FaceTrackNoIR (v. 20100822).

From various users we received requests for improvements and features. If you keep sending us your ideas, we can keep
improving FaceTrackNoIR...

Unzip all files to the installation folder of FaceTrackNoIR (typicaly c:\program files\abbequerque inc\facetracknoir\): overwrite files when asked.

The following upgrades have been applied:

-	The program-menu now contains a Tools menu. Via this menu the program preferences and keyboard shortcuts can be modified.

-	The preferences dialog contains the 'Auto-minimize' setting: FaceTrackNoIR will minimize x sec. after starting the face-tracker. 
	Entering 0 will disable auto-minimize. This setting is global, for all INI-files.

-	The keyboard shortcuts for 'center' and 'start/stop' can be assigned here. These settings are stored in the INI-file.

Please let us know what you think of our little gadget. Posts can be made on the FaceTrackNoIR forum on SourceForge 
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/facetracknoir/forums/forum/1150910) or on the various game-forums.

If anyone has used FaceTrackNoIR successfully with other games, please let us know. If you can, we would also like to receive
examples of the .INI-file you used for that and maybe settings of other utilities needed. Thanks!

The FaceTrackNoIR team:

Wim Vriend
Ron Hendriks