/******************************************************************************** * FaceTrackNoIR This program is a private project of the some enthusiastic * * gamers from Holland, who don't like to pay much for * * head-tracking. * * * * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Wim Vriend (Developing) * * Ron Hendriks (Researching and Testing) * * * * Homepage * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * * more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * * with this program; if not, see . * * * * FTNoIR_Protocol_Mouse The Class, that communicates headpose-data by * * generating Mouse commands. * * Many games (like FPS's) support Mouse-look features, * * but no face-tracking. * ********************************************************************************/ /* Modifications (last one on top): 20110401 - WVR: Moved protocol to a DLL, convenient for installation etc. 20101224 - WVR: Base class is no longer inheriting QThread. sendHeadposeToGame is called from run() of Tracker.cpp */ #include "ftnoir_protocol_mouse.h" /** constructor **/ FTNoIR_Protocol_MOUSE::FTNoIR_Protocol_MOUSE() { prev_fMouse_X = 0.0f; prev_fMouse_Y = 0.0f; prev_fMouse_Wheel = 0.0f; loadSettings(); } /** destructor **/ FTNoIR_Protocol_MOUSE::~FTNoIR_Protocol_MOUSE() { } /** helper to Auto-destruct **/ void FTNoIR_Protocol_MOUSE::Release() { delete this; } void FTNoIR_Protocol_MOUSE::Initialize() { return; } // // Scale the measured value to the Joystick values // long FTNoIR_Protocol_MOUSE::scale2AnalogLimits( float x, float min_x, float max_x ) { double y; y = ((MOUSE_AXIS_MAX - MOUSE_AXIS_MIN)/(max_x - min_x)) * x + ((MOUSE_AXIS_MAX - MOUSE_AXIS_MIN)/2) + MOUSE_AXIS_MIN; return (long) y; } // // Load the current Settings from the currently 'active' INI-file. // void FTNoIR_Protocol_MOUSE::loadSettings() { QSettings settings("Abbequerque Inc.", "FaceTrackNoIR"); // Registry settings (in HK_USER) QString currentFile = settings.value ( "SettingsFile", QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/Settings/default.ini" ).toString(); QSettings iniFile( currentFile, QSettings::IniFormat ); // Application settings (in INI-file) iniFile.beginGroup ( "Mouse" ); Mouse_Style = (FTN_MouseStyle) (iniFile.value ( "Style", 1 ).toInt() - 1); Mouse_X = (FTN_AngleName) (iniFile.value ( "Mouse_X", 1 ).toInt() - 1); Mouse_Y = (FTN_AngleName) (iniFile.value ( "Mouse_Y", 1 ).toInt() - 1); Mouse_Wheel = (FTN_AngleName) (iniFile.value ( "Mouse_Wheel", 1 ).toInt() - 1); mouse_X_factor = iniFile.value("SensX", 10).toFloat() / 10.0f; mouse_Y_factor = iniFile.value("SensY", 10).toFloat() / 10.0f; mouse_Wheel_factor = iniFile.value("SensWheel", 10).toFloat() / 10.0f; useVirtualDesk = iniFile.value ( "useVirtualDesk", 0 ).toBool(); iniFile.endGroup (); } // // Update Headpose in Game. // void FTNoIR_Protocol_MOUSE::sendHeadposeToGame( T6DOF *headpose ) { float fMouse_X; // The actual value float fMouse_Y; float fMouse_Wheel; // // Determine which of the 6DOF's is used. // The rotations are from -180 to +180 and the translations from -50cm to +50cm. // Let's scale the translations to the degrees for simplicity sake... // switch (Mouse_X) { case FTN_PITCH: fMouse_X = headpose->position.pitch; break; case FTN_YAW: fMouse_X = headpose->position.yaw; break; case FTN_ROLL: fMouse_X = headpose->position.roll; break; case FTN_X: fMouse_X = headpose->position.x * 3.0f; break; case FTN_Y: fMouse_X = headpose->position.y * 3.0f; break; case FTN_Z: fMouse_X = headpose->position.z * 3.0f; break; default: break; } // // Determine which of the 6DOF's is used. // The rotations are from -180 to +180 and the translations from -50cm to +50cm. // Let's scale the translations to the degrees for simplicity sake... // switch (Mouse_Y) { case FTN_PITCH: fMouse_Y = headpose->position.pitch; break; case FTN_YAW: fMouse_Y = headpose->position.yaw; break; case FTN_ROLL: fMouse_Y = headpose->position.roll; break; case FTN_X: fMouse_Y = headpose->position.x * 3.0f; break; case FTN_Y: fMouse_Y = headpose->position.y * 3.0f; break; case FTN_Z: fMouse_Y = headpose->position.z * 3.0f; break; default: break; } // // Determine which of the 6DOF's is used. // The rotations are from -180 to +180 and the translations from -50cm to +50cm. // Let's scale the translations to the degrees for simplicity sake... // switch (Mouse_Wheel) { case FTN_PITCH: fMouse_Wheel = headpose->position.pitch; break; case FTN_YAW: fMouse_Wheel = headpose->position.yaw; break; case FTN_ROLL: fMouse_Wheel = headpose->position.roll; break; case FTN_X: fMouse_Wheel = headpose->position.x * 3.0f; break; case FTN_Y: fMouse_Wheel = headpose->position.y * 3.0f; break; case FTN_Z: fMouse_Wheel = headpose->position.z * 3.0f; break; default: break; } // // Determine which style is used. // MouseStruct.type = INPUT_MOUSE; switch (Mouse_Style) { case FTN_ABSOLUTE: MouseStruct.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE | MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL | MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE; if (useVirtualDesk) { MouseStruct.mi.dwFlags |= MOUSEEVENTF_VIRTUALDESK; } MouseStruct.mi.dx = scale2AnalogLimits(-1.0f * fMouse_X * mouse_X_factor, -180, 180); MouseStruct.mi.dy = scale2AnalogLimits(fMouse_Y * mouse_Y_factor, -180, 180); MouseStruct.mi.mouseData = mouse_Wheel_factor * (fMouse_Wheel - prev_fMouse_Wheel); break; case FTN_RELATIVE: MouseStruct.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE | MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL; MouseStruct.mi.dx = mouse_X_factor * (fMouse_X - prev_fMouse_X); MouseStruct.mi.dy = mouse_Y_factor * (fMouse_Y - prev_fMouse_Y); MouseStruct.mi.mouseData = mouse_Wheel_factor * (fMouse_Wheel - prev_fMouse_Wheel); break; default: break; } // // Only send Input, when it has changed. // This releases the Mouse, when tracking is stopped (for a while). // if ((prev_fMouse_X != fMouse_X) || (prev_fMouse_Y != fMouse_Y) || (prev_fMouse_Wheel != fMouse_Wheel)) { SendInput(1, &MouseStruct, sizeof(MouseStruct)); } prev_fMouse_X = fMouse_X; prev_fMouse_Y = fMouse_Y; prev_fMouse_Wheel = fMouse_Wheel; } // // Returns 'true' if all seems OK. // bool FTNoIR_Protocol_MOUSE::checkServerInstallationOK( HANDLE handle ) { return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Factory function that creates instances if the Protocol object. // Export both decorated and undecorated names. // GetProtocol - Undecorated name, which can be easily used with GetProcAddress // Win32 API function. // _GetProtocol@0 - Common name decoration for __stdcall functions in C language. #pragma comment(linker, "/export:GetProtocol=_GetProtocol@0") FTNOIR_PROTOCOL_BASE_EXPORT PROTOCOLHANDLE __stdcall GetProtocol() { return new FTNoIR_Protocol_MOUSE; } //******************************************************************************************************* // FaceTrackNoIR Client Settings-dialog. //******************************************************************************************************* // // Constructor for server-settings-dialog // MOUSEControls::MOUSEControls() : QWidget() { ui.setupUi( this ); // // Setup the choices // ui.cbxSelectMouseStyle->addItem("Absolute"); ui.cbxSelectMouseStyle->addItem("Relative"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_X->addItem("None"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_X->addItem("Pitch"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_X->addItem("Yaw"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_X->addItem("Roll"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_X->addItem("X"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_X->addItem("Y"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_X->addItem("Z"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_Y->addItem("None"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_Y->addItem("Pitch"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_Y->addItem("Yaw"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_Y->addItem("Roll"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_Y->addItem("X"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_Y->addItem("Y"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_Y->addItem("Z"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_Wheel->addItem("None"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_Wheel->addItem("Pitch"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_Wheel->addItem("Yaw"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_Wheel->addItem("Roll"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_Wheel->addItem("X"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_Wheel->addItem("Y"); ui.cbxSelectMouse_Wheel->addItem("Z"); // Connect Qt signals to member-functions connect(ui.btnOK, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doOK())); connect(ui.btnCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doCancel())); connect(ui.cbxSelectMouse_X, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged( int ))); connect(ui.cbxSelectMouse_Y, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged( int ))); connect(ui.cbxSelectMouse_Wheel, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged( int ))); connect(ui.spinSensX, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged(int))); connect(ui.spinSensY, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged(int))); connect(ui.spinSensWheel, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged(int))); connect(ui.chkUseVirtualDesk, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged(int))); // Load the settings from the current .INI-file loadSettings(); } // // Destructor for server-dialog // MOUSEControls::~MOUSEControls() { qDebug() << "~MOUSEControls() says: started"; } void MOUSEControls::Release() { delete this; } // // Initialize tracker-client-dialog // void MOUSEControls::Initialize(QWidget *parent) { QPoint offsetpos(100, 100); if (parent) { this->move(parent->pos() + offsetpos); } show(); } // // OK clicked on server-dialog // void MOUSEControls::doOK() { save(); this->close(); } // override show event void MOUSEControls::showEvent ( QShowEvent * event ) { loadSettings(); } // // Cancel clicked on server-dialog // void MOUSEControls::doCancel() { // // Ask if changed Settings should be saved // if (settingsDirty) { int ret = QMessageBox::question ( this, "Settings have changed", "Do you want to save the settings?", QMessageBox::Save | QMessageBox::Discard | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Discard ); qDebug() << "doCancel says: answer =" << ret; switch (ret) { case QMessageBox::Save: save(); this->close(); break; case QMessageBox::Discard: this->close(); break; case QMessageBox::Cancel: // Cancel was clicked break; default: // should never be reached break; } } else { this->close(); } } // // Load the current Settings from the currently 'active' INI-file. // void MOUSEControls::loadSettings() { qDebug() << "loadSettings says: Starting "; QSettings settings("Abbequerque Inc.", "FaceTrackNoIR"); // Registry settings (in HK_USER) QString currentFile = settings.value ( "SettingsFile", QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/Settings/default.ini" ).toString(); QSettings iniFile( currentFile, QSettings::IniFormat ); // Application settings (in INI-file) qDebug() << "loadSettings says: iniFile = " << currentFile; iniFile.beginGroup ( "Mouse" ); ui.cbxSelectMouseStyle->setCurrentIndex(iniFile.value ( "Style", 1 ).toInt() - 1); ui.cbxSelectMouse_X->setCurrentIndex(iniFile.value ( "Mouse_X", 1 ).toInt() - 1); ui.cbxSelectMouse_Y->setCurrentIndex(iniFile.value ( "Mouse_Y", 1 ).toInt() - 1); ui.cbxSelectMouse_Wheel->setCurrentIndex(iniFile.value ( "Mouse_Wheel", 1 ).toInt() - 1); ui.slideSensX->setValue(iniFile.value("SensX", 10).toInt()); ui.slideSensY->setValue(iniFile.value("SensY", 10).toInt()); ui.slideSensWheel->setValue(iniFile.value("SensWheel", 10).toInt()); ui.chkUseVirtualDesk->setChecked( iniFile.value ( "useVirtualDesk", 0 ).toBool() ); iniFile.endGroup (); settingsDirty = false; } // // Save the current Settings to the currently 'active' INI-file. // void MOUSEControls::save() { qDebug() << "save() says: started"; QSettings settings("Abbequerque Inc.", "FaceTrackNoIR"); // Registry settings (in HK_USER) QString currentFile = settings.value ( "SettingsFile", QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/Settings/default.ini" ).toString(); QSettings iniFile( currentFile, QSettings::IniFormat ); // Application settings (in INI-file) iniFile.beginGroup ( "Mouse" ); iniFile.setValue ( "Style", ui.cbxSelectMouseStyle->currentIndex() + 1 ); iniFile.setValue ( "Mouse_X", ui.cbxSelectMouse_X->currentIndex() + 1 ); iniFile.setValue ( "Mouse_Y", ui.cbxSelectMouse_Y->currentIndex() + 1 ); iniFile.setValue ( "Mouse_Wheel", ui.cbxSelectMouse_Wheel->currentIndex() + 1 ); iniFile.setValue ( "SensX", ui.slideSensX->value() ); iniFile.setValue ( "SensY", ui.slideSensY->value() ); iniFile.setValue ( "SensWheel", ui.slideSensWheel->value() ); iniFile.setValue( "useVirtualDesk", ui.chkUseVirtualDesk->isChecked() ); iniFile.endGroup (); settingsDirty = false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Factory function that creates instances if the Protocol-settings dialog object. // Export both decorated and undecorated names. // GetProtocolDialog - Undecorated name, which can be easily used with GetProcAddress // Win32 API function. // _GetProtocolDialog@0 - Common name decoration for __stdcall functions in C language. #pragma comment(linker, "/export:GetProtocolDialog=_GetProtocolDialog@0") FTNOIR_PROTOCOL_BASE_EXPORT PROTOCOLDIALOGHANDLE __stdcall GetProtocolDialog( ) { return new MOUSEControls; }