir_tracker_pt_dialog.cpp
parent456a922b5995f1f836c13c5795258bc83e521571 (diff)
Renaming Points Tracker to Easy Tracker.
Diffstat (limited to 'tracker-points/ftnoir_tracker_pt_dialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 275 deletions
diff --git a/tracker-points/ftnoir_tracker_pt_dialog.cpp b/tracker-points/ftnoir_tracker_pt_dialog.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f56d3014..00000000
--- a/tracker-points/ftnoir_tracker_pt_dialog.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2012 Patrick Ruoff
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Stanislaw Halik <>
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
- * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
- */
-#include "ftnoir_tracker_pt_dialog.h"
-#include "compat/math.hpp"
-#include "video/camera.hpp"
-#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
-#include <QString>
-#include <QtGlobal>
-#include <QDebug>
-using namespace options;
-static void init_resources() { Q_INIT_RESOURCE(tracker_pt_base); }
-namespace pt_impl {
-EasyTrackerDialog::EasyTrackerDialog(const QString& module_name) :
- s(module_name),
- tracker(nullptr),
- timer(this),
- trans_calib(1, 2)
- init_resources();
- ui.setupUi(this);
- for (const QString& str : video::camera_names())
- ui.camdevice_combo->addItem(str);
- tie_setting(s.camera_name, ui.camdevice_combo);
- tie_setting(s.cam_res_x, ui.res_x_spin);
- tie_setting(s.cam_res_y, ui.res_y_spin);
- tie_setting(s.cam_fps, ui.fps_spin);
- tie_setting(s.threshold_slider, ui.threshold_slider);
- tie_setting(s.min_point_size, ui.mindiam_spin);
- tie_setting(s.max_point_size, ui.maxdiam_spin);
- tie_setting(s.clip_by, ui.clip_bheight_spin);
- tie_setting(s.clip_bz, ui.clip_blength_spin);
- tie_setting(s.clip_ty, ui.clip_theight_spin);
- tie_setting(s.clip_tz, ui.clip_tlength_spin);
- tie_setting(s.cap_x, ui.cap_width_spin);
- tie_setting(s.cap_y, ui.cap_height_spin);
- tie_setting(s.cap_z, ui.cap_length_spin);
- tie_setting(s.m01_x, ui.m1x_spin);
- tie_setting(s.m01_y, ui.m1y_spin);
- tie_setting(s.m01_z, ui.m1z_spin);
- tie_setting(s.m02_x, ui.m2x_spin);
- tie_setting(s.m02_y, ui.m2y_spin);
- tie_setting(s.m02_z, ui.m2z_spin);
- tie_setting(s.t_MH_x, ui.tx_spin);
- tie_setting(s.t_MH_y, ui.ty_spin);
- tie_setting(s.t_MH_z, ui.tz_spin);
- tie_setting(s.fov, ui.fov);
- tie_setting(s.active_model_panel, ui.model_tabs);
- tie_setting(s.dynamic_pose, ui.dynamic_pose);
- tie_setting(s.init_phase_timeout, ui.init_phase_timeout);
- tie_setting(s.auto_threshold, ui.auto_threshold);
- connect(ui.tcalib_button,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(startstop_trans_calib(bool)));
- connect(ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(doOK()));
- connect(ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(doCancel()));
- connect(ui.camdevice_combo, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, this, &EasyTrackerDialog::set_camera_settings_available);
- set_camera_settings_available(ui.camdevice_combo->currentText());
- connect(ui.camera_settings, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &EasyTrackerDialog::show_camera_settings);
- connect(&timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &EasyTrackerDialog::poll_tracker_info_impl);
- timer.setInterval(250);
- connect(&calib_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &EasyTrackerDialog::trans_calib_step);
- calib_timer.setInterval(35);
- poll_tracker_info_impl();
- connect(this, &EasyTrackerDialog::poll_tracker_info, this, &EasyTrackerDialog::poll_tracker_info_impl, Qt::DirectConnection);
- constexpr pt_color_type color_types[] = {
- pt_color_average,
- pt_color_natural,
- pt_color_red_only,
- pt_color_green_only,
- pt_color_blue_only,
- };
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < std::size(color_types); k++)
- ui.blob_color->setItemData(k, int(color_types[k]));
- tie_setting(s.blob_color, ui.blob_color);
- tie_setting(s.threshold_slider, ui.threshold_value_display, [this](const slider_value& val) {
- return threshold_display_text(int(val));
- });
- // refresh threshold display on auto-threshold checkbox state change
- tie_setting(s.auto_threshold,
- this,
- [this](bool) { s.threshold_slider.notify(); });
-QString EasyTrackerDialog::threshold_display_text(int threshold_value)
- if (!s.auto_threshold)
- return tr("Brightness %1/255").arg(threshold_value);
- else
- {
- pt_camera_info info;
- int w = s.cam_res_x, h = s.cam_res_y;
- if (w * h <= 0)
- {
- w = 640;
- h = 480;
- }
- if (tracker && tracker->get_cam_info(info) && info.res_x * info.res_y != 0)
- {
- w = info.res_x;
- h = info.res_y;
- }
- double value = (double)pt_point_extractor::threshold_radius_value(w, h, threshold_value);
- return tr("LED radius %1 pixels").arg(value, 0, 'f', 2);
- }
-void EasyTrackerDialog::startstop_trans_calib(bool start)
- QMutexLocker l(&calibrator_mutex);
- if (start)
- {
- qDebug() << "pt: starting translation calibration";
- calib_timer.start();
- trans_calib.reset();
- s.t_MH_x = 0;
- s.t_MH_y = 0;
- s.t_MH_z = 0;
- ui.sample_count_display->setText(QString());
- }
- else
- {
- calib_timer.stop();
- qDebug() << "pt: stopping translation calibration";
- {
- auto [tmp, nsamples] = trans_calib.get_estimate();
- s.t_MH_x = int(tmp[0]);
- s.t_MH_y = int(tmp[1]);
- s.t_MH_z = int(tmp[2]);
- constexpr int min_yaw_samples = 15;
- constexpr int min_pitch_samples = 15;
- constexpr int min_samples = min_yaw_samples+min_pitch_samples;
- // Don't bother counting roll samples. Roll calibration is hard enough
- // that it's a hidden unsupported feature anyway.
- QString sample_feedback;
- if (nsamples[0] < min_yaw_samples)
- sample_feedback = tr("%1 yaw samples. Yaw more to %2 samples for stable calibration.").arg(nsamples[0]).arg(min_yaw_samples);
- else if (nsamples[1] < min_pitch_samples)
- sample_feedback = tr("%1 pitch samples. Pitch more to %2 samples for stable calibration.").arg(nsamples[1]).arg(min_pitch_samples);
- else
- {
- const int nsamples_total = nsamples[0] + nsamples[1];
- sample_feedback = tr("%1 samples. Over %2, good!").arg(nsamples_total).arg(min_samples);
- }
- ui.sample_count_display->setText(sample_feedback);
- }
- }
- ui.tx_spin->setEnabled(!start);
- ui.ty_spin->setEnabled(!start);
- ui.tz_spin->setEnabled(!start);
- if (start)
- ui.tcalib_button->setText(tr("Stop calibration"));
- else
- ui.tcalib_button->setText(tr("Start calibration"));
-void EasyTrackerDialog::poll_tracker_info_impl()
- pt_camera_info info;
- if (tracker && tracker->get_cam_info(info))
- {
- ui.caminfo_label->setText(tr("%1x%2 @ %3 FPS").arg(info.res_x).arg(info.res_y).arg(iround(info.fps)));
- // display point info
- const int n_points = tracker->get_n_points();
- ui.pointinfo_label->setText((n_points == 3 ? tr("%1 OK!") : tr("%1 BAD!")).arg(n_points));
- }
- else
- {
- ui.caminfo_label->setText(tr("Tracker offline"));
- ui.pointinfo_label->setText(QString());
- }
-void EasyTrackerDialog::set_camera_settings_available(const QString& /* camera_name */)
- ui.camera_settings->setEnabled(true);
-void EasyTrackerDialog::show_camera_settings()
- if (tracker)
- {
- QMutexLocker l(&tracker->camera_mtx);
- tracker->camera->show_camera_settings();
- }
- else
- (void)video::show_dialog(s.camera_name);
-void EasyTrackerDialog::trans_calib_step()
- QMutexLocker l(&calibrator_mutex);
- // TODO: Do we still need that function
-void EasyTrackerDialog::save()
- s.b->save();
-void EasyTrackerDialog::doOK()
- save();
- close();
-void EasyTrackerDialog::doCancel()
- close();
-void EasyTrackerDialog::register_tracker(ITracker *t)
- tracker = static_cast<EasyTracker*>(t);
- ui.tcalib_button->setEnabled(true);
- poll_tracker_info();
- timer.start();
-void EasyTrackerDialog::unregister_tracker()
- tracker = nullptr;
- ui.tcalib_button->setEnabled(false);
- poll_tracker_info();
- timer.stop();
-} // ns pt_impl