#pragma once

/* still WIP, not usable yet! -sh 20141012 */

#include <algorithm>
#undef NDEBUG
#include <cassert>
#include <iterator>
#include <tuple>
#include <deque>
#include <vector>

#include <cstdio>

#include "timer.hpp"

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>

#include <QDebug>

namespace detail {
    template<typename t1, typename t2, typename t, typename m = t>
    class zip_iterator : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, t>
        using self = zip_iterator<t1, t2, t, m>;
        t1 x1, z1;
        t2 x2, z2;
        void maybe_end() { if (x1 == z1 || x2 == z2) *this = end(); }
        zip_iterator(const t1& it1, const t1& end1, const t2& it2, const t2& end2)
            : x1(it1), z1(end1), x2(it2), z2(end2) { maybe_end(); }
        constexpr zip_iterator() {}

        static constexpr self end() { return self(); }

        self operator++() { x1++; x2++; self tmp = *this; maybe_end(); return tmp; }
        self operator++(int) { self tmp(*this); x1++; x2++; maybe_end(); return tmp; }
        bool operator==(const self& rhs) const { return x1 == rhs.x1 && x2 == rhs.x2; }
        bool operator!=(const self& rhs) const { return !this->operator ==(rhs); }
        t operator*() { return m(*x1, *x2); }

class Gain {
    static constexpr bool use_box_filter = true;
    static constexpr int box_size = 16 / 640.;
    static constexpr double control_upper_bound = 1.0; // XXX FIXME implement for logitech crapola
    static constexpr int GAIN_HISTORY_COUNT = 50, GAIN_HISTORY_EVERY_MS = 998;

    using t_frame = cv::Mat_<unsigned char>;

    int control;
    double step, eps;

    t_frame last_frame;
    std::deque<double> means_history;
    Timer debug_timer, history_timer;

    typedef unsigned char px;
    template<typename t1, typename t2, typename t, typename m = t>
    using zip_iterator = detail::zip_iterator<t1, t2, t, m>;

    static double mean(const cv::Mat& frame)
        // grayscale only
        assert(frame.channels() == 1);
        assert(frame.elemSize() == 1);

        return std::accumulate(frame.begin<px>(), frame.end<px>(), 0.) / (frame.rows * frame.cols);

    static double get_variance(const cv::Mat& frame, double mean)
        struct variance {
            double mu;
            variance(double mu) : mu(mu) {}
            double operator()(double seed, px p)
                double tmp = p - mu;
                return seed + tmp * tmp;
        } logic(mean);

        return std::accumulate(frame.begin<unsigned char>(), frame.end<unsigned char>(), 0., logic) / (frame.rows * frame.cols);

    static double get_covariance(const cv::Mat& frame, const cv::Mat& old_frame)
        double mean_0 = mean(frame), mean_1 = mean(old_frame);

        struct covariance {
            using pair = std::tuple<px, px>;
            double mu_0, mu_1;

            inline double Cov(double seed, const pair& t)
                px p0 = std::get<0>(t);
                px p1 = std::get<1>(t);
                return seed + (p0 - mu_0) * (p1 - mu_1);
            covariance(double mu_0, double mu_1) : mu_0(mu_0), mu_1(mu_1) {}

            double operator()(double seed, const pair& t)
                return Cov(seed, t);
        } logic(mean_0, mean_1);

        const double N = frame.rows * frame.cols;

        using zipper = zip_iterator<cv::MatConstIterator_<px>,
                                    std::tuple<px, px>>;

        zipper zip(frame.begin<px>(),
        std::vector<covariance::pair> values(zip, zipper::end());

        return std::accumulate(values.begin(), values.end(), 0., logic) / N;

#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"

    Gain(int control = CV_CAP_PROP_GAIN, double step = 0.3, double eps = 0.02) :
        control(control), step(step), eps(eps)

    void tick(cv::VideoCapture&, const cv::Mat& frame_)
        cv::Mat frame;

        if (use_box_filter)
            cv::Mat tmp(frame_);
            static constexpr int min_box = 3;
            static constexpr int box = 2 * box_size;
            cv::blur(frame_, tmp, cv::Size(min_box + box * frame_.cols, min_box + box * frame_.rows));
            frame = tmp;
            frame = frame_;

        if (last_frame.rows != frame.rows || last_frame.cols != frame.cols)
            last_frame = t_frame();

        if (last_frame.empty())
            last_frame = frame.clone();

        if (history_timer.elapsed_ms() > GAIN_HISTORY_EVERY_MS)
            //const double cov = get_covariance(frame, last_frame);
            last_frame = frame.clone();

            if (means_history.size() == GAIN_HISTORY_COUNT)

        if (debug_timer.elapsed_ms() > 1000)
            const double mu = mean(frame);
            // XXX move to HSL/HSV color space for it to work! -sh 20141012
            const double var = get_variance(frame, mu);

            qDebug() << "---- gain:" << "mean" << mu << "variance" << var;

            const int sz = means_history.size();

            if (sz)
                fprintf(stderr, "covs{%d}: ", sz);

                for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
                    fprintf(stderr, "%f ", means_history[i]);

                fprintf(stderr, "\n");