opentrack project home at <<>>.

Binary releases at <<>>.

Please first refer to <<>>
for new user guide, frequent questions, specific tracker/filter


**opentrack** is an application dedicated to tracking user's head
movements and relaying the information to games and flight simulation

Not to be confused with railway planning software <<>>


# Tracking sources

- PointTracker by Patrick Ruoff, freetrack-like light sources
- Oculus Rift DK1, DK2 and legacy/knockoff versions (Windows only)
- Paper marker support via the ArUco library <<>>
- Human face tracker <<>>
- Razer Hydra
- Relaying via UDP from a different computer
- Relaying UDP via FreePIE-specific Android app
- Joystick analog axes (Windows, Linux)
- Windows Phone [tracker]( over opentrack UDP protocol
- Arduino with custom firmware
- Intel RealSense 3D cameras (Windows)

# Output

- SimConnect for newer Microsoft Flight Simulator (Windows)
- freetrack implementation (Windows)
- Relaying UDP to another computer
- Virtual joystick output (Linux, Windows)
- Wine freetrack glue protocol (Linux, OSX)
- X-Plane plugin (Linux)
- Tablet-like mouse output (Windows)
- FlightGear Nasal script
- FSUIPC for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002/2004 (Windows)


# Configuration

**opentrack** allows for output shaping, filtering, the codebase builds
on on Microsoft Windows, Apple OSX, and GNU/Linux.

Don't be afraid to submit an issue/feature request if need arises.


# Credits

- Stanisław Halik (maintainer)
- Chris Thompson (aka mm0zct, Rift and Razer Hydra author and maintainer)
- Patrick Ruoff (PT tracker author)
- Xavier Hallade (Intel RealSense tracker author and maintainer)
- furax49 (hatire tracker author)

# Thanks

- uglyDwarf (high CON)
- Andrzej Czarnowski (FreePIE tracker and Google Cardboard assistance, testing)
- Wim Vriend (original codebase author and maintainer)
- Ryan Spicer (OSX tester, contributor)
- Donovan Baarda (filtering/control theory expert)

# Licensing information

Almost all code is licensed under the [ISC license]( There are very few proprietary dependencies. There is no copyleft code. See individual files for licensing and authorship information.