path: root/tracker-easy/point_extractor.cpp
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1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tracker-easy/point_extractor.cpp b/tracker-easy/point_extractor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d54a66b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker-easy/point_extractor.cpp
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+/* Copyright (c) 2012 Patrick Ruoff
+ * Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Stanislaw Halik <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ */
+#include "point_extractor.h"
+#include "frame.hpp"
+#include "cv/numeric.hpp"
+#include "compat/math.hpp"
+#undef PREVIEW
+//#define PREVIEW
+#if defined PREVIEW
+# include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cinttypes>
+#include <memory>
+#include <QDebug>
+using namespace numeric_types;
+// meanshift code written by Michael Welter
+In this application the idea, is to eliminate any bias of the point estimate
+which is introduced by the rather arbitrary thresholded area. One must recognize
+that the thresholded area can only move in one pixel increments since it is
+binary. Thus, its center of mass might make "jumps" as pixels are added/removed
+from the thresholded area.
+With mean-shift, a moving "window" or kernel is multiplied with the gray-scale
+image, and the COM is calculated of the result. This is iterated where the
+kernel center is set the previously computed COM. Thus, peaks in the image intensity
+distribution "pull" the kernel towards themselves. Eventually it stops moving, i.e.
+then the computed COM coincides with the kernel center. We hope that the
+corresponding location is a good candidate for the extracted point.
+The idea similar to the window scaling suggested in Berglund et al. "Fast, bias-free
+algorithm for tracking single particles with variable size and shape." (2008).
+static vec2 MeanShiftIteration(const cv::Mat1b &frame_gray, const vec2 &current_center, f filter_width)
+ const f s = 1 / filter_width;
+ f m = 0;
+ vec2 com { 0, 0 };
+ for (int i = 0; i < frame_gray.rows; i++)
+ {
+ uint8_t const* const __restrict frame_ptr = frame_gray.ptr(i);
+ for (int j = 0; j < frame_gray.cols; j++)
+ {
+ f val = frame_ptr[j];
+ val = val * val; // taking the square weighs brighter parts of the image stronger.
+ f dx = (j - current_center[0])*s;
+ f dy = (i - current_center[1])*s;
+ f max = std::fmax(f(0), 1 - dx*dx - dy*dy);
+ val *= max;
+ m += val;
+ com[0] += j * val;
+ com[1] += i * val;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m > f(.1))
+ {
+ com *= 1 / m;
+ return com;
+ }
+ else
+ return current_center;
+namespace pt_module {
+PointExtractor::PointExtractor(const QString& module_name) : s(module_name)
+ blobs.reserve(max_blobs);
+void PointExtractor::ensure_channel_buffers(const cv::Mat& orig_frame)
+ if (ch[0].rows != orig_frame.rows || ch[0].cols != orig_frame.cols)
+ for (cv::Mat1b& x : ch)
+ x = cv::Mat1b(orig_frame.rows, orig_frame.cols);
+void PointExtractor::ensure_buffers(const cv::Mat& frame)
+ const int W = frame.cols, H = frame.rows;
+ if (frame_gray.rows != W || frame_gray.cols != H)
+ {
+ frame_gray = cv::Mat1b(H, W);
+ frame_bin = cv::Mat1b(H, W);
+ frame_gray_unmasked = cv::Mat1b(H, W);
+ }
+void PointExtractor::extract_single_channel(const cv::Mat& orig_frame, int idx, cv::Mat1b& dest)
+ ensure_channel_buffers(orig_frame);
+ const int from_to[] = {
+ idx, 0,
+ };
+ cv::mixChannels(&orig_frame, 1, &dest, 1, from_to, 1);
+void PointExtractor::color_to_grayscale(const cv::Mat& frame, cv::Mat1b& output)
+ switch (s.blob_color)
+ {
+ case pt_color_green_only:
+ {
+ extract_single_channel(frame, 1, output);
+ break;
+ }
+ case pt_color_blue_only:
+ {
+ extract_single_channel(frame, 0, output);
+ break;
+ }
+ case pt_color_red_only:
+ {
+ extract_single_channel(frame, 2, output);
+ break;
+ }
+ case pt_color_average:
+ {
+ const int W = frame.cols, H = frame.rows, sz = W*H;
+ cv::reduce(frame.reshape(1, sz),
+ output.reshape(1, sz),
+ 1, cv::REDUCE_AVG);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ eval_once(qDebug() << "wrong pt_color_type enum value" << int(s.blob_color));
+ [[fallthrough]];
+ case pt_color_natural:
+ cv::cvtColor(frame, output, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
+ break;
+ }
+void PointExtractor::threshold_image(const cv::Mat& frame_gray, cv::Mat1b& output)
+ const int threshold_slider_value =<int>();
+ if (!s.auto_threshold)
+ {
+ cv::threshold(frame_gray, output, threshold_slider_value, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const int hist_size = 256;
+ const float ranges_[] = { 0, 256 };
+ float const* ranges = (const float*) ranges_;
+ cv::calcHist(&frame_gray,
+ 1,
+ nullptr,
+ cv::noArray(),
+ hist,
+ 1,
+ &hist_size,
+ &ranges);
+ const f radius = threshold_radius_value(frame_gray.cols, frame_gray.rows, threshold_slider_value);
+ float const* const __restrict ptr = hist.ptr<float>(0);
+ const unsigned area = uround(3 * pi * radius*radius);
+ const unsigned sz = unsigned(hist.cols * hist.rows);
+ constexpr unsigned min_thres = 64;
+ unsigned thres = min_thres;
+ for (unsigned i = sz-1, cnt = 0; i > 32; i--)
+ {
+ cnt += (unsigned)ptr[i];
+ if (cnt >= area)
+ break;
+ thres = i;
+ }
+ cv::threshold(frame_gray, output, thres, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY);
+ }
+static void draw_blobs(cv::Mat& preview_frame, const blob* blobs, unsigned nblobs, const cv::Size& size)
+ for (unsigned k = 0; k < nblobs; k++)
+ {
+ const blob& b = blobs[k];
+ if (b.radius < 0)
+ continue;
+ const f dpi = preview_frame.cols / f(320);
+ const f offx = 10 * dpi, offy = f(7.5) * dpi;
+ const f cx = preview_frame.cols / f(size.width),
+ cy = preview_frame.rows / f(size.height),
+ c = std::fmax(f(1), cx+cy)/2;
+ constexpr unsigned fract_bits = 8;
+ constexpr int c_fract(1 << fract_bits);
+ cv::Point p(iround(b.pos[0] * cx * c_fract), iround(b.pos[1] * cy * c_fract));
+ auto circle_color = k >= KPointCount
+ ? cv::Scalar(192, 192, 192)
+ : cv::Scalar(255, 255, 0);
+ const int overlay_size = iround(dpi);
+ cv::circle(preview_frame, p, iround((b.radius + f(3.3) * c) * c_fract),
+ circle_color, overlay_size,
+ cv::LINE_AA, fract_bits);
+ char buf[16];
+ buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';
+ std::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%.2fpx", (double)b.radius);
+ auto text_color = k >= KPointCount
+ ? cv::Scalar(160, 160, 160)
+ : cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255);
+ cv::Point pos(iround(b.pos[0]*cx+offx), iround(b.pos[1]*cy+offy));
+ cv::putText(preview_frame, buf, pos,
+ cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, overlay_size, text_color,
+ 1);
+ }
+void PointExtractor::extract_points(const pt_frame& frame_, pt_preview& preview_frame_, std::vector<vec2>& points, std::vector<vec2>& imagePoints)
+ const cv::Mat& frame = frame_.as_const<Frame>()->mat;
+ ensure_buffers(frame);
+ color_to_grayscale(frame, frame_gray_unmasked);
+#if defined PREVIEW
+ cv::imshow("capture", frame_gray);
+ cv::waitKey(1);
+ threshold_image(frame_gray_unmasked, frame_bin);
+ frame_gray_unmasked.copyTo(frame_gray, frame_bin);
+ const f region_size_min = (f)s.min_point_size;
+ const f region_size_max = (f)s.max_point_size;
+ unsigned idx = 0;
+ blobs.clear();
+ for (int y=0; y < frame_bin.rows; y++)
+ {
+ const unsigned char* __restrict ptr_bin = frame_bin.ptr(y);
+ for (int x=0; x < frame_bin.cols; x++)
+ {
+ if (ptr_bin[x] != 255)
+ continue;
+ idx = blobs.size() + 1;
+ cv::Rect rect;
+ cv::floodFill(frame_bin,
+ cv::Point(x,y),
+ cv::Scalar(idx),
+ &rect,
+ cv::Scalar(0),
+ cv::Scalar(0),
+ unsigned cnt = 0;
+ unsigned norm = 0;
+ const int ymax = rect.y+rect.height,
+ xmax = rect.x+rect.width;
+ for (int i=rect.y; i < ymax; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned char const* const __restrict ptr_blobs = frame_bin.ptr(i);
+ unsigned char const* const __restrict ptr_gray = frame_gray.ptr(i);
+ for (int j=rect.x; j < xmax; j++)
+ {
+ if (ptr_blobs[j] != idx)
+ continue;
+ //ptr_blobs[j] = 0;
+ norm += ptr_gray[j];
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ const f radius = std::sqrt(cnt / pi);
+ if (radius > region_size_max || radius < region_size_min)
+ continue;
+ blobs.emplace_back(radius,
+ vec2(rect.width/f(2), rect.height/f(2)),
+ std::pow(f(norm), f(1.1))/cnt,
+ rect);
+ if (idx >= max_blobs)
+ goto end;
+ // XXX we could go to the next scanline unless the points are really small.
+ // i'd expect each point being present on at least one unique scanline
+ // but it turns out some people are using 2px points -sh 20180110
+ //break;
+ }
+ }
+ const int W = frame_gray.cols;
+ const int H = frame_gray.rows;
+ const unsigned sz = blobs.size();
+ std::sort(blobs.begin(), blobs.end(), [](const blob& b1, const blob& b2) { return b2.brightness < b1.brightness; });
+ for (idx = 0; idx < sz; ++idx)
+ {
+ blob& b = blobs[idx];
+ cv::Rect rect = b.rect;
+ rect.x -= rect.width / 2;
+ rect.y -= rect.height / 2;
+ rect.width *= 2;
+ rect.height *= 2;
+ rect &= cv::Rect(0, 0, W, H); // crop at frame boundaries
+ cv::Mat frame_roi = frame_gray(rect);
+ // smaller values mean more changes. 1 makes too many changes while 1.5 makes about .1
+ static constexpr f radius_c = f(1.75);
+ const f kernel_radius = b.radius * radius_c;
+ vec2 pos(rect.width/f(2), rect.height/f(2)); // position relative to ROI.
+ for (int iter = 0; iter < 10; ++iter)
+ {
+ vec2 com_new = MeanShiftIteration(frame_roi, pos, kernel_radius);
+ vec2 delta = com_new - pos;
+ pos = com_new;
+ if ( < f(1e-3))
+ break;
+ }
+ b.pos[0] = pos[0] + rect.x;
+ b.pos[1] = pos[1] + rect.y;
+ }
+ // TODO: Do not do that if no preview. Delay blob drawing until we know where are the points?
+ draw_blobs(<Frame>()->mat,
+, blobs.size(),
+ frame_gray.size());
+ // End of mean shift code. At this point, blob positions are updated with hopefully less noisy less biased values.
+ points.reserve(max_blobs);
+ points.clear();
+ for (const auto& b : blobs)
+ {
+ // note: H/W is equal to fx/fy
+ vec2 p;
+ std::tie(p[0], p[1]) = to_screen_pos(b.pos[0], b.pos[1], W, H);
+ points.push_back(p);
+ imagePoints.push_back(vec2(b.pos[0], b.pos[1]));
+ }
+blob::blob(f radius, const vec2& pos, f brightness, const cv::Rect& rect) :
+ radius(radius), brightness(brightness), pos(pos), rect(rect)
+ //qDebug() << "radius" << radius << "pos" << pos[0] << pos[1];
+} // ns pt_module