WVR FaceTrackNoIRClass Qt::NonModal 0 0 880 380 0 0 880 380 880 380 Qt::DefaultContextMenu FaceTrackNoIR :/images/facetracknoir.png:/images/facetracknoir.png /* Customize any plain widget that is a child of a QMainWindow. */ QMainWindow > .QWidget { background-color: rgb(100, 100, 100); } /* Set the selection colors for all widgets. */ QWidget { selection-color: black; selection-background-color: Silver; color: black; } /* Specials for individual widget(s) */ QWidget#widget { /* background-color: #484848;*/ background-color: #595959; border-left: 1px solid #000; } /* Specials for individual widget(s) */ QWidget#widget4logo { background-color: #000000; } /* Specials for individual widget(s) */ QWidget#headPoseWidget { background-color: #595959; } QWidget#widget4video { /* background-color: #595959;*/ } QWidget#Leftwidget { background-color: ; } QWidget#widgetTop { background-color: #595959; border-bottom: 1px solid #000; } /* Make text in message boxes selectable. */ QMessageBox { /* LinksAccessibleByMouse | TextSelectableByMouse */ messagebox-text-interaction-flags: 5; } /* Make the entire row selected in item views. */ QAbstractItemView { show-decoration-selected: 1; } /* Nice WindowsXP-style password character for password line edits. */ QLineEdit[echoMode="2"] { lineedit-password-character: 9679; } /* Customize tooltips. */ QToolTip { background-color: rgb(170, 255, 127); opacity: 200; } /* Customize push buttons and comboboxes. Our read-only combobox is very similar to a push button, so they share the same border image. */ QPushButton { min-width: 4em; } QCheckBox { background:none; } QPushButton:disabled { color: rgb(128, 128, 128); } QGroupBox { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); } Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly true false 0 0 874 380 true 250 0 738 431 0 0 400 419 0 0 0 89 89 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 89 89 89 89 89 192 192 192 0 0 0 72 72 72 0 0 0 89 89 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 89 89 89 89 89 192 192 192 0 0 0 72 72 72 0 0 0 89 89 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 89 89 89 89 89 192 192 192 0 0 0 72 72 72 false 20 10 400 25 400 25 600 30 color:#ccc; background:none; 320 70 231 101 Axis inversion Qt::AlignCenter 130 29 41 16 25 0 150 16777215 Qt::RightToLeft color:#ccc; background:none; X 20 50 61 16 40 0 65536 16777215 Qt::RightToLeft color:#ccc; background:none; Pitch 90 50 16 16 background:none; 130 48 41 16 25 0 150 16777215 Qt::RightToLeft color:#ccc; background:none; Y 130 67 41 16 25 0 150 16777215 Qt::RightToLeft color:#ccc; background:none; Z 192 67 16 16 background:none; 192 48 16 16 background:none; 90 69 16 16 background:none; 192 29 16 16 background:none; 20 31 61 16 40 0 65536 16777215 Qt::RightToLeft color:#ccc; background:none; Yaw 90 31 16 16 background:none; 20 69 61 16 40 0 65536 16777215 Qt::RightToLeft color:#ccc; background:none; Roll 20 70 271 120 206 120 65535 65535 Profile Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter 10 20 251 22 -1 10 true 10 80 251 23 Save the INI-file under another name Save As ... 10 50 111 23 Load an INI-file from a folder Load true 130 50 131 23 Save the current INI-file Save 20 40 411 16 color:#ccc; background:none; Not connected 440 201 180 80 180 80 180 80 Game protocol Qt::AlignCenter 10 20 161 22 -1 7 true 10 50 161 23 Change game protocol settings Settings 20 201 200 80 200 80 200 80 Tracker Source Qt::AlignCenter 10 20 180 22 -1 42 true 10 50 180 23 Change tracker settings Settings 230 201 180 80 180 80 180 65536 Filter Qt::AlignCenter 10 20 161 22 -1 7 true 10 50 161 23 Change game protocol settings Settings 20 289 200 80 200 80 200 80 Tracker Source #2 Qt::AlignCenter true 10 50 180 23 Change tracker settings Settings 10 20 180 22 -1 42 230 289 200 61 200 0 16777215 80 GO! Qt::AlignCenter 10 30 81 21 Start the Tracker Start false 100 30 81 21 Stop the Tracker Stop 440 288 171 38 0 0 64 38 200 16777215 PointingHandCursor Edit the Keyboard and mouse shortcuts Shortcuts :/uielements/tools.png:/uielements/tools.png 24 24 440 332 171 38 64 38 200 16777215 PointingHandCursor Edit the Curve settings Qt::LeftToRight background:none; Curves :/uielements/curves.png:/uielements/curves.png 120 24 0 89 250 187 0 0 250 187 250 187 QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Plain 0 0 0 250 187 0 0 250 187 250 187 0 275 261 141 0 100 16777215 160 10 12 231 169 0 0 0 0 Raw Input true 150 60 71 21 QFrame::NoFrame 2 150 20 71 21 QFrame::NoFrame 2 10 20 21 16 border:none; color:white X 10 40 21 16 border:none; color:white; Y 30 60 61 21 QFrame::NoFrame 2 10 60 21 16 color:white; border:none; Z 30 40 61 21 QFrame::NoFrame 2 108 58 31 20 border:none; color:white; roll 109 38 31 20 color:white; border:none; pitch 108 18 31 20 border:none; color:white; yaw 150 40 71 21 QFrame::NoFrame 2 30 20 61 21 QFrame::NoFrame 2 90 0 160 90 160 90 16777215 90 101 19 50 21 false color: rgb(0, 255, 0); QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Raised 1 QLCDNumber::Flat 101 37 50 21 false color: rgb(0, 255, 0); QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Raised 1 QLCDNumber::Flat 101 55 50 21 false color: rgb(0, 255, 0); QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Raised 1 QLCDNumber::Flat 17 19 50 21 false color: rgb(0, 255, 0); QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Raised 5 QLCDNumber::Flat 17 37 50 21 false color: rgb(0, 255, 0); QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Raised 5 QLCDNumber::Flat 17 55 50 21 false color: rgb(0, 255, 0); QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Raised 5 QLCDNumber::Flat 9 20 31 16 color: rgb(0, 255, 0); X 10 40 31 16 color: rgb(0, 255, 0); Y 10 59 31 16 color: rgb(0, 255, 0); Z 69 60 51 16 color: rgb(0, 255, 0); roll 71 21 51 16 color: rgb(0, 255, 0); yaw 69 41 51 16 color: rgb(0, 255, 0); pitch 0 0 90 90 0 0 0 0 GLWidget QWidget
iconcomboTrackerSource btnStartTracker btnStopTracker btnShowEngineControls iconcomboProtocol