path: root/tracker-neuralnet/CMakeLists.txt
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-02-03tracker/neuralnet: specify only required opencv modulesStanislaw Halik
2022-02-03tracker/nn: don't specify opencv module listStanislaw Halik
2021-09-26opentrack, tracker/nn: enable exceptionsStanislaw Halik
2021-08-05cmake: improve the FindONNXRuntime script and install the ONNX dllMichael Welter
2021-08-02Fix include path for release packageGuillaume Dollé
2021-08-01Fix link libraryGuillaume Dollé
2021-08-01Fix silent moduleGuillaume Dollé
2021-08-01Find ONNXRuntime using cmake modulesGuillaume Dollé
2021-05-02Add a face alignment based trackerMichael Welter