#ifdef _WIN32
#   ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
#       define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501
#   endif
#   include "thread-name.hpp"
#   include <QDebug>
#   include <windows.h>
#   include <QThread>

namespace portable {

#if defined _MSC_VER

    DWORD dwType;      // must be 0x1000
    LPCSTR szName;     // pointer to name (in user addr space)
    HANDLE dwThreadID; // thread ID (-1=caller thread)
    DWORD dwFlags;     // reserved for future use, must be zero

static inline
void set_curthread_name_old(const QString& name_)
    QByteArray str = name_.toLocal8Bit();
    const char* name = str.constData();
    HANDLE curthread = GetCurrentThread();

    THREADNAME_INFO info; // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init)
    info.dwType = 0x1000;
    info.szName = name;
    info.dwThreadID = curthread;
    info.dwFlags = 0;
        static_assert(sizeof(info) % sizeof(unsigned) == 0);
        unsigned sz = sizeof(info)/sizeof(unsigned);
        RaiseException(0x406D1388, 0, sz, (const ULONG_PTR*)&info);

void set_curthread_name(const QString& name)
    static_assert(sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(decltype(*QString().utf16())));

    HMODULE module;
    HRESULT (__stdcall *fn)(HANDLE, const wchar_t*);
    if (GetModuleHandleExA(0, "kernel32.dll", &module) &&
        (fn = (decltype(fn))GetProcAddress(module, "SetThreadDescription")))
        fn(GetCurrentThread(), (const wchar_t*)name.utf16());

#elif defined _WIN32

void set_curthread_name(const QString& name)


void set_curthread_name(const QString& name)


} // ns portable