path: root/tracker-tobii-eyex/tobii-eyex.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tracker-tobii-eyex/tobii-eyex.cpp')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/tracker-tobii-eyex/tobii-eyex.cpp b/tracker-tobii-eyex/tobii-eyex.cpp
index 74c31240..1a2f922b 100644
--- a/tracker-tobii-eyex/tobii-eyex.cpp
+++ b/tracker-tobii-eyex/tobii-eyex.cpp
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
+#include <utility>
+#include <numeric>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QMutexLocker>
#include <QMessageBox>
@@ -36,51 +38,80 @@ static inline tobii_eyex_tracker& to_self(TX_USERPARAM param)
return *reinterpret_cast<tobii_eyex_tracker*>(param);
-template<typename t>
-static constexpr t clamp(t datum, t min, t max)
+// there's an underflow in spline code, can't use 1e0
+static constexpr const double spline_max = 1e2;
+void rel_settings::make_spline_(part* functors, unsigned len)
- return ((datum > max) ? max : ((datum < min) ? min : datum));
+ acc_mode_spline.removeAllPoints();
+ double lastx = 0, lasty = 0;
+ using std::accumulate;
+ const double inv_norm_y = 1./accumulate(functors, functors + len, 1e-4, [](double acc, const part& functor) { return acc + functor.norm; });
+ const double inv_norm_x = 1./accumulate(functors, functors + len, 1e-4, [](double acc, const part& functor) { return acc + functor.len; });
+ for (unsigned k = 0; k < len; k++)
+ {
+ part& fun = functors[k];
+ const double xscale = fun.len * spline_max * inv_norm_x;
+ const double maxx = fun.f(1);
+ const double yscale = fun.norm * spline_max * inv_norm_y * (maxx < 1e-3 ? 0 : 1./maxx);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i <= fun.nparts; i++)
+ {
+ const double x = lastx + (fun.nparts == 0 ? 1 : i) / (1.+fun.nparts) * xscale;
+ const double y = lasty + clamp(fun.f(x) * yscale, 0, spline_max);
+ qDebug() << k << i << x << y;
+ acc_mode_spline.addPoint(x, y);
+ }
+ lastx += xscale;
+ lasty += yscale;
+ }
-void rel_settings::draw_spline()
+ def plot(f):
+ rng = arange(-1 + .01, 1, 1e-4)
+ plt.plot(rng, map(f, rng))
+double rel_settings::gain(double value)
- spline& spline = acc_mode_spline;
+ return acc_mode_spline.get_value_no_save(value * spline_max) / spline_max;
- spline.removeAllPoints();
+void rel_settings::make_spline()
+ const double log_c = 1./std::log(log_slope());
- static constexpr float std_norm_expt = 1.f/3;
- const float norm_expt = std_norm_expt * float(expt_norm->cur());
- static constexpr float std_norm_lin = 2.f/3;
- const float norm_lin = clamp((1-norm_expt) * lin_norm->cur() * std_norm_lin, 0., 1.);
+ part functors[]
+ {
+ { 1, dz_len(), 0, [](double) { return 0; } },
+ { 5, expt_len(), expt_norm(), [=](double x) { return std::pow(x, expt_slope()); } },
+ { 7, 1 - dz_len() - expt_len() - log_len(), std::max(0., 1 - expt_norm() - log_norm()), [](double x) { return x; } },
+ { 7, log_len(), log_norm(), [=](double x) { return std::log(1+x)*log_c; } },
+ };
+ make_spline_(functors, std::distance(std::begin(functors), std::end(functors)));
rel_settings::rel_settings() :
- speed(b, "speed", s(5, .1, 10)),
- dz_end_pt(b, "deadzone-length", s(4, 0, 15)),
- expt_slope(b, "exponent-slope", s(1.5, 1.25, 3)),
- expt_norm(b, "exponent-norm", s(1, .25, 4)),
- lin_norm(b, "linear-norm", s(1, .25, 4)),
+ speed(b, "speed", s(3, .1, 10)),
+ dz_len(b, "deadzone-length", s(.04, 0, .2)),
+ expt_slope(b, "exponent-slope", s(1.75, 1.25, 3)),
+ expt_len(b, "exponent-length", s(.25, 0, .5)),
+ expt_norm(b, "exponent-norm", s(.3, .1, .5)),
+ log_slope(b, "log-slope", s(2.75, 1.25, 10)),
+ log_len(b, "log-len", s(.1, 0, .2)),
+ log_norm(b, "log-norm", s(.1, .05, .3)),
acc_mode_spline(100, 100, "")
- QObject::connect(&dz_end_pt,
- static_cast<void(base_value::*)(const slider_value&) const>(&base_value::valueChanged),
- this,
- &rel_settings::draw_spline);
- QObject::connect(&expt_slope,
- static_cast<void(base_value::*)(const slider_value&) const>(&base_value::valueChanged),
- this,
- &rel_settings::draw_spline);
- QObject::connect(&expt_norm,
- static_cast<void(base_value::*)(const slider_value&) const>(&base_value::valueChanged),
- this,
- &rel_settings::draw_spline);
- QObject::connect(&lin_norm,
- static_cast<void(base_value::*)(const slider_value&) const>(&base_value::valueChanged),
- this,
- &rel_settings::draw_spline);
- draw_spline();
+ make_spline();
tobii_eyex_tracker::tobii_eyex_tracker() :
@@ -287,67 +318,16 @@ void tobii_eyex_tracker::start_tracker(QFrame*)
dbg_verbose("api initialized");
-// the gain function was prototyped in python with jupyter qtconsole.
-// you can use qtconsole's inline matplotlib support to see the gain function.
-// the `piecewise' function assumes monotonic growth or constant value for all functions.
-from math import *
-from itertools import izip
-import matplotlib
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import IPython
- IPython.get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline')
- pass
-def frange(from_, to_, step_=1e-4):
- i = from_
- while True:
- yield i
- i += step_
- if i >= to_:
- break
-def plot_fn(fn, from_=0., to_=1., step=None):
- if step is None:
- step = max(1e-4, (to_-from_)*1e-4)
- xs = [i for i in frange(from_, to_, step)]
- plt.plot(xs, map(fn, xs))
-def piecewise(x, funs, bounds):
- y = 0.
- last_bound = 0.
- norm = 0.
- for fun in funs:
- norm += fun(1.)
- for fun, bound in izip(funs, bounds):
- if x > bound:
- y += fun(1.)
- else:
- b = bound - last_bound
- x_ = (x - last_bound) / b
- y += fun(x_)
- break
- last_bound = bound
- return y / norm
-def f(x): return x**1.75
-def g(x): return 1.75*1.75*x
-def h(x): return log(1+x)/log(2.5)
-def zero(x): return 0.
-plot_fn(lambda x: piecewise(x, [zero, f, g, h], [.05, .25, .7, 1.]))
tobii_eyex_tracker::num tobii_eyex_tracker::gain(num x_)
return 1;
+static inline double signum(double x)
+ return !(x < 0) - (x < 0);
void tobii_eyex_tracker::data(double* data)
TX_REAL px, py, dw, dh, x_, y_;
@@ -378,20 +358,21 @@ void tobii_eyex_tracker::data(double* data)
const double dt = t.elapsed_seconds();
- // XXX TODO make slider
- static constexpr double v = 300;
- const double x = gain(x_);
- const double y = gain(y_);
+ using std::fabs;
+ static constexpr double max_yaw = 45, max_pitch = 30;
+ static constexpr double c_yaw = 3;
+ static constexpr double c_pitch = c_yaw * max_pitch / max_yaw;
- const double yaw_delta = (x * v) * dt;
- const double pitch_delta = (y * -v) * dt;
+ const double yaw_delta = gain(fabs(x_)) * signum(x_) * c_yaw * dt;
+ const double pitch_delta = gain(fabs(y_)) * signum(y_) * c_pitch * dt;
yaw += yaw_delta;
pitch += pitch_delta;
- yaw = clamp(yaw, -180., 180.);
- pitch = clamp(pitch, -60., 60.);
+ yaw = clamp(yaw, -max_yaw, max_yaw);
+ pitch = clamp(pitch, -max_pitch, max_pitch);
if (do_center)