# Kinect SDK is Windows only if (WIN32 AND opentrack-intel) # Setup cache variable to Kinect SDK path set(SDK_KINECT20 "$ENV{KINECTSDK20_DIR}" CACHE PATH "Kinect SDK path") endif() # I'm guessing if we make this a function it's going to cause all sorts of problems and will need to be fixed in many ways macro(otr_kinect_setup) # If we have a valid SDK path, try build that tracker if(SDK_KINECT20) if(MSVC) # workaround warning in SDK target_compile_options(${self} PRIVATE "-wd4471") endif() # Add include path to Kinect SDK target_include_directories(${self} SYSTEM PRIVATE "${SDK_KINECT20}/inc") # Check processor architecture if(opentrack-64bit) # 64 bits set(kinect-arch-dir "x64") else() # 32 bits set(kinect-arch-dir "x86") endif() # Link against Kinect SDK libraries target_link_libraries(${self} "${SDK_KINECT20}/lib/${kinect-arch-dir}/Kinect20.lib" "${SDK_KINECT20}/lib/${kinect-arch-dir}/Kinect20.Face.lib") # Link against video utilities, needed for video preview #target_link_libraries(${self} opentrack-video) # Install Kinect Face DLL install(FILES "${SDK_KINECT20}/Redist/Face/${kinect-arch-dir}/Kinect20.Face.dll" DESTINATION "${opentrack-hier-pfx}" PERMISSIONS ${opentrack-perms-exec}) # Install Kinect Face Database install(DIRECTORY "${SDK_KINECT20}/Redist/Face/${kinect-arch-dir}/NuiDatabase" DESTINATION "${opentrack-hier-pfx}") set(redist-dir "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/redist/${kinect-arch-dir}") install( FILES "${redist-dir}/msvcp110.dll" "${redist-dir}/msvcr110.dll" DESTINATION "${opentrack-hier-pfx}" PERMISSIONS ${opentrack-perms-exec} ) endif() endmacro()