/* Homepage http://facetracknoir.sourceforge.net/home/default.htm
 * ISC License (ISC)                                                             *
 *                                                                               *
 * Copyright (c) 2015, Wim Vriend                                                *
 *                                                                               *
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any      *
 * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above        *
 * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.             *
#define INSIDE_CSV
#include "csv.h"
#include <QTextDecoder>
#include <QFile>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>

CSV::CSV(QIODevice * device)
	m_device = device;
	m_codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale();
	m_pos = 0;
	m_rx = QRegExp("((?:(?:[^;\\n]*;?)|(?:\"[^\"]*\";?))*)\\n");
CSV::CSV(QString &string){	
	m_device = NULL;
	m_codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale();
	m_string = string;	
	m_pos = 0;
	m_rx = QRegExp("((?:(?:[^;\\n]*;?)|(?:\"[^\"]*\";?))*)\\n");

void CSV::setCodec(const char* codecName){
	m_codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(codecName);

QString CSV::readLine(){
	QString line;

		if(m_device && m_device->isReadable()){
			QTextDecoder dec(m_codec);
			m_string = dec.toUnicode(m_device->readAll());
			return QString();
	if((m_pos = m_rx.indexIn(m_string,m_pos)) != -1) {
		line = m_rx.cap(1);		
		m_pos += m_rx.matchedLength();
	return line;
QStringList CSV::parseLine(){
	return parseLine(readLine());
QStringList CSV::parseLine(QString line){
	QStringList list;
	int pos2 = 0;
	QRegExp rx2("(?:\"([^\"]*)\";?)|(?:([^;]*);?)");
		list << "";		
	}else while (line.size()>pos2 && (pos2 = rx2.indexIn(line, pos2)) != -1) {
		QString col;
			col = rx2.cap(1);
		else if(rx2.cap(2).size()>0)
			col = rx2.cap(2);
		list << col;			

			pos2 += rx2.matchedLength();
	return list;

bool CSV::getGameData( const int id, unsigned char* table, QString& gamename)
    QString gameID = QString::number(id);
    /* zero table first, in case unknown game is connecting */
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        table[i] = 0;
    QStringList gameLine;
	qDebug() << "getGameData, ID = " << gameID;

	QFile file(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/settings/facetracknoir supported games.csv");
	if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)){
        return false;
	CSV csv(&file);

    while (gameLine = csv.parseLine(), gameLine.count() > 2) {
		//qDebug() << "Column 0: " << gameLine.at(0);		// No.
		//qDebug() << "Column 1: " << gameLine.at(1);		// Game Name
		//qDebug() << "Column 2: " << gameLine.at(2);		// Game Protocol
		//qDebug() << "Column 3: " << gameLine.at(3);		// Supported since version
		//qDebug() << "Column 4: " << gameLine.at(4);		// Verified
		//qDebug() << "Column 5: " << gameLine.at(5);		// By
		//qDebug() << "Column 6: " << gameLine.at(6);		// International ID
		//qDebug() << "Column 7: " << gameLine.at(7);		// FaceTrackNoIR ID
		if (gameLine.count() > 6) {
			if (gameLine.at(6).compare( gameID, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0) {
                QByteArray id = gameLine.at(7).toLatin1();
                unsigned char tmp[8];
                unsigned char fuzz[3];
                bool ret = true;
                if (gameLine.at(3) == QString("V160"))
                    qDebug() << "no table";
                    ret = false;
                else if (sscanf(id.constData(),
                           fuzz + 2,
                           fuzz + 0,
                           tmp + 3,
                           tmp + 2,
                           tmp + 1,
                           tmp + 0,
                           tmp + 7,
                           tmp + 6,
                           tmp + 5,
                           tmp + 4,
                           fuzz + 1) != 11)
                    qDebug() << "scanf failed" << fuzz[0] << fuzz[1] << fuzz[2];
                    ret = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        table[i] = tmp[i];
                qDebug() << gameID << "game-id" << gameLine.at(7);
                gamename = gameLine.at(1);
                return ret;

    qDebug() << "Unknown game connected" << gameID;
    return false;