* FaceTrackNoIR This program is a private project of some enthusiastic *
* gamers from Holland, who don't like to pay much for *
* head-tracking. *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2012 Wim Vriend (Developing) *
* Ron Hendriks (Researching and Testing) *
* *
* Homepage http://facetracknoir.sourceforge.net/home/default.htm *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for *
* more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, see . *
* *
* The FunctionConfigurator was made by Stanislaw Halik, and adapted to *
* FaceTrackNoIR. *
* *
* All credits for this nice piece of code should go to Stanislaw. *
* *
* Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Stanislaw Halik *
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this *
* software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, *
* provided that the above copyright notice and this permission *
* notice appear in all copies. *
#include "FunctionConfig.h"
// The FunctionConfigurator Widget is used to display and configure a function (curve).
// The Function is used by FaceTrackNoIR to 'translate' the actual head-pose to the virtual headpose. Every axis is configured by a separate Function.
// The Function is coded in a separate Class and can exists, without the Widget. When the widget is displayed (therefore 'created'), the Function can be attached to the
// Widget and the Widget used to change the Function.
class QDESIGNER_WIDGET_EXPORT QFunctionConfigurator : public QWidget
Q_PROPERTY(int maxInputEGU READ maxInputEGU WRITE setmaxInputEGU);
Q_PROPERTY(int maxOutputEGU READ maxOutputEGU WRITE setmaxOutputEGU);
Q_PROPERTY(int pixPerEGU_Input READ pixPerEGU_Input WRITE setpixPerEGU_Input);
Q_PROPERTY(QColor colorBezier READ colorBezier WRITE setColorBezier);
Q_PROPERTY(QColor colorBackground READ colorBackground WRITE setColorBackground);
Q_PROPERTY(QString stringInputEGU READ stringInputEGU WRITE setInputEGU);
Q_PROPERTY(QString stringOutputEGU READ stringOutputEGU WRITE setOutputEGU);
Q_PROPERTY(QString stringCaption READ stringCaption WRITE setCaption);
// Return the current value to Designer
int maxInputEGU() const
return MaxInput;
int maxOutputEGU() const
return MaxOutput;
int pixPerEGU_Input() const
return pPerEGU_Input;
int pixPerEGU_Output() const
return pPerEGU_Output;
// Return the current color to Designer
QColor colorBezier() const
return colBezier;
// Return the current color to Designer
QColor colorBackground() const
return colBackground;
// Return the current string to Designer
QString stringInputEGU() const
return strInputEGU;
// Return the current string to Designer
QString stringOutputEGU() const
return strOutputEGU;
// Return the current string to Designer
QString stringCaption() const
return strCaption;
QFunctionConfigurator(QWidget *parent = 0);
FunctionConfig* config();
void setConfig(FunctionConfig* config); // Connect the FunctionConfig to the Widget.
void loadSettings(QSettings& settings); // Load the FunctionConfig (points) from the INI-file
void saveSettings(QSettings& settings); // Save the FunctionConfig (points) to the INI-file
void CurveChanged(bool);
public slots:
void setmaxInputEGU(int);
void setmaxOutputEGU(int);
void setpixPerEGU_Input(int);
void setpixPerEGU_Output(int);
void setColorBezier(QColor);
void setColorBackground(QColor);
void setInputEGU(QString);
void setOutputEGU(QString);
void setCaption(QString);
protected slots:
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e);
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
void drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect);
void drawPoint(QPainter *painter, const QPointF &pt, QColor colBG );
void drawLine(QPainter *painter, const QPointF &start, const QPointF &end, QPen pen);
bool markContains(const QPointF &pt, const QPointF &coord) const;
bool withinRange( const QPointF &coord ) const;
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
QRectF range; // The actual rectangle for the Bezier-curve
QPointF lastPoint; // The right-most point of the Function
QPointF normalizePoint (QPointF point) const; // Convert the graphical Point to a real-life Point
QPointF graphicalizePoint (QPointF point) const; // Convert the Point to a graphical Point
QPointF *moving;
int movingPoint;
int MaxInput; // Maximum input limit
int MaxOutput; // Maximum output limit
int pPerEGU_Input; // Number of pixels, per EGU of Input
int pPerEGU_Output; // Number of pixels, per EGU of Output
QColor colBezier; // Color of Bezier curve
QColor colBackground; // Color of widget background
QString strInputEGU; // Engineering Units input (vertical axis)
QString strOutputEGU; // Engineering Units output (horizontal axis)
QString strCaption; // Caption of the graph
// Properties of the CurveConfigurator Widget
QString _title; // Title do display in Widget and to load Settings
FunctionConfig* _config;
QList _points; // Function-points
QList _draw_points; // Curve-points needed for drawing
HANDLE _mutex;