wizard 0 0 500 360 true QWizard::AeroStyle QWizard::NoCancelButton Introduction This wizard helps you configure TrackHat hardware. Add a logo here. More placeholder text. Camera setup Detected PS3 Eye camera. Setting it up now. A logo and some more placeholder text. QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised Resolution and framerate 640x480, 75 Hz 640x480, 60 Hz 320x240, 189 Hz 320x240, 120 Hz Select a model Select one of TrackHat models. QGroupBox { border: 0; } Cap, add a big logo Clip, add a big logo true Clip, left-handed We're all done! <html><head/><body><p>You can now use your new hardware and thanks for flying TrackHat.</p></body></html>