/* Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Stanislaw Halik * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this * software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice and this permission * notice appear in all copies. */ #ifdef _WIN32 #include "keybinding-worker.hpp" #include "compat/meta.hpp" #include #include #include Key::Key() {} bool Key::should_process() { if (!enabled || (keycode == 0 && guid == "")) return false; bool ret = prog1(!held || timer.elapsed_ms() > 100, timer.start()); return ret; } KeybindingWorker::~KeybindingWorker() { qDebug() << "exit: keybinding worker"; requestInterruption(); wait(); if (dinkeyboard) { dinkeyboard->Unacquire(); dinkeyboard->Release(); } } bool KeybindingWorker::init() { if (!din) { qDebug() << "can't create dinput handle"; return false; } if (din->CreateDevice(GUID_SysKeyboard, &dinkeyboard, NULL) != DI_OK) { qDebug() << "setup CreateDevice function failed!" << GetLastError(); return false; } if (dinkeyboard->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIKeyboard) != DI_OK) { qDebug() << "setup SetDataFormat function failed!" << GetLastError(); dinkeyboard->Release(); dinkeyboard = 0; return false; } if (dinkeyboard->SetCooperativeLevel((HWND) fake_main_window.winId(), DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE | DISCL_BACKGROUND) != DI_OK) { dinkeyboard->Release(); dinkeyboard = 0; qDebug() << "setup SetCooperativeLevel function failed!" << GetLastError(); return false; } { DIPROPDWORD dipdw; dipdw.dwData = 128; dipdw.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(dipdw.diph); dipdw.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; dipdw.diph.dwObj = 0; dipdw.diph.dwSize = sizeof(dipdw); if ( dinkeyboard->SetProperty(DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &dipdw.diph) != DI_OK) { qDebug() << "setup keyboard buffer mode failed!"; dinkeyboard->Release(); dinkeyboard = 0; return false; } } if (dinkeyboard->Acquire() != DI_OK) { dinkeyboard->Release(); dinkeyboard = 0; qDebug() << "setup dinkeyboard Acquire failed!" << GetLastError(); return false; } return true; } KeybindingWorker::KeybindingWorker() : dinkeyboard(nullptr), din(dinput_handle::make_di()) { if (init()) start(QThread::HighPriority); } KeybindingWorker& KeybindingWorker::make() { static KeybindingWorker k; return k; } void KeybindingWorker::run() { while (!isInterruptionRequested()) { { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); if (receivers.size()) { /* There are some problems reported on various forums * with regard to key-up events. But that's what I dug up: * * https://www.gamedev.net/forums/topic/633011-keyboard-getdevicedata-buffered-never-releases-keys/ * * "Over in the xna forums (http://xboxforums.create.msdn.com/forums/p/108722/642144.aspx#642144) * we discovered this behavior is caused by calling Unacquire in your event processing loop. * Funnily enough only the keyboard seems to be affected." * * Key-up events work on my end. */ { DWORD sz = num_keyboard_states; const HRESULT hr = dinkeyboard->GetDeviceData(sizeof(*keyboard_states), keyboard_states, &sz, 0); if (hr != DI_OK) { qDebug() << "Tracker::run GetDeviceData function failed!" << hr; Sleep(25); continue; } else { for (unsigned k = 0; k < sz; k++) { const unsigned idx = keyboard_states[k].dwOfs & 0xff; // defensive programming const bool held = !!(keyboard_states[k].dwData & 0x80); switch (idx) { case DIK_LCONTROL: case DIK_LSHIFT: case DIK_LALT: case DIK_RCONTROL: case DIK_RSHIFT: case DIK_RALT: case DIK_LWIN: case DIK_RWIN: break; default: { Key k; k.shift = keystate[DIK_LSHIFT] | keystate[DIK_RSHIFT]; k.alt = keystate[DIK_LALT] | keystate[DIK_RALT]; k.ctrl = keystate[DIK_LCONTROL] | keystate[DIK_RCONTROL]; k.keycode = idx; k.held = held; for (auto& r : receivers) (*r)(k); break; } } keystate[idx] = held; } } } { using joy_fn = std::function; joy_fn f = [&](const QString& guid, int idx, bool held) { Key k; k.keycode = idx; k.shift = keystate[DIK_LSHIFT] | keystate[DIK_RSHIFT]; k.alt = keystate[DIK_LALT] | keystate[DIK_RALT]; k.ctrl = keystate[DIK_LCONTROL] | keystate[DIK_RCONTROL]; k.guid = guid; k.held = held; for (auto& r : receivers) (*r)(k); }; joy_ctx.poll(f); } } } Sleep(25); } } KeybindingWorker::fun* KeybindingWorker::_add_receiver(fun& receiver) { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); receivers.push_back(std::make_unique(receiver)); fun* f = receivers[receivers.size() - 1].get(); //qDebug() << "add receiver" << (long) f; joy_ctx.refresh(); return f; } void KeybindingWorker::remove_receiver(KeybindingWorker::fun* pos) { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); bool ok = false; using s = int; for (int i = s(receivers.size()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { using u = unsigned; if (receivers[u(i)].get() == pos) { ok = true; //qDebug() << "remove receiver" << (long) pos; receivers.erase(receivers.begin() + i); break; } } if (!ok) { qDebug() << "bad remove receiver" << (long) pos; } } #endif