* FaceTrackNoIR This program is a private project of the some enthusiastic *
* gamers from Holland, who don't like to pay much for *
* head-tracking. *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2012 Wim Vriend (Developing) *
* Ron Hendriks (Researching and Testing) *
* *
* Homepage: http://facetracknoir.sourceforge.net/home/default.htm *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for *
* more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, see . *
Modifications (last one on top):
20130201 - WVR: Remove the Protocol, when stopping the Thread.
20121215 - WVR: Fixed crash after message: protocol not installed correctly... by terminating the thread.
20120921 - WVR: Fixed centering when no filter is selected.
20120917 - WVR: Added Mouse-buttons to ShortKeys.
20120827 - WVR: Signal tracking = false to Curve-widget(s) when quitting run(). Also when Alternative Pitch curve is used.
20120805 - WVR: The FunctionConfig-widget is used to configure the Curves. It was tweaked some more, because the Accela filter now also
uses the Curve(s). ToDo: make the ranges configurable by the user. Development on the Toradex IMU makes us realize, that
a fixed input-range may not be so handy after all..
20120427 - WVR: The Protocol-code was already in separate DLLs, but the ListBox was still filled ´statically´. Now, a Dir() of the
EXE-folder is done, to locate Protocol-DLLs. The Icons were also moved to the DLLs
20120317 - WVR: The Filter and Tracker-code was moved to separate DLLs. The calling-method
was changed accordingly.
The face-tracker member-functions NotifyZeroed and refreshVideo were added, as
requested by Stanislaw.
20110411 - WVR: Finished moving all Protocols to separate C++ projects. Every protocol now
has it's own Class, that's inside it's own DLL. This reduces the size of the program,
makes it more structured and enables a more sophisticated installer.
20110328 - WVR: Changed the camera-structs into class-instances. This makes initialisation
easier and hopefully solves the remaining 'start-up problem'.
20110313 - WVR: Removed 'set_initial'. Less is more.
20110109 - WVR: Added setZero option to define behaviour after STOP tracking via shortkey.
20110104 - WVR: Removed a few nasty bugs (it was impossible to stop tracker without crash).
20101224 - WVR: Removed the QThread inheritance of the Base Class for the protocol-servers.
Again, this drastically simplifies the code in the protocols.
20101217 - WVR: Created Base Class for the protocol-servers. This drastically simplifies
the code needed here.
20101024 - WVR: Added shortkey to disable/enable one or more axis during tracking.
20101021 - WVR: Added FSUIPC server for FS2004.
20101011 - WVR: Added SimConnect server.
20101007 - WVR: Created 6DOF-curves and drastically changed the tracker for that.
Also eliminated a 'glitch' in the process.
20100607 - WVR: Re-installed Rotation Neutral Zone and improved reaction
after 'start/stop'. MessageBeep when confidence is back...
20100604 - WVR: Created structure for DOF-data and changed timing of
ReceiveHeadPose end run().
20100602 - WVR: Implemented EWMA-filtering, according to the example of
Melchior Franz. Works like a charm...
20100601 - WVR: Added DirectInput keyboard-handling. '=' used for center,
'BACK' for start (+center)/stop.
20100517 - WVR: Added upstream command(s) from FlightGear
20100523 - WVR: Checkboxes to invert 6DOF's was implemented. Multiply by
1 or (-1).
#include "tracker.h"
#include "FaceTrackNoIR.h"
// Flags
bool Tracker::confid = false;
bool Tracker::do_tracking = true;
bool Tracker::do_center = false;
bool Tracker::do_inhibit = false;
bool Tracker::do_game_zero = false;
bool Tracker::do_axis_reverse = false;
bool Tracker::setZero = true;
bool Tracker::setEngineStop = true;
HANDLE Tracker::hTrackMutex = 0;
bool Tracker::useAxisReverse = false; // Use Axis Reverse
float Tracker::YawAngle4ReverseAxis = 40.0f; // Axis Reverse settings
float Tracker::Z_Pos4ReverseAxis = -20.0f;
float Tracker::Z_PosWhenReverseAxis = 50.0f;
T6DOF Tracker::current_camera(0,0,0,0,0,0); // Used for filtering
T6DOF Tracker::target_camera(0,0,0,0,0,0);
T6DOF Tracker::new_camera(0,0,0,0,0,0);
T6DOF Tracker::output_camera(0,0,0,0,0,0); // Position sent to game protocol
THeadPoseDOF Tracker::Pitch("PitchUp", "PitchDown", 50, 180, 50, 90); // One structure for each of 6DOF's
THeadPoseDOF Tracker::Yaw("Yaw", "", 50, 180);
THeadPoseDOF Tracker::Roll("Roll", "", 50, 180);
THeadPoseDOF Tracker::X("X","", 50, 180);
THeadPoseDOF Tracker::Y("Y","", 50, 180);
THeadPoseDOF Tracker::Z("Z","", 50, 180);
TShortKey Tracker::CenterKey; // ShortKey to Center headposition
TShortKey Tracker::StartStopKey; // ShortKey to Start/stop tracking
TShortKey Tracker::InhibitKey; // ShortKey to inhibit axis while tracking
TShortKey Tracker::GameZeroKey; // ShortKey to Set Game Zero
bool Tracker::DisableBeep = false; // Disable beep when center
//TShortKey Tracker::AxisReverseKey; // ShortKey to start/stop axis reverse while tracking
int Tracker::CenterMouseKey; // ShortKey to Center headposition
int Tracker::StartStopMouseKey; // ShortKey to Start/stop tracking
int Tracker::InhibitMouseKey; // ShortKey to inhibit axis while tracking
int Tracker::GameZeroMouseKey; // ShortKey to Set Game Zero
//ITrackerPtr Tracker::pTracker; // Pointer to Tracker instance (in DLL)
IProtocolPtr Tracker::pProtocol; // Pointer to Protocol instance (in DLL)
IFilterPtr Tracker::pFilter; // Pointer to Filter instance (in DLL)
/** constructor **/
Tracker::Tracker( FaceTrackNoIR *parent ) {
QString libName;
importGetTracker getIT;
QLibrary *trackerLib;
importGetFilter getFilter;
QLibrary *filterLib;
importGetProtocol getProtocol;
QLibrary *protocolLib;
QFrame *video_frame;
// Retieve the pointer to the parent
mainApp = parent;
// Create events
m_StopThread = CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0);
m_WaitThread = CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0);
Tracker::hTrackMutex = CreateMutexA(NULL, false, "HeadPose_mutex");
// Initialize the headpose-data
// Locate the video-frame, for the DLL
video_frame = 0;
video_frame = mainApp->getVideoWidget();
qDebug() << "Tracker::Tracker VideoFrame = " << video_frame;
// Load the Tracker-engine DLL, get the tracker-class from it and do stuff...
pTracker = NULL;
libName = mainApp->getCurrentTrackerName();
if (!libName.isEmpty()) {
trackerLib = new QLibrary(libName);
getIT = (importGetTracker) trackerLib->resolve("GetTracker");
qDebug() << "Tracker::Tracker libName = " << libName;
if (getIT) {
ITracker *ptrXyz(getIT()); // Get the Class
if (ptrXyz)
pTracker = ptrXyz;
pTracker->Initialize( video_frame );
qDebug() << "Tracker::setup Function Resolved!";
else {
QMessageBox::warning(0,"FaceTrackNoIR Error", libName + " DLL not loaded",QMessageBox::Ok,QMessageBox::NoButton);
// Load the Tracker-engine DLL, get the tracker-class from it and do stuff...
pSecondTracker = NULL;
libName = mainApp->getSecondTrackerName();
if ((!libName.isEmpty()) && (libName != "None")) {
trackerLib = new QLibrary(libName);
getIT = (importGetTracker) trackerLib->resolve("GetTracker");
if (getIT) {
ITracker *ptrXyz(getIT()); // Get the Class
if (ptrXyz)
pSecondTracker = ptrXyz;
pSecondTracker->Initialize( NULL );
qDebug() << "Tracker::setup Function Resolved!";
else {
QMessageBox::warning(0,"FaceTrackNoIR Error", libName + " DLL not loaded",QMessageBox::Ok,QMessageBox::NoButton);
// Load the DLL with the protocol-logic and retrieve a pointer to the Protocol-class.
libName = mainApp->getCurrentProtocolName();
if (!libName.isEmpty()) {
protocolLib = new QLibrary(libName);
getProtocol = (importGetProtocol) protocolLib->resolve("GetProtocol");
if (getProtocol) {
IProtocolPtr ptrXyz(getProtocol());
if (ptrXyz)
pProtocol = ptrXyz;
qDebug() << "Protocol::setup Function Resolved!";
else {
QMessageBox::warning(0,"FaceTrackNoIR Error", "Protocol-DLL not loaded",QMessageBox::Ok,QMessageBox::NoButton);
// Load the DLL with the filter-logic and retrieve a pointer to the Filter-class.
pFilter = NULL;
libName = mainApp->getCurrentFilterName();
if ((!libName.isEmpty()) && (libName != "None")) {
filterLib = new QLibrary(libName);
getFilter = (importGetFilter) filterLib->resolve("GetFilter");
if (getFilter) {
IFilterPtr ptrXyz(getFilter());
if (ptrXyz)
pFilter = ptrXyz;
qDebug() << "Filter::setup Function Resolved!";
else {
QMessageBox::warning(0,"FaceTrackNoIR Error", "Filter-DLL not loaded",QMessageBox::Ok,QMessageBox::NoButton);
// Load the settings from the INI-file
/** destructor empty **/
Tracker::~Tracker() {
// Stop the Tracker(s)
if (pTracker) {
pTracker->StopTracker( true );
if (pSecondTracker) {
pSecondTracker->StopTracker( true );
// Trigger thread to stop
// Wait until thread finished
if (isRunning()) {
::WaitForSingleObject(m_WaitThread, INFINITE);
// Remove the Tracker
// 20120615, WVR: As suggested by Stanislaw
if (pTracker) {
delete pTracker;
pTracker = NULL;
if (pSecondTracker) {
delete pSecondTracker;
pSecondTracker = NULL;
// Remove the Protocol
if (pProtocol) {
delete pProtocol;
pProtocol = NULL;
// Close handles
if (Tracker::hTrackMutex != 0) {
::CloseHandle( Tracker::hTrackMutex );
debug_Client->deleteLater(); // Delete Excel protocol-server
# endif
qDebug() << "Tracker::~Tracker Finished...";
/** setting up the tracker engine **/
void Tracker::setup() {
bool DLL_Ok;
// retrieve pointers to the User Interface and the main Application
if (pTracker) {
pTracker->StartTracker( mainApp->winId() );
if (pSecondTracker) {
pSecondTracker->StartTracker( mainApp->winId() );
// Check if the Protocol-server files were installed OK.
// Some servers also create a memory-mapping, for Inter Process Communication.
// The handle of the MainWindow is sent to 'The Game', so it can send a message back.
if (pProtocol) {
DLL_Ok = pProtocol->checkServerInstallationOK( mainApp->winId() );
if (!DLL_Ok) {
// Trigger thread to stop
QMessageBox::information(mainApp, "FaceTrackNoIR error", "Protocol is not (correctly) installed!");
DLL_Ok = debug_Client->checkServerInstallationOK( mainApp->winId() ); // Check installation
if (!DLL_Ok) {
QMessageBox::information(mainApp, "FaceTrackNoIR error", "Excel Protocol is not (correctly) installed!");
# endif
/** QThread run method @override **/
void Tracker::run() {
/** Direct Input variables **/
// The DirectX stuff was found here: http://www.directxtutorial.com/tutorial9/e-directinput/dx9e2.aspx
LPDIRECTINPUT8 din; // the pointer to our DirectInput interface
LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 dinkeyboard; // the pointer to the keyboard device
LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 dinmouse; // the pointer to the mouse device
BYTE keystate[256]; // the storage for the key-information
DIMOUSESTATE mousestate; // the storage for the mouse-information
HRESULT retAcquire;
bool lastCenterKey = false; // Remember state, to detect rising edge
bool lastStartStopKey = false;
bool lastInhibitKey = false;
bool lastGameZeroKey = false;
bool lastCenterMouseKey = false; // Remember state, to detect rising edge
bool lastStartStopMouseKey = false;
bool lastInhibitMouseKey = false;
bool lastGameZeroMouseKey = false;
bool waitAxisReverse = false;
bool waitThroughZero = false;
double actualYaw = 0.0f;
double actualZ = 0.0f;
T6DOF offset_camera(0,0,0,0,0,0);
T6DOF gamezero_camera(0,0,0,0,0,0);
T6DOF gameoutput_camera(0,0,0,0,0,0);
bool bInitialCenter1 = true;
bool bInitialCenter2 = true;
bool bTracker1Confid = false;
bool bTracker2Confid = false;
Tracker::do_tracking = true; // Start initially
Tracker::do_center = false; // Center initially
// Test some Filter-stuff
if (pFilter) {
QString filterName;
//qDebug() << "Tracker::run() FilterName = " << filterName;
// Setup the DirectInput for keyboard strokes
// create the DirectInput interface
if (DirectInput8Create(GetModuleHandle(NULL), DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput8,
(void**)&din, NULL) != DI_OK) { // COM stuff, so we'll set it to NULL
qDebug() << "Tracker::setup DirectInput8 Creation failed!" << GetLastError();
// create the keyboard device
if (din->CreateDevice(GUID_SysKeyboard, &dinkeyboard, NULL) != DI_OK) {
qDebug() << "Tracker::setup CreateDevice function failed!" << GetLastError();
// create the mouse device
din->CreateDevice(GUID_SysMouse, &dinmouse, NULL);
// set the data format to keyboard format
if (dinkeyboard->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIKeyboard) != DI_OK) {
qDebug() << "Tracker::setup SetDataFormat function failed!" << GetLastError();
// set the data format to mouse format
// set the control you will have over the keyboard
if (dinkeyboard->SetCooperativeLevel(mainApp->winId(), DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE | DISCL_BACKGROUND) != DI_OK) {
qDebug() << "Tracker::setup SetCooperativeLevel function failed!" << GetLastError();
// set the control you will have over the mouse
dinmouse->SetCooperativeLevel(mainApp->winId(), DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE | DISCL_BACKGROUND);
// Check event for stop thread
if(::WaitForSingleObject(m_StopThread, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
dinkeyboard->Unacquire(); // Unacquire keyboard
din->Release(); // Release DirectInput
// Set event
qDebug() << "Tracker::run terminated run()";
X.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( false );
Y.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( false );
Z.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( false );
Yaw.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( false );
Pitch.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( false );
Pitch.curvePtrAlt->setTrackingActive( false );
Roll.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( false );
// Check the mouse
// get access if we don't have it already
retAcquire = dinmouse->Acquire();
if ( (retAcquire != DI_OK) && (retAcquire != S_FALSE) ) {
qDebug() << "Tracker::run Acquire function failed!" << GetLastError();
else {
if (dinmouse->GetDeviceState(sizeof(DIMOUSESTATE), (LPVOID)&mousestate) != DI_OK) {
qDebug() << "Tracker::run GetDeviceState function failed!" << GetLastError();
else {
// Check the state of the StartStop MouseKey
if ( isMouseKeyPressed( &StartStopMouseKey, &mousestate ) && (!lastStartStopMouseKey) ) {
Tracker::do_tracking = !Tracker::do_tracking;
// To start tracking again and to be at '0', execute Center command too
if (Tracker::do_tracking) {
Tracker::confid = false;
if (pTracker) {
pTracker->StartTracker( mainApp->winId() );
if (pSecondTracker) {
pSecondTracker->StartTracker( mainApp->winId() );
else {
if (setEngineStop) { // Only stop engine when option is checked
if (pTracker) {
pTracker->StopTracker( false );
if (pSecondTracker) {
pSecondTracker->StopTracker( false );
qDebug() << "Tracker::run() says StartStop pressed, do_tracking =" << Tracker::do_tracking;
lastStartStopMouseKey = isMouseKeyPressed( &StartStopMouseKey, &mousestate ); // Remember
// Check the state of the Center MouseKey
if ( isMouseKeyPressed( &CenterMouseKey, &mousestate ) && (!lastCenterMouseKey) ) {
Tracker::do_center = true;
qDebug() << "Tracker::run() says Center MouseKey pressed";
lastCenterMouseKey = isMouseKeyPressed( &CenterMouseKey, &mousestate ); // Remember
// Check the state of the GameZero MouseKey
if ( isMouseKeyPressed( &GameZeroMouseKey, &mousestate ) && (!lastGameZeroMouseKey) ) {
Tracker::do_game_zero = true;
qDebug() << "Tracker::run() says GameZero MouseKey pressed";
lastGameZeroMouseKey = isMouseKeyPressed( &GameZeroMouseKey, &mousestate ); // Remember
// Check the state of the Inhibit MouseKey
if ( isMouseKeyPressed( &InhibitMouseKey, &mousestate ) && (!lastInhibitMouseKey) ) {
Tracker::do_inhibit = !Tracker::do_inhibit;
qDebug() << "Tracker::run() says Inhibit MouseKey pressed";
// Execute Center command too, when inhibition ends.
if (!Tracker::do_inhibit) {
Tracker::do_center = true;
lastInhibitMouseKey = isMouseKeyPressed( &InhibitMouseKey, &mousestate ); // Remember
// Check the keyboard
// get access if we don't have it already
retAcquire = dinkeyboard->Acquire();
if ( (retAcquire != DI_OK) && (retAcquire != S_FALSE) ) {
qDebug() << "Tracker::run Acquire function failed!" << GetLastError();
else {
// get the input data
if (dinkeyboard->GetDeviceState(256, (LPVOID)keystate) != DI_OK) {
qDebug() << "Tracker::run GetDeviceState function failed!" << GetLastError();
else {
// Check the state of the Start/Stop key
if ( isShortKeyPressed( &StartStopKey, &keystate[0] ) && (!lastStartStopKey) ) {
Tracker::do_tracking = !Tracker::do_tracking;
// To start tracking again and to be at '0', execute Center command too
if (Tracker::do_tracking) {
Tracker::confid = false;
if (pTracker) {
pTracker->StartTracker( mainApp->winId() );
if (pSecondTracker) {
pSecondTracker->StartTracker( mainApp->winId() );
else {
if (setEngineStop) { // Only stop engine when option is checked
if (pTracker) {
pTracker->StopTracker( false );
if (pSecondTracker) {
pSecondTracker->StopTracker( false );
qDebug() << "Tracker::run() says StartStop pressed, do_tracking =" << Tracker::do_tracking;
lastStartStopKey = isShortKeyPressed( &StartStopKey, &keystate[0] ); // Remember
// Check the state of the Center key
if ( isShortKeyPressed( &CenterKey, &keystate[0] ) && (!lastCenterKey) ) {
Tracker::do_center = true;
qDebug() << "Tracker::run() says Center pressed";
lastCenterKey = isShortKeyPressed( &CenterKey, &keystate[0] ); // Remember
// Check the state of the GameZero key
if ( isShortKeyPressed( &GameZeroKey, &keystate[0] ) && (!lastGameZeroKey) ) {
Tracker::do_game_zero = true;
qDebug() << "Tracker::run() says GameZero pressed";
lastGameZeroKey = isShortKeyPressed( &GameZeroKey, &keystate[0] ); // Remember
// Check the state of the Inhibit key
if ( isShortKeyPressed( &InhibitKey, &keystate[0] ) && (!lastInhibitKey) ) {
Tracker::do_inhibit = !Tracker::do_inhibit;
qDebug() << "Tracker::run() says Inhibit pressed";
// Execute Center command too, when inhibition ends.
if (!Tracker::do_inhibit) {
Tracker::do_center = true;
lastInhibitKey = isShortKeyPressed( &InhibitKey, &keystate[0] ); // Remember
// Reset the 'wait' flag. Moving above 90 with the key pressed, will (de-)activate Axis Reverse.
// qDebug() << "Tracker::run() says actualZ = " << actualZ << ", terwijl Z_Pos4 = " << Z_Pos4ReverseAxis;
if (useAxisReverse) {
Tracker::do_axis_reverse = ((fabs(actualYaw) > YawAngle4ReverseAxis) && (actualZ < Z_Pos4ReverseAxis));
else {
Tracker::do_axis_reverse = false;
if (WaitForSingleObject(Tracker::hTrackMutex, 100) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
THeadPoseData newpose;
newpose.pitch = 0.0f;
newpose.roll = 0.0f;
newpose.yaw = 0.0f;
newpose.x = 0.0f;
newpose.y = 0.0f;
newpose.z = 0.0f;
// The second tracker serves as 'secondary'. So if an axis is written by the second tracker it CAN be overwritten by the Primary tracker.
// This is enforced by the sequence below.
if (pSecondTracker) {
bTracker2Confid = pSecondTracker->GiveHeadPoseData(&newpose);
else {
bTracker2Confid = false;
bInitialCenter2 = false;
if (pTracker) {
bTracker1Confid = pTracker->GiveHeadPoseData(&newpose);
else {
bTracker1Confid = false;
bInitialCenter1 = false;
Tracker::confid = (bTracker1Confid || bTracker2Confid);
if ( Tracker::confid ) {
// If Center is pressed, copy the current values to the offsets.
if ((Tracker::do_center) || ((bInitialCenter1 && bTracker1Confid ) || (bInitialCenter2 && bTracker2Confid))) {
if (!DisableBeep) {
MessageBeep (MB_ICONASTERISK); // Acknowledge the key-press with a beep.
if (pTracker && bTracker1Confid) {
pTracker->notifyCenter(); // Send 'center' to the tracker
bInitialCenter1 = false;
if (pSecondTracker && bTracker2Confid) {
pSecondTracker->notifyCenter(); // Send 'center' to the second tracker
bInitialCenter2 = false;
// Only copy valid values
if (Tracker::confid) {
offset_camera.x = getSmoothFromList( &X.rawList );
offset_camera.y = getSmoothFromList( &Y.rawList );
offset_camera.z = getSmoothFromList( &Z.rawList );
offset_camera.pitch = getSmoothFromList( &Pitch.rawList );
offset_camera.yaw = getSmoothFromList( &Yaw.rawList );
offset_camera.roll = getSmoothFromList( &Roll.rawList );
Tracker::do_center = false;
// If Set Game Zero is pressed, copy the current values to the offsets.
// Change requested by Stanislaw
if (Tracker::confid && Tracker::do_game_zero) {
if (pTracker) {
if (!pTracker->notifyZeroed())
gamezero_camera = gameoutput_camera;
// gamezero_camera = gameoutput_camera;
Tracker::do_game_zero = false;
if (Tracker::do_tracking && Tracker::confid) {
// get values
target_camera.x = getSmoothFromList( &X.rawList );
target_camera.y = getSmoothFromList( &Y.rawList );
target_camera.z = getSmoothFromList( &Z.rawList );
target_camera.pitch = getSmoothFromList( &Pitch.rawList );
target_camera.yaw = getSmoothFromList( &Yaw.rawList );
target_camera.roll = getSmoothFromList( &Roll.rawList );
// do the centering
target_camera = target_camera - offset_camera;
// Use advanced filtering, when a filter was selected.
if (pFilter) {
pFilter->FilterHeadPoseData(¤t_camera, &target_camera, &new_camera, Tracker::Pitch.newSample);
else {
new_camera = target_camera;
output_camera.x = X.invert * X.curvePtr->getValue(new_camera.x);
output_camera.y = Y.invert * Y.curvePtr->getValue(new_camera.y);
output_camera.z = Z.invert * Z.curvePtr->getValue(new_camera.z);
// Determine, which curve (Up or Down) must be used for Pitch
bool altp = (new_camera.pitch < 0);
if (altp) {
output_camera.pitch = Pitch.invert * Pitch.curvePtrAlt->getValue(new_camera.pitch);
Pitch.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( false );
Pitch.curvePtrAlt->setTrackingActive( true );
else {
output_camera.pitch = Pitch.invert * Pitch.curvePtr->getValue(new_camera.pitch);
Pitch.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( true );
Pitch.curvePtrAlt->setTrackingActive( false );
output_camera.yaw = Yaw.invert * Yaw.curvePtr->getValue(new_camera.yaw);
output_camera.roll = Roll.invert * Roll.curvePtr->getValue(new_camera.roll);
X.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( true );
Y.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( true );
Z.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( true );
Yaw.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( true );
Roll.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( true );
// Reverse Axis.
actualYaw = output_camera.yaw; // Save the actual Yaw, otherwise we can't check for +90
actualZ = output_camera.z; // Also the Z
if (Tracker::do_axis_reverse) {
output_camera.z = Z_PosWhenReverseAxis; // Set the desired Z-position
// Reset value for the selected axis, if inhibition is active
if (Tracker::do_inhibit) {
if (InhibitKey.doPitch) output_camera.pitch = 0.0f;
if (InhibitKey.doYaw) output_camera.yaw = 0.0f;
if (InhibitKey.doRoll) output_camera.roll = 0.0f;
if (InhibitKey.doX) output_camera.x = 0.0f;
if (InhibitKey.doY) output_camera.y = 0.0f;
if (InhibitKey.doZ) output_camera.z = 0.0f;
// Send the headpose to the game
if (pProtocol) {
gameoutput_camera = output_camera + gamezero_camera;
pProtocol->sendHeadposeToGame( &gameoutput_camera, &newpose ); // degrees & centimeters
else {
// Go to initial position
if (pProtocol && setZero) {
output_camera.pitch = 0.0f;
output_camera.yaw = 0.0f;
output_camera.roll = 0.0f;
output_camera.x = 0.0f;
output_camera.y = 0.0f;
output_camera.z = 0.0f;
gameoutput_camera = output_camera + gamezero_camera;
pProtocol->sendHeadposeToGame( &gameoutput_camera, &newpose ); // degrees & centimeters
X.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( false );
Y.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( false );
Z.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( false );
Yaw.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( false );
Pitch.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( false );
Pitch.curvePtrAlt->setTrackingActive( false );
Roll.curvePtr->setTrackingActive( false );
Tracker::Pitch.newSample = false;
//for lower cpu load
/** Add the headpose-data to the Lists **/
void Tracker::addHeadPose( THeadPoseData head_pose )
// Pitch
Tracker::Pitch.headPos = head_pose.pitch; // degrees
addRaw2List ( &Pitch.rawList, Pitch.maxItems, Tracker::Pitch.headPos );
// Tracker::Pitch.confidence = head_pose.confidence; // Just this one ...
Tracker::Pitch.newSample = true;
// Yaw
Tracker::Yaw.headPos = head_pose.yaw; // degrees
addRaw2List ( &Yaw.rawList, Yaw.maxItems, Tracker::Yaw.headPos );
// Roll
Tracker::Roll.headPos = head_pose.roll; // degrees
addRaw2List ( &Roll.rawList, Roll.maxItems, Tracker::Roll.headPos );
// X-position
Tracker::X.headPos = head_pose.x; // centimeters
addRaw2List ( &X.rawList, X.maxItems, Tracker::X.headPos );
// Y-position
Tracker::Y.headPos = head_pose.y; // centimeters
addRaw2List ( &Y.rawList, Y.maxItems, Tracker::Y.headPos );
// Z-position (distance to camera, absolute!)
Tracker::Z.headPos = head_pose.z; // centimeters
addRaw2List ( &Z.rawList, Z.maxItems, Tracker::Z.headPos );
// Get the ProgramName from the Game and return it.
QString Tracker::getGameProgramName() {
QString str;
char dest[100];
str = QString("No protocol active?");
if (pProtocol) {
pProtocol->getNameFromGame( dest );
str = QString( dest );
return str;
// Handle the command, send upstream by the game.
// Valid values are:
// 1 = reset Headpose
bool Tracker::handleGameCommand ( int command ) {
qDebug() << "handleGameCommand says: Command =" << command;
switch ( command ) {
case 1: // reset headtracker
Tracker::do_center = true;
return false;
// Add the new Raw value to the QList.
// Remove the last item(s), depending on the set maximum list-items.
void Tracker::addRaw2List ( QList *rawList, float maxIndex, float raw ) {
// Remove old values from the end of the QList.
// If the setting for MaxItems was lowered, the QList is shortened here...
while (rawList->size() >= maxIndex) {
// Insert the newest at the beginning.
rawList->prepend ( raw );
// Get the raw headpose, so it can be displayed.
void Tracker::getHeadPose( THeadPoseData *data ) {
data->x = Tracker::X.headPos; // centimeters
data->y = Tracker::Y.headPos;
data->z = Tracker::Z.headPos;
data->pitch = Tracker::Pitch.headPos; // degrees
data->yaw = Tracker::Yaw.headPos;
data->roll = Tracker::Roll.headPos;
// Get the output-headpose, so it can be displayed.
void Tracker::getOutputHeadPose( THeadPoseData *data ) {
data->x = output_camera.x; // centimeters
data->y = output_camera.y;
data->z = output_camera.z;
data->pitch = output_camera.pitch; // degrees
data->yaw = output_camera.yaw;
data->roll = output_camera.roll;
// Get the Smoothed value from the QList.
float Tracker::getSmoothFromList ( QList *rawList ) {
float sum = 0;
if (rawList->isEmpty()) return 0.0f;
// Add the Raw values and divide.
for ( int i = 0; i < rawList->size(); i++) {
sum += rawList->at(i);
return sum / rawList->size();
// Load the current Settings from the currently 'active' INI-file.
void Tracker::loadSettings() {
//int NeutralZone;
//int sensYaw, sensPitch, sensRoll;
//int sensX, sensY, sensZ;
qDebug() << "Tracker::loadSettings says: Starting ";
QSettings settings("Abbequerque Inc.", "FaceTrackNoIR"); // Registry settings (in HK_USER)
QString currentFile = settings.value ( "SettingsFile", QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/Settings/default.ini" ).toString();
QSettings iniFile( currentFile, QSettings::IniFormat ); // Application settings (in INI-file)
qDebug() << "loadSettings says: iniFile = " << currentFile;
// Read the Tracking settings, to fill the curves.
//iniFile.beginGroup ( "Tracking" );
//NeutralZone = iniFile.value ( "NeutralZone", 5 ).toInt();
//sensYaw = iniFile.value ( "sensYaw", 100 ).toInt();
//sensPitch = iniFile.value ( "sensPitch", 100 ).toInt();
//sensRoll = iniFile.value ( "sensRoll", 100 ).toInt();
//sensX = iniFile.value ( "sensX", 100 ).toInt();
//sensY = iniFile.value ( "sensY", 100 ).toInt();
//sensZ = iniFile.value ( "sensZ", 100 ).toInt();
//iniFile.endGroup ();
// Read the keyboard shortcuts.
iniFile.beginGroup ( "KB_Shortcuts" );
// Center key
CenterMouseKey = iniFile.value ( "MouseKey_Center", 0 ).toInt();
CenterKey.keycode = iniFile.value ( "Keycode_Center", DIK_HOME ).toInt();
CenterKey.shift = iniFile.value ( "Shift_Center", 0 ).toBool();
CenterKey.ctrl = iniFile.value ( "Ctrl_Center", 0 ).toBool();
CenterKey.alt = iniFile.value ( "Alt_Center", 0 ).toBool();
DisableBeep = iniFile.value ( "Disable_Beep", 0 ).toBool();
// StartStop key
StartStopMouseKey = iniFile.value ( "MouseKey_StartStop", 0 ).toInt();
StartStopKey.keycode = iniFile.value ( "Keycode_StartStop", DIK_END ).toInt();
StartStopKey.shift = iniFile.value ( "Shift_StartStop", 0 ).toBool();
StartStopKey.ctrl = iniFile.value ( "Ctrl_StartStop", 0 ).toBool();
StartStopKey.alt = iniFile.value ( "Alt_StartStop", 0 ).toBool();
setZero = iniFile.value ( "SetZero", 1 ).toBool();
setEngineStop = iniFile.value ( "SetEngineStop", 1 ).toBool();
// Inhibit key
InhibitMouseKey = iniFile.value ( "MouseKey_Inhibit", 0 ).toInt();
InhibitKey.keycode = iniFile.value ( "Keycode_Inhibit", 0 ).toInt();
InhibitKey.shift = iniFile.value ( "Shift_Inhibit", 0 ).toBool();
InhibitKey.ctrl = iniFile.value ( "Ctrl_Inhibit", 0 ).toBool();
InhibitKey.alt = iniFile.value ( "Alt_Inhibit", 0 ).toBool();
InhibitKey.doPitch = iniFile.value ( "Inhibit_Pitch", 0 ).toBool();
InhibitKey.doYaw = iniFile.value ( "Inhibit_Yaw", 0 ).toBool();
InhibitKey.doRoll = iniFile.value ( "Inhibit_Roll", 0 ).toBool();
InhibitKey.doX = iniFile.value ( "Inhibit_X", 0 ).toBool();
InhibitKey.doY = iniFile.value ( "Inhibit_Y", 0 ).toBool();
InhibitKey.doZ = iniFile.value ( "Inhibit_Z", 0 ).toBool();
// Game Zero key
GameZeroMouseKey = iniFile.value ( "MouseKey_GameZero", 0 ).toInt();
GameZeroKey.keycode = iniFile.value ( "Keycode_GameZero", 0 ).toInt();
GameZeroKey.shift = iniFile.value ( "Shift_GameZero", 0 ).toBool();
GameZeroKey.ctrl = iniFile.value ( "Ctrl_GameZero", 0 ).toBool();
GameZeroKey.alt = iniFile.value ( "Alt_GameZero", 0 ).toBool();
// Axis Reverse key
//AxisReverseKey.keycode = DIK_R;
//AxisReverseKey.shift = false;
//AxisReverseKey.ctrl = false;
//AxisReverseKey.alt = false;
// Reverse Axis
useAxisReverse = iniFile.value ( "Enable_ReverseAxis", 0 ).toBool();
YawAngle4ReverseAxis = iniFile.value ( "RA_Yaw", 40 ).toInt();
Z_Pos4ReverseAxis = iniFile.value ( "RA_ZPos", 50 ).toInt();
Z_PosWhenReverseAxis = iniFile.value ( "RA_ToZPos", 80 ).toInt();
iniFile.endGroup ();
// Determine if the ShortKey (incl. CTRL, SHIFT and/or ALT) is pressed.
bool Tracker::isShortKeyPressed( TShortKey *key, BYTE *keystate ){
bool shift;
bool ctrl;
bool alt;
// First, check if the right key is pressed. If so, check the modifiers
if (keystate[key->keycode] & 0x80) {
shift = ( (keystate[DIK_LSHIFT] & 0x80) || (keystate[DIK_RSHIFT] & 0x80) );
ctrl = ( (keystate[DIK_LCONTROL] & 0x80) || (keystate[DIK_RCONTROL] & 0x80) );
alt = ( (keystate[DIK_LALT] & 0x80) || (keystate[DIK_RALT] & 0x80) );
// If one of the modifiers is needed and not pressed, return false.
if (key->shift && !shift) return false;
if (key->ctrl && !ctrl) return false;
if (key->alt && !alt) return false;
// All is well!
return true;
else {
return false;
// Determine if the MouseKey is pressed.
bool Tracker::isMouseKeyPressed( int *key, DIMOUSESTATE *mousestate ){
// If key == NONE, or invalid: ready!
if ((*key <= 0) || (*key > 5)) {
return false;
// Now, check if the right key is pressed.
if (mousestate->rgbButtons[*key-1] & 0x80) {
return true;
else {
return false;