path: root/installer/non-ui-blocking-exec.iss
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1 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/installer/non-ui-blocking-exec.iss b/installer/non-ui-blocking-exec.iss
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6eec259d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installer/non-ui-blocking-exec.iss
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ Exec Helper for executing commands without blocking the InnoSetup GUI
+ ----
+ The main procedure is NonUiBlockingExec().
+ Your GUI will remain responsive during the operation.
+ Initially written for 7zip by Rik and Jens A. Koch (@jakoch) on StackOverflow:
+ ----
+ Usage:
+ 1. Include this ISS with
+ // #include "..\some\where\non-ui-blocking-exec.iss"
+ 2. extract your files using NonUiBlockingExec(command, params); in the [Code] section.
+// --- Start "ShellExecuteEx" Helper
+ WAIT_TIMEOUT = $00000102;
+ INFINITE = $FFFFFFFF; { Infinite timeout }
+ TShellExecuteInfo = record
+ cbSize: DWORD;
+ fMask: Cardinal;
+ Wnd: HWND;
+ lpVerb: string;
+ lpFile: string;
+ lpParameters: string;
+ lpDirectory: string;
+ nShow: Integer;
+ hInstApp: THandle;
+ lpIDList: DWORD;
+ lpClass: string;
+ hkeyClass: THandle;
+ dwHotKey: DWORD;
+ hMonitor: THandle;
+ hProcess: THandle;
+ end;
+function ShellExecuteEx(var lpExecInfo: TShellExecuteInfo): BOOL;
+ external 'ShellExecuteEx{#AW}@shell32.dll stdcall';
+function WaitForSingleObject(hHandle: THandle; dwMilliseconds: DWORD): DWORD;
+ external 'WaitForSingleObject@kernel32.dll stdcall';
+function CloseHandle(hObject: THandle): BOOL; external 'CloseHandle@kernel32.dll stdcall';
+// --- End "ShellExecuteEx" Helper
+// --- Start "Application.ProcessMessage" Helper
+ InnoSetup does not provide Application.ProcessMessage().
+ This is "generic" code to recreate a "Application.ProcessMessages"-ish procedure,
+ using the WinAPI function PeekMessage(), TranslateMessage() and DispatchMessage().
+ TMsg = record
+ hwnd: HWND;
+ message: UINT;
+ wParam: Longint;
+ lParam: Longint;
+ time: DWORD;
+ pt: TPoint;
+ end;
+ PM_REMOVE = 1;
+function PeekMessage(var lpMsg: TMsg; hWnd: HWND; wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax, wRemoveMsg: UINT): BOOL; external 'PeekMessageA@user32.dll stdcall';
+function TranslateMessage(const lpMsg: TMsg): BOOL; external 'TranslateMessage@user32.dll stdcall';
+function DispatchMessage(const lpMsg: TMsg): Longint; external 'DispatchMessageA@user32.dll stdcall';
+procedure AppProcessMessage;
+ Msg: TMsg;
+ while PeekMessage(Msg, WizardForm.Handle, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) do begin
+ TranslateMessage(Msg);
+ DispatchMessage(Msg);
+ end;
+// --- End "Application.ProcessMessage" Helper
+procedure NonUiBlockingExec(command: String; params: String);
+ ExecInfo: TShellExecuteInfo; // info object for ShellExecuteEx()
+ // source and targetdir might contain {tmp} or {app} constant, so expand/resolve it to path names
+ command := ExpandConstant(command);
+ params := ExpandConstant(params);
+ // prepare information about the application being executed by ShellExecuteEx()
+ ExecInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(ExecInfo);
+ ExecInfo.Wnd := 0;
+ ExecInfo.lpFile := command;
+ ExecInfo.lpParameters := params;
+ ExecInfo.nShow := SW_HIDE;
+ {
+ The executable is executed via ShellExecuteEx()
+ Then the installer uses a while loop with the condition
+ WaitForSingleObject and a very minimal timeout
+ to execute AppProcessMessage.
+ AppProcessMessage is itself a helper function, because
+ Innosetup does not provide Application.ProcessMessages().
+ Its job is to be the message pump to the InnoSetup GUI.
+ This trick makes the window responsive/dragable again,
+ while the extraction is done in the background.
+ }
+ if ShellExecuteEx(ExecInfo) then
+ begin
+ while WaitForSingleObject(ExecInfo.hProcess, 100) = WAIT_TIMEOUT
+ do begin
+ AppProcessMessage;
+ WizardForm.Refresh();
+ end;
+ CloseHandle(ExecInfo.hProcess);
+ end;
+end; \ No newline at end of file