Frame exchange protocol fixed size of 30 bytes like this : typedef struct { int16_t Begin ; // 2 Debut uint16_t Cpt ; // 2 Compteur trame or Code float gyro[3]; // 12 [Y, P, R] gyro float acc[3]; // 12 [x, y, z] Acc int16_t End ; // 2 Fin } _hatire; _hat hat; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // header frame hatire.Begin=0xAAAA; // Frame Number or Error code hat.Cpt=0; // footer frame hat.End=0x5555; } void loop() { mpu.dmpGetYawPitchRoll(hatire.gyro); mpu.dmpAccXYZ(hatire.acc); // Send Trame to HATIRE PC Serial.write((byte*)&hatire,30); hatire.Cpt++; if (hatire.Cpt>999) { hatire.Cpt=0; } delay(1); }